牛津小学英语3BUnit 9 Shopping教学设计.doc

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1、牛津小学英语3B Unit 9 Shopping教案教学内容:牛津小学英语3B Unit 9 Shopping 第三教时教学目标:1、知识目标:按四会要求掌握单词a cap ,a hat ,a vest 。能熟练运用本单元所学的日常交际用语以及表示服饰的单词。2、能力目标:能在情景中学会句型Can I help you ? What colour ? What about ? How much is it ?并做出回答。3、情感目标:培养学生运用所学的日常交际用语进行英语交际的能力。教学重点:按四会要求掌握单词a cap ,a hat ,a vest 。能熟练运用本单元所学的日常交际用语以及表

2、示服饰的单词。教学难点:能在情景中学会句型Can I help you ? What colour ? What about ? How much is it ?并做出回答。教学用具:衣服实物 衣服图片 金太阳课件教学步骤:Step 1 、Free talk and motivation.1、 Warming up : Sing a song -Hot cross buns !2、 Meeting . Good morning . Nice to meet you . How are you ?Step 2 、Presentation and practice .1、 投影出示衣服图片(物品、

3、颜色、价钱)师生进行问答。Whats this ?Its a What colour is it ?Its How much is it ?yuan .(TS ask and answer several times )每类衣服呈现四种不同的颜色,并标有不同的价钱。对于同一类衣服,可以采取不同的提问:What can you see ?I can see the red dress , the yellow one , the blue one How much is the red dress ?Its (10) yuan .How much is the yellow one ?Its (

4、12) yuan .How much is the blue one ?Its (14) yuan .教师用多种提问方式来联系不定代词one的用法。操练dress , skirt , blouse , T-shirt , belt , trousers 。操练trousers时,应主义复数形式,教师适当从旁帮助学生回答。2、 实物出示hat。 T: Whats this ?(指者手里的hat问) S: Its a hat . T: What colour ?(实物投影四种颜色的hat) S: Its red , orange , blue ,green .T: How much is the

5、red one S: Its yuan T: What about the orange one ? S: Its yuan Game : Looking for the hat .把hat藏在一学生课桌里,学生齐声说hat,让另一学生寻找hat,他可以根据同学们的提示来作出判断。声音越大,离目标越近,声音越小,离目标越远。T : You are clever . Who can spell hat ? 学生书空单词hat两遍。3、 同法学习cap , vest 。书55页上进行描红。4、 投影出示的衣服构成一商店的情景。出示一model ,教师作说明。T : There is a beaut

6、iful princess ,but she has no clothes .Who can help her to buy some clothes ?Now ,6 pupils make a group ,and discuss the clothes to help the princess .Ss discuss in groups .( 7 groups)5、 Buy the clothes .每组在商店里挑选一件衣服,然后再轮流,一共3次。T: I act as a seller ,you act as a customer .OK? Ss: OK. T: Can I help y

7、ou ? S1: Id like a dress ,please .T: What colour ? S1: Red .T: Here you are .S1: How much is it ?T :14 yuan .S1: Thank you . Here you are .T: Can I help you ? S2: Id like a ,please .T: What about the one ? S2: Yes ,its nice . .待添加的隐藏文字内容3How much is it ?T : yuan , please .S2: Here you are .T: Thank

8、you . See you .(TS ask and answer 7 times , 每小组买到一件衣服)教师适时将相关句型板书。第2、3轮,请学生来当售货员。T: Who can act as the seller like Miss Zhang ? Ask and answer use the sentences on the blackboard .(SS several times)6、展示princess的服饰,并描述一下。Model : The princess has a red vest ,a blue skirt and a yellow hat .Ss say 34 ti

9、mes .Step 3 、 Consolidation .1、 出示书57页的韵律诗。 T: Miss Zhang has a princess , lets have a look , and read the rhyme . Listen to the tape twice . Read the rhyme after it , understand the main meaning .2、 Make the new rhyme . 同学们模仿A red dress ,描述自己小组装扮的princess,比一比哪组的princess最漂亮。Step 4 、Homework 1、跟录音朗读韵律诗,并描述自己装扮的人物。2、创设情景,用所学的句型去买水果、文具等。板书设计:Unit 9 Shopping Can I help you ?Id like a , please .What colour ?What about ?How much is it ?yuan , please .


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