2898.B三水移动人力资源开发的探讨 外文参考文献译文及原文doc.doc

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2898.B三水移动人力资源开发的探讨 外文参考文献译文及原文doc.doc_第1页
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《2898.B三水移动人力资源开发的探讨 外文参考文献译文及原文doc.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2898.B三水移动人力资源开发的探讨 外文参考文献译文及原文doc.doc(13页珍藏版)》请在三一办公上搜索。

1、本科毕业设计(论文)外文参考文献译文及原文 学 院 经济管理学院 专 业 工商管理 年级班别 学 号 学生姓名 指导教师 年 月 日目 录1 文献译文.1 1.1 工作分析定义.1 1.2 工作分析所获得信息的应用招募与甄选.1 1.3 工作分析的步骤.2 1.4 访谈法.4 1.5 访谈法的优点和缺点.4 1.6 访谈准则.52 文献原文.6 2.1 Job Analysis Defined .6 2.2 Use Of Job Analysis Information.7 2.3 Step In Job Analysis.8 2.4 The Interview.10 2.5 Pros and

2、 Cons.10 2.6 Interview Guidelines.11雅吧中国.对新世纪我国企业人力资源开发的探讨. 2006-6-151 文献译文1.1工作分析定义一个组织的建立会导致一批工作的出现,而这些工作需要特定的人来承担。工作分析就是与此相关的一道程序,通过这一程序,我们可以确定某一工作的任务和性质是什么,以及那些类型的人适合被用来做这些工作。因此,分析结果要产生关于工作要求的信息;这信息是编写工作说明书(工作的内容是什么)和工作规范(雇用什么样的工人来从事这一工作)。作为一位主管人或者人事管理专家,你通常需要通过工作分析收集如下若干类型的信息:工作活动。首先,你经常需要搜集的信息


4、中的效绩标准。 有关工作效绩标准方面的信息(例如,工作质量、数量或者工作的每一方面所消耗的时间等)也同样时要收集的。这类信息可以帮助我们弄清楚:应当用一种什么样的标准来对雇员进行评价。工作背景。 这里所涉及的信息既包括工作的物理环境、工作时间表这一类内容,也包括工作的组织形式和社会环境如通常同什么人打交道等此类内容,此外,还包括在工作中将获得何种经济激励,以及非经济激励方面的信息。工作对人的要求。 最后,经常需要搜集的信息还包括工作对人的要求是什么,即工作本身队承担工作的人的知识或技能(教育水平,培训经历,工作经验等),和个人特性(才能、生理特征、人格品性、兴趣等)有何要求。1.2工作分析所获














18、对资料进行检查和核对。通常的做法是,与被访谈者本人或其直接上级主管人员一起对所收集到的工作信息进行最后核查。2 文献原文2.1Job Analysis DefinedOrganization like Universal consists of positions that have to be staffed. Job analysis is the procedure through which you determine the duties of these positions and the characteristics of the people who should be hi

19、red for them. The analysis produces information on job requirement; this information is then used for developing job description (a list of what the job entails) and job specifications (a list of a jobs human requirements, or what kind of people of people to hire for job). Like The Boston Consulting

20、 Group Consultant, a supervisor or HR specialist normally aims to collect one or more of the following types of information via the job analysis.Work activities. Information is usually collected about the actual work activities performed, such as cleaning, selling, teaching, or painting. Such a list

21、 may also indicate how,why, and when the worker performs each activity. Human behaviors. Information about human behaviors like sensing, communicating, deciding, and writing may also be collected. Included here would be information regarding job demand such as lifting weighing or walking long distan

22、ces. Machines, tool, equipment, and work aids used. Information is gathered regarding products made, materials processed, knowledge dealt with or applied (such as finance or law), and services rendered (such as counseling or repairing).Performance standards. Information is also collected about perfo

23、rmance standards (in terms of quantity level for each job duty, for instance). These standards will be the basis on which the employee will be evaluated. Job context. Included here is information about such matters as physical working condition, work schedule, and the organizational and social conte

24、xt for instance, the number of people with whom the employee would normally interact. Information regarding incentives for doing the job might also be included here.Human requirement. Finally, information is usually compiled regarding human requirements of the job, such as job-related knowledge or s

25、kill (education, training, work experience) and required personal attributes (aptitudes, physical characteristics, personality, interests). 2.2Use Of Job Analysis InformationAs summarized in Figure 3-1,job analysis information is the basis for several interrelated HR management activities, as follow

26、.Recruitment and selection for example, job analysis provides information about what the job entail and what human characteristics are required to carry out these activities. This description and job specification information is then used to decide what sort of people to recruit and hire.Compensatio

27、n job analysis information is also essential for estimating the value of and appropriate compensation for each job. This is because compensation (such as salary and bonus) usually depends on such things as the jobs required skill and education level, safety hazards, and degree of responsibility-all

28、factor that are assessed though job analysis. Job analysis provides the information for determining the relative worth of each job so that each job can be accurately classified. Performance appraisal a performance appraisal compares each employees actual performance with his or her performance stand

29、ard. It is often through job analysis that experts determine the standards to be achieved and the specific activities to be performed. Training job analysis information in also used for designing training and development programs because the analysis and resulting job description show the skills-and

30、 therefore the training-that are required. Ensure complete assignment of duties Job analysis can also help discover unassigned duties. For example, in analyzing the job of your companys production manager, you may find she reports herself as being responsible foe two dozen or so duties including pla

31、nning weekly production schedules and purchasing raw materials. Missing, however, is any reference to managing raw material or finished goods inventories. On further investigation you find that none of the other manufacturing people is responsible for inventory management either. Your job analysis (

32、based not just on what employees report an their duties, but on what you know these duties should be) has identified a duty to be assigned. Missing duties like this are often uncovered through job analysis. Job analysis thus plays a role in remedying the sort of problems that would arise if, for exa

33、mple, no one were assigned to manage inventories.And you can see, job analysis plays a central role in HR management. This fact is acknowledged by the U.S federal agencies uniform guidelines on employee selection, which stipulate that job analysis is a crucial step in validating all major personnel

34、activities. Employers must be able to show that their screening tools and appraisals are actually related to performance on the job in question. Doing this, of course, requires knowing what the job entails-which in turn requires a competent job analysis. 2.3Step In Job AnalysisThere are six steps in

35、 doing a job analysis, as follows. Step 1,Identify the use to which the information will be put, since this will determine the data you collect and how you collect then. Some data collection techniques-like interviewing the employee and asking what the job entails-good for writing job descriptions a

36、nd selecting employees for the job. Other job analysis techniques (like the position analysis questionnaire described later) do not provide qualitative information for job descriptions. Instead, they provide numerical ratings for each job; these can be used to compare jobs to one another for compens

37、ation purpose.Step 2,Review relevant background information such as organization charts, process charts, and job description. Organization charts show the organization wide division of work; how the job in question relates to other jobs; and where the job fits in the overall organization. The chart

38、should identify the title of each position and, by means of its interconnecting lines, who reports to whom and with whom the job incumbent is expected to communicate.A process chart provides a more detailed picture of the workflow than is obtainable form the organization chart alone. In its simplest

39、 form, a pr, ocess chart (like the one in figure 3-2) shows the flow of inputs to and outputs from the job being analyzed, (in figure 3-2 the inventory control clerk is expected to receive inventory from suppliers; take requests for inventory from the two plant managers; provide requested inventory

40、to these managers; and give information to these managers on the status of in-stock inventories.) finally, the existing job description, if there is one, usually provides a starting point for building the revised job description. Step 3,Select representative positions to be analyzed. This is done wh

41、en many similar jobs are to be analyzed, and it is too time consuming, for instance, to analyze the jobs of all assembly workers. Step 4,Next actually analyze the job, by collecting data on job activities, required employee behaviors, working conditions, and human traits and abilities needed to perf

42、orm the job, for this step, use one or more of the job analysis methods explained later in this chapter. Step 5,Review the information with job incumbents. The job analysis information should be verified with the worker performing the job and with his or her immediate supervisor. This will help to c

43、onfirm that the information is factually correct and complete. This review step can also help gain the employees acceptance of the job analysis data and conclusions, by giving that person a chance to review and modify your description of this or her job activities. Step 6,Develop a job description a

44、nd job specification. A job description and a job specification are usually two concrete products of the analysis. The job description (to repeat) is a written statement that describes the activities and responsibilities of the job, as well as important features of the job, such as working conditions and safety hazards. The job specification summarizes the personal qualities, traits, skills, and background required for getting the job done; it may be either in a separate document nor on the same document as the job description. There are various ways to collect information on the duties,


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