2847.B当代民营企业员工培训改进途径 外文参考文献译文及原文doc.doc

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1、本科毕业设计(论文)外文参考文献译文及原文 学 院 经济管理学院 专 业 工商管理 年级班别 学 号 学生姓名 指导教师 年 月 日目 录1.1以人力资本开发为动力的竞争优势 .11.2 IBM内部人力资本开发计.31.3三星人才资本管理.51.1 Competitive advantage powered by human capital .81.2 Human capital development plan of IBM internal .101.3 Human capital management of Samsung .13译文:开发人力资本人力资本的开发谈的是全公司的全部劳动力的



4、要方面!有效的培训和发展课程可以提升把一个普通的管理者变成一个成功的战略领导者的可能性.这些课程已经变成和知识一样重要,使企业获得更完整的的核心竞争优势更重要的是 这样的课程建立了一个组织知识和技能的整体框架,包括了把个人的价值观集中到企业来建立一个完整的系统的价值体系。这样促进了企业内部的战略观点的统一和组织的凝聚力。当然,这些课程都是服从于企业的建立和发展核心竞争力的要求!再进一步说明,他们帮助了战略领导者改进和鉴定了其他相关联的工作任务所要求的战略领导能力。总的说来,人力资源开发式战略执行中起到决定性的作用。战略领导者有获得的技能权利也必须有开发人力资源的责任。这是也是一个让战略领导者提





9、且不需要太多的成本。显然,目前的网络的技术完全可以支持公司的内部网络!无论是大小公司,人力资本开发都会带来极大的经济利润。事实上,人力资源开发是坚定公司的各种战略是否被执行!1.2 IBM内部人力资本开发计划IBM一年四季都在招聘,但能够有机会进入IBM的却凤毛麟角,因为IBM招募的是真正的精英。在招聘条件上,IBM公司有三方面的要求。其一是一般能力,包括逻辑分析能力、适应环境的应变能力、 注重团队精神与协作能力和创新的能力。其二是品德,而且把这一点作为雇用的先决条其三,岗位方面的实际技术能力与心理特征,包括沟通技巧、计算机操作能力、英语水平及发展潜力等。IBM对员工的个人发展潜力非常重视,因

10、为这关系到员工未来是否能够有所发展。IBM公司的招聘途径多种多样,通常有人才招聘会、报纸广告、网络和校园招聘等。IBM一项特别又有效的途径,是实行内部推荐招聘。公司方面充分信任自己的员工,奉行“内举不避亲”,鼓励员工介绍自己的亲朋好友来IBM公司,如果推荐的人很适合IBM的要求,IBM还会奖励介绍人。 新员工培训 全面塑造新员工的培训。新员工进入IBM以后,首先要进行4个月的集中培训,培训内容包括IBM的发展历史、规章制度、技术和产品工艺、工作规范和工作技巧。培训采用课堂授课和实地练习两种形式。培训结束后进行考核,合格者获得结业证明,不合格者则被淘汰。4个月后,受训者有了一个IBM员工的基本概

11、念。但是,要成为IBM的正式员工,还要经过一年的实习。实习期间公司给每个新员工派一位“师傅”,一对一地进行教学。实习期间,要定期向人力资源部和新员工所在部门反馈实习情况。实习结束后员工要做工作计划和个人发展计划,提出继续做现在岗位工作的深入计划或变换岗位的计划以及职业生涯发展计划。 制度化的老员工培训。IBM注重在职员工的培训,公司制定了非常完备的员工培训制度和实施计划。培训形式除传统的教师培训外,广泛采用网上培训。IBM建立了自己的网上大学,员工可以根据自己的时间情况随时安排学习,这解决了他们的学习培训与现实工作的矛盾冲突。课程形式既有教材学习,也有真实或虚拟项目的训练,均有较强的实用性。I

12、BM提倡员工边工作边学习,或者在业余时间参加各类课程学习,以提高工作效率和个人发展潜力。员工可以提出自己需要去参加哪些内容培训,只要与工作有关、合理,公司一般都会同意并给予经费。这就有效地兼顾了企业和员工两个方面的培训需要。 选拔和培养管理层的培训。IBM公司非常重视“接班人”的培养,通过工作岗位轮换等方式来锻炼和选拔管理者的候选人。确认了合格的人员后,IBM公司会加以任命,使其有机会在管理工作实践中得到锻炼,上一级管理者与人力资源部门则负责对任职者的资格水平进行检验和有效的工作评估,优胜劣汰,整个过程则是公司与未来管理层双方之间互相审视适应性的过程。 员工个人发展 IBM视员工为企业最重要的


14、才能和培养潜力。如果有发展潜力,就把该员工存入管理人才库,列入经理培训计划中去,安排3个月时间的经理培训。在培训过程中,还会给其一个具体的项目做,体会作为团队领导的责任、义务。课程完成并合格者,在公司有经理职位空缺时,即可以安排上岗。 如果一个员工愿意并适合当技术专家,IBM也为其提供发展空间,以便一级一级地向上发展。当发展到一定级别并且带过新员工和在公司培训中教过课时,就可以去参加公司组织的考试,并进行答辩。答辩合格者,获得高级技术专家的职级。1.3三星人才资本管理2004年,三星电子公司获利,直追日本第一大民营制造业者丰田汽车公司,媒体以“日本丰田、韩国三星”来称呼亚洲这两大卓越企业三星电





19、起展开全面大改革,以短短12年时间,便开创出今日的全球性地位。三星电子、丰田汽车,此亚洲双雄之所以长保非凡卓越及市场领先,是因为他们拥有两个共通的经营特色,即永远抱有危机意识,追求快速度经营;并以优秀的团队,坚定的意志力,誓死达成目标。这就是三星电子成为韩流经营典范的秘密所在。今年初,三星电子副董事长兼执行长尹钟龙,对股东揭示公司发展方向,他表示,三星决心成为引领全球跨入数位时代的企业。原文:Michael A. Hitt .R. duane Ireland Robert e. Hoskisson . strategic management competitive and globaliza

20、tion. Mcopy 2001 by south-western collage publishing, a division of Thomson learning.p:503-507. p:c200 c240Developing human capitalHuman capital refers to the knowledge and skills of a firms entire workforce. From the perspective of human capital, employees are viewed as a capital resource that requ

21、ires investment. Much of the development of U.S. industry can be attributed to the effectiveness of its human capital. In support of this conclusion, it is noted that “as the dynamics of competitive advantage This statement suggests that the role of the human resource management should be increasing

22、 in importance. In turn, the effective development and management of the firms human capital-that is, all of the firms managerial and nonmanagerial personnel-may be the primary determinant of a firms ability to formulate and implement strategies successfully. Finding the human capital necessary to r

23、un an organization effective is a difficult problem that many firms attempt to solve by using temporary employees. Other firms try to improve their recruiting and selection techniques. solve the problem, however, requires more than hiring temporary employees; it requires building effective commitmen

24、t to organizational goals as well. Hiring star player is also insufficient; rather, a strategic leader needs to build am effective organizational team committed to achieving the companys vision and goal, as the strategic focus indicates. Actively participating in company-sponsored programs to develo

25、p ones abilities is highly desirable, because upgrading ones skills continuously leads to more job and economic security. Increasingly, part of the development necessary for strategic leaders is international experience. As one business analyst noted,” with nearly every industry targeting fast-growi

26、ng foreign experience for top management positions.” Thus, companies committed to the importance of competing successfully in the global economy are wise to provide opportunities for their future strategic leaders to work in locations outside of their home nation. Also, because international managem

27、ent capabilities are becoming important, managing “inpatriation” has become a important means of building global core competencies. Effective training and development programs increase the probability that a manager will be a successful strategic leader. These programs have grown progressively impor

28、tant as knowledge has become more integral to gaining a competitive advantage. Additionally, such programs build knowledge and kills, inculcate a common set of core values, and offer a systematic view of the organization, thus promoting the firms strategic vision and organizational cohesion. The pro

29、grams also contribute to the development of core competencies. Furthermore, they help strategic leaders improve skills that are critical to completing other tasks associated with effective strategic leadership. Thus, building human capital is vital to the effective execution of strategy. Strategic l

30、eaders must acquire the skills necessary to help develop human capital in their areas of responsibility. This is an important challenge, given that most strategic leaders need to enhance their human resource management abilities. For example, firms that place value on human resources and have effect

31、ive reward plans for employees obtained higher returns on the their initial public offerings. When human capital investments are successful, the result is a workforce capable of learning continuously. Continuous learning and leveraging the firms expanding knowledge base are linked with strategic suc

32、cess. When asked to specify what accounts for Johnson & Johnsons competitive success, the firms CEO answered that his company was “not in the product business, but in the knowledge business.” Programs that achieve outstanding results in the training of future strategic leaders become a competitive a

33、dvantage for a firm. As noted in the opening case, general electrics system of training and development of future strategic leaders is comprehensive and thought to be among the best. Accordingly, it may be a source of competitive advantage for the firm.1.1 Competitive advantage powered by human capi

34、talConsolidated Diesels manufacturing plant does not look extraordinary. The equipment is the same as its competitors. However, consolidate produces exceptional results, power by the firms human capital, which is captured and released though its team-based system. To ensure the effective use of the

35、companys human capital, employees are cross trained on several jobs. Furthermore, employees are involved in developing solution to problems. For example, with customer demand high, the plant had to add significant overtime and a third shift. However, after enlisting the aid of team leaders to help r

36、esolve the problem. Consolidated developed a more flexible scheduling system that cut the shifts back to eight hours, but the work continued to be completed. Similarly, MTW, an e-commerce applications firm, places high importance on its employees needs. Like consolidate diesel , it uses teams. In ad

37、dition, MTW attempts to create an environment in which people like to work . in so doing ,the company has grown from a firm with 50 employees and $8 million in annual sales to one many of the operational decisions that affect the whole company. While decisions take longer in teams, the company gains

38、 the employees confidence, trust, and commitment.Warren buffet is known as one of the words most successful investors. One of the criteria he uses in investing in firms is their managerial talent and human capital. the firms in which he invests heavily, such as coca-cola, American express, and known

39、 to rely heavily on their human capital.The importance of human capital also is shown in mergers and acquisitions, many of which are not successful . there are number of reasons for these failures, a prime one of which is the loss, or failures to take advantage, of human capital from the acquired fi

40、rm. Oftentimes, there is significant turnover in the acquired fired firm before and after the two firms are merged. Frequently, the most talent managers and employees leave because they have attractive opportunities and are uncertain whether they will have the same opportunities in the new company.

41、Certainly, they are unlike to have opportunities if their firm is acquired by computer associates, charles wangss company .wang is notorious for firing many of the managers and technical talent of a firm he acquires immediately after the acquisition is consummated. Dennis kozlowski, CEO of tyco, ana

42、lyzes the managerial talent of potential target firms in his quest for acquisitions. He target only those firm with substantial managerial skills and capabilities. In fact, he considers his review of the human capital of a firm a part of the due-diligence process.Among the substantial number of unde

43、rutilized sources of human capital are underrepresented groups, such as women and minorities. We discussed women in managerial roles in the previous strategic focus. According to luci li , partner of capital wang & li Asia Associates, there is a glass ceiling for many expartriate Chinese and Chinese

44、 American as well. These workers have many technical and other skills and a host of capabilities that can be developed, but frequently are not. Some suggest that the new types of distance learning using internet courses can help firms develop their human capital without costs. Clearly, the real-time

45、 environment of internet instruction could revolutionize the means of developing human capital, particularly by promoting continuous learning within companies. In large and small firms, there are tremendous economic returns to human capital. In fact, human capital is critical to the implementation o

46、f a firms strategies.1.2 Human capital development plan of IBM internalIBM all is advertising for throughout the year, but can have the opportunity to enter IBM actually extremely rare, because IBM recruits is the genuine outstanding person. In the job requirements, IBM Corporation has three aspect

47、requests. First is the general ability, including logic analysis ability, adaptation environment strain capacity, attention team spirit and cooperation ability and innovation ability. Second is the personal character, moreover takes this point the employment the prerequisite strip its three, post aspect actual technical ability and psychological characterist


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