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1、Section 4,Abstraction&Specification,People use languages to describe the objective world.But any language is limited(in its vocabulary and number of sentence patterns)while the world is limitlessa contradiction of the language and the infiniteness of the world.So one word is often used to stand for
2、several things which share similarities in certain aspects.Then people would generalize such similarities and work out abstract terms to refer to them.However,as different languages undergo different development,their degrees of generalization(abstraction)vary.Sometimes one language may use very gen
3、eral terms for similar ideas.So generalization(abstraction)and specification are two important means in translation between English and Chinese.,Ones own past may become a gradually increasing weight.,越来越增加的重量?,Weight?,重量,让人感到压力的东西,重荷、包袱、负担,一个人过去的经历可能会成为他越来越沉重的包袱。,Wisdom prepares for the worst;but f
4、olly leaves the worst for the day it comes.智慧为最坏做好准备,但是愚蠢将最坏留到给它带来的那一天。cf:智者作好准备对付最坏的情况,愚者等到最坏的情况来临的时候才着急。智者防患于未然,愚者临渴掘井。High voltage current is usually carried by overhead wire system so as to prevent living things being electrocuted.高压电流通常是由头顶的电线系统传输以防止生物被电击中。cf:通常采用高架线来输送高压电,以防人畜触电。,She replaced
5、the(telephone)receiver and sat there,her mind in a turmoil.She was not sure when it could have happened,or what her feelings were.She could not think straight.她放下电话听筒,坐在那里,她的脑子在胡乱中。她拿不准这件事什么时候发生了,或者她的感受是什么。她一时不能直接想这个问题了。cf:她放下电话,坐在那里,脑子里乱糟糟的,闹不明白这是什么时候发生的,也不知道自己是喜还是忧,一时乱了方寸。,Ex.1She turned towards m
6、e immediately.The easy elegance of every movement of her limbs and body as soon as she began to advance from the far end of the room,set me in a flutter of expectation to see her face clearly.她立刻转过身来,从房间那头走过来时,一举手一投足,风度非常优雅,我不由得想看清她的面孔。In line with latest trends in fashion,a few dress designers have
7、 been sacrificing elegance to audacity.有些时装设计师为了赶时髦,舍弃了优雅别致的样式,一味追求袒胸露体的大胆的风格。,Sometimes,the generalized or abstract expressions can be turned into category nouns:,We must stop his madness.You young people should be on guard against foolhardiness.I cant stand his fault-finding.In macro-economics we
8、study not individual influences but aggregate ones.,疯狂行为,蛮干作风,吹毛求疵的做法,个别影响因素;,总体影响因素,Ex.2In our pioneering days this aggressiveness was essential to survival.在我们的拓荒时代,这种敢作敢为的精神/品质是生存的根本。For the good of the university as well as the good of his own soul,they had to curb his recklessness.为了学校的荣誉,也为了他本
9、人好,教授们不得不制止他这种莽撞的言行。,In reverse,some specific references in English should be made into abstract Chinese.For example:,I had the muscle,so I made money out of it to support my schooling.我有的是力气,因此,我就靠做工挣学费。In the modern world salt has many uses beyond the dining table.在当代世界,除了食用外,盐还有许多其它用途。She felt th
10、at this moment of interview for her first job was a tremendous inch in her whole existence.她感到在第一次求职的面试中,在她整个一生中占有重要地位。,Ex.3Its very plain that the old man and I will remain at daggers to the end of our lives,and that I have nothing to expect from him.很明显,我同老头子至死也是势不两立,我不会从他那儿得到什么东西。He allowed the father to be overruled by the judge,and declared his own son guilty.法官的责任感战胜了父子私情,他终于判决儿子有罪。You should not look at the world through rose-colored glasses.看待这个世界,你不要太乐观。,