新视野大学英语读写教程(第二版)第一册Unit 3 Section BThe Right Son at the Right Time.ppt

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1、Reading Skills,Text Study,Notes to the Text,Words and Expressions,Idea Sharing,Read for the Key Idea,Practice the Skill,I.Read for the Key Idea,Separate minor details from the main idea.main idea:who is doing what minor details:when,what kind,where,why,how.,Reading Skills,II.Practice:Finding the Key

2、 Idea,1.When snow or ice was on the ground,it was impossible for him to walk,even with help.,It was impossible for him to walk.,2.In Manhattan the subway station was the basement of his office building,and he would not have to go outside again until we met him in Brooklyn on his way home.,The subway

3、 was the basement,and he would not have to go outside.,Reading Skills,3.If he did,I am sorry I never told him how sorry I was,how unworthy I was,how I regretted it.,I am sorry.,Reading Skills,Skimming and Scanning,Rearrange the Order,I.Skimming and Scanning,Y(for YES)if the statement agrees with the

4、 information given in the passage N(for NO)if the statement contradicts the information given in the passageNG(for NOT GIVEN)if the information is not given in the passage,Go over the text quickly and mark Y,N and NG for the statements.,Text Study,1.The old man who collapsed had no relatives.2.The M

5、arine has never seen the elderly man before.3.The old man knew that the Marine was not his son.4.The Marine had been mistaken for the old mans son.,N,Y,NG,Y,Text Study,5.The old man could not see clearly for he was very painful.6.The Marine knew there had been a mistake when he got to the hospital.7

6、.Two Marines were mistaken with the same numbers in the camp.8.A letter in the old mans pocket enabled people to inform his son.,N,Y,N,Y,Text Study,II.Rearrange the Order,Text Study,Rearrange the major points of the story according to the time sequence of the text.,a.The real son was founded.b.A son

7、,a marine,was sent to the hospital.c.An elder man collapsed.d.The Marine inquired about the identity of the old man.e.The old man died.f.The Marine cared for the old man.g.The old man repeatedly called for his son.,c-g-b-f-e-d-a,How to write a good story?,Text Study,The text is a narrative.Narrative

8、s are stories,including:,descriptions of settingdescriptions of characters sections of dialogue,General rules,Text Study,General Rules to Narrate a Story,Text Study,Outstanding narratives will“show rather thantell”,allowing readers to see a point that is not explicitly made but properly arranged,by

9、time sequence orspace setting.,The story itself should be interesting and lively.,Text Study,I.Active Expressions,1.He was rushed to the airport in time to catch the sole plane that might enable him to reach his dying father.2.It turned out there had been two Marines with the same name and similar n

10、umbers in the camp.3.But the wrong Marine had become the right son at the right time.,Practice,Notes to the TextActive Expressions,Notes to the TextActive Expressions,Practice,1.The training will enable more people to be employed.2.It turned out that she was the daughter of a rich man.3.You are the

11、right person for the job.,1.这次培训使更多的人有就业的机会。2.她原来是一个富豪的女儿。3.你是这个工作的最佳人选。,Notes to the TextActive Expressions,1.An elderly man had collapsed while crossing the street,.,while clause:the subject and the verb“be”can be omitted.,while crossing the street,_(还年轻时),he was appointed committee member of an i

12、mportant organization.,When still young,while he was crossing the street,II.Focus Study,Notes to the TextFocus Study,2.The medicine he had been given because of the pain from his heart attack made his eyes weak and he only dimly saw the young man in Marine Corps uniform standing outside theoxygen te

13、nt.,A long sentence is made up of short phrases or short sentences.By adding some modifiers(修饰语)you can make the sentence long.,Notes to the TextFocus Study,Why given?,because of pain,Why pain?,from his heart attack,What medicine?,he had been given,the medicine made his eyes weak(key idea).,he only

14、dimly saw the young man.,In what dress?,in Marine Corps uniform,Where?,standing outside the oxygen tent,Notes to the TextFocus Study,Now try to make your own sentence as long as possible by adding modifiers.,I was embarrassed.,When I was growing up,I was embarrassed to be seen with my father who was

15、 severelycrippled and very short.,Notes to the TextFocus Study,Story Making,Word Using,Old to New,他过马路时昏倒了,在被送往医院的路上死了。,He collapsed while crossing the street and died on the way to the hospital.,I.Word Using,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,1.collapse v.to fall unconscious or fall down,2.now and aga

16、in sometimes,他有时提出一些奇怪的问题。,He raises some strange questions now and again.,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,The situation calls for immediate action.,当前的情况需要立即采取行动。,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,3.call for ask to see;need,4.Locate v.to find the place of;place,这家公司希望把新工厂设在河边。,The company wished to l

17、ocate its new factory beside the river.,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,5.set out set forth;set off;start a journey,全体村民已出发去寻找失踪的小孩。,All the villagers have set out to look for the missing child.,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,6.enable v.make able,我向他作了详细说明,好让他能找到那房子。,I gave him full directions to e

18、nable him to find the house.,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,7.extend v.to hold out;offer,他伸出手同来宾握手。,He extended his hand to the guests.,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,8.inform v.tell sb.;give sb.knowledge,Newspapers inform their readers on what is happening in the world.He has not yet informed me

19、of his plans for holidays.,报纸向读者们报道世界上正在发生的情况。他尚未把他的度假计划告诉我。,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,9.Interrupt v.to break off or to cause to stop,他的演说不时被暴风雨般的掌声打断。,His speech was frequently interrupted by stormy applause.,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,10.with that after that;when that had been done,他略挥了

20、一下手,然后就走了。,He gave a little wave,and with that,he was gone.,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,11.exit v.to go out of;leave from,要离开这座楼,请沿着这个方向走。,To exit the building,please follow this direction.,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,12.turn out happen to be;be found to be in the end,我们昨天碰到的人原来是我们的校长。,The g

21、uy we met yesterday turned out to be our president.,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,Practice,1.Police have _ for the public to come forward with any information which might help them in their inquiries.A.urged B.informed C.called D.told2.Please turn _ the switch as soon as the water boils.A.down B.o

22、ff C.out D.up,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,3.Though they were in the mountain area,they were well _ about the world by watching TV.A.told B.said B.spoken D.informed,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,II.Old to New,clearlyonlyat timesgive and receive tellpitybreaksurprisego out,apparently sole occasi

23、onally exchange inform sympathy interrupt startle exit,Words and ExpressionsOld to New,III.Story Making,Create a story in your group with the given words,making it logical,meaningful and smooth.,locate,inform,extend,now and again,pay no attention to,Words and ExpressionsOld to New,My house was locat

24、ed in a valley.Now and again,I came to the foot of the valley to extend myself after a days hard work.I paid no attention to the hole on my way.My friend had informed me about it.But I forgot and was trapped into the hole.,Words and ExpressionsOld to New,Share Your Fathers or Mothers Sayings,Gumps m

25、other says:,Watch a video clip and then share with yourpartner some sayings or doings of yourfather or mother that you never forget.,Share Your Fathers or Mothers Sayings,“Life is like a box of chocolates.you never know what youre gonna get.”,Idea Sharing,Saying from Forrest Gumps Mother,Idea Sharing,“Life is like a box of chocolate.You never know what you are gonna get until you try.”,Idea Sharing,To Task,To Horizon,The End of Section B,


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