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1、Unit 1 Can you play the guitar?词组:弹吉他play the guitar想要would like=want吹喇叭play the trumpet想要某物want(would like) sth吉他的声音the sound of a guitar想做某事want (would like)to do sth鼓的声音the sound of drums想要某人做某事want(would like) sb.to do sth 钢琴的声音the sound of a piano我想加入艺术俱乐部I want to join the art club小提琴的声音the so

2、und of a violin你想参加什么俱乐部?What club do you want to join?做游戏play games我想学习有关艺术的东西I want to learn about art艺术俱乐部the art club你为什么想加入音乐俱乐部?Why do you want to join the music club?音乐俱乐部the music club学校演出the school show足球队the football team在学校公演中in the school show英语俱乐部the English club音乐人招聘musicians wanted象棋俱

3、乐部the chess club招聘音乐老师Music Teacher Wanted篮球俱乐部the basketball club摇滚乐队招聘乐手musicians wanted for the rock band游泳俱乐部the swimming club学校演出招募学生Students wanted for the school show参军join the army我们的学校演出需要学生We want students for the school show.入党join the Party和交朋友make friends with sb=be friends with sb.参加俱乐

4、部join the clubMary和我是好朋友Mary is friends with me.加入某人join sb善于和某人相处be good with sb=get along well with sb.你愿和我一起喝咖啡吗?Will you join us for coffee?和老人相处得好be good with old people讲故事tell a story擅长be good at=do well in讲有关嫦娥的故事tell a story about Change他精通法语。He is very good at French告诉某人做某事tell sb to do sth

5、在周末on the weekend=on weekends和谈话talk to sb.那么你呢?What / How about you?talk with sb.做怎么样?What / How about doing sth了解learn about=know他帮助我学数学He helps me with my math.喜欢做某事enjoy doing sthHe helps me do my math.需要某人做某事need sb. to do sthHe helps me to do my math.为老人提供的帮助Help for Old People在老年之家at the old

6、peoples home学校音乐会the school concert参加be in=join你七月有空吗?Are you free in July?你在哪个俱乐部?What club are you in?它轻松而简单It is relaxing and easy参加学校的音乐节be in the school music festival表演中国功夫do Chinese Kung fu学校需要帮助教音乐The school needs help to teach music.星期天下午6点Sunday 6: 00 p.m.来加入我们吧!Come and join us在音乐室in the

7、music room.来展示给我们看看吧!Come and show us!Unite 2 What time do you go to school?词组:起床get up什么时间,几点what time我从没起那么早I never get up so early.你通常几点起床?When (What time) do you usually get up?去上学go to school几点了?What time is it?whats the time?到学校去go to the school6:10ten past sixsix ten去上班go to work8:30half past

8、 eighteight thirty去公园go to the park10:40twenty to eleventen forty回家go home四分之一;一刻钟quarter kw:t做家庭作业do ones homework9:15a quarter past ninenine fifteen广播电台radio station5:45a quarter to sixfive forty-five他在广播电台工作He works at a radio station在早上六点半half past six(in the morning)电视台TV station在下午三点十五a quarte

9、r past three in the afternoon待添加的隐藏文字内容1吃早饭eat breakfast在晚上六点四十五a quarter to seven in the evening吃一顿好早饭eat a good breakfast在晚上九点四十五a quarter to ten in the evening他从不吃早饭He never eats breakfast在五点钟at five oclock上床睡觉go to bed在大约八点钟at around / about eight oclock早睡go to bed early洗淋浴take (take)a shower吃蔬菜

10、eat vegetables我快速地洗完澡I quickly have a shower= I have a shower quickly吃得快eat quickly广播节目radio show打扫我的房间clean my room你的广播节目是几点?What time is your radio show?迟到be late for对于早餐那是一个有趣的时间!Thats a funny time for breakfast!在上学日on school days他吃早餐的时间可真有趣!What a funny time to eat breakfast!在上学日的晚上on school nig

11、hts多么有趣的人啊!What a funny man!放学回家get home from school穿上衣服get dressed刷牙brush ones teeth她 她穿一条黑色连衣裙 She was wearing a black dress到达get to她给那个男孩穿衣服She dresses the baby.reach他能自己穿衣服了He can dress himself now.arrive in(大地方)穿着某种颜色的衣服be dressed in +颜色名称arrive at(小地方)她穿着白衣服She is dressed in white.=She is in w

12、hite.到家get home要么要么eitheror看早上电视watch morning TV我要么看电视要么玩电脑游戏I either watch TV or play computer games离家leave home端午节the Dragon Boat Festival (农历五月初五)早餐后after breakfast做运动play sports=do sports= take exercise为了去上班to get to work散步take(have) a walk= go for a walk=walk课堂上in class人们通常何时吃正餐? When do people

13、 usually eat dinner?课后after class人们通常晚上吃正餐People usually eat dinner in the evening放学后after school有一张淋浴时间表have a shower schedule. skedul带某人去take sb to 制定淋浴时间表make a shower schedule带他去上班take him to work知道;了解know about乘出租take the taxi我想知道你一天的情况I want to know about your day乘七路公共汽车去学校take the number 7 bu

14、s to school你能想出他的职业吗?Can you think what his job is?请快点回信Please write soon能告诉我你叫什么名字?Can you tell me what your name is?最好的祝愿best wishes希望做某事hope to do sth希望做某事wish to do sth我希望见到你I hope to see you我想上学I wish to go to school.兄妹brother and sister= I want to go to school.拥有健康的习惯have healthy habits希望某人做某事

15、wish sb to do sth谁更健康?Who is healthier?我希望你学得更好I wish you to study better.健康的活动the healthy activitiesUnit 3 How do you get to school词组:散步have a walk =take a walk= go for a walk =go out for a walk=take walks乘火车take the train=take a train=take trains by train=on the train乘公共汽车take the bus = take a bus

16、 by bus =on the bus乘小汽车take the car= take a car by car=in the car搭出租车take the taxi= take a taxi by taxi=in the taxi乘地铁take the subway on the subwayby subway骑自行车ride the bike =ride a bike by bike=on the bike乘船take the boat= take a boat by boat= in(on) the a boat 骑自行车上学ride a bike to school =go to sch

17、ool by bike=go to school on a bike步行回家walk homego home on foot步行上班walk to workgo to work on foot花费某人一段时间做某事It takes /took/ will take sb. some time to do sth公共汽车站(沿途)bus stop多远how far公共汽车站(始、终)bus station离这儿有多远?How far is it from here?火车站train station机场离这儿有多远?How far is the airport from here?地铁站subwa

18、y station到车站有多远?How far is it to the station?校车the school bus从你的家到学校有多远?How far is it from your home to school?坐校车on the school bus我家离这儿有1公里My home is a kilometer(away) away from here.乘父母的车去go in a parents car我家离学校2英里远Its two miles(away) from my home to my school这是很好的锻炼Its good exercise.我家离学校步行十分钟的路

19、Its ten minutes walk(away)from my home to my school.对于很多学生来说for many students我家离学校乘小汽车需十分钟Its ten minutes by car(away)from my home to my school没有桥There is no bridge在学校有个美好的一天have a good day at school害怕be afraid of你们如何去上学?How do you get to school?和玩;玩play with.我们骑自行车We ride our bikes乘坐汽车之行the bus rid

20、e花费多长时间去上学?How long does it take to get to school?从到fromto花费大约15分钟It takes about 15 minutes.从头到脚from head to foot过河去上学cross the river to school挨家挨户from house to house去上学校是很容易的It is easy to get to school他们在那儿There they are对于在中国的一个小山村的学生来说for the students in one small village in China那是一段很长时间Thats a l

21、ong time!在学校和村庄之间有一条很大的河There is a very big river between their school and the village动身去.leave for = go to 河水湍急以至于无法渡船the river runs too quickly for boats离开去leave for学生们乘索道过河去上学students go on a ropeway to cross the river to school.北美洲North America一个11岁的男孩one 11-year-old boy南美洲South America他对我像父亲一样H

22、es like a father to me.美国北部the north of America许多学生many of the students= many students= many a student华东East China你认为怎么样?What do you think ofHow do you like?华北North China很多学生乘坐公交车去上学Many a student goes to school by bus.华南South China大多数学生most students=most of the students华西West China村里的学生the students

23、 in the village中国北部the north of China大多数学生和村民从未离开学校Many of the students and villagers never leave the village不是所有的学生not all students拥有一座桥是他们的梦想It is their dream to have a bridge与不同be different from在世界的其他地方in other parts of the world和相同be the same as他们的梦想能实现吗?Can their dream come true?认为think of他们为什么

24、这样去上学?Why do they go to school like this?依靠、依赖depend on需要时间、金钱和技术It needs time, money and technology.大约,左右around=about感谢你的上一封电子邮件Thanks for your last e-mail动身去.leave for= go to快速吃早饭have a quick breakfast=have breakfast quickly带某人到take sb. to sp.离我们家很远very far from my home回来come back有趣的多a lot more fu

25、n=much more fun.的数量the number of世界各地around the world=all over the world许多的a number of世界各地的学生们students around the world少量的a small number of我乘公交车到26街的公交车站I take a bus to the stop on 26th Street大量的a large number of汽车的路程大约花费25分钟The bus ride usually takes about 25 minutes.虽然、尽管although=though世界的其他地方other

26、 parts of the world像我这样的人people like me美国the United States=America=the USA=the US更有趣more fun最流行的方式the most popular way一年两次twice a year三种最流行的上学方式the three most popular ways of getting to school一年三次three times a year交通方式the way/ means of transportation一年一次once a year做某事的方式the way/ means of doing sth实现

27、come true在红珊瑚的学生Students in Hongshanhu向寻求帮助ask sb for help离开某地去某地leave sp. for sp.= go to sp. from sp.Unit4词组:迟到belatefor= arrivelatefor这是我上学的第一天Its my first day at school不要迟到Dont be late =Dont arrive late这是一所很棒的学校This is a great school我们不能迟到We cant arrive late for class有很多规则there are a lot of rules

28、音乐播放器music players是些什么规则?What are some of the rules校服the school uniform规章制度是什么?What are the rules?不得不穿校服have to wear the school uniform我们在图书馆也得保持安静We also have to be quiet in the library太多(可数)too many不要在图书馆吵闹Dont be noisy in the library.太多(不可数)too much我们在图书馆必须保持安静We have to be quiet in the library太m

29、uch too去厨房为爷爷做饭go to the kitchen to get food for Grandpa他说得太多了He talks too much从不晚到厨房never late to the kitchen这件衬衣太贵The shirt is much too dear.我得在猫起来之前到达那里I have t to get there before the cat gets up有太多的规则There are too many rules我爷爷总是告诉我不能吵闹My grandpa always tells me I cant be noisy脏盘子the dirty dish

30、es我听他的话I listen to him在厨房in the kitchen我不想猫抓我I dont want the cat to catch me把脏盘子留在厨房leave the dirty dishes in the kitchen对某人要求严格be strict with sb我把书落在家里了I left the book at home对某事要求严格be strict in sth我不得不留短发I have to keep my hair short我认为遵循规则是最好的I think its best to fellow the rulers!保持室内清洁keep the ro

31、om clean见我的朋友meet my friends留短发keep my hair short在上学日on school days保持安静keep quiet图书馆规则library rules=the rulers for the school library准时,按时on time为你的梦想学校编写5条酷的规则Make up five cool rulers for your dream school及时(在时限之前)in time和你的同学分享你的规定Share your rulers with your class到了做的时间Its time for sth= Its time t

32、o do sth为投票vote for到了吃午饭的时间Its time for lunch你的同学为最酷的学校投票Your classmates vote for the coolest school你一定得准时You must be on time读书read books=do some reading我们必须按时上课We must be on time for class读某物给某人听read sb. sth= read sth. to sb.在走廊in the hallway请把这封信读给我们听Please read us this letter=Please read this let

33、ter to me.在餐厅in the dining hall请替我读这封信Please read the letter for me在上课in class我知道你的感受I know how you feel在这个班上in the class不要做这个Dont do this!上课别说话Dont talk in class你不能做那个You cant do that!这个班有40名学生Therere 40 students in the class有很多你能做的事There are a lot of things you can do下课后after class他们制定规定来帮助我们They

34、make rules to help us放学后after school我不得不做的事Things I have to do在教室里in the classroom我不能做的事Things I cant do别打架Dont fight=No fighting练习弹钢琴practice your guitar在音乐教室in the music room弹钢琴play the piano在外面听音乐listen to music outside练习做某事practice doing sth.在外面吃eat outside清洗餐具do the dishes我明白了I see制订规则make rule

35、s在英语课上in English class.学会做某事learn to do sth戴着帽子wear a hat学游泳learn how to swim考虑think about跟某人学某物learn sth from sb我们必须遵守他们We have to follow them!我该怎么办呢?What can I do?到处here and there我从来都没有乐趣I never have any fun带狗去散步takeonesdogforawalk违反规章制度break the rulesUnit5词组:让我们先Lets see the pandas first为什么你想看他们W

36、hy do you want to see them?他们很可爱theyre very cute稍微、有点儿kind of= a little= a bit= a little bit南非South Africa一点a bit of 不可数名词真的吓人really scary瓶子里有一点牛奶Theres a bit of milk in the bottle他们相当酷Theyre really cool!一点也不not a bit他是我的新宠物Hes my new pet我一点也不累Im not a bit tired她整天睡觉She sleeps all day非常not a littlev

37、ery much她的名字叫懒惰Her name is lazy我非常累Im not a little tired它黑白相间吗?Is it black and white?他能用两条腿走路He can walk on two legs你对了You re right你为什么不做?Why not do sth. =Why dont you do sth. 砍倒cut down你为什么不喜欢猫?Why dont you like the cat?我们必须节约树木We must save the trees那对她来说是个好名字Thats a good name for her来自于be from/com

38、e from竹子是她的主要食物Bamboo is her main food整天all day许多(可数或不可数)a plenty of迷路get lost她需要喝大量的水She needs to drink plenty of water在白天during the day对某人友好be friendly to sb.既友善又聪明friendly and clever她对游客们友好She is friendly to the visitors吃草eat grass我们想去拯救大象We want to save the elephants他是不是很可爱Isnt he cute?大象是泰国的象征之

39、一The elephant is one of Thailands symbols其他的动物other animals我们的第一面国旗上有一头白色大象Our first flag had a white elephant on it其他的三个动物three other animals这是一种好运的象征This is a symbol of good luck许多其他的动物many other animals大象是聪明的动物Elephants are smart animals吃叶子eat leaves人们说,“大象永远不会忘记”People say that “an elephant neve

40、r forgets一种a kind of很长时间for a long time 两种two kinds of大象能走很长时间Elephants can walk for a long time很多种many kinds of大象永不迷路Elephants never get lost不同种类different kinds of有食物和水的地方places with food and water各种各样的all kinds of他们也能记住有食品和水的地方They can also remember places with food and water.在那边over there这一点帮助他们生

41、存This helps them to live离考拉不太远not far from the koalas处于(极大的)危险中be in(great) danger人们杀大象为了得到象牙People kill elephants for their ivory由象牙制成的东西things made of ivory我们一定不能买象牙制成的东西We mustnt buy things made of ivory.记得3月13号是泰国大象日Remember that March 13th is Thai Elephant DayUnit 6 Im watching TV词组:使用电脑use the

42、 computer通过电话与交谈talk on the phone to sb.听一张CDlisten to a CD洗餐具wash the dishes去看电影go to the movies= go to a movie做汤make soup 洗衣服wash the clothes=do some washing包粽子make zongzi你想和我一起吃饭吗?Do you want to join me for dinner?寄宿家庭host family我们可以出去吃We can eat out一位来自深圳的学生a student from Shenzhen我们先在我家里见面Lets meet at my home first端午节the Dragon Boat Festival6点半来Come at half past six它是节前的晚上Its the night before the festival一会见See you then想念他的家人miss his family对来说它就像任何一个晚上一样its like any other night for sb.他妈妈的美味粽子his moms delicious


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