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1、新目标九年级英语第六单元重点词组1.dance to the music跟着音乐跳舞 I like the music that I can danceto. 2.prefer=like better更喜欢; prefer sth更喜欢; I prefer summer to winter.和冬季相比我更喜欢夏季. I prefer music that has great lyrics.我更喜欢有抒情词句的音乐.prefer doing to doing与相比更喜欢 ; I prefer swimming to skating. 与滑冰相比我更喜欢游泳. prefer to do rathe

2、r than (to) do宁可/宁愿而不 I prefer to die rather (to) steal.我宁死也不愿偷窃. I prefer to stay home rather than go out to play.我宁可呆在家里也不愿出去玩。 prefer doing/to do sth更喜欢做某事 I prefer singing/to sing.我喜欢唱歌。3.quiet and gentle music轻柔的音乐 4.remind“提醒;使记起,使想起”: remind + of sth/sb; remind + that从句 ; remind sb.of sth. Th

3、e pictures remind me of my school days. 这些照片使我想起了我的学生时代. remind sb.that+宾语从句 I remind him that he must go home before dark.我提醒他天黑前必须回家. remind sb.to do sth. Can you remind me to wake me up at 6 oclock? 5.动名词作宾语句型:enjoy doing喜欢做;finish doing做完;give up doing放弃做;practice doing练习做;mind doing介意做;miss doi

4、ng错过做;feel like doing想要做 6.along with和一道,连同 一起 I love music that I can sing along with.我喜欢能够一起唱歌的音乐. 2、on display展览;陈列3、remind of 提醒4、to be honest 老实说;说实在的5、be bad for 对有害6、stay away from 与保持距离7、be in agreement 意见一致的8、barbecued meat 烧烤肉9、tag question 反意疑问句10、music that I can dance to 随着音乐翩翩起舞 dance

5、to the music11、have great lyrics 极大抒情12、music that I can sing along with 跟唱 sing along with 跟唱13、play different /all/some/many kinds of music弹奏不同/各种/一些/种类的音乐14、write ones own songs /lyrics 写自己的歌/自写作词15、loud and energetic 大声并且有活力16、be full of energy 充满活力 be full of = be filled with 充满17、play quiet an

6、d gentle songs 弹奏轻柔典雅的歌曲18、like sth/ dislike sth 喜欢/不喜欢sth prefer A to B 比起B来更喜欢Aprefer to do A (rather than do B) =would rather do A than do B比起B来宁愿作A19、take sth/ sb to+地 带某人/某物去某地20、remind sb of sth 使sb想起sth21、Brazilian dance music 巴西舞曲22、Heart String 心弦 learn sth by heart 用心学sth23、latest movie /b

7、ook 最近的电影/书24、over the years 多年来25、look for entertainments 寻找乐趣26、have a few good features有一些优点27、be sure to do 确定做sth 28、one of 之一29、best known =the most famous 最杰出的30、in the world today 在当今世界上31、the best loved sth/sb 最忠爱的人/sth32、photos of people and the countryside 人物与乡村风景照33、interest sb 使sb感兴趣be

8、interested in= take interest in 对感兴趣34、a world class sb/musician 世界级人物/音乐家35、miss this exhibition错过展览36、musical group 乐队37、pretty strange 十分奇怪a pretty girl一个漂亮的女孩38、come and go 潮起潮落39、have lots of energetic 充满活力40、in the morning在早上on Monday morning 在星期一早上41、have a great time 玩得愉快42、a good place to v

9、isit一个参观的好地方43、lucky to be here很幸运能在这儿44、six-month English course 六个月的英语课程45、so much to see and do 许多可以看和可以做的事46、a Chinese music concert 一个中式音乐会47、most of中大多数48、traditional music 传统的音乐49、suit sb fine 非常适合sb50、go for +目的地 去某地51、lots of 许多52、different kinds of 不同种类53、what to try 尝试什么54、film festival 电

10、影节55、go on a vacation 去度假56、feel sick 感到恶心57、a movie poster 一张电影海报58、taste good/delicious/bad/sweet尝起来美味/难吃/甜59、keep healthy= stay healthy保持健康60、a group of young people 一群年青人61、get together聚在一起62、discuss this question 讨论问题63、be good for 对有好处63、be good at=do well in 擅长于64、prefer(not)to do sth 更(不)喜欢做

11、sth65、fast food 快餐66、take care of 照顾67、sweet desserts甜品68、actually=in fact 实际上69、in laboratory testing 实验室测验70、some types of oil 些种类的油71、in oil 用油 in ink 用墨水72、increase the risk of cancer 增大致癌机率73、the risk of doing sth 做某事的危害74、even if 即使75、eat nuts 吃坚果76、eat a balanced diet 饮食均衡77、have a good balan

12、ce 新目标九年级英语第六单元试题IV. 单项选择 1. - _ honest child he is! -Yes. Everything he says is true. A. What a B. What an C. How an D. How2. Many people _experienced the traffic accident were afraid to travel by bus. A. who B. which C. / D. those3. Music _has great lyrics is popular with young kids.A. that B. it

13、C. what D. /4.-I like movies that have scary monsters. _? -I prefer movies that are sad.A. What are you like B. What about you C. Why not D. Dont you5. Although the movie lasted long, _ none of the audience left the cinema before it ended. A. but B. so C. yet or不填 D. and6. - I dont like food _ has t

14、oo much sugar or salt in it. -Me neither.A. that B. who C. what D. /7. The old photograph _ me of my college life twenty years ago. A. makes B. thinks C. reminds D. minds 8.The music he is playing is so loud that I really cant _it. A. stand B. understand C. listen to D. hear9. -Bob, _to stay away fr

15、om too much food that is fried. -Thanks. I will.A. be sure B. is sure C. makes sure D. make sure10. _ you do, you must do it well and carefully!A. However B. Whenever C. Wherever D. Whatever11. -You _ the car exhibition, didnt you? -Yes. I was away on business while the exhibition was going on. A. t

16、ook part in B. represented C. missed D. joined12 Few people knew what happened to Tom until his body was found one month later,_?A. didnt they B. did they C. did he D. didnt he 13.-Which do you like better, classical music or pop music? -I _ classical music _ pop music.A. prefer, than B. prefer, to

17、C. like, than D. like, better14. -Do you enjoy reading books written by Kathy? -No, not at all! They never _ me.A. are interested in B. interests C. interesting D. interest15. -Is this present _ you bought for your girlfriend in UK? - Yes. It is. A. that B. / C. the one D. which 16.Some people say I

18、ndian films are boring, but _think them great and interesting. A. other B. the others C. the other D. others17 -Smoking is not good _ your health. -Yes. It can increase your chances of causing cancer and other diseases. A. to B. for C. at D. in18. -Meat isnt really dangerous, is it? -_. I never eat

19、meat, even if it is well cooked. A. No, it isnt B. No, it is C. Yes, it is D. Yes, it isnt19. The burnt barbecued meat tastes really _. Id like some more. A.well B. nicely C. terrible D. good20. The doctor suggested _smoking. The sooner, the better. A. giving up B. to give up C. she gave up D. she g

20、ives up语法填空(共5小题,每题1分,满分为5分)Chengdu, the capital city of Sichuan Province, is 51_ for hot girls, hot dishes, crazy soccer fans and rock and roll bands, which are enough to attract(吸引) bachelors(unmarried man or woman).Moreover, different from other big 52_(city), Chengdu has its unique lifestyle, re

21、laxed and leisurely. A typical Chengdu 53_(man) life is described like the following, if he has got ten yuan at hand, he will find a seat in a public teahouse and spend three yuan for a cup of tea. Then he spends another two yuan having his ears cleaned, and another one yuan54_(clean) the shoes. He

22、would spend rest of the 55_ on newspapers to kill the time.So for a single man who wants to escape from the busy life, Chengdu is a nice choice.VII单词拼写(每空限填一词)(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分)56. Nothing is impossible if you put your h_ into it.57. He is an h_ boy. What he says is always true.58. The Y_ River is t

23、he second longest river in China.59. The shirt is a little bit too large. It doesnt s_ me well.60. The boat hit the big ship and got broken. Soon after that it began to s_. 61. He took a _ (冒险) of breaking traffic rules when the light was red.62. Everyone was _(震惊) by the news of his death.63. His f

24、ather used to be a _ (渔民).64. Mr. Smith has just come back and brought us the _ (最新的) news.65. The number of the people who catch cancer is _(增长) in the area where the river is polluted.单元介词或副词填空66. Chicken that is fried _ oil tastes nice, but it is bad _ our health.67. Many new types of cars will b

25、e _ display in the exhibition.68. _the years, hes written lots of songs that make him popular across the country.69. His words remind me _ what happened in the vocation.70. Many people are _ agreement with what Jim says.71. -Can you sing this song along _ the music? -Sure. And also I can dance _ the music.完成下列句子。72. 上海是主办2010年世博会的城市。Shanghai is the city _ _ _ the World Expo in 2010. 73. 我是唯一开会迟到的人。I was the only person _ _ _ for the meeting. 74. 他说学生喜欢他们自己设计的校服。He says the students would like to wear the uniforms that _ _ by themselves.75. 我没有想到会在这里见到你。I never _ _ meet you here.


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