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1、附錄A. 申请者自我宣告之检验项目检验项目测试参考GSM 11.10-1ETS 300 607-1测试结果符合与否(Yes/No)备注Transmitter发射机Intermodulation attenuation互调衰减13.5Receiver接收机Bad frame indication劣讯框指示14.1Reference sensitivity参考灵敏度14.2Usable receiver input level range可用接收机输入位准范围14.3Co-channel rejection同频道排斥14.4Adjacent channel rejection邻频道排斥14.5In

2、termodulation rejection互调排斥14.6Blocking and spurious response阻塞及混附波响应14.7AM suppressionAM抑制14.8Paging performance at high input levels高输入位准呼叫效能14.9Other tests of the layer 1第1层之其它测试Timing advance and absolute delay时间超前及绝对延迟15Reception time tracking speed接收时间追踪速率16Access times during handover交递间之撷取时间

3、17Temporary reception gaps瞬时接收间隙18Channel release after unrecoverable errors无法恢复失误后之频道释出19Cell selection and reselection细胞选取及重选20Received signal measurements接收信号量测21Transmit power control timing and confirmation发射功率控制定时及确认22Single frequency reference单频参考23Tests of the layer 2第2层测试Initialization初始化No

4、rmal Initialization标称初始化25. of UA frameUA讯框损失25. frame with different information field不同讯息领域之UA讯框25. frame and supervisory frames in response to an SABM frame响应SABM讯框之信息讯框及监视讯框25. denial初始化之拒绝25. initialization failure全部初始

5、化之失败25. initialization without contention resolution标称初始化不含争议部份25.2.1.2Initialization failure初始化失败25. information transfer标称讯息移转Sequence counting and 1 frame acknowledges连续计次及讯框1之接受25.2.2.1Receipt of an 1 frame in the timer recovery state在定时器恢复状态下讯框1的接收25.2.2.2Segmentation

6、and concatenation区隔与连结25.2.2.3Normal layer 2 disconnection标称第2层断讯25.2.3Test of link failure联机失败测试1 frame loss (MS to SS)讯框1的遗失(MS至SS) response frame loss (MS to SS)RR响应讯框的遗失(MS至SS) of frame transmission with incorrect C/R values不正确C/R值讯框传输测试1 frame with C bit set to zero讯框1含C位设

7、定为零25.2.5.1SABM frame with C bit set to zeroSABM讯框含C位设定为零25.2.5.2Test of errors in the control field在控制范围内之失误测试N(S) sequence errorN(S)连续失误25.2.6.1N(R)sequence errorN(R)连续失误25.2.6.2Improper F bit不适当F位25.2.6.3Test on receipt of Invalid frames失效讯框接收之测试25.2.7Tests of the layer 3第3层测试Initial Tests初始测试Cha

8、nnel request / initial time频道请求/初始时间26.2.1.1Channel request / repetition time频道请求/重复时间26. request / random reference频道请求/随机参考26.2.1.3IMSI detach and IMSI attachIMSI不附加及附加26.2.2Sequenced MM / CM message transfer连续MM/CM讯息移转26.2.3Establishment cause建立原因26.2.4Test of MS functions in idle m

9、odeMS功能在空闲模式之测试MS indication of available PLMNs有效之PLMNs之MS指示26.3.2MS will send only if BSS is “on air”MS将发送仅于BSS是正播送中26.3.3Manual mode of PLMN selectionPLMN选取之手动模式26.3.4Handling of unknown, unforeseen, and erroneous protocol data, and of parallel transactions未知、未见、失误信令数据及平行交易之处理TI and skip indicator

10、 / RR / Idle ModeTI及跳过省略指示/RR/空闲模式26. and skip indicator / RR / RR-Connection establishedTI及跳过省略指示/RR/RR-连结建立26. and skip indicator / MMTI及跳过省略指示/MM26.5.2.2TI and skip indicator / CCTI及跳过省略指示/CC26.5.2.3Undefined or unexpected message type / undefined message type / CC未定义或不期望讯息型式/未定

11、义讯息型式/CC26.5.3.1Undefined or unexpected message type / undefined message type / MM未定义或不期望讯息型式/未定义讯息型式/MM26.5.3.2Undefined or unexpected message type / undefined message type / RR未定义或不期望讯息型式/未定义讯息型式/RR26.5.3.3Undefined or unexpected message type / unexpected message type / CC未定义或不期望讯息型式/不期望讯息型式/CC26.

12、5.3.4Unforeseen information elements in the non-imperative message part / duplicated information未见讯息组件在不适当之信息部份/复制讯息26.5.4.1Non-semantical mandatory IE errors / RR / missing mandatory IE error / special case非语意必备IE失误/RR/失踪必备IE失误/一般状况26. mandatory IE errors / RR / missing manda

13、tory IE error / general case 非语意必备IE失误/RR/失踪必备IE失误/一般状况26. mandatory IE errors / RR / comprehension required 非语意必备IE失误/RR/失踪必备IE失误/综合性需求26. mandatory IE errors / MM / syntactically incorrect mandatory IE非语意必备IE失误/MM/综合非正确必备IE26. mandat

14、ory IE errors / MM / comprehension required 非语意必备IE失误/MM/综合性需求26. mandatory IE errors / CC / missing mandatory IE / disconnect message非语意必备IE失误/CC/失踪必备IE/断讯讯息26. mandatory IE errors / CC / missing mandatory IE / general case非语意必备IE失误/CC/失踪必备IE/一般状况26.5.5.3

15、.1.2Non-semantical mandatory IE errors / CC / comprehension required非语意必备IE失误/CC/综合性需求26. IE, comprehension not required/ MM / IE unknown in the message 未知IE,综合性不需求/M/讯息中IE未知26. information elements in the non-imperative message part / CC / Call establishment在非适当讯息中未知IE信息

16、组件/通话建立26. information elements in the non-imperative message part / CC / release在非适当讯息中未知IE信息组件/释出26. information elements in the non-imperative message part / CC / release complete在非适当讯息中未知IE信息组件/完全释出26. bits / RR / paging channel备份位/RR/呼叫频道26. b

17、its / RR / BCCH备份位/RR/BCCH26. bits / RR / AGCH备份位/RR/AGCH26. bits / RR / Connected Mode备份位/RR/连接模式26. bits / MM备份位/MM26.5.7.2Spare bits / CC备份位/CC26.5.7.3Test of the elementary procedures for radio resource management无线资源管理基本程序测试Immediate assignment / SDCCH or TCH

18、 assignment立即指配/SDCCH或TCH指配26.6.1.1Immediate assignment / extended assignment立即指配/延伸指配26.6.1.2Immediate assignment / assignment rejection立即指配/指配拒绝26.6.1.3Immediate assignment / Ignore assignment立即指配/忽略指配26.6.1.4Immediate assignment after immediate assignment reject立即指配拒绝后之立即指配26.6.1.5Paging / normal

19、 / type 1呼叫/标称/型式126. / normal / type 2呼叫/标称/型式226. / normal / type 3呼叫/标称/型式326. / extended呼叫/延伸 / reorganization / procedure 1呼叫/确认/步骤126. / reorganization / procedure 2呼叫/确认/步骤226. / multislot CCCH呼叫/多时槽CCCH26.6.2.5Me

20、asurement / no neighbours量测/无相邻细胞26.6.3.1Measurement / all neighbours present 量测/所有相邻细胞出现26.6.3.2Measurement / barred cells and non-permitted NCCs量测/禁发细胞及非许可NCCs26.6.3.3Measurement / DTX量测/DTX26.6.3.4Measurement / Frequency Formats量测/频率格式26.6.3.5Measurement / multiband environment量测/多频环境26.6.3.6Dedi

21、cated assignment / successful case专用指配/成功状态26.6.4.1Dedicated assignment / failure / failure during active state专用指配/失败/执行状态中失败26. assignment / failure / general case专用指配/失败/一般状况26. / successful / active call / non-synchronized交递/成功/通话中/异步26.6.5.1Handover / successful /

22、 call under establishment / non-synchronized交递/成功/建立通话中/异步26.6.5.2Handover/ successful / active call / finely synchronized交递/成功/通话中/完全同步26.6.5.3Handover / successful / call under establishment / finely synchronized交递/成功/建立通话中/完全同步26.6.5.4Handover / successful / active call / pre-synchronized / Timin

23、g Advance IE not included交递/成功/通话中/预同步/时间超前不含IE26. / successful / call being established / pre-synchronized / timing advance IE is included / reporting of observed time difference requested.交递/成功/通话中/预同步/时间超前含IE/需要时间差异观察之报告26. / successful / active call / pseudo synchro

24、nized交递/成功/通话中/伪同步26.6.5.6Handover / successful / active call / non-synchronized / reporting of observed time difference requested交递/成功/通话中/异步/时间超前含IE/需要时间差异观察之报告26.6.5.7Handover / layer 3 failure交递/第3层失败26.6.5.8Handover / layer 1 failure交递/第1层失败26.6.5.9Frequency redefinition频率重新定义26.6.6.1Test of th

25、e channel mode modify procedure / full rate频道模式修正步骤之测试/全速率26.6.7.1Test of the channel mode modify procedure / half rate频道模式修正步骤之测试/半速率26.6.7.2Ciphering mode / start ciphering保密模式/开始保密26.6.8.1Ciphering mode / no ciphering保密模式/禁止保密26.6.8.2Ciphering mode / old cipher key保密模式/旧保密键26.6.8.3Ciphering mode

26、/ change of mode, algorithm and key保密模式/模式变更,计算法则及键26.6.8.4Ciphering mode / IMEISV request保密模式/IMEISV需求26.6.8.5Classmark changeClassmark变更26.6.11.1Classmark interrogationClassmark疑问26.6.11.2Channel release / SDCCH频道释出/ / SDCCH26.6.12.1Channel release / SDCCH - no L2 ACK频道释出/ SDCCH - no L2 ACK26.6.12

27、.2Channel release / TCH-F频道释出/ / TCH-F26.6.12.3Channel release / TCH-F - no L2 ACK频道释出/ TCH-F - no L2 ACK26.6.12.4Dedicated assignment with starting time / successful case / time not elapsed 专用频道指配含起始时间/成功状况/时间暂停26.6.13.1Dedicated assignment with starting time / successful case / time elapsed专用频道指配含

28、起始时间/成功状况/时间进行26.6.13.2Dedicated assignment with starting time and frequency redefinition / failure case / time not elapsed专用频道指配含起始时间及频率重新定义/失败状况/时间暂停26.6.13.3Dedicated assignment with starting time and frequency redefinition / failure case / time elapsed 专用频道指配含起始时间及频率重新定义/失败状况/时间进行26.6.13.4Handov

29、er with starting time / successful case / time not elapsed交递含起始时间/成功状况/时间暂停26.6.13.5Handover with starting time / successful case / time elapsed交递含起始时间/成功状况/时间进行26.6.13.6Handover with starting time and frequency redefinition / failure case / time not elapsed 交递含起始时间及频率重定义/失败状况/时间暂停26.6.13.7Handover

30、with starting time and frequency redefinition / failure case / time elapsed交递含起始时间及频率重新定义/失败状况/时间进行26.6.13.8Immediate assignment with starting time / successful case / time not elapsed 立即指配含起始时间/成功状况/时间暂停26.6.13.9Immediate assignment with starting time / successful case / time elapsed 立即指配含起始时间/成功状况

31、/时间进行26.6.13.10Elementary procedures of mobility management行动管理的基本程序TMSI reallocationTMSI重新指配26.7.1Authentication accepted 辨识接受26.7.2.1Authentication rejected 辨识拒绝26.7.2.2General Ientification一般确认26.7.3.1Location updating / accepted位置更新/接受26.7.4.1Location updating / rejected / IMSI invalid位置更新/拒绝/IM

32、SI无效26. updating / rejected / PLMN not allowed 位置更新/拒绝/PLMN不被许可26. updating / rejected / location area not allowed 位置更新/拒绝/漫游区域不被许可26. updating / rejected / roaming not allowed in this location area位置更新/拒绝/漫游在该位置区域不被许可26. updating / abnorma

33、l cases / random access fails位置更新/不正常状况/随机撷取失败26. updating / abnormal cases / attempt counter less or equal to 4, LAI different 位置更新/不正常状况/企图上网计数4,不同LAI26. updating / abnormal cases / attempt counter equal to 4位置更新/不正常状况/企图上网计数=426. updating / abnormal ca

34、ses / attempt counter lesequal to 4, stored LAI equal to broadcast LAI位置更新/不正常状况/企图上网计数4,储存LAI等于广播LAI26. updating / release / expiry of T3240位置更新/释出频道/T3240过期26.7.4.4Location updating / periodic spread位置更新/周期式展开26. updating / periodic normal / test 1位置更新/周期式正常/测试126.7.4

35、.5.2Location updating / periodic normal / test 2位置更新/周期式正常/测试226. updating / periodic HPLMN search / MS waits time T位置更新/周期式搜寻HPLMN/MS等待时间T26. updating / periodic HPLMN search / MS in manual mode位置更新/周期式搜寻HPLMN/MS手动模式26. updating / periodic HPLMN sear

36、ch / MS waits at least two minutes and at most T minutes位置更新/周期式搜寻HPLMN/MS等待至少2分钟并占T分钟大部份26. updating / interworking of attach and periodic位置更新/附加及周期式互动工作26.7.4.6MM connection / establishment with cipherMM联机/以保密方式建立26.7.5.2MM connection / establishment without cipherMM联机/非以保密方式建立26.

37、7.5.3MM connection / establishment rejected MM联机/建立被拒绝26.7.5.4MM connection / establishment rejected cause 4MM联机/建立被拒绝原因426.7.5.5MM connection / expiry T3230MM联机/T3230过期26.7.5.6MM connection / abortion by the network / cause #6MM联机/被网络抛弃/原因#626. connection / abortion by the network / cause

38、not equal to #6MM联机/被网络抛弃/原因不等于#626. connection / follow-on request pending / test 1MM联机/后继请求等候/测试126. connection / follow-on request pending / test 2MM联机/后继请求等候/测试226. connection / follow-on request pending / test 3MM联机/后继请求等候/测试326. related to circuit switche

39、d call control与电路交换通话控制之有关测试Outgoing call / U0 null state / MM connection requested 去话/U0空态/MM联机请求26. call / U0.1 MM connection pending去话/U0.1MM联机等待26. call / U0.1 MM connection pending / CM service accepted去话/U0.1MM联机等待/CM服务接受26. call / U0.1 MM con

40、nection pending / lower layer failure去话/U0.1MM联机等待/较低层讯号失败26. call / U1 call initiated / receiving CALL PROCEEDING去话/U1发话/接收CALL PROCEEDING26. call / U1 call initiated / rejecting with RELEASE COMPLETE去话/U1发话/拒绝含RELEASE COMPLETE26. call / U1 call in

41、itiated / T303 expiry去话/U1发话/T303过期26. call / U1 call initiated / lower layer failure去话/U1发话/较低层讯号失败26. call / U1 call initiated / receiving ALERTING去话/U1发话/接收ALERTING26. call / U1 call initiated / entering state U10去话/U1发话/输入状态U1026.

42、ng call / U1 call initiated / unknown message received 去话/U1发话/未知讯息接收26. call / U3 MS originating call proceeding / ALERTING received去话/ U3 MS发话进行/ALERTING接收26. call / U3 MS originating call proceeding / CONNECT received去话/ U3 MS发话进行/ CONNECT接收26. c

43、all / U3 MS originating call proceeding / PROGRESS received without in band information去话/ U3 MS发话进行/ PROGRESS接收,但无频带内信息26. call / U3 MS originating call proceeding / PROGRESS with in band information去话/ U3 MS发话进行/ PROGRESS接收,但具频带内信息26. call / U3 MS originating call proceeding / DISCONNECT with in band tones去话/ U3 MS发话进行/ DISCONNECT接收,但具频带内音频26. call / U3 MS originating call proceeding / DISCONNECT without in band tones去话/ U3 MS发话进行/ DISCONNECT接收,但无频带内音频26.


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