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1、人教版新目标英语七年级上册Unit 9 Do you want to go to a movie?教案Unit 9 Do you want to go to a movie?第1课时Section A 1a2c 听说课【教师寄语】Interesting is the best teacher.【学习目标】:知识目标:词汇:action, comedy, documentary, thriller, kind短语: go to a movie, want to go, action movies, Beijing Opera句型:1. Do you want to go to a movie?

2、Yes, I do. / No, I dont.2. What kind of movies do you like? I like action movies and comedies.能力目标 1. 熟练读出,书写并利用本课时单词 2学会谈论自己的爱好并询问他人爱好。情感目标:通过小组学习询问爱好,加深同学之间的沟通。【学习重难点】:want to do like +名词复数 【学习过程】:一、自主学习学习任务一:认读并书写本课单词.1.个人自读,记忆单词2.小组互相检查读、写情况3 .写出下列单词并展示 电影_动作片_喜剧_ 记录片_ 恐怖电影或小说_种类_ 去看电影_ 4.在小组内核对

3、答案.5. 完成1a 将电影类型与海报匹配.学习任务二: 学会谈论自己的爱好并询问他人爱好 .1.听录音完成1a 圈出你听到的电影类型. 2. 让学生理解并复述听力对话. 并和你的同学编新对话. 3. 听录音完成2a和2b . 4. 根据2b 表格询问Ben 和Sally喜欢的电影类型。如:A: What kind of movies does Ben like ?B: He likes comedies and documentaries.A: Does he like thrillers ? B: No, he doesnt.A: Does he like action movies ?B

4、: Sorry, I dont know. 二、合作共建小组讨论 单词like 的用法并造句。 _ 三、拓展创新 就你和你朋友喜欢的电影类型进行自由问答。Make a big conversation. 四、系统总结 总结一下你所学的电影类型。 _四、【诊断评价】 (一) 情景交际1. What kind of movies do you like?2. Lets go to a movie.3. Does Bill want to see action movie?4. Who likes comedies?1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _A. No, he doesnt. B. I

5、like action movies.C. Bill does. D. That sounds great.(二)单项选择( )1. _you want to go to a movie? A. Do B. Does C. are D. Is ( )2. _the man like comedy? A. Do B. Is C. Does D. Are( )3. I want _see an action movie. A. at B. in C. to D. for ( )4. What kind of movies _Mike like ? A. do B. dont C. does D.

6、is( )5. Does the boy have a great sports collection ? _ A. Yes , he does B. No , he dont C. Yes , he is D. No, he isnt (三) 翻译下列句子. 1. 你想去看电影吗?_2. 我想去看记录片。_3.Jane 想去看电影吗? _4.你喜欢什么类型的电影? 我喜欢动作片和喜剧片。_五、【典型例题解析】1. Do you want to go to a movie? Want 的用法:(1)want+名词 (想要某物)(2)want to do (想做某事)(3)want sb to

7、do (想让某人做某事) 如:What do you _ do? A. want B. want to C. like D. to like 因空后是动词,所以用want to 故答案选B2. I like thrillers and action movies, but I dont like documentaries. And与but 同属连词,and 表并列,but 表转折 如:I like carrots _ cucumbers, _ I dont like onions, they are too smelly. 第一空表并列,故选and 第二空表转折,故选but 六、【中考链接】

8、 1.Do you want _ to a movie? Yes, I _.A.to go, want B. going , do C. to go, do D. go ,do 2. Do you know the movie Mr Bean? Its _fun. A. well B. really C. only七、【课后反思】通过本节课的学习我最大的收获_感到自己有待加强的是_第3课时 Unit 9 Section B 12d 【教师寄语】:Never do things by halves【学习目标】:知识目标:1.掌握单词:find, funny, think, learn, hist

9、ory, favorite, successful, weekend, really like, learn about, Chinese history,what kind of movies do you like? I like thrillers.能力目标:学习如何描述喜欢电影类型的理由情感目标:体会学习英语的乐趣,并在英语交流中注意他人的情感。【教学重难点】:1. 英语中的否定转移 2. 简要描述喜欢电影类型的理由【学习过程】:一、自主学习学习任务一: 熟练掌握本课的11个单词.1.个人自读,记忆本课单词2.小组互相检查单词读写情况3.根据汉语写出下列英语单词或短语并展示可怕的,吓人

10、的_ 有趣的;好玩的_ 悲哀的;悲伤的_令人激动的;振奋人心的_ 事实上;真正的_ 时常;常常_ 认为;想;思考_ 学习;学会_ 关于;涉及;在.方面_ 历史_ 与.在一起;和_ 4.小组合作完成1,并核对答案.学习任务二:练习听力1.听录音完成2a.2.再听一遍,完成2b内容.学习任务三:学习2c1.个人自读短文,并翻译.2.小组合作,翻译短文.3.尝试背诵短文.二、合作共建 (小组合作翻译)1. 他认为他能学关于中国历史的知识.He _he can learn about _ _.2.玛丽经常和她的妈妈去看京剧.Mary often _ _ _ _with her mother.三、拓展创

11、新根据示例练习对话-What kind of movies do you like?-I like thrillers.-Why?-Because I think they are scary.Make more dialogues. 四、精讲点拨我认为纪录片没有趣。I dont think documentaries are interesting.此句为否定转移,变化否定在前,翻译否定在后。小组讨论,举出更多例子。 五、系统总结(教师寄语:No man can do two things at once.) 待添加的隐藏文字内容1小组讨论总结如何描述喜欢电影类型的理由._ 六、诊断评价(教

12、师寄语:Never do things by halves) (一)根据句意及首字母填空.1. Lily r_(真正地)likes action movies.2. She goes to see _(China) thrillers.3. C_are very funny.4. Jim thinks the thrillers are s_.5. The story is very b_.I dont like it.6.Tom likes t_but he doesnt like romances.(浪漫剧)(二)翻译短语中国功夫_ 京剧_ 一个悲哀的故事_一个让人兴奋的动作片_一个有趣的

13、喜剧_ 一场可怕的电影 _ 一个让人厌烦的记录片_ (三)选择( )1. He _Beijing is very interesting. A. think B. thinks C. like ( )2. Mark _a lot about Chinese history. A. learn B. learns C. think D. thinks ( )3. _pictures does ben like? He likes the pictures of Beijing Opear. A. What kind B. What kind of C. what kinds D. What ki

14、nds of( )4. _action movies are very interesting.A. China B. Chinese C. The China D. The Chinese( )5. Tom goes to the store _ hie mother. A.for B. with C.about D. in典型例题解析1. She _think it_ interesting.她认为没有趣 此句为否定转移,否定在前,故答案为:doesnt is2. She thinks she can _ Chinese history. A. learn of B. learn from C. learn about D. learn此句考察学习专项知识,故选C中考链接1 My brother wants _ a movie actor. A. is B. be C. to be D. to is 2. I often go to movies _ my friends. A. and B. but C. with D. for 答案:1.C 2.C【课后反思】(教师寄语:Never do things by halves)通过本节课的学习我最大的收获_感到自己有待加强的是_


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