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1、 学号 20070401050101 密级 _ 兰州城市学院本科毕业论文 阅读焦虑对高中生英语阅读成绩的影响学 院 名 称:外国语学院专 业 名 称:英 语学 生 姓 名:白 婷指 导 教 师:崇兴甲 二一一年五月BACHELORS DEGREE THESIS OF LANZHOU CITY UNIVERSITYEffect of Reading Anxiety on High School Students English Reading ScoresCollege : School of Foreign LanguagesSubject : EnglishName : Bai TingDi

2、rected by : Chong XingjiaMay 2011郑 重 声 明本人呈交的学位论文,是在导师的指导下,独立进行研究工作所取得的成果,所有数据、图片资料真实可靠。尽我所知,除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本学位论文的研究成果不包含他人享有著作权的内容。对本论文所涉及的研究工作做出贡献的其他个人和集体,均已在文中以明确的方式标明。本学位论文的知识产权归属于培养单位。本人签名:_ 日期:_ContentsAbstract - i摘要-1. Introduction-11.1 Background of the Study - 11.2 Objective of the Study - 1

3、1.3 Significance of the Study-21.4 Overview of the Paper-22. Literature Review-32.1 Definition of Foreign Language Anxiety -32.2 Definition of Reading Anxiety-42.3 Previous Studies on Foreign Language Reading Anxiety-43. Research Design-53.1 Research Questions-53.2 Variables-53.3 Subjects-53.4 Metho

4、d and Instruments-63. 4. 1 Questionnaire-63. 4. 2 The Final Exam Paper-63. 5 Procedures-64. Results and Discussion-74.1 English Reading Anxiety of the Subjects-74.1.1 General State of Reading Anxiety-74.1.2 Classification of Reading Anxiety Groups-104.2 Performance on English Reading Test-114.3 Corr

5、elation Between Reading Anxiety and Performance-124.3.1 General Reading Anxiety and General Performance-124.3.2 Differences in Reading Anxiety of Different Performance Groups-135. Conclusion and Implications-145.1 Conclusion-145.2 Limitations-145.3 Implications-15References - iiAcknowledgement-Appen

6、dix-v AbstractWe always acquire knowledge by reading, so reading plays a vital role in our daily life of language learning. A number of learner variables are generally said to influence the success or failure of language learning. Among these, foreign language reading anxiety has often been cited as

7、 one of the most important affective variables. The paper investigated the effect of reading anxiety on English reading performance. Based on random sampling, 127 subjects were selected in the first senior middle school in Lin Ze. Employing SPSS 17.0 to classify and analyze the results of Foreign La

8、nguage Reading Anxiety Scale (FLRAS) and Reading Test Paper (the final exams of Jan. 2011). Based on the analysis of English reading anxiety and performance,the following correlation study of the two factors testifies that certain relations do exist among the two factors,i.e. there is a negative rel

9、ation between reading anxiety and high school students reading scores. Furthermore, the effect of performance caused by high-anxiety and low-anxiety are significant. Moreover, reading anxiety has a different degree of negative influence on high scores group and low scores group. The results of this

10、study can stimulate English teachers to senior school students to the state of students English reading anxiety so that the negative influence of reading anxiety on performance can be reduced by appropriate teaching methods and the students interest in English reading can also be aroused gradually.K

11、ey words: reading anxiety, senior middle school students, English reading scores 摘要我们通常都是通过阅读获取知识,因此,阅读在我们语言学习过程中显得尤为重要。外语学习中,影响学习者成败的变量很多。外语阅读焦虑就是其中重要的情感变量之一。本文通过调查127名普通高中的高三学生,研究了外语阅读焦虑对英语阅读成绩的影响。借用外语焦虑量表(FLRAS)和阅读测试卷(2011年期末英语试卷)完成数据采集,利用社会科学统计工具 (SPSS)17.0将得到的数据归类整理,得出高三学生存在很高的阅读焦虑感。通过相关性研究,证实了

12、阅读焦虑和阅读成绩之间确实存在相关关系,即阅读焦虑与阅读成绩负相关;并且阅读焦虑的高低对成绩造成的差异都是显著的,而且阅读焦虑对高分组和低分组负影响的程度各不相同。本文的研究结果可促使大学高中英语教师重视学生的阅读焦虑状况,降低阅读焦虑对学生成绩的负面影响,从而提升学生的英语阅读水平和兴趣,最终取得令人满意的阅读效果。关键词:阅读焦虑;高中生;英语阅读成绩1 Introduction1.1 Background of the StudyReading is one of the most important skills for English Foreign Language learner

13、s during the process of English learning. Now that anxiety, a kind of affective factors,will affect Foreign Language learning, so it is not difficult to accept a hypothesis that anxiety would also occur in and influence the process of English reading. Saito et al. (1999) first put forward the concep

14、t of Foreign Language reading anxiety, which was distinguished from the general FL anxiety. Furthermore, they designed the Foreign Language Reading Anxiety Scale (FLRAS).However, not much considerable attention has been paid to FL reading anxiety in FL teaching. And the limited studies on the FL rea

15、ding anxiety just focused on the relationship with reading scores (Chen, 2005: Saito et al., 1999; Sellers, 2000: Shi & Liu, 2006).In recent years, people pay more attention to the effect of emotional factors, no matter in the process of second language acquisition or foreign language teaching. Emot

16、ional anxiety influence directly the second language acquisition and hinder learners ability of language acquisition. The excellent teacher, textbook, teaching methods also can not help learners acquire a second language well if learners have strong effect of negative emotion. In many emotional fact

17、ors, anxiety, regards the most influential factors, is paid attention by scholars both at home and abroad. From the current of high school English teaching situation in China, the teaching process still emphasize language knowledge and language skills except the learning emotion, and ignore an impor

18、tant reason that students performance is confined by English learning barrier caused by foreign language learning anxiety.1.2 Objective of the StudyThis study wants to adopt the language anxiety and English reading, analyze the current high school students to read foreign language anxiety and the re

19、lationship between the English reading scores, attempts to summarize and explore ways to overcome high school students anxiety. On the other hand, the result of this study benefit for high school students English reading scores. Through studying one of emotional factors of foreign language reading a

20、nxiety on high school students, it will improve teaching methods, will practise the concept of the new curriculum reflecting the new curriculum standards, and will meet the high school English teaching materials and lay a good foundation. Reading is very important for our students, new curriculum st

21、andards is the overall goal of high school English curriculum, it further clarify the purpose of English learning and develop autonomous learning and cooperative learning skills. According to the communication needs of high school students and the cognitive level, high school English teaching should

22、 focus on training students the ability of the following areas: interpersonal communication in the appropriate use of English language ability; obtaining and processing information by the usage of English; analyzing problems in English and problem-solving ability and critical thinking ability (the M

23、inistry of Education, 2003). Its ultimate purpose is able to use English as a tool to obtain and apply necessary information. Because of this, the corresponding entrance examinations, or PETS, on the reading comprehension test are a large proportion. Therefore, we know how to read the anxiety of Chi

24、nese learners who regard English as a foreign language study, it not only has theoretical value but also has practical significance for teaching. The ordinary high school students will be conducted a survey study. 1.3 Significance of the StudyIn many researches, the object is almost the college stud

25、ents, and the foreign language anxiety learning researches are few, about the middle school students, especially for senior students in senior middle school. However, they face many pressures from the entrance exam, so they are a special group of English learners. Therefore, it is of special signifi

26、cance to research the reading anxiety of them. So, researching foreign language reading anxiety not only help people to read the anxietys characteristic, structure and causes, but also it is conducive to accurately diagnose students English reading anxiety and the source of anxiety state for foreign

27、 language teachers, and some put the corresponding loss development strategy to enhance the quality of teaching. From the current of high school English teaching situation in China, the teaching process still emphasize language knowledge and language skills except the learning emotion and ignore an

28、important reason that students English performance is confined by English learning barrier, caused by foreign language learning anxiety. From the view of the college entrance examination content, reading competence basically decide cloze, reading comprehension and contextual dialogue which totally p

29、ossess 80 scores among the 150 scores in the college entrance exam. Therefore, it is very important and imminent to study whether senior school students have reading anxiety and the relationship between reading anxiety and English reading performance. 1.4 Overview of the PaperThe thesis is made up o

30、f five parts. The first part introduces the background of the study, the purpose and significance of the study as well as organization of the thesis. Part two is a review of the literature. In this chapter, the author reviews the definitions of some important terms, studies concerning foreign langua

31、ge anxiety and foreign language reading anxiety at home and abroad, and expounds the theoretical foundations of the study. Part three involves research methodology which includes research questions, participants, instruments and procedures of data collection and analysis. Part four is the results an

32、d discussion. In this chapter, the author analyzes the results of quantitative and qualitative research in details. Part five is conclusion. The author summarizes the major findings of the study and advances pedagogical implications for English reading teaching and learning. At the same time, the au

33、thor points out the limitations of the study and puts forward some recommendations for future research.2 Literature Review2.1 Definition of Foreign Language Anxiety Among the affective explanations, recent attention has been paid to the role of anxiety, which is pervasive in language learning and co

34、nsidered to be one of the most important and influential effective variables. FLA is linked directly to performing in the target language, so it is different from the one in general sense. Arnold (1999:8) holds that language anxiety is possibly the effective factor that most pervasively obstructs th

35、e language learning process. From second language acquisition perspective, Maclntyre and Gardner (see Arnold, 1999: 59) see FLA as “the apprehension experienced when a situation requires the use of a second language with which the individual is not fully proficient”, which it has been characterized

36、by “derogatory self-related cognitive feelings of apprehension and psychological responses such as increased heart rate”. Horwitz and Cope (1986: 31) conceptualize FLA as “a distinct complex of self-perceptions, beliefs, feelings and behaviors related to classroom language learning arising from the

37、uniqueness of the Language learning process.” In other words, it refers to the anxiety occurring when a learner is exposed to a foreign language situation. It ranks high among factors influencing second language acquisition, regardless of whether the setting is informal (learning language outside th

38、e classroom)or formal (inside the language classroom).2.2 Definition of Reading AnxietyReading, on the surface, appears to be the component of foreign language performance least prone to anxiety effects. Reading, unlike speaking a foreign language, is primarily done privately with many opportunities for reflection and reconsideration, it is an individual act because the success of reading does not depend on a dynamic construction of meaning by two or more speakers. However, Satio et al. (1999) held that three aspects of foreign language reading would


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