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1、Unit6 What time is it?教材分析:本单元以询问时间为主,学习句型What time is it?及回答Its . oclock.本单元必须掌握:能听懂、会说、会读单词:: wake up, oclock, breakfast, dinner, these, heres, 能听懂、会说、会读句子:What time is it?及回答Its . oclock. 能在情景中正确的使用Wake up! Hurry up! 能了解合理安排时间的重要性。教学目标:1. 能听懂,会说,会读,会写单词:class, bed, Ok, lunch, eleven, bag,听懂会说单词:

2、wake up, oclock, breakfast, dinner, these, heres.能听懂,会说,会读句型what time is it? Itsoclock. Its time for2. 能听懂,会运用日常用语 Hurry up! Wake up. 初步接触What are these?并能理解它的含义。3. 能让学生了解合理安排时间的重要性。教学重、难点:1、能正确地听、说、读、写本课单词。2、能熟练地在情景中运用日常交际用语What time is it?及回答Its . oclock. Its time for教具准备:PPT、单词卡片、光盘课时安排:本单元共安排5课时

3、第1课时(总第 课时)上课时间: 月 日 课型: 课教学内容Story time 教学目标1. 能听懂,会说,会读句型what time is it? Itsoclock. Its time for2. 能听懂,会运用日常用语 Hurry up! Wake up.3. 能让学生了解合理安排时间的重要性。教学重点和难点1.能听懂,会说,会读句型 -What time is it? -Its oclock. Its time for2.能听懂,会说,会读词汇breakfast, dinner.教学准备PPT、实物钟、卡纸教学过程Step 1: Warming up1. Greetings.2. R

4、eview the numbers from one to ten.(1) Free talk. (T-S.S-S)-How old are you?-ImT: How many sweets would you like?S: (2) Lets count in rows(教师指导每排学生按顺序数数)T: Whose number is three? Please stand up. Whose number is five? Please clap your hands (拍手).Step 2: Presentation and practice1. 教授对话-What time is i

5、t? -Itsoclock.(1) 教师在黑板上画一个时钟T: Whats this? Ss: Its a clock.T: What time is it?(教师板书并领读) Ss: Three.T: Its three oclock.(教师板书Itsoclock.并领读oclock.)(2) Work in pairs.(教师指导学生在纸上画一个时钟,并标好整点的时间.同桌互相操练对话)A: What time is it?B: Itsoclock.2.教授句型 Its time for(1)新授单词breakfast, dinner,复习lunchT: Whats for breakfa

6、st/dinner?(教师呈现食品图片让学生选择.)(2)教师呈现不同时间点的时钟及食品图片.Its time for breakfast. (早上7:00)Its time for dinner. (晚上6:00)(3) 学生看图操练.2. Watch a cartoon(1) Fill in the time table.(帮助学生梳理课文.)(2) 教授Wake up, Hurry up.(教师在课文情境中教授.)Step 3: Consolidation1. Follow the tape.2. Act the dialogue out in pairs.(指导学生注意语言语调.)Ho

7、mework1 Follow the tape and recite the dialogue;2 Design your time table. 板书设计:Unit 6 What time is it?A: What time is it?B: Its oclock. Its time for 第2课时(总第 课时)上课时间: 月 日 课型: 课教学内容:Fun time教学目标:句型:What time is it? Itsoclock Its time for词汇:eleven twelve lunch教具准备:PPT 教学过程:Step1: Free talk Hello/How ar

8、e you?/Step2: Warming up a.接龙说数字。引导学生复习数词T: First lets review the numbers. Lets count the numbers. From one to ten.S1: one S2: TwoT: Good. Now I have some number cards. Try to say the numbers as quickly as you can.S:(抢答说数字)b. Listen and say the next (下一个) numberListen and say the number before(前一个)

9、c. 做数字游戏继续复习数词 T: Now lets play a guessing game. Guess which card is inMy hand.(加入11 12两个数字)S: Five?T: Yes/No, look. ItsStep3: Presentation在数字复习的基础上呈现时间T: Look,whats this number? (Teach: eleven twelve)2. I have a clock. What time is it? (新授) Its twelve.(T ask S answer)3.分组操练 Practice in pairs4. Play

10、 a game a.看动作猜时间T: Ill do something. Please guess what time I do it(教师做一个吃饭的动作)What time is it?S1: Its seven oclockT: NoS2: Its twelve oclockT: Yes. Its time for lunch. (Teach: lunch)Now you can play this game in groups. Step4: Activity自己设计制作钟面。用What time is it, please?和Itsoclock进行对话操练最后对学生的设计制作进行全班

11、评比。评选:最佳设计奖 最佳美观奖等Homework1. Copy the new words: eleven twelve lunch.2.用What time is it?进行交流板书设计:Unit 6 What time is it? What time is it, please? Its oclock.第3课时(总第 课时)上课时间: 月 日 课型: 课教学内容Cartoon time教学目标1.复习巩固重点句型What time is it? Its Its time for并能在具体的情境中灵活运用相关句型。2.学生能够流利地朗读Cartoon time,并以此来训练他们的语言技

12、能,提高阅读理解能力。3.初步接触What are these?并能理解它的含义。教学重、难点1.复习巩固重点句型What time is it? Its Its time for并能在具体的情境中灵活运用相关句型。2.学生能够流利地朗读Cartoon time,并以此来训练他们的语言技能,提高阅读理解能力。教具准备数字卡片 PPT 正反分别写有单词和短语的小卡片教学过程Step1 Free talk1. Is this your?2. Is that a ?3. How old are you?Step2 Revision1. Watch and read看着数字卡片,复习112(注意兼顾阿

13、拉伯数字和英文)2.Play a game(PPT)(复习) Wake up Hurry up breakfast lunch dinner Its time for breakfast/lunch/dinner/class/bed.3. Watch and guessT:(教师出示卡片Its time for bed.)What time is it?生猜测,然后出示卡片另一面,向学生展示答案Step3 Cartoon time1出示该部分图片让学生排序 2Watch the cartoonACheck the answer. (所排列的顺序)BChoose the answers. . W

14、hat is in the bag?. Whose bag is this?3.Read and circle(听圈出Bobby看到包里东西的话语)(出示句子:Whats this?和What are these?)4. Listen and learn让学生听录音自学What are these?的读音让学生通过比较图片中物体的个数,感悟两者的异同。5. Listen and imitate.6.Read in groups(读出故事中Bobby的心情哦!)6. Dub for the pictures.Homework1. Read Cartoon time five times. 2.

15、According to Cartoon time, try to make a new dialogue.板书设计:Unit 6 What time is it? What time is it? Its oclock.Whats this? What are these?第4课时(总第 课时)上课时间: 月 日 课型: 课教学内容Sound time Rhyme time Checkout time& Ticking time教学目标:1、听懂会说会写单词:class, bed, OK, lunch, eleven, bag2、听懂会说单词: wake up, oclock, breakf

16、ast, dinner, these, heres3、听懂会说句型:What time is it? Its oclock. Its time for教学重难点:1、听懂会说会写单词:class, bed, OK, lunch, eleven, bag2、听懂会说句型:What time is it? Its oclock. Its time for教具准备:多媒体、磁带、钟面教学过程:Step 1、 Warming up and free talkEnjoy a rhyme.Say the numbers.Step 2、 RevisionCan you remember the number

17、s? (由数字变成钟面)Step 3、 PresentationIts a clock.A. Practice: What time is it?(由生答:Its three oclock.)(各种钟面,由学生说时间)B. Listening.Listen and draw: What time is it? ItsC. Practice.Itsoclock. Its time for (评价)D. Action What time is it?Itsoclock.Its time for(评价)E. Enjoy a rhyme Repeat the rhyme. 由dont, breakfa

18、st 发现相同的读音tF. Watch the cartoon and repeat the words.G. Say the chant.(评价)Homework1. Sing the song (You may make up new song words) to your friends or your family.2. Read a story 3. Say something about your day.板书设计:Unit6Whattimeisit?Tt/t/eight time eat tick-tock eattenmeet第5课时(总第 课时)上课时间: 月 日 课型: 课

19、一、找出不同类的单词。( ) 1. A. ten B. under C. twelveD. nine( ) 2. A. blackboard B. breakfast C. dinner D. lunch( ) 3. A. bed B. bag C. deskD. chair( ) 4. A. ruler B. pencil C. toy car D. crayon( ) 5. A. am B. is C. areD. it二、词组翻译1.几点了_2.早上好_3.快点_4.起床_5.晚饭时间_6. my twelve pencils_7. dont be late_8. eleven oclo

20、ck_9. What are these?_10. time for class_三、单项选择。( )1. _ is it?A. What a time B. Whats time C. What time( )2. Is this your ruler?_.A. Yes, its. B. No, it is.C. Yes, it is.( ) 3. _ David. _Its time for breakfast.A. Wake B. Wake up C. Goodbye( )4.Its twelve oclock. Its time_.A. for lunch B. for breakfa

21、st C. to dinner( ) 5. Thats my new jacket. _A. How beautiful! B. No, thank you.C. Yes, please.( ) 6. _ is it now? Its nine oclock.A. What B. What colour C. What time 四、补全对话。1. A: What _ is it, Liu Tao? B: _ eight oclock. Oh, its time _ class. A: Dont be _.2. A: May I _ in? B: _ in, please. A: Whats

22、this _ English B: Its a watch. A: How _! _ _ is it? B: Its six _. A: Its time for _. B: Hurry _. Lets go. Unit 7 On the farm 第一教时教学目标:1. 能听懂、会说、会读、会写词汇farm, they, those, apple, pear, orange.2. 能听懂、会说、会读词汇theyre=they are, pig, cow, chicken, duck.3. 能听懂、会说、会读日常用语与句型Welcome to What are these/those? The

23、yre Are these/those? Yes, they are. / No, they arent.教学重点:句型:What are these/those? Theyre Are these/those? Yes, they are. / No, they arent.词汇:farm, they, those, pig, cow, apple, pear, chicken, duck, orange, picture.教学难点:句型:What are these/those? Are these/those? 的语调和用法。词汇:farm, they, those, chicken,

24、apple, pear, orange的读音;a和an用法的区别;名词复数形式。教学准备:1.多媒体、录音磁带、挂图、生词卡、农场的图片、小动物图片、水果图片或实物、草帽.2.Story time部分句子的条形卡片。教学过程:A. Greetings.B. Free talk1. T: (手持卡片)Whats this?Ss: Its a duck.(帮助学生回答)领读、教授:duck.T:(指远处黑板上贴的图片)Whats that?Ss: Its a pig(帮助学生回答)领读、教授:pig反复领读并做手势,引导学生注意图片的远近: Whats this? Its a duck. What

25、s that?Its a pig. 引导学生理解两个问句的不同,从而理解this和that。2. 同法教授a cow, a chicken, a pear, an apple, an orange.3. 引导学生比较a cow, a pig, a chicken, a duck, a pear与an apple, an orange. 简单讲解a和an的用法。4. T: What are these?(手持卡片)Ss: Theyre ducks.(帮助学生回答)教授:What are these? Theyre出示一只鸭与一群鸭的图片,让学生比较:Whats this? Its a duck.

26、What are these? Theyre ducks.A duck, ducks5.T: (指远处黑板上图片) What are those? Ss: Theyre pigs.(引导学生回答)引导学生比较:Whats that? Its a pig.What are those? Theyre pigs.A pig, pigs.比较体会these和those的用法。6.出示一些牛的图片,问:T: Are these pigs?Ss: No, they arent.(引导学生回答)T:(指黑板上)Are those pigs?Ss: Yes, they are. . . . . .C. St

27、ory time1. 出示农场图片T: Look, this is a farm. Whats on the farm?(出示课题)领读On the farmT:(头戴草帽,扮农场主)This is my farm. Welcome to my farm.做手势引导学生理解Welcome to . . . 引导学生想象还有什么场景可以使用Welcome to . . .2. 教师站在远近不同的位置引导学生看图:T: What are these?Ss: They are . . .T: What are those?Ss: They are . . .T: Are these . . .?Ss

28、: Yes, they are. / No, they arent.3. T: Mike is visiting a farm with Liu Tao, too. Lets go with them.播放动画4. 学生听录音跟读,模仿语音、语调。5. 出示句子卡片,学生认读。6. 学生小组内分角色朗读。D. Homework1. 听录音跟读Story time.2. 抄写四会单词。Unit 7 On the farm 第二教时教学目标:复习巩固第一教时学习的词汇、语句教学准备:1. 多媒体、单词卡片,句子条形卡片2. 学生准备游戏的骰子教学过程:A. GreetingsB. Free tal

29、k1.T: What are these?S1: They are rulers.T: What are those?S2: They are pencils.T: Are these rubbers?S3: Yes, they are. . . . . .3. 指导学生运用所学的语句说说身边的东西,教师巡视,纠正学生错误。C. Review1. 出示句子卡片,学生认读。2. 多媒体出示Cartoon time画面,引导学生看图说话。D. Play a gameLook and guess(出示物体的局部图,让学生猜)T: Whats this?S1: Its an apple.(提醒学生发清

30、楚an的读音,强化an的用法)T: What are these? Guess!S2: Theyre oranges.T: What are those?S3: Theyre cows.(提醒学生注意名词复数形式的读音)E. Fun time1. 多媒体出示Fun time图片,引导学生看看数数。T: Look at the picture. What are these?S1: Theyre pears.T: How many pears? Lets count.Ss: One pear, two pears, three pears. . . . . .2. 讲解游戏规则:按照骰子的点数往

31、前走,每走到相应的图上,同组的两个学生运用What are these?/ Whats this?进行提问并回答,如果出错退回原处,先到达终点胜。3. 师生示范游戏。4. 学生分组游戏。教师巡视。F. Homework1. 同学间继续玩游戏。2. 抄写四会单词Unit 7 On the farm 第三教时教学目标:1 能听懂、会说、会读、会写单词who.2 能听懂、会说、会读词汇picture, whos=who is.3 能熟练运用本单元学习的语句谈论物体。教学准备:1. 多媒体、单词卡片(有单数、复数)、句子卡片。2. 请学生画一些动物、水果、文具图片。教学过程:A. GreetingsB

32、. Review1. 教师把单复数的卡片顺序打乱出示,学生迅速认读S: a pig, ducks, chickens . . .2. 出示句子卡片,学生认读。C. Cartoon time1. T: Can you draw pictures? Who can show us your pictures? Come to the blackboard, please.(学生上台展示自己的作品)T: Whats this?S: Its a /an . . .T: What are these?S: Theyre . . .T: Are these . . .?S: Yes, they are.

33、/ No, they arent. Theyre . . . . . . . .(多请几名学生上台展示作品)2. 出示Cartoon time的图片T: Look, our friend Bobby can draw pictures, too. What are they?引导学生看Bobby的画。T: Whats this?Ss: Its a duck.T: No, its a chicken. And what are these?Ss: They are pencils.T: Yes. Whos this? Is this Bobby?(引导学生观看人物的衣着)Ss: No.T: Th

34、is is Bobbys sister, Tina.3. T: Sam is looking at Bobbys pictures. What are they saying? Lets watch the cartoon.播放动画。4. 听录音跟读。5. 学生小组内开展趣味阅读,加入动作表情,读出趣味。6. 学生同桌运用所学语句谈论绘画作品。D. Homework1. 听录音跟读Cartoon time.2. 抄写四会单词义务教育(江苏)三年级英语下册教案Unit 7 On the farm第四教时大丰市第六小学 蔡永明教学目标:1. 会唱歌曲On the farm2. 能听懂、会说、准确地

35、发字母m在单词中的读音。3. 能熟练运用本单元学习的词汇、语句。教学准备:1. 多媒体、录音机、磁带、挂图,小猪头饰2. Cartoon time部分句子条形卡片教学过程:A. GreetingsB. Song time1. 播放歌曲中小动物的叫声,让学生猜猜T: What is it?(播放小猪叫声)S: Its a pig.T: Yes, youre right. Pigs on the farm go “ oink, oink”出示并教授Pigs on the farm go “ oink, oink”2. 多媒体播放歌曲动画,学生整体感知歌曲。3. 教师带读歌词,逐句教唱。4. 学生演

36、唱熟练后,播放动画画面,请几名学生上台戴头饰表演唱。C. Sound time1. 出示单词farm, ice cream, make, mum, welcome, 请学生朗读,教师示范朗读,指导学生边听边体会,找出共同读音。2. 学生听录音跟读,教师观察学生的口型是否到位,及时纠正。3. 带领学生按节奏朗读Clever Tom from the farm, Makes ice cream for his mum.4. 学生试读: my, grandma, family, milk, time. Mum, Mum, clever Mum. She can make ice cream for

37、Tom. Clever mum can make ice cream. Welcome to my farm.D. Read and act1. 打乱顺序出示Cartoon time部分句子,学生认读。2. 引导学生回忆故事情节,给句子排序。3. 出示Cartoon time动画画面,学生两人一组上台表演。E. Homework1. 听录音跟读Sound time.2. 听录音学唱歌曲On the farm.3. 默写四会单词。Unit 7 On the farm 第五教时教学目标:能综合运用本单元学习的词汇、语句,谈论物体。教学准备:录音机、磁带,四会单词卡片, 句子卡片,挂图教学过程:A.

38、 GreetingsB. Sing a songOn the farmC. Review1. 出示句子卡片,学生认读。2. 快速出示四会单词卡片,学生抢读,再组织学生拼读。D. Checkout time1. 出示本部分挂图,指导学生认真观察图片中的物体。2. 学生独立完成填空练习。3. 请几名学生上台在黑板上写出答案,教师带领学生评价。E. Do exercise参照教师用书本单元的补充习题教学建议,指导学生完成本单元练习。F. Ticking time结合练习情况,指导学生对本单元的学习进行自我评价。译林版英语三年级下册第八单元教学要求教学内容及课时安排:1.话题和功能:Family me

39、mbers/ Getting to know other people2.日常用语与句型:Who is she/ he? Shes my aunt./ Hes my uncle. Whos that girl? Shes Su Hai./ Shes my sister. Were twins. 3.词汇:were = we are, twin, aunt, baby, cousin, we, girl, man, woman, boy, name4.歌谣:Whos that little girl? 5.语音:字母n在单词中的发音。八课时单元教学目标:1.能听懂、会说、会读、会运用句型:Who

40、 is she/ he? Shes my aunt./ Hes my uncle. Whos that girl? Shes Su Hai./ Shes my sister. Were twins.2.能听懂、会说、会读词汇were = we are, twin, aunt, baby, cousin, 3.能听懂、会说、会读、会写单词we, girl, man, woman, boy, name 4.会诵读歌谣:Whos that little girl? 5.能听懂、会说、发音准确:字母n在单词中的读音。单元教学重点、难点:重点句型:Who is she/ he? Shes my aunt

41、./ Hes my uncle.词汇:twin, aunt, baby, cousin, we, girl, man, woman, boy, name语音:字母n在单词中的读音难点句型:Who is she/ he/ that girl/?的语调和用法。词汇:twin, aunt, man, woman, girl, cousin的读音; 语音:字母n在单词中的读音译林版英语三年级下册第八单元教学设计方案 NO:1教学内容Unit 8 Were twins!课型新授课时间教学目的1、通过全家福照片及纸偶的展示学习句型Whos she / he? Whos that girl / boy? Hes / Shes.。2、通过学习Sto


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