《研究生商务英语课件 Business English Unit 3 Organiza.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《研究生商务英语课件 Business English Unit 3 Organiza.ppt(33页珍藏版)》请在三一办公上搜索。
1、Unit 3:Organisation,How many people work in your office?About half.-Anonymous,Starting upOrganizations in all shapes and sizes,organisations,corner shop run by an old couple,the Chinese army,the BBC,a barber working with 2 assistants,a multinational with operations in 120 countries,Schools,WTO,gover
2、nments,the United Nations,hotels,.,Discussion:1.Look at the photo on p.22.Would you like to work in the building in the photo?Explain why or why not.2.p.22.B(scoring).3.What kind of organization would you like to work for when you graduate from Jiangnan University?,Vocabulary Learning Each student w
3、ill get one card and find the other student whos got the same card in different languages.Card 1 in Unit 3,Level I&II:Remembering and Understanding,Vocabulary,subsidiary,factory/plant,call centre,service centre,head office,distribution centre,warehouse,branches/outlets,子公司,工厂,呼叫中心,服务中心,总部,配送中心,仓库,分店
4、/经销店,A,1.Stock levels have been low for two weeks now.2.Can you e-mail these sales figures through to head office as soon as possible?(Branch/Outlet)3.Hold on a minute please,Ill transfer you to a supervisor.(Call Centre)4.We need to deliver this consignment(托付物)on Friday.(Distribution centre),B,5.T
5、he production line is operating at full capacity.6.The Board of Directors have fixed the Annual General Meeting for Tuesday the second.7.Why do we always have to check with the parent company before making decisions?8.All our engineers are out working on repairs at the moment.,C,Jiangnan University,
6、SD,S FE,ST,.,Library,Officeof Instruction,Division of SsAffairs,.,D,bureaucratic caring centralised conservative decentralised democratic dynamic hierachicalimpersonal market-driven professional progressive,good qualities(A)and bad qualities(B)of an organisation,Can you add any others?,efficient for
7、ward-looking inefficient lean responsive unresponsive backward.,Reading:A successful organisation,headquarters,renovated,Helsinki,chaos,wander,portable,formula,ingredient,pl.总部,a.改修的,改建的,赫尔辛基(芬兰首都),n.混乱,v.漫步,a.可携带的,轻便的,n.配方、公式,n.原料、成分,Para.1,Dirty Business,Bright Ideas:活儿脏,点子棒,Vocabulary,jumpsuits,u
8、pbeat,blazer,budget report,abolish,rules and regulations,perk,n.连衫裤工作服,a.乐观的/欢乐的,n.(不与裤子配套的)运动上衣,n.预算报告,v.废止、废除,n.规章制度,n.特权、优待,Para 2,polish,shampoo,supervisor,accountability,fanatical,benchmarks,Intranet,upcoming,v.擦,v.清洗地毯等,n.管理员,n.负责,a.狂热的,n.标准、尺度,n.内联网,a.即将来临的,Para 3-6,module,rigorous,n.模块,a.严格的
9、、苛刻的,Read for understanding,1.Read para.1 and finish exercise A;2.Read the whole article and finish exercise B,C,D;,Read and Translate,1.Located in a renovated film studio in the heart of Helsinki,the office explodes with colour,creativity and chaos.(para.1)它(总部)坐落在赫尔辛基市中心一家翻新过的电影制片厂里,里面色彩炫烂、气氛喧闹,彰显
10、着非凡的创造力。,2.The walls are bright red,white and yellow;the employees wander the halls talking on yellow portable phones.(para.1)墙壁刷上了明亮的红色、白色和黄色;员工在大厅里来去行走,不时用黄色的手提电话交谈。,3.Liisa Joronen developed SOL Cleaning Service 11 years ago,out of a 150-year-old industrial empire owned by her family.(para.1)丽莎乔洛
11、南11年前在家族拥有的150年工业帝国的基础上开发了SOL清洁服务。,4.Its cleaners wear red and yellow jumpsuits that reinforce the companys upbeat image.(para.2)SOL的清洁工穿着红色和黄色的连身衣裤,强化了公司的乐观形象。,5.Lots of companies talk about decentralising responsibility and authority.(para.4)许多公司谈论下放责任和权力。,6.Liisa Joronen believes in autonomy,but
12、shes also keen on accountability.(para.5)丽莎乔洛南相信自主性,但她也关注责任感。7.SOL is fanatical about measuring performance.It does so frequently and visibly,and focuses on customer satisfaction.(para.5)SOL十分注重业绩评估,并频繁地、大张旗鼓地进行评估,其中重点关注客户满意度。,8.Every time SOL lands a contract,for example,the salesperson works at th
13、e new customers site alongside the team that will do the cleaning in the future.(para.5)例如,每次SOL签订合同时,销售人员与团队人员一起到要进行清洁工作的新顾客的现场。9.Together they establish performance benchmarks.(para.5)他们共同设定清洁的标准。,10.So the company stores all critical budget documents and performance reports on its Intranet,along
14、with training schedules,upcoming events and company news.(para.6)因此,公司是在内联网上储存所有重要的预算文件和业绩报告以及培训计划、活动安排和公司新闻。,Further Information,Fast Company:Fast Company is a full-color business magazine that releases 10 issues per year and focuses on technology,business,and design.Robert Safian has been the edit
15、or-in-chief since 2007,having previously worked at Fortune,Time,and Money.The magazine has won numerous industry awards.,Level III&IV:Applying and Analyzing,Discussion:1.Would you like to work in a company like SOL?Explain why or why not.2.Would Lissa Joronens ideas work in your own company or organ
16、isation?,Level V&VI:Evaluating and Creating,Case Study:Auric Bank,Case study:Background,words and expressions:at competitive prices:具有竞争力的价格major reorganisation:重大重组in-house:a.working within a company or organisation,内部的unprofitable:不赚钱的,UK,To provide excellent service at competitive prices,need to
17、cost:the cost of providing customer services,s/a,call centers,1.make changes in-house 2.outsource to UK call centers 3.Outsource to low-cost countries,Loss of 1.5 billion bf investment in unprofitable areas of business.,Negative:1.charging too much,2.no longer seen as caring,1.Last year:lost 1.5 bil
18、lion 2.major review3.conclusioins from the review:1)charging too much;2)lost its image of a caring bank;3)reduce cost to boost profits and share price.,To cut cost,AB is now considering a number of options concerning the location of its call centres.current situation:3 large call centres in cities i
19、n the South of England,4 options:1)Keep the call centres in-house2)Outsource the call centres to a company in South Africa3)Outsource the call centres to a company based in Scotland4)Outsource the call centres to a company in India,Task,Work in groups of 4Assume the roles of directors of ABA meeting
20、 of 4 directors:Student A:Option 1(P.141,T3);Student B:Option 2(P.147,T1);Student C:Option 3(P.149,T1);Student D:Option 4(P.140,T1).consider the 4 options,pros&cons,persuade the other directors that your options is the right on for AB.,Writing:As a director of AB,write a short report to the Chief Ex
21、ecutive giving both the summary of the four options and your recommendations.(ref:Collins English for Business|Writing:Unit 18:Business Report),Assignments,1.Writing:a business report of 200-300 words(p.29;CLW:unit 18:Business reports);2.Learn the remaining parts of Unit 3 autonomously;3.Read and finish 5.2:Participating in a meeting(from Success with BEC);4.Recite para.2-3 from Dirty Business,Bright Ideas.,Recommended video:Justice:http:/,