小飞侠 彼得·潘1953版.Peter.Pan.1953英中字幕.doc

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《小飞侠 彼得·潘1953版.Peter.Pan.1953英中字幕.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《小飞侠 彼得·潘1953版.Peter.Pan.1953英中字幕.doc(34页珍藏版)》请在三一办公上搜索。

1、片名:小飞侠The second star to the right一闪一闪的星星星星shines in the night for you在黑夜中闪烁to tell you that the dreams you plan它仿佛在告诉你 在告诉你really can come true美梦会成真the second star to the right一闪一闪的星星星星shines with a light so rare它不停照耀着and if its neverland you need它仿佛在告诉你 也在指引你its light will lead you there引你进入梦乡twin

2、kle, twinkle little star星星星星闪在夜空中so well knowwhere you are也仿佛在告诉你 在倾诉gleaming in the skies above星星星星闪在夜空中lead us to the land we dream of会把美梦变成真实and when our journey is through当美梦将要结束each time we say good night我们更要珍惜well thankthe little star that shines让美梦永远跟随你the second from the right进入甜蜜梦乡all this

3、has happened before,这所有的一切以前曾经发生过and it will all happen again.而以后仍然会发生But this time, it happened in London.这一次是在伦敦It happened on a quiet street in bloomsbury.在布隆百瑞的一条安静的街上That corner house over there.转角的房子里 住的是达林家族Is the home of the Darling family.彼得潘之所以选中了这栋房子And Peter Pan chose this particular hou

4、se.是因为这里住的人中Because there were people here who believed in him.有人相信他的存在There was Mrs. Darling.这位是达林太太George, dear, do hurry.乔治,快一点啊We mustnt be late for the partyyou know.你知道这个宴会 我们绝对不能迟到的Mrs. Darling believed that Peter Pan.达林太太相信彼得潘Was the spirit of youth, but Mr. Darling是属于小时候的精灵,但是达林先生呢mary, unl

5、ess I find my cuff links,玛莉,除非你找到我的袖扣we dont go to the party.否则我们就不去And if we dont go to the party.但假如我们不参加的话I can never show my face in the office again.我就永远不用再到公司去了And if I. Ouch!假如我永远不哦!Well, Mr. Darling was a practical man.当然啦 达林先生是一个特殊人物The boys, however, John and Michael,无论如何 约翰和麦克都相信believed

6、Peter Pan was a real person,彼得潘是真实的人and made him the hero of all their nursery games.而且是他们游戏中的英雄Blast you, Peter Pan.去死吧,彼得潘Give up, Captain Hook?虎克船长,投降吧 休想!Give up? Ill teach you to cut off me hand!我来教你怎么样 砍掉我的右手Oh, no, John.约翰,不对It was the left hand.是左手Oh, yes. Thankyou, Wendy.噢,对了 谢谢你啊,温蒂Wendy,

7、the eldest, not only believed,温蒂,最大的孩子but she was the supreme authority on Peter pan.她不但相信有彼得潘And all his marvelous adventures.同时还是所有冒险事迹的 最高权威Oh, Nana,噢,娜娜,must we always take that nastytonic?我们一定要吃 这么难吃的药吗?Nana, the nursemaid, being a dog,娜娜,是个保母 以一只狗来说kept her opinions to herself,她的确尽忠职守守and view

8、ed the whole affair with a certain tolerance.而且很能容忍所有的事情Take that!打死你Ill slash you to ribbons!好大胆的人 看我把你给撕烂Ill cut you to pieces!我要把你砍成一段一段的- aha! - ouch!啊哈!Careful, Michael, my glasses.小心,麦克,我的眼镜Im sorry, John.对不起,约翰Youll never leave this ship alive! Oh, yes, I will.我绝不会让你活着下船的 哼,我一定会的Take that!接招,

9、哼!Scuttle me bones boy!好啊!你打断我的骨头Ill slit your gizzard.我要撕裂你的肉No, you wont. Back! Back!哼!你才不行呢!Back, villain!退后退后你这个坏蛋Insolent pup!可恶的烂狗Wicked pirate!哼!可恶的海盗I got you!啊哈,我抓到你了You didnt either. You never touched me.才没有,你永远碰不到我Take that, and that!接招!接招! 刺到了Ooh.,孩子们boys, less noise, please.孩子们 不要吵啦Hell

10、o, father. You old bilge rat!喔,嗨,爸爸 你这个老傢伙What? Now see here, Michael.什么? 麦克,你听着Not you, father. Hes Peter Pan.爸,他是说我啦 我们在玩,他是彼得潘And Johns Captain Hook.我是虎克船长啊 噢!Yes, of course. Have you seen my.对当然了,嗯有没有看见我的袖噢Nana, for goodness sake!娜娜我的老天爷啊 你Where are those cuff links?我的袖扣在哪里啊?Cuff links?袖扣?爸爸?Yes

11、, the gold ones. 是啊金的那副啊The buried treasure, where is it?麦克,我们的宝藏呢? 在哪里?I dont know. The map.我不知道啊 宝藏图- wheres the treasure map? - it got lost.宝藏图在哪里啊? 不见了My shirt front!天啊我的领巾You found it!好棒喔,好棒喔!你找到了Yes, so I have, and here after.是啊!现在呢Dont paw me, Michael.麦克,不要抓我This is my last clean.这是我最后一件干净的了N

12、o-o-o!噢!不,不!George, dear, we really must hurry.乔治,我们真的赶快一点了Mary, look!不然要迟到了 玛莉你看George!乔治Its chalk.只是粉笔嘛Why, Michael. Its not his fault.天啊,麦克.这又不是他的错Its in the story.故事里就是这样的啊Wendy says. Wendy? Story?而且温蒂说 温蒂?故事?I might have known.我就知道Wendy!温蒂Wendy! Yes, father?温蒂 爸,什么事啊?Would you kindly. Oh, mothe

13、r!温蒂,你可不可以 哇!妈- you look lovely. - Thank you, dear.你好漂亮喔 谢谢你,亲爱的Wendy.其实这是件旧衣服了 温蒂!Just my old gown made over.我把它整理一下 没想到还能夠穿呢!Mary, if you dont mind.玛莉啊,你能不能让我Why, father,啊!爸what have you done to your shirt? 你看你把你领巾弄的啦!What have I.?我弄的?噢!Oohhh!哎Now George, really it comes right off.乔治啊 何必对孩子们那么大声呢T

14、hats no excuse. Wendy,嫌我大声?温蒂啊havent I warned you?我不是告诉过你吗!Stuffing the boys with silly stories.不要老说一些古怪的故事 给你弟弟们听的?But theyarent!他们没有怎么样啊I saytheyare. Captain crook,我就说有啊,虎克船长Peter pirate! Peter Pan, father.彼得派我Pan, pirate, poppycock!彼得潘,爸爸管他什么潘啊派啊的 反正就是一些胡说You dont understand.可是爸爸 你不会懂的Absolute po

15、ppycock!根本就是胡说八道And let me tell you, this ridiculous.好了好了 让我来告诉你们好了Now, George. now, George?从现在开始啊 好了乔治,好了乔治now, George?好了乔治Well, now, George will have his say!我告诉你们 乔治现在有自己的说法了Please, dear.拜托亲爱的 玛莉The childs growing up.孩子们已经长大了Its high time she had a room of her own.应该有自己的房间了- father! - George!爸 乔治

16、- what? - no!什么? 不要I mean it. Young lady,我决定了this is your last night in the nursery,小姐,今晚是你最后一夜 睡在这个房间里了and thats my last word. Yelp!这也是我对这件事的 最后的决定Uh, ah, oh!Ooooh!Ooh, ow!No!天啊No-o-o!天啊Ohhhh.噢Poor Nana.可怜的可怜的娜娜poor Nana?可怜的娜娜?可怜的娜娜?This is the last straw!这也是最后一次了Out! Out, I say!出去给我滚出去No, father,

17、no.不要!爸爸,不要 就要!Therell be no more dogs for nursemaids.In this house!这个家里 永远不再用狗保母了Goodbye, Nana.再见,娜娜poor Nana.可怜的娜娜oh, yes. poor Nana.可怜的娜娜but poor father? Oh, no.居然不是可怜的爸爸哼!等着瞧好了!Blast it! Where is that rope?绳子跑哪去了?嗯!Oh, thankyou.噢,谢谢Dont lookat me like that.不要这样嘛娜娜 不要用这种眼光看我嘛Its nothing personal.

18、绝对与你无关的Its just that.只不过是Youre not reallya nurse at all.因为你并不是真正的保母啊Youre, well, a dog.你呢,只是一只狗And the children arent puppies,而他们也不是小狗theyre people.他们是孩子啊And sooner or later,而且早晚要长大的啊people have to grow up. 人总是要长大的嘛But mother, I dont want to grow up.可是妈,我不想长大Now dear,好了,乖,dont worryabout it anymore

19、tonight.今天晚上 就不必再管这件事情了He called Peter Pan absolute poppycock.他居然说彼得潘根本就是假的Im sure he didnt mean it, John.约翰,我相信他 一定不是有意的Father was just upset.你们的父亲 只不过有一点生气罢了Poor Nana,可怜的娜娜out there all alone. 一个人在外面No more tears, Michael.麦克,不要再哭了Its a warm night. Shell be all right.今天并不冷啊,她在外面没有关系的Mother.妈妈What,

20、dear?什么事?小乖乖The buried treasure.那个宝藏Now children, 孩子们dont judge your father too harshly.不要再批评你们的父亲了After all,不管怎么说he really loves you very much.他还是非常疼爱你们的Dont lock it mother. He might come back.妈,不要锁上 他也许会回来的He?他?Yes, Peter Pan. 对啊,彼得潘You see, I found something that belongs to him.因为我捡到了一个 属于他的东西- a

21、nd whats that? - his shadow.喔,什么东西啊? 他的影子Shadow?影子?Nana had it,嗯,是娜娜找到的but I took it away.我 我把它收起来了Oh?哦,Yes, of course.好了Good night, dear.快睡吧,晚安George do you thinkthe children will be safe without Nana?乔治啊,你认为把娜娜 关在外面,孩子们安全吗?Safe of course safe. Why not?安全?当然安全 为什么不安全呢?Well, Wendy said something abo

22、ut a shadow.哦,因为温蒂她说什么影子Shadow? Whose shadow? Peter Pans.影子?谁的影子啊? 彼得潘的啊Oh, Peter Pans. Peter Pans!喔,彼得潘的 彼得潘You dont say.不要再说了,Goodness gracious, whatever shall we do?我的天啊 你们到底有完没完啊?Sound the alarm!还有 不要再说了Call scotland yard! There must have been someone.我要打电话给苏格兰警场Mary, of all the impossible child

23、ish fiddle-faddle!玛莉啊,彼得潘只不过是 孩子们的童话而已Peter Pan, indeed!彼得潘确实是存在的How can we expect the children to grow up and be practical.孩子们什么时候 才能长大啊When youre as bad as theyare?当年你还不是一样吗?No wonder Wendy gets these idiotic ideas.难怪温蒂Over there, tink,小叮当,就是这里in its den.在柜子里Is it there?有没有啊?Must be here somewhere

24、.应该在这附近的啊Tink!小叮当,Shhh!嘘Stop playing.不要闹了啦Help me find my shadow.快点帮我找影子嘛Shadow,影子oh, shadow.呜呼,影子Ting-a-ling.Huh?Ting-a-ling.Aha!啊哈!Peter Pan!哦彼得潘!I knewyoud come back.哈彼得,我就知道你会回来的I saved your shadow for you.我帮你把你的影子收好了I do hope it isnt rumpled.喔,我希望我没有弄坏了它You look exactlythe way I thought you wou

25、ld.对了!你看起来 跟我想像的一模一样哎Taller, perhaps.也许也许要高一点You cant stick it on with soap.你不可能 用肥皂把它黏起来的It needs sewing.它是要用针缝才行Thats the proper wayto do it.用针缝的话 它就再也跑不掉了啊Ive never sewn shadows before.可是,我以前也不知道耶Sorry shadow I mean.喔,我是说把影子缝起来Of course,我一眼看见它I knew it was yours.就知道是你的影子I said to myself,然后,我就告诉自己

26、put it away for him until he comes back.一定要把你的影子收好 等你回来oh, sure come back.没错吧,你真的回来了 对不对?And you did, didnt you, Peter?你回来拿了 对不对?彼得?One cant leave his shadow lying about.没有人能夠把自己的影子丢了And not miss it, sooner or later.而不找回来的Dont you agree?对不对?What I still dont understand.但是有一件事我不明白Is how Nana got it.娜

27、娜怎么会找到 你的影子的啊?好奇怪哦Sit down. It wont take long.她又不是 你坐下,不会太久的She isnt vicious.娜娜又不是精灵啊Shes a wonderful nurse. 她只是一个好保母耶Girls talktoo much.虽然爸爸说她是 女孩子的话可真多耶Yes, girls talk.嗯对 女孩子的话可真多Hmm? Oh.Get on with it, girl.好了,快弄吧,女孩My name is Wendy, Wendy moria, and.我叫温蒂,温蒂摩尔Wendys enough. Oh.我今年只有 夠了,温蒂How did

28、Nana get your shadow, Peter?可是娜娜怎么找到 你影子的啊?彼得She jumped at me at the window.那天晚上 她在窗前向我扑过来What were you doing there?你在那里做什么?I came to listen to the stories.我在那里听故事啊But my stories are all about you.听故事? 我说的都是你的故事啊!Of course是啊,thats way I like them.所以我才喜欢听啊I tell em to the lost boys.我还说给那些 走失的小孩听呢The

29、lost. I remember.走失的小孩? 喔,我想起来了Theyre your men.他们是你的手下 啊嗯Im so glad you came backtonight.我好高兴喔 你今天晚上能来I might never have seen you. Why否则我就见不到你了 为什么?because I have to grow up tomorrow. Grow up?因为我明天就要长大了 长大!Tonights my last night in the nursery.再也不能睡在这个房间里But that means no more stories.这么说,我再也听不到故事了M

30、m-hmm. No!I wont have it. Come on!不,我不答应 跟我来!But where are we going?可可是我们要去哪儿呀?To neverland.去我的梦幻岛Neverland!梦幻岛?Youll never grow up there.在那里你永远不会长大Oh, Peter,哇,彼得it will be so wonderful!那真是太棒了耶But wait!哎,等一等,等一等What would mother say?我妈妈会怎么样呢?Mother? Whats mother? Why, Peter,妈妈?什么是妈妈?a mothers someon

31、e who loves you.妈妈妈妈是一个永远爱你关心你,还有And tells you stories.她是一个会说故事给你听的人Good!好You can be our mother.你可以做我们的妈妈! 快走吧Just a minute.等一等嘛,让我想想I have to pack,我必须要先and I must leave a note.我还先留个条子说我会回来I couldnt stay too long.当然啰,我不能待太久Oh, neverland.还有 噢梦幻岛Im so happy,我好高兴啊I think Ill give you a kiss.我好想要给你一个吻Wh

32、ats a kiss?什么是一个吻?Well,喔,Ill show you. Ouch!那是我做给你看Stop it, tink!哎,住手 住手,小叮当John! John, hes here!约翰,起来,起来 他在这里耶Huh?喔我的妈呀Jiminy!What in the world was that?谁在抓我的头发?Tinkerbell. I dont knowwhat got into her. Hello, Peter Pan.是小叮当 我也不知道她怎么了Im Michael.嗨,彼得潘,我是麦克My name is John.我的名字叫约翰,你好吗?How do you do? O

33、h, look!嗨,你好 哇,你看,A firefly!萤火虫耶A pixie!一个小精灵Amazing.天啊!Whats she doing? Talking.小精灵在干什么啊? 说话啊What did she say?她说什么啊?She says youre a big ugly girl!她说你是一个 又大又丑的女孩Ha, ha, ha. Oh.Well, I think shes lovely.可是我认为她很可爱Come on Wendy, lets go.好了,来吧,温蒂 我们走啰Where are we going? To neverland.我们去哪里啊?Neverland?去梦

34、幻岛 梦幻岛?Peters taking us. Us?彼得带我们去 我们?Of course, I couldnt go without Michael and John.我不可能不带 约翰和麦克一起去的I should like to cross swords.哦,我会非常高兴能去看看With some real buccaneers.真正的海盗战争的And fight pirates, too.对,还要去打海盗Well, all right, but you gotta take orders.呵好吧 不过你们都要服从命令喔Aye, aye, sir.是的,长官Me, too.我也是Bu

35、t Peter, how do we get to neverland?彼得,我们怎么去呢?Fly, of course.当然用飞的啰Fly?飞?Its easy.那很容易嘛All you have to do is to.你们只要、你们只要Is to.只要Ha, thats funny.哼,真滑稽Whats matter?怎么回事啊?Dont you know?你不知道吗?Oh, sure.怎么会呢?Its just that I never thought about it before.只不过我以前从来没有想过呢Saythats it!对,就这么办You think of a wonde

36、rful thought.你们想一件很棒的事情Any happy little thought?随便什么事吗?Uh-huh.唔- like toys at christmas? - sleigh bells, snow?比方说耶诞节的玩具? 耶诞节?下雪?Yep.对!Watch me, now. Here I go!看着我,我要飞了Its easier than pie.很容易吧!- he can fly! - he can fly!他会飞哎! 他会飞哎He flewed!飞了Now, you try.你们也试试看Ill think of a mermaid lagoon.我来想一个在神奇月光

37、下的Underneath a magic moon.美人鱼珊瑚礁Ill think Im in a pirates cave.我来想像在一个海盗洞里Ill be an injun brave.我要想我是一个超人Now, everybodytry.我们一起来试试看One, two, three!一二三We can fly, we can fly!哇我们会飞了We can fly-y-y-y!我们会飞了!啊This wont do.这样不对,Whats the matter with you?怎么会摔跤呢?All it takes is faith and trust.你们一定要有自信心才行啊!O

38、h,噢!我忘了一样东西dust!金粉Dust?金粉? 金粉?Yep!对了Just a little bit of pixie dust.只要一点点神奇的金粉Now, think of the happiest things.好了!现在想一点快乐的事情Its the same as having wings.这样就像长了翅膀一样Lets try it once more.让我们再来试一遍Look, were rising off the floor!看,我们从地板上升起来了Jiminy!好棒啊Oh, my. We can fly!天啊,我们会飞了You can fly!你们会飞了We can f

39、ly!我们会飞了Come on!来吧,Here we go-o-o!各位 准备出发啰Off to neverland!向梦幻岛前进Think of a wonderful thought愿我去寻找梦想any merry little thought一个美丽的梦想think of christmas, think of snow像朵白云空中飘think of sleigh bells, off you go也像雪花飞啊飞like reindeer in the sky来吧,跟我去飞arf, arf!飞啊飞You can flyyou can fly飞啊飞,you can fly飞啊飞think

40、of the happiest things我愿像小鸟一样its the same as having wings自由自在的飞翔thinka path that moonbeams make让那月亮伴着我if the moon is still awake伴我飞到天际边youll see him wink his eye尽情疯狂去飞you can fly, you can fly飞啊飞,飞啊飞arf, arf! You can fly 飞啊飞 飞啊飞up you go with a heigh and ho飞翔在天空中to the stars beyond the moon感觉没有话可以形容t

41、heres a neverland waiting for you它会带你到神秘地方where all your happy dreams come true把烦恼忘掉尽情飞every dream that you dream will come true它会让你的梦变成真come on, Nana!快点,娜娜When theres a smile in your heart置身在天空之中theres no better time to start身边只有云和风think of all the joyyoull find把世界抛在脑后when you leave the world behin

42、d没有话可以形容and bid your cares goodbye 只要你和我去飞you can fly, you can fly飞啊飞,尽情飞you can fly飞啊飞,尽情飞you can fly飞啊飞there it is!就在那里,温蒂Second star to the right.右边那颗星星星星的光芒And straight on til morning.会一直闪烁到天明When theres a smile in your heart享受在天空之中theres no better time to start没有话可以形容think of all the joyyoull f

43、ind把世界抛在脑后when you leave the world behind让烦恼一扫而空and bid your cares goodbye只要你和我去飞you can fly, you can fly飞啊飞,尽情飞you can fly, you can fly飞啊飞,尽情飞you can fly, you can fly飞啊飞,尽情飞 尽情飞oh, a pirates life is a wonderful life哦海盗的生活真多姿多彩a rovin over the sea驰骋在浩瀚大海give me a career as a buccaneer在海上时荡来荡去its the life of a pirate for me这生活过的既轻松又自由自在oh, the life of a pirate for me哦海盗生活实在过瘾oh, a pirates life is a wonderful life哦海盗的生活真多姿多彩they never buryyour bones什么也都不


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