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1、Module 1 How to learn English Unit 1 Try not to translate every word学习目标:1. 掌握学习英语的正确方法。 2. 学会用英语来向别人征求或提供建议。学习任务:第一部分 知识要点一、词汇:写出下列英文单词并朗读翻译v. _ n. _ 改正;纠正v._将.配对v. _ 给标号码v. _重复v. _ 语法n. _ 语音;发音v._写作;文章v._ 标点符号n. _ 拼写n. _学期n. _ 建议n. _ 错误 n._笔记本n. _ 其他adj.& adv. _ 收音机n _报纸n. _ 信息;口信n. _ 每个;各个pron. _

2、其他的;不同的pron. _ 卓越的;极好的adj. _管弦乐队n. _二、习语: 阅读课文,找出下列汉语的英文表达。欢迎回来 _ 给你一些建议 _ 写下;记下 _在课上 _ 在旁边 _尽力不要做某事/试着不要做某事 _互相 _ 做是一个好主意 _非常感谢 _ 举行音乐会 _帮助某人做某事 _ 还有什么吗? _三、功能表达:你能从第二页对话中找出至少5种提建议的表达吗?_ (Translate : 你应该)_ (Translate : 为什么不?)_ (Translate : 是一个好主意)_ (Translate : 怎么样?)_ (Translate : 尽力去做/尽力不要去做)你曾经还学

3、过哪些提建议的表达?_第二部分 阅读理解一、 阅读课本第二页对话,回答下面的问题。1. If you want to speak English well, what should you do in class?2. What should you do, if you make some mistakes?3. Is it a good idea to translate every word when you read a newspaper in English?4. What is Linglings pen friend doing in China?二、 阅读课本第二页对话在表格

4、中填入适当的单词。How to learn EnglishLearning vocabulary_ your _ note book every day.Mistakes_ _ your _ in your notebooks.Spelling_ _ the _ spelling and grammar next to the mistakes.Listening to English_ _ the radioReading English_ a newspaper _ EnglishTranslation_ _ _ translate every wordWriting_ a pen fri

5、end and _ write email _ to _ _.三、Retell. (复述课文)根据上面表格的信息复述课文,在复述课文时使用下列句型。Its a good idea to .We should Try to / Try not to第三部分 课后总结用所给词的正确形式填空:1. Its a good idea _ (check) your answer.2. Try _ (not think) about all the new words.3. Why dont you _ (take)a bus to go there?4. How about _ (watch) Engli

6、sh film?5. Why not _ (have) a break?6. Her _(spell) has improved.7. My English teacher often gives me some _(advice) on my study.8. Everyone should _(listen) carefully to the teacher in class.Module 1 Unit 2 Please help me!第一部分 知识要点一、词汇:写出下列英文单词并朗读。发送;寄v. _ 语言n._ 提高v. _主要的;最重要的adj. _ 看;观察v. _ 猜v. _请

7、,就adv. _ 你自己pron. _ 害羞adj. _谈话n. _ 深的adj. _ 呼吸n. _微笑v.& n. _ 记住;想起v. _ 忘记v. _一张/则/件n. _ 放置v. _ 数v. _建议 v. _ 口音n. _ 祝愿v.& n. _ 二、习语:阅读第四页和第五页课文,找出下列汉语的英文表达。请求, 要求 _ 最重要的问题 _喜欢干某事_ 谈论 _ 的意思 _玩得高兴;过得愉快 _ 深呼吸 _微笑总能起作用 _一直;始终;总是_一条建议 _ 建议某人去做某事_发现做某事怎么样 _ 列表;制表;编目录 _三、词语辨析1. remember 意为“记住;想起;记者”例,Do you

8、 remember where you put your book? 你记得把书放哪了吗?remember 后如果接动词做宾语 动词有 to do 和 doing 两种形式,但意思不同。辨析: remember to do sth. 与 remember doing sth.(1)remember to do sth. 意为“记住要做某事(此事还未做)” I remembered to post his letter. 我记得要为他寄信。(2)remember doing sth. 意为“记得已经做过某事(此事已做完)”。I remembered posting his letter. 我记得

9、为他寄过信。2. forget 意为“忘记”I forget your name. 我忘记了你的名字。forget 后如果接动词做宾语 动词也有to do 和 doing 两种形式,意思也不相同。辨析: forget to do sth. 与 forget doing sth.(1)forget to do sth. 意为“忘记要做某事”,动作还未发生。I forgot to lock the door. 我忘记锁门了。(门没有锁)(2)forget doing sth. 意为“忘记曾经做过某事”动作已经发生了。I forgot locking the door. 我忘记已经锁上门了。(门已经

10、锁了,但是忘记了)第二部分 阅读理解一、 阅读第四页课文,完成第三部分的句子。二、 阅读第四页课文,回答下面的问题。1. How many basic questions are there to learn English?2. How to learn real English?3. What should we do before we speak English to a foreigner?4. What should we do if we want to remember the new words better?三、Retell请根据上面的问题复述课文,尽可能用自己的语言。Ex

11、ample: There are three basic questions about learning English. The first one is about real English, 四、Writing阅读课本第5页第5部分的信件,想想自己在英语方面存在的不足并且将他们罗列出来,写一封寄给Language Doctor 的信。Dear Language Doctor._Best wishes._第三部分 课后总结用所给词的适当形式填空1. Dont forget _(do) your homework.2. What about _(stay) at home?3. Our E

12、nglish teacher gave us _(advice) on how to learn English well.4. Some boys of Class One enjoy _(listen) to music.5. Do you still remember _(see) me somewhere in Shanghai?6. Why dont you _ (ask) your parents for advice?7. I try _(work) it out this way, but I filed.Module 1 Unit 3 Language in use第一部分

13、知识要点一、词汇:写出下列英文单词并朗读。借v._ 组 n._ 分数 n._俱乐部n. _ 创办;开办v._ 一起;共同adv._听见v. _ 选择 v. _ 标点 n. _二、习语:仔细阅读课本第6页到第9也内容,找出下列习语的英文表达。将单词分组 _ 获得好/坏成绩 _把作业落在了家里 _ 练习说英语 _对有好处 _ 寻找 _ 和某人打招呼 _ 交朋友 _带某人参观 _ 例如 _三、词语辨析:l borrow 意为“借”,指从别人哪里借东西。How much have you borrowed form her? 你向她借了多少钱?辨析:borrow 与 lend (1) borrow 意

14、为“借入”,指向别人借东西供自己用。常用句型:borrow sth. from sb. 意为“向某人借某物”例:He borrowed a dictionary from the library. 他向图书馆借了一本词典。(2) lend 意为“借出”, 指把自己的东西借给别人,后可接双宾语。常用句型 lend sb. sth. 或 lend sth. to sb. 意为把某物借给某人例:I lent my bike to him yesterday. = I lent him my bike yesterday.l 2. might :情态动词,may 的过去式,意思为 也许;可能。也可独立

15、使用,用来表达委婉或不确定的语气。例:I said that it might rain. 我说过可能会下雨。l 3. leave :行为动词,除了可以表示离开;出发之外还可以表示留下;剩下。例:I always leave my book in my classroom. 我总是把书落在教室里。l 4. 辨析:look for 与 find(1) look for 意为“寻找”,是有目的的找,强调“寻找”这一动作的过程。例:I looked for the boy everywhere. 我到处找那个男孩。(2)find 意为“找到;发现”,通常指找到或发现具体的东西,也可指偶然发现某物或某

16、种情况,强调的是找的结果。例:He didnt find his bike. 他没有找到他的自行车。l 练习,根据句意和首字母提示填空。1. Would you please l_ me your raincoat?2. My pen is broken, may I b_ one from you?3. Listening to real English songs m_ be a good idea.4. I l_ my keys at home this morning.5. -Did you f_ your English book? - NO, I l_ for it everywh

17、ere, but I cant find it.第二部分 课堂任务一、 Activity 1 听录音,在你听到的表达后面画对钩()Activity 2 听录音,回答下面的问题。二、Activity 3 看图根据提示写出完整的句子。(1) Jack usually goes to bed late. (2)_(3) _(4)_(5)_(6)_Activity 4,请你根据 Jack 的问题向他提供建议。(1) You should go to bed before nine oclock, and get up at half past six.(2) _(3) _(4) _(5) _二、 Ac

18、tivity 6 阅读Helen 写给 Language Doctor 的信,用方框中所给的提建议的句子填空。三、 Activity 9 从方框中选择适当的词填空。四、 阅读课本第9页Around the world 中的短文判断下列句子正误。1. We can learn English from magazines and dictionaries. ( )2. You can learn English on the internet. ( )3. Its not a good idea to listen to songs in English. ( )4. Watching CCTV

19、 9 can help improve your English. ( )五、完成练习册112至113页练习题1、2、3、4、6、7、8。Module 2 ExperiencesUnit 1 Have you ever entered a competition?学习目标:1. 能够询问他人的经历,能够介绍自己的经历。2. 学会用现在完成时态来描述当前已经完成的动作。学习任务:第一部分 知识要点一、词汇:写出下列英文单词并朗读。经验;经历n._ 曾经 adv._ 竞争,竞赛 n._机场;航空港 n._ 客舱 n._ 乘务员 n._机长;船长;n._ 国家 n._ 以前;之前 adv.& pre

20、p_问题;难题 n._ 绝妙的;了不起的 adj._奖金 n._ 考虑;认为 v._ 听起来 v._好极了 adj._ 梦想;梦 n.& v._ 某人;有人 pron._种类 n._二、习语:仔细阅读课本第10页和第11页内容,找出下列习语的英文表达。乘务员 _ 起飞 _ 笔友_ 环游世界_ 邀请某人去做某事 _ 票价 _一次绝妙的经历_你梦想的英国的假期 _你认为怎么样?_听起来棒极了_ 一天 _ 梦想_第二部分 语法知识从这一模块开始,我们要学习现在完成时态。当我们要表达,“我已经看过某部电影,或某人曾经做过什么事情”就要用到这种时态。观察下面例句:(1) I have seen the

21、film. I dont want to see it again. 这电影我看过,不想再看了。(2) Have you answered all the questions? 所有的问题你都回答了吗?(3)Have you ever travelled to London? 你去伦敦旅行过吗?(4)She has never visited the USA. 她从没有去过美国。从以上例句可以看出,现在完成时表示到目前为止已经经历过或者没有经历过的事情。同时,现在完成时还强调曾经的事情对现在的影响,如例句(1). 现在完成时一般可以不加时间状语,也可以加now, by now, so far,

22、 before, in the past years 等作为时间状语。仔细观察例句中的行为动词,它们的形式大部分和过去式相同,但也有些行为动词的形式和过去式不同,在现在完成时态中行为动词的形式叫做过去分词。过去分词描述的是已经完成的动作。规则动词的过去分词和过去式变化是一样的,但是不规则动词的过去分词形式就需要大家下功夫去记了,请按照课本199页的不规则动词变化表去分别记忆。现在完成时的谓语结构是助动词_/_ +_。现在,请根据你以往所学知识来判断,现在完成时的否定句变化为_。一般疑问句的变化为_。在现在完成时态的谓语时常与ever , never , just , already/yet,

23、这些词连用,它们的位置一般是have/has 之后,过去分词之前。下面请观察他们的用法。(1) ever 表示曾经,常用在现在完成时的疑问句当中。Have you ever seen this film? 你曾经看过这部电影吗?(2) never 表示从不,常与现在完成时连用,构成否定句。I have never read this book. 我拨那个没有读过这本书。(3)just 表示刚刚做完某事。I have just heard the news. 我刚刚听到消息。(4)already 表示已经。常用在现在完成时的肯定句当中。China has already sent three s

24、pacecrafts into space. yet 常用在现在完成时的否定句或一般疑问句当中,与 already 相对使用。可翻译成还I havent heard from you yet, how are you going? 我还没有受到你的信,你最近怎么样了?练习题:1. 写出下列动词的过去分词形式。see _ take _ be _send _ eat _ find _2. 用所给词的适当形式填空。(1)Tom _ just _ (finish) his homework.(2) Alice _(not) see the film before.(3)I _ already _(ha

25、ve) lunch, Im not hungry.(4)_ you ever _(enter) a competition?(5)Tony _(start) to collect stamps in 2001, he _(collect) lots of stamps so far.第三部分 阅读理解一、阅读第10页课文,在表格里面填写 Yes, she has. 或 No, she hasnt.Has Sallyvisited China?watched a DVD about China?enjoyed messages about life in Beijing?invited Ling

26、ling to stay in England?Has Linglingwanted to travel around the world?wanted to go to the USA and Europe?looked at todays newspaper?entered a competition?二、再次阅读课文回答下面的问题。1. Has Sally known anything about China? 2. How did she known about China?3. Why hasnt Lingling gone to England?4. What is the fir

27、st prize of the competition? 5. How to enter the competition?第三部分 课堂任务一、两人一组,根据下面给出的提示编对话,至少使用两个例子。cycle / more than 10 kilometres.-Have you ever cycled more than 10 kilometres?-Yes, I have, I entered a Cycle Track (自行车赛)last year.-No, I havent, its too far for me.1. meet/ an American 2. swim/ in a

28、river 3. take a dog for a walk4. have / a birthday party 5. win a prize二、在下面的表格中找出你做过和没做过的事情,并且在课堂上向其他同学讲述。Has done()Hasnt done()1. enter a football match2. enter an English competition3. win a prize4. climb a mountain5. ride a horse6. travel to Shanghai?7. meet a foreigner8. speak to a foreigner在讲述

29、时尽可能使用 and, but 等连词以及 never, already, yet等副词 和 so far, by now, before 等时间状语。如: I have already enter a football match, but I havent entered an English competition yet. 第四部分 课后总结I 汉译英。1. 这架飞机上午8点起飞,下午5 点降落。The plane _ _ at 8:00a.m. and _ at 5:00 p.m.2. 约翰和汤姆参加了比赛。John and Tom have _ _ _.3. 汤姆已经邀请了我参加他

30、的生日聚会。Tom _ _ me _ his birthday party.5. 玲玲写了一片关于一次绝妙经历的文章。Lingling has write a composition about _ _ _.6. 我们已经获得了一等奖。We _ _ _ _ _.7. 这个小男孩曾想去美国参观。The little boy _ _ _ _the USA.8. 你曾希望过自己很富有吗?Have you _ _ you were very rich?9. 他从未去过美国。He has _ _ _ America.10. 你梦想过要去澳大利亚吗?Have you ever _ _ _ to Austr

31、alia? II. 按要求完成改写后的句子。1. He has already had his breakfast. (改为一般疑问句)_ he _ his breakfast _? 2. Have you ever entered a competition? (作否定回答)_,I _.3. They have won the game. (改为否定句)They _ _ the game.4. Jack has just finished his homework .(就画线部分提问)_ has Jack just _?5. My father has ever visited New Yo

32、rk. (改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答)_ your father _ _ New York._, _ _.Module 2 Unit 2 Wei Ming has been all over China by plane第一部分 知识要点一、词汇:写出下列英文单词并朗读。西方的adj._ 在国外;到国外adv_. 极好的adj._任何地方adv.& pron._ 中国城;唐人街n._意大利的;意大利人adj.& n._ 美味的adj._ 比萨饼n. _三明治n._ 卖v._乐手;音乐家n._匕首;短剑n._ 座位n._在旁边prep._ 有味道;品尝v._二、习语:仔细阅读课本第12页和第1

33、3页内容,找出下列习语的英文表达。西方食品_ 梦想成真_出国_ 超过_ 售完;卖光_在结束的时候;在末尾_第二部分 语法知识l have/has been to 的用法(1)have been to 意为“曾经去过” 表示一种经历。I have been to the Great Wall. 我曾经去过长城。这里需要强调,去长城必须只是过去的一次经历,人现在已不在长城。(2) have been to 后可接次数(如 once, twice, three times),表示“去过某地几次”My father has been to Beijing twice. 我父亲去过北京两次。【拓展】与h

34、ave been to 相似的表达还有have gone to 和 have been in, 但是含义各不相同。(1)have gone to 意为“到去了”,表示现在人已经离开,可能在去某地的途中也可能已经到那儿了,但是还没有回来。一般主语只能是第三人称。She has gone to Shanghai for holidays. 她已经去上海度假了。(人还没有回来)(2) have been in 后面接地点表示“在地方已经多长时间了”,也可以接表示组织、团体的名词,意为“加入已经多长时间了。”强调在某地或加入某组织到到目前为止所持续的时间。He has been in China fo

35、r two years. 他在中国已经两年了。I have been in the Party for 10 years. 我入党已经10年了。注意:have been to , have gone to, have been in 后接地点副词here /there 等时,介词to/ in 要去掉。第三部分 阅读理解一、阅读第12页课文,完成第四题。(指出划线的代词所致的是谁或什么地方)二、再次阅读课文,完成下面的表格。whowherewhathowwhydo somesightseeingvisit hisgrandparentsHe lovesItalian foodBeijingHe Meifeng三、根据上面的表格复述课文。例:Wei Ming has been all over china to do some sightseeing by plane, Because her father is an A


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