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1、初三上册学案 Module 1 Wondors of the worldUnit 1 What is a wonder of the world ?(课前预习)I.预习目标:1、初步理解对话 2、理解记忆本对话中的新词和短语II.预习过程:A、读P2上的对话,在文中划出下列单词,然后注出音标,写出词义。wonder/ / band/ / review/ / ancient/ / composition/ / grade/ / pyramid/ / pupil/ / meeting/ / call/ / event/ / B、读P2上对话,在对话中找出下列短语并划出。1、什么事? 2、开会 3、

2、那对我来说是个新闻 4、注意听、认真听 5、做评论 6、采访某人 7、写作文 C、读对话,回答下列问题。(1)What,s the meeting about?(2)What is Becky Wang?(3)What,s Daming,s homework?D、导学导练1、Happen的用法(1)happen动词,意为“发生,通常表示事情是偶然发生的”eg. The story happened on a cold winter evening.(2)sth .happen to sb.表示“某事发生在某人身上”(3)happen to do 碰巧做某事I happened to meet

3、my old friend on the road just now.辨析 happen与take placehappen,指“发生”时,较为正式,不带有偶然之意,并经常用来指事先排好的事情发生了。2、Anyone else?其他人呢?Else,“别的,其他的”常用于不定代词或疑问副词之后。E、练一练,译汉语1、我们碰巧遇见了我们的英语老师。 2、Tony出什么事了? 3、故事发生在一个炎热的下午。 4、别的你还要什么? Module 1 Wondors of the worldUnit 1 What is a wonder of the world ?(课堂学习)I.学习目标 1、理解对话,

4、并能复述 2、掌握本单元单词和短语II.课堂学习1、检查预习情况 2、卡片复习单词 3、Read P2、do A4。 4、Discuss language difficulties in groups to help each other. 5、Listen and repeat.6、Read aloud in pairs 7、Read the dialogue and fill in the blanks.While Batty, Lingling and Tony are h a meeting, Daming comes in. The meeting is about s a scho

5、ol magazine, Becky Wang-a famous s started a school magazina c New standard, when she was a p at their school. They want to start one, too. Betty has w down some ideas, Theyll write a d of school e and tell everyone about the school concerts, the dance club, and the school basketball m Theyll write

6、the articles themselves, Tony said he would do some r about their favourite bands and movies . Lingling said she would do an i with Becky Wang. Daming suggested(建议)starting a program called: Homework Help: They want to give some advice on how to get good g , Do you want to know how their magazine is

7、? Youll see it in Module 2 and Module 3 Really brillinant.8. Retell or recite the filled passage :III.当堂训练A、单项选择1、If you want to say something, please .A、to write down B、write them down C、write it down D、write down it2、There,re some ideas how to get grades.A、in B、on C、at D、to3、-We won,t have classes

8、 tomorrow, do you know? - A、I think I know B、You,re telling a lie(谎言) C、I hope so D、Rearlly? That,s news to me.4、-What happened you? -I fell off my bike and hurt myself.A、with B、to C、about D、forB、完成句子5、Our teacher will write (一些评论) about our school magazine.6、 (注意) John, Don,t talk.7、The reporters a

9、re doing (采访) Yao Ming now.8、 (一个叫王涛的男孩) phoned you last night.Module 1 Wondors of the worldUnit 2 I was on the edge of the Grand Canyon.(课前预习)I.预习目标 1、掌握P4-P5上的单词及领语 2、理解P4上的课文II.预习过程A、单词类:读P4上的课文,先在文中划出下列单词,然后注出音标,写出词义,大声朗读,不会读的圈出。名词 distance / / canyon / / ground / / view/ / 注意下面单词的多种词性及词意,注出音标,写

10、出词意。Clear / / v. a. face / / v. n. light / / a. n. 按括号内的要求写出下列单词nature(形) answer(同义) top(反义) appear(反义) large(近义词) under(近义) rise(过去式) 过去分词) B、短语类,在P4上划出下列短语,并大声朗读三遍。1、大清早、凌晨 2、从出来 3、穿过大门 4、在东方 5、变亮 6、什么也看不见 7、走正确的路 8、在五分钟之后 9、从它们上方仔细看过去 10、远在我的下面 11、向下看 12、在的底部 13、向对面看 14、向左边/右边看 15、在峡谷的边缘 III.读课文,

11、回答下列问题1、Read the first passage, find out :I knew it was there. What does “it ”infer to(指) ? 2、Did the writer go the right way? 3、How deep/high is the Grand Canyon? 4、How wide and how long is it? IV. 导学导练1、Have a try:(1)Be careful when you go the road. (2)Look! The train is running tunnel.(3)He went

12、in the window. (4)The Seine(塞纳沙)goes Paris.2、in与afterin和after表示时间时,都译为“在之后”;in表示从现在算起到一段时间以后,常用于将来;after表示从过去算起到一段时间以后,常用于一般过去时。注意:in只接时间段, after除接时间段以外还可接时间点。Eg. Ill call you after 4:30. Hell come back in two days.The doctor will be free (2006,河南考题)A、10 minutes B、after 10 minutes C、in ten minutes D

13、、10 minutes laterModule 1 Wondors of the worldUnit 2 I was on the edge of the Grand Canyon.(课堂学习)I、学习目标:1、理解课文 2、掌握本课单词和短语II、学习过程:1、检查预习 2、卡片复习单词,然后做P 5 上A 4、读课文做P 5 上 A3.look out look out of look to my left look over4、归纳总结,Look+介词/副词构成的短语已学过了好多,本课又出现了几个,试着译一下。look around look into look down look ac

14、ross look forward to look like look after look at look for look up 5、Read aloud and find out difficulties(班内交流解决)6、listen and repeat in a low voice7、Read the passage aloud for about 5 minutes , and fill in the blanks.Do you know the Grand Canyon? One of the w of the natural world? Its in the USA. Ja

15、ck went to visit it last month. It was early morning. He the car, a gate and walked along a path. First it was dark see anything. Then the clouds and the rain stopped. The sun behind him and beyond the rocks. He was the Grand Canyon. He looked down to the Colorado River about 2 kilometres below him.

16、 How deep it is! He said: “If you put the three tallest buildings in the world the canyon, they still won,t reach the top”.The canyon is over 400 kilometres long, more than 20 km w . He thought the Crand Canyon was huge, What do you think?8. Retell or recite the filled passage :III.当堂训练 A、词形填空1、Is t

17、he Sydney Open House a great wonder of the (nature) world?2、He saw come (strange) in the school. He called the police at once.3、The is land (appear) a few months ago. No one knows where it is now.4、I learn English all by (I). No one helps mw.5、I live on the fifth floor. He lives two floors (low) me,

18、 on the third floor.B、补全句子:6、The water has (从瓶子里溢出来了)7、I found the pen (在我书包的底部)8、I didn,t know if I was (走对路)9、I (眺望)the other side of the road, but saw nothing.10、这树高约30米。The tree,s is about .初三上册学案Module 2 Great booksUnit 1 Confucius works are read by many people(课前预习)预习目标:1、初步理解对话大意。2、理解记忆新词和短语。

19、3、感知理解新语法。预习过程: 一、阅读对话,在文中划出下列新词汇,注出音标和词义。音标 词义 音标 词义work _ _ influence _ _ _respect _ _ thinker _ _wise _ _ monthly _ _literature _ _二、阅读对话并在文中划出下列短语。1、怎么啦_ _ 2、就来说_3、不再_4、有点儿难_ _5、名著_ _ _ _ _6、考虑_ 7、作为而闻名_ _8、数百万_ _9、实际上_ _10、听起来像_ _ 11、孔子的思想_12、继续_三、再读对话,划出含有被动语态的句子。四、读对话,回答下列问题:1、What is Mr. Jac

20、kson doing in the library?2、Is Mark Twain known as a great thinker like Confucius ?五、语言点导学导练:1 what s up ? = whats the matter? = whats wrong? 怎么啦?2 as far as 据,就 as far as I know, he is a good student . 据我所知,他是一个好学生。3 be known as 作为而出名 She is known as a singer. be known as 因为而闻名 China is known for t

21、he Great Wall.4 notany more 与notany longer 的区别.notany more 指做某事的次数不再增加,多与短暂性动词连用,=no more(常放动词前).notany longer 指时间上不再延长,多与持续性动词连用,no longer(常放在动词后)练习:1、 怎么啦!你看起来很难过。_ _?You look sad. 2、据我们所知,他们是九点返回的。_ _ _we know, they returned at nine. 3、姚明是公认的出色的篮球运动员。Yao Ming_ _ _a great basketball player . 4、他不再

22、来信了。Her letter did _come_ _. 5、他不再在这个学校教。He has_ taught_ _ in this school. 6、Whats up? = whats_ _? 7、 He did not cry any more = He_ _ _. Module 2 Great booksUnit 1 Confucius works are read by many people(课堂学习)学习目标;1、会用本课所学四会单词、短语。2、阅读理解对话并能复述,能用所学词汇、句型进行情景口头表达和书面表达。课堂学习过程;交流检查,大卡片检查单词短语记忆情况。一、自主学习;1

23、、Read fast and answer the following questions .(1)Whose thoughts are we still influenced by today ?(2)Whose plays are seen by millions of people every year ? 2、Read carefully and answer .(1)Was Mark Twain known as a great thinker or important writer ?(2)Who is the writer of The Adventures of Tom Saw

24、yer .3、Listen and repeat . 4. Read aloud for 5 minutes 5. Read and fill in the blanks . 6.Retell or recite二、交流展示:Discuss language difficulties in group to help each other.三、训练巩固:1、首字母填空:(1)Li Bai wrote some well-known p_ such as Jing Ye Si.(2)Confucius was a great t_ who lived in ancient China .We a

25、re still influenced by his t_ today .(3)It is not right to c_ others homework.(4)Lu Xuns w_ are still loved by lots of reader .(5)Id like a m_ article called Great Books . 2、单选:(1)Lao Shes plays_ all over China. A. knows B. is knew C. are knew D. are known(2)She _her students and she is also_ by her

26、 students .A loved loved B. loves loving C .loves loved D. loved loving(3)_I known , he isnt coming today .A .Even though B. As far C. As for D. As far as(4)Do you like the_ magazine _ Zhi Yin.A. month calling B. monthly called C. month called D. monthly calls四、汉译英: 1、孔子的作品今天仍然被许多人阅读。 2、我们仍然被他的思想所影响

27、。 3、莎士比亚的戏剧每年都被数百万人观看。 4、马克吐温不是作为一个伟大思想家而著名的。Module2 Great BooksUnit2 Its still read and loved (课前预习)预习目标:1.初步理解短文大意。 2、理解记忆新词和短语。3、感知理解新语法。预习过程:一、阅读短文,在文中划出下列新词汇,注出音标和词义。 音标 词义 音标 词义behaviour_ _ cave _ _ freedom_ _ funeral_ _ outside_ _ social _ _theme_ _ treasure_ _clever_ _ dead _ _pleased_ _ sou

28、thern_ _二、阅读短文,在文中划出下列短语。(朗读并默认)1、在的结尾_ 2、逃跑_3、在的中间_4、迷路_5、暂时_ _6、做感到吃惊_7、高兴做 _8、害怕_9、与有关_ _10、长大_11、因受到惩罚_12、日常英语_13、南方的州_ _14、被认为是_三、再读短文,回答下列问题。1、What is the writers favorite scene in the book ?2、Who is the hero of the story The Adventures of Tom Sawyer ?3、Who is Toms best friend ?四、语言点导学导练。 1. E

29、xcite Exciting(形)“令人兴奋的”,作表语或者定语,其主语或所修饰的名词多为事物Excited(形)“兴奋的,激动得”,只做表语,其主语是人。 She was very excited to hear the exciting news. 2.adie “死”,非延续性动词,不能和时间段连用。bdead 形容词,“死的,无生命的” ,如果表达“死了多长时间”,则用have been dead+时间段或died+时间段+ago .The cat has been dead for two hours.The cat died two hours ago. cdying(形),“垂死

30、的,要死的”。a dead dog 一只死狗.a dying dog 一只快要死的狗 。ddeath是die 的名词形式。I feel very sad when I think of his death. His fathers death made him very sad. His father has been dead for two years.汉译英:1、他的父亲去世已经三年了。 a_. b_.2、我认为他的祖父生命垂危。I think his grandpa is _ (die).3、He _(die) when he was 80 years old.Module2 Grea

31、t BooksUnit2 Its still read and loved (课堂学习)学习目标:1、会用本课所学四会单词短语。2、阅读理解短文并能复述。课堂学习过程:一、 交流检查课前预习情况,大卡片检查单词短语。二、 自主学习:1.Read carefully and answer the following questions.1Who did Tom go looking for treasure with in the story?2.What does everyone look like when Tom appears in his own funeral? 3. When d

32、id Mark Twain write the story? 4. Why do you think people still read The Adventures of Tom Sawyer? 2.Listen and repeat in a low voice.3. Read aloud for about 5 minutes.三、 教师解释疑难。四、当堂训练: 首字母填空1We should pay attention to teenagersb_ at school.2Dont h_,I have already seen you.3Hundreds of people attend

33、 the f_.4The story is about many children looking for t_.5Dangerous driving should be severely p_.6A c_ is 100 years. 7Yesterday he bought a _ (month) magazine called Qiushi.8This article is to talk about _ (freed).9All the students passed the _ (finally) exam this term.10His grandfather has been _

34、(die) for two years.变被动语态1.We clean the classroom every day. The classroom _ _ _ _ every day.2.Many people visit our school every day. Our school _ _ by many people every day.3.French is taught by them in this college.(改为主动语态)_ _ French in this college. 4.Bicycles are produced by them in this factor

35、y.(改为主动语态) _ _bicycles in this factory.五、 补全短文My favourite great book is The Adventures of Tom Sawyer_Mark Twain. Tom is the _of the story. Tom has two friends.They are Huck and Beeky. Huck is an _and everyone_ _ _ him.Beeky is pretty _fair hair. One day Tom _ _with them. He _ _ _ _with Huck, with B

36、eeky he _ _in a cave, and finally they find_ _ _ _.My favourite _in the book is when everyone thinks Tom is _.He decides to go to his _ _.The_ of the story _ _ _ _Children growing up. It talks about _ social rules and how people_ _ _bad _.Mark twain wrote it in the _ _ of the _ _ of American in the 19th_, so it sounds very real. Today it is _ _ _one of the greatest books in American literature.六Rell or recite the passage.初三上册学案 Module3 Sporting life Unit 1 When will the match be held?(课前预习)I、预习目标:1、初步理解对 2、理解记忆新词和短语 3、感知理解新语法II、预习过程:一、 阅读对话,在文中划出下列新词汇。 音标 词义 音标 词义


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