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1、课题:Uint 1 How tall are you ? (Period 1)班级:_ 小主人姓名:_ 我的学习目标学习目标与要求1、能够听、说、认读本课时的主要词组:taller ,stronger, older, younger ,shorter。2、能认读句型:How tall are you ? Im 164cm.Youre shorter than me. Youre 4cm taller than me .学习重点与难点1、重点掌握形容词比较级的构成。2、难点是对新句型How tall are you ?-Im 164cm.Youre shorter than me. Youre

2、4cm taller than me.的理解和运用。(一)知识链接 1. 各组复习Chant 并做动作:Tall tall tall, make yourself tall. Short short short , make yourself short. Long long long , make your arms long. Short short short , make your arms short . Big big big, make your eyes big. Small small small, make your eyes small. 2. 各组就全班同学提问,复习句

3、型:Who is tall /strong/old/young/short/thin/?然后组员回答。(二)自主学习1、听录音掌握新单词的发音及汉语意思,并试着默写,自学中注意结合已学知识,以帮助新知识的消化,tall strong young old short.单词:taller stronger older younger shorter句型:You are taller stronger than I am She isHe iscm tall.2、组内比赛抢读单词的读音和拼写。3听磁带并表演句子,同桌间相互问答: How tall are you ? Im cm (tall).4.

4、组内自由造句:Li Peng is taller than Wang Li. Li Peng is 6cm taller than Wang Li. Wang Li is (6cm) shorter than Li Peng.5.看图Lets play:试着翻译句子,并能听懂且发出指令:Line up from shorter to taller以小组为单位表演。请同学们注意am is are 的用法:I 用am, you 用 are . is 跟着he,(他)she(她), it(它) .单数形式用is , 复数形式都用are.(三)拓展延伸 总结形容词比较级的构成规律:1)单音节词末尾加-

5、er(比较级)如:great- greater2)单音节如以e结尾,只加-r(比较级)如:nicenicer 3). 以辅音字母加y 结尾的单音节,改y为ier , 如 heavy(重的)heavier busy busier happy-happier 有些单词要双写最后一个字母,再加er. 如:fat-fatter hot- hotter big- biggerredredder thin-thinner2.than 是“比”的意思,它的前面必须用比较级。主格+ be + 形容词比较级+ than+宾格3.你还知道哪些用How 开头的疑问词? How 多少,怎样 How many+可数名词

6、复数 “多少个”(就数量) How much+ 不可数名词,“多少”(就数量或价钱) How old “多大” (指年龄) How big “多大”(指外型) How long “多长”How tall “多高” How heavy “多重” How far “多远”(四)课堂小测1、写出下列词的比较级。big _ short _ heavy _ fat _happy_ late(迟到的)_ strong _ fine_2、 meter(复数) _ foot (复数)_ dive (现在分词)_ know(同音词)_ do(第三人称单数)_by (同音词)_3. 按要求完成句子。 他的哥哥有1

7、76公分高。 is 176 . 你有多高? ? 她的爸爸比我爷爷胖。 is than my . 我比Sarah 高了5 厘米。 I than Sarah .自我评价:学习心得_( a.我很棒,成功了; b.我的收获很大,但仍需努力。) 自我展示台:(把你个性化的解答或创新思路写出来吧!) 课题:Uint 1 How tall are you ? (Period 2)Uint 1 How tall are you ? (Period2)班级:_ 小主人姓名:_ 我的学习目标学习目标与要求1、能听懂、会说“How tall are you ?Im 164cm.Youre shorter than

8、me. Youre 4cm taller than me .并能在情景中运用。2、能通过询问调查完成一张timetable.3.学习歌曲 My Pets.学习重点与难点课 标 第 一 网1、本课时的学习重点是:能听懂、会说“How tall are you ?Im 164cm.Youre shorter than me. Youre 4cm taller than me .并能在情景中运用。2、本课时的学习难点是:能通过询问调查完成一张timetable.(一)知识链接(1)听并跟说Lets chant.(P2)(2)听录音,复习并记住 taller stronger older younge

9、r shorter新学五个单词。(二)自主学习(1)组内自由提问:How tall are you ? Im cm ( tall).完成Lets start (P2)(2)听P5 Lets talk 部分录音,思考:Who is taller ? How tall is he ? (3) 跟读P5 Lets talk,组内表演并完成替换练习。(4) 组长询问组员:How tall are you ? 组员回答:Im cm (tall). 组内互动:How old are you/ is your sister ? Im / Shes years /months old. How heavy a

10、re you/is your mother ? Im / Shes kg(heavy). You are 7cm taller /2kg heavier /3 years older than me . Your mother/sister is cm taller /kg heavier / years older than my mother/sister. (5) 组内相互询问调查完成一张timetable.(6)学习歌曲“My pets”(三)拓展延伸(1)做本单元A Lets talk部分的活动手册配套练习。(2)听A Lets talk部分的录音读给同伴、朋友或家长听。(3)两人小

11、组完成Lets play。(四)课堂小测选择正确的答案。1.当你想知道汤姆有多高时,你应该问:_A、How long are you ? B、How tall are you ? C、How large are you ?2.Im two years _than you .A、 young B、shorter C、younger3、Line up _ younger toolder . A 、 fromB、at C、 of4. Howbig _your feet ? A、 is B、 are C 、am5. How _is your best friend ? - Thirteen years

12、 old . A、old B 、tall C、heavy D . older6. 当你想表达“你的床有多长”?时,你应该说:_A 、How long is your bed ? B 、How big is your bed ?C 、How large is your bed ?7. 当你想知道你的朋友的体重时,你应该说:_A 、How tall are you ?B、How old are you ? C 、How heavy are you ?自我评价:学习心得_( a.我很棒,成功了; b.我的收获很大,但仍需努力。)自我展示台:(把你个性化的解答或创新思路写出来吧!) 课题:Uint 1

13、 How tall are you ? (Period 3)班级:_ 小主人姓名:_ 我的学习目标学习目标与要求1、能读懂Read and write 部分的对话,并能在情景中熟练运用。2、完成pair work 的绘图,运用所学知识,向大家介绍自己的好朋友3、了解Pronunciation中字母组合ei/ai/oi的发音规则,以及p/b, t/d的发音区别,能在教师正确示范的基础上正确朗读含有这四个字母组合的单词。二、教学重、难点分析1、 本课时需要理解认读句型:It is taller than the brown one. Its tail is 38cm long .It is sho

14、rter than me .能完成填充的练习。2、本课时的学习难点是Pronunciation,要认真听录音并模仿发音,并发现其发音规律。(一)知识链接 1、听录音,复习本单元C部分的歌曲“My pets”,复习巩固有关活动的单词。(2)Free talk in groups :A: How tall/old are you?-Im 160cm tall/12 years old. A:Really? Im shorter and younger than you.2、结合单词卡片复习所学的四会单词,组内比比谁拼读得又快又准。(二)自主学习(1)观看P6图,思考:Who are they ?(

15、Ben and his dad) What are they doing ?(They are watching the monkeys.) Which monkey is younger/taller/funnier ? Which one do you like best ? Why ?(2)跟录音读对话,注意理解和体会上下文的意思,然后完成填充的练习。注意难点比较同音词its(它是)= it is 与 its(它的)(3)组内分角色表演对话,并交流以上问题答案。(4)仿照P6 Pairwork 图片,向组内相互介绍自己的好朋友。Pronunciation听录音,模仿音标的发音,将单词按读

16、音分类,如把含有字母组合ai并发音为/ei/的单词归为一类,同样学习字母组合ei,oi。再学习清浊辅音/p/b/t/d的单词,先按有相同字母的分为一类,然后分读这些词。完成Read and match。(三)拓展延伸(1)做本单元A Read and write部分的活动手册配套练习。(2)听Read and white、Pronunciation部分的录音,读给朋友或家长听。(四)课堂小测用括号内单词的正确形式填空:(5%)1 Tom is _(tall) than Amy. But he is _(young) than her.2 Who is _(strong), Zhang Peng

17、 or Mike?3 The desk is 150 cm _(long).4 Wu Yifan runs _(fast) than Zhang Peng. 根据所给的标点符号连词成句, 注意大小写(10%)1 you, is, than, who, taller 2 tall, cm, am, 145, I3 me, you, shorter, than, stronger, are, and4 Monkey, only, tall, is, little, the, cm, 40自我评价:学习心得_( a.我很棒,成功了; b.我的收获很大,但仍需努力。)自我课题:Uint 1 How t

18、all are you ? (Period 4)班级:_ 小主人姓名:_ 学习目标:1、能听、说、读、写形容词的比较级形式:heavier、 longer、 thinner、bigger、smaller;2、能灵活运用以上单词描述特征差异;3、能完成Lets play活动;学习重、难点:1、学习重点:听说读写Lets learn 五个形容词的比较级形式。2、学习难点:掌握以下形容词比较级的构成:heavyheavier、thinthinner、bigbigger.(一)知识链接 1、听录音,复习本单元A部分Lets read 部分课文,并向同桌描述自己的好朋友。2、结合单词卡片复习P4 A L

19、ets learn 部分所学的四会单词,组内比比谁拼读得又快又准。(二)自主学习1、听P7 B Lets learn录音掌握新单词的发音及汉语意思,并试着默写,自学中注意结合已学知识,heavy 、big 、long 、thin 、small,并注意观察形容词比较级的构成.2、听录音,跟读,正音,分小组读单词并说出单词的拼写。请同学们总结形容词比较级的构成,找出特殊单词:heavy big thin;3.看图P7 Lets learn同桌间,试着用新学单词做出简单介绍His tail is longer,.His head is bigger4、自己画图,并用所学知识进行比较介绍。5、看图Le

20、ts play,同桌间相互比一比,看谁的手长,谁更高,并用句型:My hands are bigger/smaller than yours. My bag is bigger than yours.进行描述; 想一想:这里的yours 是代表什么意思?(三)拓展延伸 做本单元B Lets learn部分的活动手册配套练习。(四)课堂小测根据答句写问句。1. ?-Im 40kg.2. ?-Im 35kg . 3. Liu Yun is 165cm. Amy is 158cm . (把两句合为一句)Liu Yun is Amy.4. My hands are smaller than your

21、hands.(写同义句) 5.My head is bigger than your head. (写同义句) My head is bigger than .选择填空.(10分)( ) 1. monkey do you like? A. Who B. What C. Which( ) 2.Im than you. A. strong B. thin C. thinner( ) 3. My hands are bigger than . . A. you B. your C. yours( ) 4.How is your pencil? A. tall B. long C. longer( )

22、 5.Im 5 older than you . A. years B. cm C. year 自我评价:学习心得_( a.我很棒,成功了; b.我的收获很大,但仍需努力。)自我展示台:(把你个性化的解答或创新思路写出来吧!)课题:Uint 1 How tall are you ? (Period 5)课题:Uint 1 How tall are you ? (Period 5)班级:_ 小主人姓名:_ 学习目标与要求1、能听懂、会说How heavy are you ?Im 48 kg. Im thinner than you , and shorter.并能在情景中运用。2、能通过询问完成

23、Pair work.3、了解Good to know的单位常识,了解它们的换算关系。教学重、难点分析1、本课时的学习重点是:能听懂、会说How heavy are you ?Im 48 kg. Im thinner than you , and shorter . 并能在情景中运用。2、本课时的学习难点是:能通过询问完成Pair work.(一)知识链接 (1)听并跟说Lets chant.(P2)(2)听录音并复习B Lets learn 部分形容词比较级 ,会背会默写。(二)自主学习(1). 听Lets try录音,并圈出正确的答案;(2). 组内自由谈话:How tall/heavy/o

24、ld are you?-Im cm/kg/years old.Im thinner than you ,and taller/shorter . (3)、听Lets talk录音,跟读对话,掌握对话的发音及汉语意思,并能正确询问他人的身高、年龄、体重等,能作出相应回答,如:How tall are you? Im 164 cm tall, you are shorter than me ,you are 4 cm shorter than me 。(4) 组内分角色表演并替换对话。(5)完成Lets Pair work,说说要求,然后学生互相询问找出答案,然后填入P8的表格中,指名交流。(6)

25、看图,了解Good to know的单位常识,了解它们的换算关系。(三)拓展延伸(1)做本单元B Lets talk部分的活动手册配套练习。(2)听B Lets talk部分的录音读给同伴、朋友或家长听。(四)课堂小测翻译句子。1.你的家离学校多远? is your home school ? -Its about 300 km . 2. Amy 比我大了两岁。 Amy is than .3. 你的手臂有多长? your arms ? - 75cm long .4.我的铅笔比他的短了5公分。 is than . 5.你奶奶多大? is your ?6.你的脚多大? ?I wear Size 3

26、6. 二找出栏中与栏中相对应的答语,把标号填入提前括号。(10分) ( ) 1. How heavy are you? A. They are size 39.( ) 2. How tall are you ? B. Im 15 years old.( ) 3. How old are you ? C. Im 45 kg.( ) 4. What size are your shoes? D. Im 158cm tall.( ) 5. How long is your bed? E. It is 200cm.自我评价:学习心得_( a.我很棒,成功了; b.我的收获很大,但仍需努力。) 自我展示

27、台:(把你个性化的解答或创新思路写出来吧!) Unit 1 How tall are you ? 第六课时年级 姓名 温馨寄语: May all your wish come true.心想事成。学习内容:B. Lets read Match and say C. Lets check story time学习目标:1、能读懂Read and write 部分的对话,并能在情景中熟练运用。2、能够听、说、读、写对话中四会句子。3、了解Story time的故事内容。学习重点:了解sperm whale 和 killer whale的区别。学习难点: 对长度、重量、大小的单位区分以及表达。知识链

28、接:学法指导: 自学(以旧引新)、小组合作、老师指导自主学习:一、 单词先过关:need _have a try_ cant wait_ goalkeeper_ catch_ tallest_ neck _teamwork_ reach_ happen _guy_goal _excellent_合作探究:1、师:Today, lets get to know two kinds of whales, sperm whales and killer whales. 让学生仔细看图,然后提问:How long are they? How heavy are they? Lets read and

29、answer.2、学生四人一组阅读文段回答师提出的问题。3、师指着图中的Killer whale的牙齿问:How many teeth do they have, do you know ? How long is each tooth? 学生根据文段的内容回答。师接着问:How many teeth do you have?How long is each tooth?4、师再提问:What does a sperm whale eat? What does a killer whale eat? What can they do ? 请学生根据课文内容回答问题。5、师放lets read的

30、录音,学生跟读,提出不理解的单词或句子,师生一起讨论解决。6、学生完成文后填充句子的练习。当堂检测:按要求写单词。strong(比较级)_ bigger(原形)_ kilogram(缩略形式)_ thin(比较级)_ older(反义词)_ long (比较级)_ 短文填空 ( going happy office likes taller friend younger weekend play collecting ) Hello,I have a good _. Her name is Lily. She is 160cm tall. She is _ than me. But she i

31、s only 13,and Im 14. She is _ than me. She _ collecting stamps. We often _ together. This _,We are_ to the post _ to buy stamps. We like _ stamps. We are very _.课后练习:填上合适的句子1.Miss Li:_? Lily: I am 45kg.2.Doctor:_? Jack: I like the yellow monkey.3.Tom: _? Jim : I am 55kg.4.Liu: _?Chen:My legs are76cm

32、. 5.Lucy: _? Lily: I wear size 16.自我评价:学习心得_( a.我很棒,成功了; b.我的收获很大,但仍需努力。) 自我展示台:(把你个性化的解答或创新思路写出来吧!) Unit 2 Whats The Matter, Mike?第一课时我的学习目标年级 姓名 学习内容:Lesson 1 Lets learn & Lets play一、学习目标: 1、能听、说、读、写形容词的比较级形式:have a cold、 have a toothache、 have a fever 、hurt 、have a headache; 2、听说认读短语 have a sore

33、throat; 3、听说认读句型:Whats the matter, Mike ?I feel sick ,I have a fever; 4、会唱并理解Lets chant。 二、学习重、难点: 1、学习重点:听说读写Lets learn 四会短语,及他人身体状况的句型的问答。 2、学习难点:听、说、读、写四会单词,掌握throat的发音.看图补全句子1 2 3 4 51. Sarah has a sore _.2. Wu Yifans finger _.3. Chen Jie has a _.4. Zhang Peng has a sore _.5. John has a _.三、自主学习

34、: 1、看图,听录音掌握新单词的发音及汉语意思,并试着默写,自学中注意总结新知识结构,以帮助理解新知识。如:toothache headache等 。 2、听录音,跟读,并试着拼读单词。 3、看图,听录音,试着做Lets learn 里词组的动作,并能发出指令 四、合作探究: 1、讨论并解决自学过程中所遇到的问题; 2、分小组读单词; 3、找出toothache headache的区别; 4、小组间相互学习,一个人给指令,另一个人做动作,练习新词组。5、同桌间用以下句型操练Lets play: Whats the matter ?I have a headachefever 6、谈谈收获; 7

35、、游戏:Teacher gives orders ,students do. 五、课堂练习:根据句意及首字母完成单词。1. There is something wrong with my teeth. I have a t_.2. My nose h_. And my throat is s_.3. W_ the matter with you? Im OK. Dont worry.4. -How do you feel? -I feel sick. I think I have a c_. 六:课堂小结:小组合作回顾本课所学知识,并相互给指令,做动作。 七:课后作业:根据答句,写出正确的问

36、句。 1. A: _? w W w .x K b 1.c o M B: Yes, I have a flu.2. A: _? B: I feel sick.3. A: _? B: Mike is 170 cm tall.4. A: _? B: I am not fine today. There is something wrong with my mouth.5. A: _? B: My leg hurts. 自我评价:学习心得_( a.我很棒,成功了; b.我的收获很大,但仍需努力。) 自我展示台:(把你个性化的解答或创新思路写出来吧!) Unit 2 Whats The Matter,

37、Mike?第二课时我的学习目标年级 姓名 学习内容:Lesson 2 Lets try & Lets talk 一、学习目标: 1、能听、说、读、写四会句子How do you feel? I feel sick, Whats the matter, Mike? My throat is sore, my nose hurts; 2、书写四会句子Whats the matter, Mike? My throat is sore, my nose hurts; 3、能听懂Lets try ,并完成相关练习; 4、了解音标:|au | 、| eu| 、 |k | 、 |n | 、| h| 、 |

38、l | 、| s |。 二、学习重、难点: 1、学习重点:听说读写四会句子How do you feel? I feel sick, Whats the matter, Mike? My throat is sore, my nose hurts; 2、学习难点:能听说认读四会句子,并能在情景中正确运用所学知识。预习导学:感冒_ _ 头疼_ _牙疼_ _ 喉咙疼_ _ 读左边的句子,然后从右边句子中选择相对应的句子,把序号写在题前的括号里。( )1. You have a fever. A. See the dentist(牙医)( )2. You have a sore throat. B. Take some medicine and drink more water.( )3. You have a headache. C. Stay in bed and have a good rest.


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