广东开心版小学四级上册英语单元测试题 全册.doc

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1、学校: 班级: 姓名: 学号: 密封线内不要作答四学校: 密年级第一学期英语科第一 二单元测试题题号听力部分笔试部分总分一8分二10分三10分四12分一10分二6分三8分四16分五20分得分Part1听力部分一、 听录音标号,并在图下写出对应的单词。(8分)二、 听录音,给下列句子标上正确的顺序。(10分)()I play soccer. ( )What do you do on Monday?( )Its a violin.( )I play the violin.( )No, I dont.( )Whats that?( )What do you do on Sunday ?( ) Do

2、you play the violin on Monday?三、 听录音,给图标号。(10分) 四、 听朗读,给你听到的单词标上序号。(12分) ( )game ( ) grape ( ) gray ( )happy( )heavy ( )rain ( ) ride ( )baseball( )bathball ( ) basketbally ( )bowl ( )brown Part2 笔试部分一、填上正确的字母补全单词。(10分)h_ gry rul_ _ st _ pler th_ _sty Th_ _daySat_ _day cuc_ _ber uni_ _r n Tu_ _day M

3、_ _day二、找出不同类的单词。(6分)( )1、A、tall B、thirsty C、ruler( )2、A、soccer B、badminton C、monday( )3、A、sister B、grandfather C、teacher( )4、A、big B、book C、stapler( )5、A、ruler B、notebook C、tall( )6、A、play B、read C、soccer三、 选词填空。(8分)(the , do , play , hot , today , not , Saturday, student)1、 What do you _ on Monday

4、.2、 Lets_ badminton.3、 Are you ? Yes, I am.4、 I play the piano on .5、 I play violin on Sunday.6、 What day is it ? Its Tuesday.7、 Its my birthday.8、 Im Lisas teacher. Lisa is my _.四、 单项选择。(16分)( ) 1、_you play tennis on Tuesday ?No, I . A、Dodont B、Doesdoesnt C、Dodoesnt( ) 2、_day is it today?A、Who B、Wh

5、at C、Where( ) 3、What do you do on Saturday ? I _.A、play violin B、play the soccer C、play the violin ( ) 4、Whats that ? Its_.A、soccer B、an soccer C、a soccer( ) 5、My mothers birthday is _ Tuesday.A、on B、in C、under ( ) 6、What _these? They_pears.A、Isisnt B、Is are C、areare ( ) 7、_you have a ruler? No, I _

6、.A、Dodo B、Dodont C、sheShe ( ) 8、_it a jet? No,_ isnt.A、Isit B、Isthis C、Areit五、写出可以替换划线部分的单词或词组。(20分) 1、Its a big bird .A、 B、 C、 D、 2、Can I have a peach?A、_ B、_ C、_ D、_3、I play soccer on Monday .A、 B、 C、 D、 4、I have a book .A、 B、 C、 D、 5、Whos she ? Shes my mother .A、 B、 C、 D、 学校: 班级: 姓名: 学号: 密封线内不要作答

7、四年级第一学期英语科第三 四单元测试题题号听力部分笔试部分总分一10分二10分三10分四10分一12分二8分三8分四16分五10分六6分得分听力部分一、听朗读,给你听的的词组标上序号。(10分)()play soccer ( )play baseball () play basketball ( ) play volleybally ( )play dodge ball () play badminton( ) like tennis ( )like airplane ( )a white pillow( ) a white widow ( )a brown door ( ) a brown

8、dog二、 听朗读,补全空缺的单词。(10分)1 ch s 2 h y 3 mi 4 sh 5 to 6 b day7 day 8 day 9 day 10 day 三、听朗读,给你听到的图片标上序号。(10分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )四听朗读,找出所听的的句子的正确答应。(10分)1 ( ) Its under the desk.2 ( ) B It Tuesday.3 ( ) C Hes my friend.4 ( ) D Sure.Here you are.5 ( ) E Yes,I am.笔试部分一、填上正确的字母补全单词。(12分)b_rr_w l_ _ten

9、 c_n h_ v_ w_ _ch b_ _ts h_ r_b_l l_ _n sp_ _n s_ _p s_ _t g_ _e二、选词填空。(8分)(ping-pong, Sunday , do , what, borrow, who, hungy, where)1. What do you _on Friday?listen to music.2. Are you _ ?Yes,I am .3. Can I_your book ?No, sorry .4. _ are they ? They are my friends .5. _day is it today ?Its Monday .

10、6. I play _on Tuesday .7. _is my pen ? Its on the table.8. Do you go to school on _? No,I dont.三、补充句子。(8分)1 、What day is it_? B: Its_.(星期六)2 、Do you _ _ on Sunday ? (打篮球) Yes,I _ .3 、Can I use your_,please ?(橡皮刷) Sure ._ you are .4 、Whats that ? Its _ .(气球)四、写出可以替换划线部分的单词或词组。(16分)1 、 Its a small dog

11、 .A、_ B、_ C、_ D、_2、 I am tall .A、 B、 C、 D、 3 、Can I have a ruler?A、_ B、_ C、_ D、_4、I play ping-pong on Friday ?A、_ B、_ C、_ D、_5、Can my sister cook ?A、_ B、_C、_ D、_五、单项选择 。(10分)( )1.What do you do_ Monday ?I play tennis ?A. in C.on( ) 2._Gogo thirsty ? No, he _.A.Is/isnt B.Is/are C.Is/is( )3._I us

12、e your pen ,please?No.sorroy .A.Can B.Do C.Am( )4.Happy birthday! _A.Youre welcome. B.Happy birthday,too . C.Thank you .()May I _ TV? Sure .A.see B.look )6. What _ that ?Its _ ice cream cone? B.Is/an C.are/an( )7._ is my ruler ? Its under the bag ?A.Who B.What C.Where( )8.I play _ pi

13、ano on Monday ?A.a B./ C.the ( )9.What day is the day of the week ?_.A.Sunday B.Saturday C.Monday( )10.How many days are there in a week ?_day.A、six B、seven C、five六、按实际情况回答下列问题。(6分)1、Are you short ? _2、Can I play soccer on Monday ?_3、Is your grandmother ?_ 4、What day is it today ?_5、Can I have a pea

14、ch ?_6、Can I borrow your book ?_7、May I use your ruler ?_学校: 班级: 姓名: 学号: 密封线内不要作答四年级第一学期英语科第五 六单元测试题题号听力部分笔试部分总分一10分二10分三10分四10分一10分二10分三12分四10分五10分六8分得分听力部分一、听朗读,用数字给下列图画标上正确的序号。(10分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )二、听朗读,用数字标出你听到的短语。(10分)( ) stuffed animal ( ) computer game ( ) toy car ( )

15、on the fence( ) hot soup ( ) watch TV( ) go to the zoo ( ) wash the plates( ) have a game ( ) listen to music三、 听朗读,选出能回答问题的正确的句子。(10分)( ) 1 A Thank you. B Fine,thanks. C Hello.( ) 2 A Sure. B I dont have. C Yes,it is.( ) 3 A Tony B Hello,Tony. C Im Tony.( ) 4 A On Thursday. B In Thursday . C Thursd

16、ay.( ) 5 A Milk. B Apple. C Noodles.四、听朗读,补全空缺的单词。(10分)1 I dont like the _ cat. I like_ a cat.2Lilys skirt is_ the_ .3 Tony,_ your_ ,please.4 _your _? Between the box and the pen.5_ I_ your eraser?笔试部分 一、改一字母,变成另一个单词。(10分)1、too_ 2、cup_ 3、look_ 4、hat_ 5、there_6、do_ 7、bule_ 8、shirt_ 9、thin_ 10、those_二

17、选择划线部分发音与其它三个不同的单词,并把序号填在括号里。(10分)( )1. A. music B. unicorn C. umbrella D. cucumber( )2. A. under B. huge C. cube D. humans( )3. A. like B. it C. ice D. bike( )4. A. Sunday B. Monday C. play D. the( )5. A. birthday B. bird C. girl D. violin 三 用 do, dont , does, doesnt 填空. (11分)1. you play baseball?

18、Yes, I .2. the bird sing a song? No, it .3. What Tony like ?4. Tim and Lisa want a doll? No, they .5. He like math.6. We want a puzzle. She like apples7. he like English? Yes, he .四、根据句子的意思和单词的首字母,补充完整单词。(10分)1、English, math, and science are s_.2、I like singing songs. So I like m_. 3、Miss He is our(

19、我们的) a_ teacher. She ofen teach us to draw.4、S_ is the first day of a week.5、Tony likes to run. He likes P._五、连词成句(10分)1、do, what, like, gogo, subjects, you (, ?)_2、math, they, do, like (?)_3、does, what, want, Lisa (?)_4、computer, want, do, a, they, game (?)_5、not, stuffed, I, a, animal, am (.)_六、阅读

20、理解。根据对话内容,选择正确答案。(8分) Hi! My name is Lisa. I am ten. I am short. Todays my birthday. Its Sunday today. I dont go to school. Look! My mother and I go to the zoo. Theyre tall and nice. I like them very much. I like the animals, too.( )1. Lisas birthday is on _.A. Monday B. Saturday C. Sunday( ) 2. Doe

21、s Lisa go to school everyday?A. Yes, she does. B.No, she doesnt.( )3. Lisa and her mother go to the_ now. A. park B. zoo C. garden( )4. Lisa _ animals. A. like B. likes C. doesnt like学校: 班级: 姓名: 学号: 密封线内不要作答四年级第一学期英语科第七 八单元清测试题题号听力部分笔试部分总分一10分二10分三10分四10分一10分二10分三10分四10分五10分六10分得分听力部分一、 听朗读,用数字标出你听到

22、的单词。(10分)( )fan ( )fork ( )bird ( )this( )math ( )doll ( )fence ( )dance( ) friend ( ) floor ( )walk ( )mother二、 听朗读,用英文大写字母标出你听到的内容。(12分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )三、 听朗读,填入所缺的单词。(10分)1 Do you want ? Yes,I do.2 My is next to the .3Where are ? I dont know.4I like and at school.5Gogo has an cone四、 听朗读,判

23、断所听到的句子与图意是否相符,用或 表示。(8分)1 ( ) 2( ) 3( )4( )笔试部分一、 给下面各小题添加一个英语单词使它组成一个新单词。(10分)_father wh_ _day birth_ to_ wel_ lis_ _board _tory bor_二、按要求填入相应的单词。(10分)1I形容词性物主代词6desk近义词2you7unhappy对应词3baby复数形式8play第三人称单数4cherry复数形式9have5sheep复数形式10swim三、 用a, an填空。(10分)1、_orange 2、_elephant 3、_cup 4、_umbrell 5、_ch

24、air6、_family 7、_dodge 8、_mango 9、_white 10、_big butterfly四、单项选择题。(10分)( )1、Can _have an ice cream cone,please? A、I B、my C、your( )2、Lets _a game in the rain.A、play B、plays C、playes( )3、Is this _baseball,Sam?A、you B、youre C、your( )4、_? Five,thank you.A、 How old are you. B、How are you. C、Who are you.B、

25、( )5、Thats my _book.A、science B、sciences C、sciencess( )6、The mice,unicorns and snakes are_. A、animals B、subjects C、fruit( )7、He _English and music.A、like B、likes C、is like( )8、_your brother _math and history?A、Islike B、Doeslikes C、Doeslike( )9、We_English music on Saturday.A、listen B、listen to C、watc

26、h( )10、_is it today? Its Tuesday.A、 Whats day B、What day C、What五、用疑问词填空。(10分)1、_ do they want? A basketball. 2、_ is that? Its an English book.3、_ do you like? I like history.4、_ is it today? Its Monday.5、_ is your soccer? Its in the box.六、翻译完成句子。(10分)1、她想要一个洋娃娃吗?_ she want a _?2、我朋友想要一个鼓。My friend _

27、 a _.3、你喜欢自然科学吗?Do you _ _?4、他喜欢体育和美术。He _ _ and art.5、他们在星期日打篮球。They _ basketball on _.学校: 班级: 姓名: 学号: 密封线内不要作答四年级第一学期英语科第九 十单元测试题题号听力部分笔试部分总分一10分二10分三10分四10分一10分二10分三8分四10分五10分六12分得分听力部分一听朗读,选出你听到的内容。(10分)( )1 A this B these C those( )2 A Unit Fourteen B Unit Thirteen C Unit Nineteen( )3 A shoppin

28、g B sleeping C studying( )4 A touch my cookie B touch my soccer C touch my table( )5 A The monkey can jump. B The monkey can run. C The monkey can draw.二听朗读,写出所读动词的现在分词形式。(10分) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 三听朗读,根据你听到的问句选择合适的答句。(10分)( )1 A Thank you. B sure. C No,thanks.( ) 2 A Yes,I do. B Yes,I am. C Yes,yo

29、u do.( )3 A He likes new cars. B She likes arts. C She likes history.( )4 A He wants a toy dog. B On the desk. C My mother is on the floor.( )5 A Happy birthday to me. B Youre welcome. C Thank you.四听朗读,判断你听到的内容,与图一致的打,不一致的打。(10分)1 ( ) 2 ( ) 3 ( ) 4 ( ) 5 ( )笔试部分一、 完成下列单词的拼写。(10分)t_l_ph_n_ b_h_ _d sk_t


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