有效人际沟通interpersonal communication skills.ppt

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《有效人际沟通interpersonal communication skills.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《有效人际沟通interpersonal communication skills.ppt(58页珍藏版)》请在三一办公上搜索。

1、The Basics of Effective Interpersonal Communication,What is communication?,What do you think communication is?How would you define it?Take a few moments to write down some of your thoughts,Four facets of communication,Three are four facets in all types of communication:SenderReceiverInformationBehav

2、ior,Four facets of communication,In any communication:The Sender is the person trying to communicate a messageThe Receiver is the person at whom the message is directedA message is sent to convey informationInformation is meant to change behavior,Shared symbols,Sometimes when we communicate we assum

3、e we are using shared symbols when we might not beThink about the term“asap”,“as soon as possible”.What does it really mean?Think about how the meaning might change in the situations on the next slide,Shared symbols,How might your meaning of“asap”change in these situations?Someone from another depar

4、tment calls.He needs some detailed information asap;but you are already rather busy.A coworker comes to you for help with an assignment.She needs you asap;but you have another job to finish before lunch.Your immediate supervisor,whom you like to please,asks you to type a memo for her asap;but you al

5、ready have a stack of other jobs to finish.,Shared symbols,Someone from another department calls.He needs some detailed information asap;but you are already rather busy.In this situation,you might interpret“asap”as“when I have finished all of my own work and have a chance to get to it.It might be to

6、morrow or the next day.”,Shared symbols,A coworker comes to you for help with an assignment.She needs you asap;but you have another job to finish before lunch.In this situation,you might interpret“asap”as“after I have finished my own work,I will help out after lunch”.,Shared symbols,Your immediate s

7、upervisor,whom you like to please,asks you to type a memo for her asap;but you already have a stack of other jobs to finish.In this situation,you might interpret“asap”as“Ill do this now and finish my other work afterwards”.,Shared symbols,In the previous examples,weve seen the meaning of“asap”change

8、 from“in a few days”to“immediately”.Many other words and phrases are also vague and have different meanings for different people.Shared symbols are not always completely shared.The message intended is not always the message received.,Why do we communicate?,What do you think?Take a few moments to wri

9、te down some of your thoughts,Why we communicate,We communicate to:Share our ideas and opinionsProvide feedback to othersGet information from othersGain power and influenceDevelop social relationshipsMaintain self-expression and our cultureand other ideas you may have thought of,How do we communicat

10、e?,Think of the many ways in which you communicateTake a few moments to write down some of your thoughts,How we communicate,We communicate and build interpersonal relationships through:Speech WritingListeningNon-verbal languageMusic,art,and crafts,Choosing your medium,Depending upon the situation,on

11、e method of communication may be better than another.In person:one-to-oneIn person:meetings,small groupsIn person:presentations,large groupsLetterMemoNoteEmailVoice mail,Choosing your medium,To determine the best medium for your message determine:What you as the sender need to achieveWhat the receiv

12、er needs to know.What the receiver wants to knowHow detailed,important,and or personal the information in the message isWhich behavior you want to influence and how,Choosing your medium,How would you communicatean organizational change in your unitthe introduction of a new employeea change in someon

13、es job dutiesa reprimandnotice of a meetingTake a few moments to write down some of your thoughts,Choosing your medium,The best way to communicatean organizational change in your unit by memo and small group meetingsthe introduction of a new employee by group and one-on-one meetingsa change in someo

14、nes job duties by memo and one-on-one meetinga reprimand in a one-on-one private meetingnotice of a meeting by memo and email,Barriers to communication,What are barriers to communication that exist in any work setting?Take a few moments to write down some of your thoughts,Barriers to communication,S

15、ome common barriers to interpersonal communication include:Unclear process:The receiver and sender may not share the same language,slang,jargon,vocabulary,symbolsChain of command:There may be too many layers that a message passes through between sender and receiverLarge size of an organization,geogr

16、aphic distance:Large numbers of receivers require good message sending methodsPersonal limitations:Physical and mental disabilities,and differences in intelligence and education may interfere with mutual understanding,Barriers to communication,Additional common barriers to interpersonal communicatio

17、n include:Human nature:Peoples egos,prejudices,and traditions can get in the wayConflicting feelings,goals,opinions:If people feel on opposite sides of an issue they may not sharePower:The idea that knowledge is power can lead to information hoardingand other ideas you may have thought of,Sharing yo

18、ur ideas,Why and when is it necessary to share your ideas?Take a few moments to write down some of your thoughts,Share your ideas to,State an opinion or positionGive instructions or directions Announce a changeMake presentationsParticipate in meetingsGive information in emergencies Communicate the o

19、rganizational mission,vision,and valuesand other ideas you may have thought of,Obstacles to sharing ideas,What can make sharing ideas difficult?Take a few moments to write down some of your thoughts,Obstacles to sharing ideas,Your own shynessFear of rejectionPeer pressureUnorganized thinkingOthers p

20、ossibly becoming defensivePhysical disabilities(impaired sight,hearing,speech)Having to deal with aggressive peopleand others you may have thought of,SHARE your ideas a model,State the main point of your message Highlight other important points Assure the receivers understanding React to how the rec

21、eiver responds Emphasize/summarize your main ideas,SHARE an example,State the main point of your message“Id like to talk to you about the new employee welcome program”.Highlight other important points“We need to discuss the new schedule,locations,and presenters”.Assure the receivers understanding“Do

22、 you need me to further clarify how we are making invitations”?React to how the receiver responds“I understand your concern about parking”.Emphasize/summarize your main ideas“To wrap-up,Ill develop the schedule and make the room reservations,if you can line up the guest speakers”.,Getting good infor

23、mation,Why is it necessary to get good information from others?Take a few moments to write down some of your thoughts,Get good information to,Find out facts and detailsGet directions or instructionsTry to understand anothers point of viewHelp someone solve a problemResolve a team conflict Solve work

24、 problemsand other ideas you may have thought of,Obstacles to getting good information,What can make getting good information difficult?Take a few moments to write down some of your thoughts,Obstacles to getting good information,Lack of trustAssuming you already know it all Jumping to conclusionsNot

25、 valuing diverse opinionsWeak reading skillsWeak listening skillsWeak questioning skillsand other ideas you may have thought of,The power of listening,The philosopher Epictetus stressed the power of listening in this quote:“Nature gave us one tongue and two ears so we could hear twice as much as we

26、speak.”,Listen actively,Prepare to listen by focusing on the speakerControl and eliminate distractions so that you can focus on the message.Dont do anything else(writing,reading,email)but listenEstablish appropriate eye contact to show interest See listening as an opportunity to get information,shar

27、e anothers views,and broaden your own knowledge,Listen actively,Create a need to listen by thinking about what you can learn from the speakerSet aside the time to listen so that you wont feel rushed or become distracted by other responsibilitiesDont prejudge the message based on who is delivering it

28、.Focus instead on the content of the message.Monitor the way you listen by asking yourself questions such as“Did I really pay attention or was I thinking about what I was going to say next”?“Was there information I missed because I allowed myself to become distracted”?,Thats a good question!,Close e

29、nd questions limit the answer to yes or noOpen end questions allow the responder total freedom in answeringDirect questions ask for specific information;limit answers to brief fact statementsProbing questions follow up other questions to solicit additional informationHypothetical questions present a

30、 theoretical situation to which receiver respondsSee examples of each on the next slide,Good question-examples,Close end question“Did you attend the staff meeting this morning”?Open end question“What was discussed at the staff meeting this morning”?Direct question“Which topics were listed on the mee

31、ting agenda”?Probing question“Can you tell me more about the first agenda topic”?.Hypothetical question“What would you have done,if you had not had the chance to present your idea at the meeting”?,FOCUS on information a model,Focus the discussion on the specific information you needOpen-end question

32、 to expand the discussionClose-end question to get specificsUse active listening skills to understand what you are hearingSummarize and close the discussion,FOCUS on information an example,Focus the discussion on the specific information you need“I need to ask you about the computer meeting you atte

33、nded yesterday”.Open-end question to expand the discussion“What kinds of decisions were made regarding expansion of our departmental system”?Close-end question to get specifics“Did the committee decide to buy Dell computers”?Use active listening skills to understand what you are hearing“What I think

34、 I heard you say was that the decision was made”?Summarize and close the discussion“So to wrap up,the system will expand and we will be using Dells.Thanks for keeping me up to date”.,Getting/giving feedback,Why is it necessary to give constructive feedback to others?Take a few moments to write down

35、some of your thoughts,Give feedback when,Someone asks for your opinionWork errors occur frequently A coworkers habits disturb youA coworkers behavior has negative consequences There are unresolved problemsand other ideas you may have thought of Constructive feedback focuses on facts not people,solvi

36、ng problems instead of placing blame,and strengthening relationships instead of“being right”,Obstacles to giving constructive feedback,What makes it hard to give constructive feedback?Take a few moments to write down some of your thoughts,Obstacles to giving constructive feedback,Separating the pers

37、on from the problemOthers becoming defensive or angryFear of negative consequences(especially if the other person is a supervisor)Dealing with potential conflict(especially if the other person is aggressive)Avoiding hurt feelingsPreserving relationshipsNot having all the facts and jumping to conclus

38、ionsChoosing the right time so that the other person is most receptiveand other ideas you may have thought of,STATE feedback a model,State the constructive purpose of your feedbackTell specifically what you have observedAddress and describe your reactionsTender specific suggestions for improvementEx

39、press your support and respect for the person,STATE feedback an example,State the constructive purpose of your feedback“Id like to give you some feedback about your training style so that your evaluations will be more positive and you will enjoy it more”.Tell specifically what you have observed“I no

40、tice that you rely heavily on your notes”.Address and describe your reactions“I feel as though you are unsure of yourself when you read”.Tender specific suggestions for improvement“I can help you develop a PowerPoint presentation so that you can use the screens as a cue instead of being tied to your

41、 notes”.Express your support for the person“You know a lot about the subject.With practice you can become a good trainer”.,Body language,Nonverbal communication,known as“body language”sends strong positive and negative signals.This is how much it influences any message:Words 8%Tone of voice 34%Non-v

42、erbal cues 58%Message100%,Body language includes,FaceFigureFocusTerritory Tone TimeEach of these is described in the following slides,Body language-face,Face includes:Your expressionsYour smile or lack thereofTilt of the head;e.g.,if your head is tilted to one side,it usually indicates you are inter

43、ested in what someone is sayingWhat message are you sending if someone is presenting a new idea and you are frowning?,Body language-figure,Figure includes:Your postureYour demeanor and gesturesYour clothes and accessories such as jewelryWhat message are you sending if you are dressed casually at an

44、important meeting?,Body language-focus,Focus is your eye contact with othersThe perception of eye contact differs by culture.For most AmericansStaring makes other people uncomfortableLack of eye contact can make you appear weak or not trustworthyGlasses may interfere or enhance eye contactWhat messa

45、ge are you sending if you are looking at other things and people in a room when someone is speaking to you?,Body language-territory,Territory focuses on how you use space.It is also called proxemics.The perception of territory differs by culture.Most Americans are comfortable with an individual spac

46、e that is about an arms length in diameterWhat message are you sending if you keep moving closer to a person who is backing away from you?,Body language-tone,Tone is a factor of your voicePitch is the highness or lowness of voiceVolume is how loud your voice isEmphasis is your inflection What messag

47、e are you sending if during a disagreement you start speaking very loudly?,Body language-time,Time focuses on how you use time.It is also called chronemics.Pace is how quickly you speakResponse is how quickly you movePunctuality is your timelinessWhat message are you sending if you are consistently

48、late for meetings?,Ideas to walk away with,People are always communicatingThe meaning intended by the sender is never exactly the message gotten by the receiverWe can help to overcome barriers to communication by being aware of themVerbal and non-verbal communication is important in sending our mess

49、ages,Test yourself,1.Communication is defined as the interchange of thoughts or opinions through shared symbols.True_ False_2.The four facets of interpersonal communication are sender,receiver,information,and behavior.True_ False_3.Unclear process;chain of command;large size of an organization or ge

50、ographic distance;personal limitations;human nature;conflicting feelings,goals,opinions;and power are examples of barriers to communication.True_ False_,Test yourself,4.Describe the steps of the SHARE model for giving good information share,highlight,assure,react,emphasize:5.Describe the steps of th


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