【外语课件】unit 3 Understanding Science.ppt

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1、Part I Part IIPart III Part IV,Unit 3:Understanding Science,next,College English integrated course 1,Task 1Task 2,Part I:Pre-Reading Task,index,previous,next,back,break,over,Unit 3:part I,Unit 3:part I,NCE-B1,Part I Pre-reading Task,index,back,break,over,Stephen Hawking,Unit 3:part I,NCE-B1,Part I P

2、re-reading Task,index,back,break,over,Questions like:How did the universe begin?,Why is the universe the way it is?,How will the universe end?,Unit 3:part I,NCE-B1,index,back,break,over,Part I Pre-reading Task,The contrast between the strength of his mind and the weakness of his body.,Unit 3:part I,

3、NCE-B1,index,back,break,over,In what way is Stephen Hawking like Einstein?,A.He is regarded by all as well-known as Einstein.,B.He works on the same big questions about the universe as Einstein did.,C.He develops Einsteins“Theory of Relativity”.,D.He has the same life experience as Einstein did.,Whe

4、n he was born.,B.When he was a child.,C.When he was a university student.,2.When did he begin to suffer from a serious disease?,D.When he started research at Cambridge.,B.He works on the same big questions about the universe as Einstein did.,C.When he was a university student.,more,Task 2.Listen aga

5、in and choose the best answer:,Unit 3:part I,NCE-B1,index,back,break,over,3.How did his illness affect him?,A.He lost the ability to move and speak.,B.He lost heart about his future.,C.His mind became more powerful.,D.He found something worth living for.,4.Which of the following statements is TRUE?,

6、A.Stephen Hawking speaks with an American accent.,B.He finally got back the ability to speak normally.,C.He went to settle down in America.,D.He makes his speech by using a computer.,SCRIPT,A.He lost the ability to move and speak.,D.He makes his speech by using a computer.,Unit 3:part I,NCE-B1,index

7、,back,break,over,Script for the recording:This unit begins with an article on science.Before you read it,let me tell you something about its author,Stephen Hawking.Hawking is perhaps the most well-known scientist since Einstein.Like Einstein his work tackles the big questions,questions such as How d

8、id the universe begin?Why is the universe the way it is?and How will it end?He is now working on what is sometimes known as the“theory of everything”.Among other things,this promises to explain what caused the Big Bang that started the universe.,more,Unit 3:part I,NCE-B1,index,back,break,over,But it

9、 is not simply the power of Hawkings mind that led to his fame.For what many people find most striking about him is the contrast between the strength of his mind and the weakness of his body.For for many years Hawking has suffered from an illness that has left him unable to move and to speak normall

10、y.Born in England in 1942,Hawking had a normal childhood,and it was not until he was a student at university that his illness started to affect him.,more,Unit 3:part I,NCE-B1,index,back,break,over,Hospital tests showed he was suffering from a disease that weakens control over the muscles.The disease

11、 gets worse with time and there is no known cure.But Hawking did not lose heart.As he says,“although there was a cloud hanging over my future,I found,to my surprise,that I was enjoying life more than before.I began to make progress with my research,and I got engaged to a girl called Jane Wilde.That

12、engagement changed my life.It gave me something to live for.”,more,Unit 3:part I,NCE-B1,index,back,break,over,Hawking started research at Cambridge and went on to hold the same post that another great scientist,Newton,once held.Over the years his condition has worsened,but even when he finally lost

13、the ability to speak,he managed to get round the problem.He now uses a computer that enables him to select words which are then turned into speech.“The only trouble,”the English scientist says,“is that it gives me an American accent.”,next,Unit 3:Part II,NCE-B1,Part II While-Reading Task,index,back,

14、break,over,previous,next,Task 1:Comprehension and Language StudyTask 2:Text Structure,Professor Hawking thinks it important to keep everything in touch with what science is about.In this article he explains why.,Unit 3:Part II,NCE-B1,Part II Text A,index,back,break,over,previous,next,1.Whether we li

15、ke it or not,the world we live in has changed a great deal in the last hundred years,and it is likely to change even more in the next hundred.Some people would like to stop these changes and go back to what they see as a purer and simple age.,Stephen Hawking,Public Attitude toward Science,NCE-B1,Uni

16、t 3:Part II,Chinese,index,back,break,over,previous,next,But as history shows,the past was not that wonderful.It was not so bad for a privileged minority,though even they had to do without modern medicine,and childbirth was highly risky for women.But for the vast majority of the population,life was n

17、asty,brutish,and short.2 Anyway,even if one wanted to,one couldnt put the clock back to an earlier age.,NCE-B1,Unit 3:Part II,Chinese,index,back,break,over,previous,next,Knowledge and techniques cant just be forgotten.Nor can one prevent further advances in the future.Even if all government money fo

18、r research were cut off(and the present government is doing its best),the force of competition would still bring about advances in technology.Moreover,one cannot stop inquiring minds from thinking about basic science,whether or not they are paid for it.,NCE-B1,Unit 3:Part II,Chinese,index,back,break

19、,over,previous,next,The only way to prevent further developments would be a global state that suppressed anything new,and human initiative and inventiveness are such that even this wouldnt succeed.All it would do is slow down the rate of change.3.If we accept that we cannot prevent science and techn

20、ology from changing our world,NCE-B1,Unit 3:Part II,Chinese,index,back,break,over,previous,next,we can at least try to ensure that the changes they make are in the right directions.In a democratic society,this means that the public needs to have a basic understanding of science,so that it can make i

21、nformed decisions and not leave them in the hands of experts.At the moment,the public is in two minds about science.,NCE-B1,Unit 3:Part II,Chinese,index,back,break,over,previous,next,It has come to expect the steady increase in the standard of living that new developments in science and technology h

22、ave brought to continue,but it also distrusts science because it does not understand it.This distrust is evident in the cartoon figure of the mad scientist working in his laboratory to produce a Frankenstein.It is also an important element behind support for the Green parties.,NCE-B1,Unit 3:Part II,

23、Chinese,index,back,break,over,previous,next,But the public also has a great interest in science,particularly astronomy,as is shown by the large audiences for television series such as The Sky at Night and for science fiction.4.What can be done to harness this interest and give the public the scienti

24、fic background it needs to make informed decisions on subjects like acid rain,the greenhouse effect,nuclear weapons,and genetic engineering?,NCE-B1,Unit 3:Part II,Chinese,index,back,break,over,previous,next,Clearly,the basis must lie in what is taught in schools.But in schools science is often prese

25、nted in a dry and uninteresting manner.Children learn it by rote to pass examinations,and they dont see its relevance to the world around them.Moreover,science is often taught in terms of equations.Although equations are a brief and accurate way of describing mathematical ideas,NCE-B1,Unit 3:Part II

26、,Chinese,index,back,break,over,previous,next,they frighten most people.When I wrote a popular book recently,I was advised that each equation I included would halve the sales.I included one equation,Einsteins famous equation,E=mc.Maybe I would have sold twice as many copies without it.,NCE-B1,Unit 3:

27、Part II,Chinese,index,back,break,over,previous,next,5.Scientists and engineers tend to express their ideas in the form of equations because they need to know the precise values of quantities.But for the rest of us,a qualitative grasp of scientific concepts is sufficient,and this can be conveyed by w

28、ords and diagrams,without the use of equations.,NCE-B1,Unit 3:Part II,Chinese,index,back,break,over,previous,next,6.The science people learn in school can provide the basic framework.But the rate of scientific progress is now so rapid that there are always new developments that have occurred since o

29、ne was at school or university.I never learned about molecular biology or transistors at school,but genetic engineering and computers are two of the developments most likely to change the way we live in the future.,NCE-B1,Unit 3:Part II,Chinese,index,back,break,over,previous,next,Popular books and m

30、agazine articles about science can help to put across new developments,but even the most successful popular book is read by only a small proportion of the population.Only television can reach a truly mass audience.There are some very good science programs on TV,but others present scientific wonders

31、simply as magic,NCE-B1,Unit 3:Part II,Chinese,index,back,break,over,previous,next,without explaining them or showing how they fit into the framework of scientific ideas.Producers of television science programs should realize that they have a responsibility to educate the public,not just entertain it

32、.,NCE-B1,Unit 3:Part II,Chinese,index,back,break,over,previous,next,7.The world today is filled with dangers,hence the sick joke that the reason we have not been contacted by an alien civilization is that civilizations tend to destroy themselves when they reach our stage.But I have sufficient faith

33、in the good sense of the public to believe that we might prove this wrong.,NCE-B1,Unit 3:Part II,Chinese,index,back,break,over,previous,next,attitude,manner or way one thinks or behaves toward 态度;看法,NCE-B1,e.g.The boy has a bad attitude toward his schoolwork.,Translate:,他儿子对工作的态度让他生气。,His sons attit

34、ude to his work made him angry.,Unit 3:Part II,break,over,index,next,previous,back,他们对新政府采取观望的态度,They take(or adopt)an attitude of wait-and-see towards the new government.,likely,probable 可能的,NCE-B1,e.g.It is likely that my roommate will win the first-class scholarship.,Translate:,这个地区一、二年内会发生地震。,An

35、 earthquake is likely to strike the area in a year or two.(Or:It is likely that an earthquake will strike the area in a year or two.),Unit 3:Part II,break,over,index,previous,back,more,NCE-B1,Translate:,经济学家说快速的经济增长在中国可能持续下去。,Unit 3:Part II,break,over,index,next,previous,back,他很有可能已经逃跑了。,It is very(

36、highly or most)likely that he has run away.Or:He is very(highly or most)likely to have run away,Economists say that the quick economic growth is likely to continue in China.(Or:Economists say that it is likely that the quick economic growth will continue in China.),e.g.You will have to do without di

37、nner if you dont come back on time.,我买不起汽车,所以我想我只好将就了。,Translate:,I cannot afford a car,so I guess I have to do without.,NCE-B1,do without,manage to continue without something 设法对付过去;将就;用不着,Unit 3:Part II,break,over,index,previous,back,more,有许多东西人们没有也过得了,但是没有食物不行。,Translate:,People can do without ma

38、ny things,but they cannot do without food.,NCE-B1,do without,manage to continue without something 设法对付过去;将就;用不着,Unit 3:Part II,break,over,index,previous,back,more,NCE-B1,“do”的常用搭配,Unit 3:Part II,break,over,index,next,previous,back,1.do away with:废除 e.g.Slavery has been done away with.2.do somebody g

39、ood:对某人有好处 e.g.Morning exercises will do you good.3.do harm to:对有害 e.g.Smoking does harm to your health.4.do for:适用于 e.g.The dress will do for Mary at the party.5.do well in:在做得好 e.g.He did well in the last exam.,e.g.The“revolution”put the clock back ten years.,忘掉这一切,朝前看;你不可能使时光倒流。,Forget all about

40、it and look forward;you cannot turn the clock back,Translate:,put turn the clock back,倒退;使时光倒流,NCE-B1,Unit 3:Part II,back,break,over,index,previous,more,e.g.The“revolution”put the clock back ten years.,他们似乎决心要倒退到冷战时期。,They seem determined to turn the clock back to the days of the“cold war”.,Translat

41、e:,put turn the clock back,倒退;使时光倒流,NCE-B1,Unit 3:Part II,back,break,over,index,previous,more,NCE-B1,Unit 3:Part II,“clock”的常用搭配,break,over,index,next,previous,1.against the clock:争分夺秒 e.g.They are working against the clock.2.round the clock:连续一整天 e.g.He has been doing the experiment round the clock

42、 for three days.,back,e.g.Their phone has been cut off because they havent paid the bill.,Water and electricity supplies in the city have been cut off because of the American air attacks.,Translate:,由于美国的空中打击,这座城市的水电供应已经切断。,cut off,stop providing:切断;停止供应,NCE-B1,Unit 3:Part II,break,over,index,previo

43、us,back,more,“cut”的常用搭配,NCE-B1,Unit 3:Part II,break,over,index,previous,back,1.cut away:切除;砍掉 e.g.The surgeon cut away the tumor(肿瘤).2.cut down:砍倒;削减 e.g.The boy cut down the tree with an axe(斧头).We must cut down our expenses(开支).3.cut in:插嘴;干涉 e.g.Dont cut in when other people are talking.,more,“cu

44、t”的常用搭配,NCE-B1,Unit 3:Part II,break,over,index,next,previous,back,4.cut into:切入;减少 e.g.The knife easily cuts into the cake.Unnecessary expenses cut into our profit.5.cut short:剪短;缩短 e.g.The barber(理发师)cut my hair short.You should cut your writing short.,e.g.Some educators are hoping to bring about m

45、ajor changes in the educational systems.,这些措施已经带来了很大的提高。,Translate:,These measures have brought about many improvements.,bring about,make happen;lead to;cause 带来;引起;产生,NCE-B1,Unit 3:Part II,back,break,over,index,previous,more,这样的玩笑会引起误会。,Such a joke may bring about misunderstanding.,NCE-B1,“bring”的常

46、用搭配,Unit 3:Part II,break,over,index,previous,back,1.bring down:使下降 The medicine will bring down your fever soon.2.bring forth:产出;结出 The tree has brought forth many apples this year.,more,NCE-B1,“bring”的常用搭配,Unit 3:Part II,break,over,index,next,previous,back,3.bring up:养育;呕吐 He was brought up by his

47、aunt.He brought up everything he had eaten.4.bring through:使脱险;使度过难关 Dont worry;the doctor is sure to bring the patient through.Your help brought us through all the difficulties.,e.g.inquiring minds:爱探索的人;探究求索人士 I rang up to inquire about the train times.,I inquired of the nurse about his health.,Tr

48、anslate:,我向护士询问他的健康情况。,inquire,seek information or answers by questioning 打听;询问,NCE-B1,Unit 3:Part II,back,break,over,index,next,previous,他询问有没有他的信.,He inquired whether there was any letter for him.,e.g.Why dont you take the initiative and arrange for a meeting.,The workers are able to solve the pro

49、blems on the initiative.,Translate:,这些工人门能够主动地解决这些问题,initiative,主动;首创精神,NCE-B1,Unit 3:Part II,back,break,over,index,previous,more,initial a.开始的;最初的initially ad.最初;首先initiate v.开始;发起initiation n.开始;发起initiator n.创始人;发起者,NCE-B1,Unit 3:Part II,break,over,index,“initiative”的派生词,next,previous,back,NCE-B1

50、,rate,n.速度;比率,Unit 3:Part II,break,over,index,back,previous,more,e.g.The rate at which hair grows can be very slow.,Translate:,世界森林正以惊人的速度消失,The worlds forests are disappearing at a surprising rate.,以你目前的工作进度,你半夜前完成不了.,At your present rate of working,you wont finish before midnight.,birth rate 出生率de


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