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1、高三英语第五周测试题(江西)命题人: 简 审题人:王 3. 31使用第一部分:听力 第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节:单项填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)21 He was so sad because she failed in the math test. Lets _ her _.A. leave behind B. leave alone C. leave aside D. leave out 22. He has been _ for three weeks. Wed better find another person to fill his place

2、. A. absent B. left C. gone D. resigned 23. I am going to the post office. Do you have any letter _?A. to be sent B. to send C. sending D. sent 24. Her clear and elegant prose _ her _ from most other journalists. A. sets aside B. sets down C. sets apart D. sets up25The disability makes everyday life

3、 difficult and_society should treat_disabled with dignity and respect.Athe;theB/;theCa;aDthe;/26Look!Here comes the bus and I have to go now.Thank you for coming to see me off.Goodbye,and_! Acongratulations Bcheer up Call the best Dgo ahead27What he said about my grades_me.Im really angry with him.A

4、disturbed Binterrupted Cannoyed Dencouraged28When they moved to Canada,the children_the change very well.Aadapted to Badopted to Cused to Dattempted to29Wouldnt you feel rather_if you rushed to the airport to meet your friends only to find that they had already been picked up by other people?Asatisf

5、ied Bhappy Cannoyed Dbored30We must make sure that public facilities in the newlybuilt buildings,like the restroom and the lift,are_to disabled visitors.Aimpressive Bindependent Cremarkable Daccessible31Do you know when Britain_war on Germany during the Second World War?In 1993,I suppose.Aannounced

6、Bdeclared Cfought Dattended32Lorry,how do you think an Englishwoman will feel if you ask how old she is?Well.She may probably feel_.Aabsurd Bembarrassed Csatisfied Dawful33. They desired that they_ the right to vote. A. had B. have C. are D. were34. How was your dinner date, dear?Very nice. A. Much

7、more than I could have imagined B. I cant wait to have it againC. could have helped myself to some more D. If only they had served better35.I am sorry I stepped outside for a smoke. I was very tired. There is no _ for this while you are on duty.A. reason B. excuseC. cause D. explanation第二节:完形填空 When

8、 I was a college student, I did a lot of traveling abroad. That was because a professor 36 me to do so. She said, “Now it is the time for you to travel around the world, 37 your knowledge through actual experiences and have fun?” I 38 her. Since I started to work for a 39 company, however, I have do

9、ne most of my traveling through the Internet. By using the Internet, I have seen the 40 of many cities on my computer screen. And I have really made business 41 , too. With the help of the Internet, I have also got 42 about food in different countries. Therefore, I was beginning to feel that actual

10、trips were 43 necessary when I happened to read a famous chefs (厨师) comment on the Internet. He said, “It is very difficult to have real Italian food in a foreign country, because we enjoy food and the 44 around us at the same time. So why dont you fly over to Italy and enjoy real Italian 45 ? “Thos

11、e words reminded me of my 46 advice. As information technolongy 47 , you might be able to do without making some real trips. But this also means that you will miss the various 48 you can get from traveling. Today there are people who 49 direct communication with others and spend much of their time o

12、n the Internet. It is not surprising to see a group of people 50 not with each other but into their micro phones. It seems as if such people are 51 by an invisible wall. They seem m be losing out on a good chance to 52 and talk with other people. I do not think that they are taking good advantage of

13、 information technology. We should use information technology as a tool m make our daily 53 more fruitful. However, we should never let it 54 our time for face to -face communication. Lets make use of information technology more 55 ,and have great fun in experiencing the actual world.36. A. promised

14、 B. allowed C. hurried D. encouraged37. A. build up B. use C. practise D. exchange38. A. agreed with B. learned from C. followed D. obeyed39. A. computer B. food C. clothing D. machine40. A. life B. rivers C. sights D. houses41. A. plans B. bargain C. progress D. trips42. A. information B. taste C.

15、cooks D. feelings43. A. even more B. no longer C. much D. actually44. A. people B. drink C. atmosphere D. environment45. A. shoes B. dishes C. customers D. situations46. A. friends B. parents C. professors D. bosss47. A. produces B. advertises C. forms D. advances48. A. news B. pleasures C. troubles

16、 D. places49. A. avoid B. keep C. lose D. enjoy50. A. meeting B. talking C. communicating D. traveling51. A. stopped B. met C. surrounded D. hurt52. A. look at B. employ C. travel D. meet53. A. communication B. study C. work D. action54. A. spare B. increase C. reduce D. make use of55. A. wisely B.

17、correctly C. or less D. slowly. 阅读理解阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。APierre is a 25-year-old penguin at the California Academy of Sciences. Due to his old age, he was going bald, which made him feel too cold to swim in the pool. Therefore, biologists at the academy had a wet suit created for this

18、 penguin to help him get back in the swimming pool.Unlike marine mammals, which have a layer of blubber to keep them warm, penguins depend on their waterproof feathers. Without them, Pierre was unwilling to jump into the swimming pool and ended up trembling on the side of the pool while his 19 peers

19、 played in the water.“He was cold; he would shake,” said Pam Schaller, a senior biologist. Schaller first tried a heat lamp to keep Pierre warm. Then she got another idea: if wet suits keep humans warm in the cold Pacific, why not make one for Pierre? Schaller designed the suit, which covered Pierre

20、s body and had small openings for his flippers.“I would walk behind him and look at where there were any gaps, and cut and refit and cut and refit until it looked like it was extremely suitable,” she said.One concern was that the other penguins would reject Pierre in his new suit, but in fact, they

21、accepted his new look. He swam freely and got along with others well, although he was the only penguin with a black stomach.Schaller couldnt say for sure whether the wet suit allowed Pierre to recover his fine feathers, but “certainly we were able to keep him comfortable during a period of time that

22、 would have been very difficult for him to stay comfortable”.Pierre will take off his suit after his new feathers grow back. 56. Pierre felt too cold to swim in the pool because of .A. not having a layer of blubber B. having few feathers due to old ageC. having no wet suit D. others penguins rejecti

23、ng him57. The idea of making a wet suit for Pierre came from .A. total invention B. the use of wet suit on humansC. the use of heat lamp D. waterproof feathers58. Schaller followed Pierre in order to see .A. whether other penguins would reject him B. if anywhere of wet suit needed to be cut and refi

24、tC. if the wet suit kept warm D. whether the wet suit would keep the feathers from recovering59. What does the underlined word in the second paragraph mean?A. feeling scared. B. staying alone. C. shaking with cold. D. keeping warm.60. The BEST title of the passage is . A. Wet suit for An Old Penguin

25、 B. Old Penguin Getting BaldC. Unwilling to Swim D. Strange Look of PierreBThe African elephant, the largest land animal remaining on the earth, is of great importance to African ecosystem(生态系统). Unlike other animals, the African elephant is to a great extent the builder of its environment. As a big

26、 plant-eater, it largely shapes the forest-and-savanna(大草原) surroundings in which it lives, therefore setting the terms of existence for millions of other animals that live in its habitat. It is the elephants great desire for food that makes it a disturber of the environment and an important builder

27、 of its habitat. In its continuous search for the 300 pounds of plants it must have every day, it kills small trees and underbushes, and pulls branches off big trees. This results in numerous open spaces in both deep tropical forests and in the woodlands that cover part of the African savannas(热带草原)

28、. In these open spaces are numerous plants in various stages of growth that attract a variety of other plant-eaters. Take the rain forests for example. In their natural state, the spreading branches overhead shut out sunlight and prevent the growth of plants on the forest floor. By pulling down tree

29、s and eating plants, elephants make open spaces, allowing new plants to grow on the forest floor. In such situations, the forests become suitable for large hoofed plant-eaters to move around and for small plant-eaters to get their food as well. What worries scientists now is that the African elephan

30、t has become an endangered species. If the elephant disappears, scientists say, many other animals will also disappear from vast areas of forest and savanna, greatly changing and worsening the whole ecosystem. 61. What is the passage mainly about? A. Disappearance of African elephants. B. Forests an

31、d savannas as habitats for African elephants. C. The effect of African elephants search for food. D. The eating habit of African elephants.62. What does the underlined phrase “setting the terms” most probably mean? A. Fixing the time. B. Worsening the state. C. Improving the quality. D. Deciding the

32、 conditions. 63. What do we know about the open spaces in the passage? A. They result from the destruction of rain forests. B. They provide food mainly for African elephants. C. They are home to many endangered animals. D. They are attractive to plant-eating animals of different kinds.64. According

33、to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE?A. The African elephant is the largest animal on the earth.B. African elephants have 300 pounds of plants every day, including small trees and underbushes.C. The African elephant is in a way the builder of the environment like other land anim

34、als.D. If the African elephant disappears, the whole ecosystem wont be affected.65. The passage is developed mainly by . A. showing the effect and then explaining the causes B. pointing out similarities and differences C. describing the changes in space order D. giving examplesC Science and Society

35、Young people need to understand how our society depends upon scientific and technological advancement and to realize that science is a basic part of modern living. The scientific process and the knowledge produced cannot be considered to be ends in themselves, except for the classical scientist. A s

36、tudent should understand the relation of basic research to applied research, and the connection between technological developments and human affairs. More of technology than science will be involved in social decisions, but both are important in public policy. The knowledge and methods of science ar

37、e of little importance if there is no inclination to use them properly . An open mind, a desire for accurate knowledge, confidence in the procedures for seeking knowledge, and the expectation that the solution of problems will come from the use of tested and proven knowledge these are among the “sci

38、entific attitudes”. Science instruction should acquaint students with career possibilities in technical fields and in science teaching. A continuous effort should be made to identify and encourage those who develop special interests. They should be given opportunities for some direct experience of a

39、 professional nature; they should also learn about the extent of the various science fields and how these fields are related to each other. But it is even more important for young people to acquire those skills and abilities that will enable them to take the responsibilities for expanding their own

40、learning.66. According to the first paragraph, the young people must A. devote themselves for science B. devote themselves for the socialism C. understand and realize that science is a basic part of modern living D. be well-educated and to get more knowledge for our construction67. The word “ends” (

41、Para. 1)most probably means A. purpose B. results C. advances D. conclusions68. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage? A. Both technology and science are important in social decisions. B. Technology is more important than science in social decisions. C. Science is more i

42、mportant than technology in social decisions. D. The knowledge and method of science are more important than those of technology.69. Which of the following is NOT a factor of “scientific attitudes”? A. An open mind. B. Accurate knowledge. C. Confidence in the process for seeking knowledge. D. The ex

43、pectation that the solution of problems will come from.70. According to the passage, it is more important for young people to A. develop special interests in technical fields B. get more opportunities /or broadening their knowledge C. take the responsibilities for broadening their knowledge D. acqui

44、re the skills and abilities for broading their knowledgeBThere are robots all around us. Some do very complicated jobs like flying airplanes and driving subway trains. And some do one simple job. When an automatic washing machine is switched on, water pours in. The machine waits until the water is warm enough for washing clothes. It does this by “feedback” (反馈). Information about what is happening is feed back into the robot to tell what to do next. Our eyes, ears and other senses are our feedback. They tell us what is going on around us. So robot


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