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1、结合环境保护内容,组织自己的教学安排 摘记教学实施中,学生环保意识的培养过程摘记:如今,随着教学改革的呼声日益高涨;作为老师,不仅要求交给学生一定的文化知识,而且还应该把爱国主义、集体主义以及正确的人生观、价值观一并纳入教育学生的知识文化当中去。环境保护方面的教育在我们目前所生存的条件下就越发显得突出。为此,结合课本知识,在有限的教学时间内,既要使学生掌握课本知识,又要使他们从中认识到我们所生存的环境危机。从而更加珍惜我们的环境,合理利用好我们现有的有限环境资源,使其发挥应有的作用,从而更好地为我们人类服务。关键词:环保; 绿化;教学反思。针对上述这一内容,笔者结合JEFC BOOKIII L

2、esson 42 The Great Green Wall 一文,以此为例,详细阐述解决这一问题的办法和关于授课之后的反思情况。一、 引入话题。教师通过展示flash 图片,使学生认识到我们目前所生存的环境的恶劣。里面包含沙尘暴、空气污染、水土流失、工厂的废气、废水的排放等。让学生在内心深处产生共鸣。进而我问学生:Do you like these colours? 学生当然摇着头说:Its terrible,I dont like them at all.Teacher: Whats your favourite colour ?Student A : My favourite colour

3、 is red.Teacher: Why?Student A : Because red means kind, it also means warmly.Student B: My favourite colour is white. It means pure and clean, you know ,I like clean and tidy.Teacher: Do you know what is my favourite colour? Can you guess?Student: Is it purple? Teacher: No, it isnt.Another student:

4、 Maybe its pink.Teacher: No. Let me tell you. My favourite colour is green. Do you know why?Student: Does it mean fresh?Teacher: Yes. It means fresh life. I like green, because green stands for active. It also means alive. And do you know how to turn into green?Students: planting trees; and growing

5、grass.Teacher: Good ideas.Teacher: 大家知道,在我们国家,有一个专门的节日是为植树而取的,是什么?(in our nation, theres a special festival for planting trees. whats it ?)Students: 植树节(Tree Planting Day )Teacher: 什么时候?( When ?)Students: Mar.12 Teacher: Can you tell me how to plant trees?Students: Dig a hole large enough for the tr

6、ee; knock a long, strong stick into the earth in the hole. Make sure it is straight.Students: put the tree in the hole next to the stick so that it is straight.Students: Put the earth back in the hole again . push it down hard with your foot several times.Students: Water it as soon as possible.二 为正文

7、作铺垫,温故而知新。对照how to plant tree 的内容,为了巩固已经学习的知识,让学生做下面的判断正误的练习。如下所示:( True or False ) 1 The ground should be very wet ( )2 The hole must not be too deep ( )3 The earth should not be too hard ( )4 The tree must be put straight in the hole ( )5 Summer is the best time for planting trees ( ) 通过上面的正误练习判断,

8、我又随之推出了这么一个话题:What do you think of planting trees? Or Whats the usage to plant trees ?Students: Green environment. / Clean our fresh air / Make our world more beautiful / Protect our farmlands- .根据学生们对于这一问题的理解,我进一步提出下面的问题:Can you give me some examples to show importances of planting trees ?因为部分学生已经提

9、前预习了新的课文,所以,听到这个问题后,有些学生马上就说了“三北防护林”。Teacher: “三北” 所指 东北、华北、西北的11个省、自治区、直辖市。大致分布在辽宁省、河北、陕西、山西、内蒙古、新疆、北京市等区域内。“三北防护林”的作用在于-,请同学们将其找出来。Students: 1 Para3. Stop the wind from blowing the earth away. 2 stop the sand from moving towards the rich farmland in the south.Teacher: “三北防护林” 被命名为“The Great Green

10、Wall”. But More Great Green Walls must be built all over the world. More forests are still needed. Can you find out the usages of forests from our text?Students: 1. Para1.Help to keep water from running away; 2 .Keep rain drops from hitting the soil directly, so the soil is not easily washed away. 3

11、 .The dead leaves on the ground also keep the water from running away; 4 .Trees can stop the water to stay in one place; 5 .Trees can prevent the floods from happening.三 帮助学生理解所学习的课文,设计任务型的问题1 .Can you describe our Great Green Wall?Across the northern part of the country; millions of trees; The Wall

12、 is between 400 and 1,700 kilometers wide; Its about 7,000kilometres long. It has already saved a lot of lands.2 .Do you wanted to work on the Great Green Wall ?Its hard work; but its very important; We should plant more trees; The more , the better; You cant cut down the trees. It was difficult to

13、work at the workplace.3 .Whats the usages of the Great Green Wall?We can grow our own food. ; The land produces more crops; The more trees there are, the better harvests we have. Thanks for the Great Green Wall.4 .Ask students to divided the text.There are 3 paras. (1) .The meaning is : the usages o

14、f forests. (2). Whats the Great Green Wall ? (3) We should plant more trees. The more trees there are , the better harvests we have.在此基础上,学生已经比较熟悉所学的课文了,不妨让他们尝试Retell the text.以达到使学生领会课文,从而做到学以致用。Forests help to stop droughts and floods, so China has built a new Great Green Wall across the northern

15、part of the country. The Great Green is 7,000 kilometers long, and between 400 and 1,700 kilometers wide. It will stop the wind from blowing the earth away. It will stop the sand from moving towards the rich farmland in the south .If more Great Green Walls are built, more good land will be protected

16、 and then more crops will be produced to feed more people.四 调查及讨论(Interview and discussion)你身边的环境状况如何?你是怎样来自觉保护我们的环境的?Student 1 water pollution / stop from pouring waste water into the river.Student 2 I found many people spit on the ground in the public places . /I hate spitting on the ground.Studen

17、t 3 Throw some litter onto the ground./ without any good manners; /pick up and throw into a dustbin.Student 4 Draw pictures on the public walls./ -Student 5 Cut down trees, especially young trees!/ Take care of them.Student 6 Dont allow anyone to pour waste water into the river near our home.Student

18、 7 Collect waste paper or bottles for recycling.Student 8 Plant more trees or flowers in or nearby our neighbours.Student 9 Do something useful to improve our environment.五 突出课文教学当中的重点、难点。1 表示长、宽、高、厚、深等系列的形容词的运用。(1) The Great Green is 7,000 kilometers long;(2)The Great Green is between 400 and 1,700

19、 kilometers wide。2 含有情态动词的被动语态的使用。(1) Great Green Walls must be built all over the world.(2)(3) 待添加的隐藏文字内容1Many thousands of trees must be planted every year.六 教学反思,总结如下:(1)在我所教的班级里,学生之间存在着差异性,如学习基础上的差异;学习能力上的差异;兴趣爱好的差异等。所以学生“吃不饱”或“吃不了”的现象就成了教学中的最常见的问题。如何缓解这种现状,使所有的学生都能学有兴趣,就成了教学的重点和难点。这样我就会试着去想一些方法


21、可以对教学进程作出正确的评价,同时有意识地调整教学计划和教学活动的安排,以促进教学目标的完成。应该说,课堂教学中,学生的表现可以帮助我们更好地明确教学中的问题,进一步提出可行性的改进方案。同时,通过教师在教学中的不断改进与调整表现出的积极态度可以很好地感染学生,以多种形式鼓励学生努力学习,保持良好的师生关系,以使教学更加有效果。(3) 调整反思,也就是观察、反思新的教学方法或补救措施是否有实际的效果。可以说,调整反思是尝试改进的延续,在这个过程中,首先要研究原有的问题是否已经较好地解决,如果已解决,应针对尝试改进的成功方法,主动寻求进一步强化的方式和手段,以巩固自己已经形成的好的教学行为,防止

22、原有问题再次出现。如果发现新的问题,谨慎地追寻新问题的实质,针对新问题再次尝试另外的教学方法或其它改进措施。例如:我在教“表示长、宽、高、厚、深等系列的形容词的运用”的时候,由于受以前所学知识的影响,学生造句是The desks long is one and a half meters; Our classrooms wide is five meters .意识到这个问题,再次教学时我特意安排了快速反应的比赛,专门巩固这类知识点,以加深学生的印象。要成功地调整反思,教师不仅要悉心研究自我的教学行为,而且还要悉心揣摩学生的心理。应该说,教师教学方法得以实施,与学生学习的积极性有很大的关联度。

23、这就要求我们必须对我们的课堂教学进行必要的调整:一方面要积极改进教学方法,进一步提高学生学习的积极性,满足他们的心理需求;另一方面要对教学内容作以积极的处理,调整教学思路和对难点的认识等。参考文献:教学反思促进教师专业发展的一种有效途径 李彦花 文 中小学教材教学2003年第36期。29C91AFE4CED1B6C8795AD9C91AFE4CED1B6C8795AD91AFE4CED1B6C8795AD9C91FE4CED1B6C8795AD29C91AFEDD1B6C87D1B6C8795AD9C91AFE4CED1B6C8795AD91AFE4CED1B6C8795AD9C91FE4CE















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