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1、2010世博会博览馆,上海,中国THE POLISH EXPO 2010 EXPOSITION PAVILION,SHANGHAI,CHINA建筑设计:WWA建筑师事务所ARCHITECTS:WWA Architects展览馆的外部结构和内部功能设置集中体现在参观者所选择的参观路线。这条路线符合建筑的逻辑。入口是建筑室内外建筑体量的间隔,从各展览间规划的广场很容易到达。部分屋顶是由建筑叠合而成,可以设置一个露天餐厅,并为排队等候的参观者提供遮阳构件。入口通往的大厅容纳了信息中心、餐厅和商店。参观者随后达到的是通高的主要展厅。在此空间中布满了透过立面镂空花纹照进馆内的阳关,形成了“明暗对比”的效


3、反方向的参观路线也经过精心的设计。倾斜的屋面为安排露天电影、戏剧表演或音乐会提供了可能。外文:The outside structure of the pavilion and its reflection in the proposed arrangement of its inside functions impose on the visitors taking and following a route which is consistent withthe logic of the building. The entranceway an interlude betweenan in

4、side and outside body of the construction, is accesible from the square marked out between the pavilions . The partial roof created by the fold in the building ,allows for arranging an open-air restaurant as well as for providing the queues of visitors a shelter from the elements . The entrance open

5、s onto the hall containing the information centre , a restaurant , and a shop . Next the visitos proceed to the main ,full-height exhibition area of the pavilion . It is the space painted with the light filtering through the cut-out patterns of the elevation creating achiarocuroeffect, but also the

6、place where thr inner ,solid walls of the pavilion can function as screenson which the screens of polish city life are projected . consequently ,the inner of the building will creat a background for scheduled performances and presentations,e.g.directly connected with depicting the life of a typical

7、Polish marked place . The concert hall which is located above the entranceway roof can be accessed from this area . auxiliary functions have been designed in the lowest part of the building, under the ramp leading onto the rooftop.Continuing the route the visitors enter the area of the exhibition pr

8、oper ,devoted to the future of the citise . The wooden, ground-level floor is gradually rising , acquiring the form of terraced stairs and becoming an auditorium for performance taking place below. The stairs take the visiters onto the exhibition ramp, suspended in the pavilion space and leading to

9、the mezzanine where the exhibition of Polish design and an additional bar are to be located. The last strech of the ramp leads onto the roof levelthe viewing spot . From here ,the visitors can begin their descent on the rooftop, following the line of greenery elements or small architectural forms un

10、til they reach their starting point the entrance to the pavilion. The opposite direction of sightseeing may be considered as well. The sloping rooftop creats the possibility of arranging an open-air film shows ,theatical performances or concerts.出自世界建筑11/2009 机遇之地:波兰 P80-P83 出版社:世界建筑杂志社波士顿会议和展览中心Bos

11、ton Convention and Exhibition Center建筑设计师:拉斐尔维诺里坐落在南波士顿中心的滨水地区,新的波士顿会议和会展中心代表了该城市进入会议设施市场的高端市场。该项目是由管理着波士顿的马萨诸塞会议中心署来设计的,它发起的第一阶段的建筑设计,包括一个50000平方米的可以再分的展览厅、两个分别为4000和1500平米的舞厅以及总建筑面积超过15000平方米的72个会议室。第一阶段的建筑完成了四年之后,第二阶段即将进行,将增加大约30%的总建筑面积来扩大展览厅和会议室。波士顿会议和会展中心的巨大体量坐落在两个单独的都市环境中。尽管场地北部地区主要是大型的多用途建筑,这


13、持着较高层的会议室和社交场所。屋顶的拱门以及暴露在外的构架从本质上说是一个非常高雅的工棚,是得它能够承担超过50米的自由跨度,并且标志着该场所是高度结构化的且非常适合大型设施。两座桥漂浮在这个不受妨碍的垂直空间的上方,一次来连接建筑物的两侧,并提供更加有效的循环外文:Situated at the heart of the South Boston waterfront,the new Boston Convention and Exhibition Center represents the citys entry into the top-tier of the convention fa

14、cilities market. The program developed by the massachusetts Convetion Center Authority ,which administers the BCEC , calls for a first phase construction consisting of a 50,000-square-meter sub-divisible exhibition hall,two ballrooms measuring 4,000and 15,00 meters.four years after completion of the

15、 first phase ,the second phase will be undertaken ,adding approximately 30 percent to the total in an expation of the exhibition hall and meeting rooms.The enormous volume of the BCEC is situated within two disparate urban conditions . Althogh the area to the north of the site feathures large-scale

16、mixed-use buildings that are part of the South Boston Waterfront Redevelopment , smaal-scale residential buildings characterize the area to the south . The design of the building effectively negotiates this transition by following the chang in elevation with a long, gently sloped roof.To further int

17、egrate the complex into its surroudings and lessen its visual impact on the South Boston neighborhood, the vast volume of the exhibition hall has been surrouded by smaller scale meeting rooms and social spaces . Vehicular traffic in and out of the convention center was also a sensitive issue with lo

18、cal residents. In order to segregate this traffic from South Boston streets , an elevated ring road encircles the building and provides independent vehicular access to meeting rooms and the lobbies of the subdivided exhibit halls along the facilitys700-meter length .Parking garages and loading docks

19、 are located out of sight beneath this motoway . inside the BCEC,V-shaped columns along both sides of the exhibition hall suport the meeting rooms and social spaces on the upper floors .the arch of the roof and its exposed trusses is essentially a very elegant industrial shed that allows it to carry

20、 a free-span of over 50 meters and makes the space extremly configurable and suitable for large installation .Two bridges float above this virtually unencumbered space to connect the two sides of the building and provide moer efficient circulatio出自美国顶级建筑 P184-P193 出版社:大连理工大学出版社美国馆展馆主题:拥抱挑战展馆亮点:灰色钢建筑

21、国家馆日:7月2日展馆位置:C片区展馆特色美国馆是一幢巨大的灰色钢制建筑,形状像一只雄鹰正展开翅膀对游客表示欢迎。馆内会用一个富有活力又让人动情的故事来传递“可持续发展”、 “团队协作”、 “健康生活”以及“追求成功的精神”这四个核心主题。馆内的展览通过多维度、高科技的展示手段表现了美国人民坚韧不拔、创新改革以及热心创建社区的精神,体现了在美国是一个充满机遇及多样化并存的国家,人们来到这里共同努力将社会改变得更好。展馆外观美国馆总的主题为“拥抱挑战”。为了紧跟本届世博会的主题“城市,让生活更美好”,这里所描述的挑战具体为:创造环境可持续发展的社区,保持健康的生活方式以及用科技改善人们的生活。馆


23、内容是花园,最后一部分为“机遇和创新”,主要体现通过科技和创新技术的应用建设更多可持续发展社区这个主题。亮点三:现场表演与多媒体美国馆除了每天会有“舞动美国”户外表演,还会组织不同类型的演出,其中包括爵士乐、流行乐、斯卡及古典音乐、大学仪仗乐队、戏剧、舞蹈,并向美国的城市和伙伴“致敬”。外文:USA PavilionPreviewTheme: Rise to the ChallengeHighlights: Gray Steel StructureNational Pavilion Day: July 2Location: Within Zone C of the Expo SitePavil

24、ion FeaturesThe USA Pavilion is a mammoth gray steel structure meant to resemble an eagle stretching its wings in welcome. The pavilion presents a dynamic and emotional story that conveys four core concepts: sustainability, teamwork, health and the spirit of striving for success. The exhibition tell

25、s the story of the American spirit of perseverance, innovation, and community-building in a multi-dimensional, hi-tech presentation. It presents the US as a place of opportunity and diversity where people come together to change their communities for the better.Pavilion DisplayThe overall theme of t

26、he pavilion is Rise to the Challenge. In keeping with the Expos theme of Better City, Better Life, the challenges depicted will be creating environmentally sustainable communities, engaging in a healthy lifestyle and using technology to improve peoples lives. The pavilion showcases American business

27、 and technology, as well as culture and values, to foster stronger friendship between the American and Chinese peoples.Pavilion HighlightsHighlight 1: Visual Parable without DialogueThe USA Pavilion features a show entitled The Garden - the story of a 10-year-old girl who envisages turning a vacant

28、city lot into an urban oasis, working with her neighbors to make that happen. The movie - a visual parable without dialogue - includes plenty of computer-generated imagery and 4-D effects, like vibrating seats,mist and lightning. The girls passion and resolution has inspired her neighbors to work to

29、gether to turn a dilapidated city into a fascinating place with the spirits of optimism, innovation and cooperation.Highlight 2: Three ActsThe program begins with the Spirit of America, a call to collaboration, and a celebration of freedom, diversity, innovation, and opportunity. The Garden is the c

30、enterpiece of the second part, while the last section is Opportunities and Innovation, a themed area that highlights the use of technology and innovation to achieve more sustainable communities.Highlight 3: Live Shows and MultimediaIn addition to a daily Dance-America! outdoor show, the USA Pavilion

31、 will stage a wide range of performances including jazz, pop, ska and classical music, university marching bands, theater and dance, and Salutes the American city and state partners.中国馆展馆主题:城市发展中的中华智慧展馆亮点:传统斗拱建筑结构国家馆日:10月1日展馆位置:A片区展馆特色中国馆的主体结构名为“东方之冠”,该结构以迄今2000多年历史的中国传统斗拱建筑为造型。斗拱造型“榫卯穿插,层层出挑”,是中国传统

32、建筑最为重要的元素之一。斗拱建筑广泛应用于历史上的春秋战国时期(公元前770年至公元前467年)。展馆外观中国馆建筑外观以“东方之冠,鼎盛中华,天下粮仓,富庶百姓”的构思主题,表达中国文化的精神与气质。 展馆的顶层为核心展区,二层和一层分别为体验区和功能区。中国馆的展览将以中国从古至今在城市发展中所取得的成就为主题。展馆亮点亮点一:探寻“东方足迹”通过几个风格迥异的展项,重点展示中国城市发展理念中的智慧。其中的多媒体综合展项播放的一部影片,讲述改革开放三十多年来中国自强不息的城市化经验、中国人的建设热情和对于未来的期望。国宝级名画清明上河图被艺术地再现于展厅中,传达中国古典城市的智慧。亮点二:

33、展开“寻觅之旅”。采用轨道游览车,以古今对话的方式让参观者在最短的时间内领略中国城市营建规划的智慧,完成一次充满动感、惊喜和发现的参观体验。亮点三:聚焦“低碳行动”。关注以低碳为核心元素的中国未来城市发展,展示中国人如何通过以低碳技术为核心的可持续发展之道来应对未来的城市化挑战。 外文:China PavilionPreviewTheme: Chinese Wisdom in Urban DevelopmentHighlights: Traditional Dougong StyleNational Pavilion Day: October 1Location: Within Zone A

34、of the Expo SitePavilion FeaturesThe main structure of the China Pavilion, The Crown of the East, has a distinctive roof, made of traditional dougong (斗拱)or brackets, which date back more than 2,000 years. The dougong style features wooden brackets fixed layer upon layer between the top of a column

35、and a crossbeam. This unique structural component of interlocking wooden brackets is one of the most important elements in traditional Chinese architecture. Dougong was widely used in the Spring and Autumn Period (770 BC-467 BC).Pavilion DisplayThe contour design of the pavilion is based on the conc

36、ept of Oriental Crown, Splendid China, Ample Barn, and Rich People, to express the spirit and disposition of Chinese culture. The pavilion will have a core exhibition area on the top floor, an experience area on the second and a functional area on the first. Chinas achievements in urban development

37、from ancient to modern times will be the core theme of the pavilion.Pavilion HighlightsHighlight 1:Exploring Oriental FootprintThe wisdom that the ancient Chinese used to develop cities will be showcased with programs of different styles in Section One. A video played in the multimedia exhibition wi

38、ll tell stories about Chinas vast migration from rural to urban areas over the past 30 years of reform and opening-up, peoples enthusiasm for building a better city and expectations for the future. The famous picture of “Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival” will also make its appearance in the Chin

39、a Pavilion to illustrate the charms of ancient Chinese cities.Highlight 3 :Focus on low-carbon futureChinese people will tackle future challenges brought by urbanization in a sustainable way which takes low-carbon technologies as its coreHighlight 2:The Experience TripExcursion trains will give visi

40、tors an appreciation of the great wisdom and achievements in Chinas urban development from ancient to modern times.澳大利亚馆 展馆主题:“畅想之洲”展馆亮点:弧顶雕塑墙与红赭石色外观国家馆日:6月8日展馆位置:B片区展馆特色澳大利亚馆以弧顶雕塑墙与红赭石色外观为特色,设计灵感源自举世闻名的艾尔斯岩。展馆的红色外墙釆用特殊的耐风化钢覆层材料,这种材料在澳大利亚的城市中应用非常广泛。随着上海温度和湿度的改变,外壁的颜色会相应发生变化。展馆外观对所有年龄段的人来说,澳大利亚馆都是一个娱


42、体味到澳大利亚的风光,从红色的沙漠,到青葱的北部热带雨林应有尽有。亮点二:迷你纪录片姐妹澳大利亚馆的主要展示内容之一就是系列片姐妹,这是一部充满深刻见解、富于感情的个人生活系列片,展示了21位来自澳大利亚和中国的女性富于启发意义的成功故事。创作的目的是展示女性的成就,凸显澳中两国女性的共同点和相似的经历。展片表现了她们致力于为社会的发展而努力,同时也表达了个人的努力可以有益于社会的理念。亮点三:文化演出游客可以品尝澳大利亚的美酒佳肴,观赏具有澳大利亚文化精髓特色的演出。演出还将融入多种艺术表现形式,包罗视觉艺术、剧场演出、多媒体、音乐、文学、以及电影。外文:Australia Pavilion

43、PreviewTheme: ImagiNationHighlights: Sculptured Curving Walls and a Red Ochre ExteriorNational Pavilion Day: June 8Location: Within Zone B of the Expo SitePavilion FeaturesFeaturing sculptured curving walls and a red ochre exterior, the Australia Pavilions appearance is inspired by the world-famous

44、Ayers Rock. The color of the pavilions red facade is made from the use of a special kind of steel, which is commonly used in Australia cities. It will change colors responding to the temperature and humidity of Shanghai.Pavilion DisplayThe pavilion is a fun and relaxed place for people of all ages.

45、Divided into three distinct but inter-related sections labelled Journey, Discover and Enjoy, the pavilion incorporates almost every aspect of Australian life. These include spectacular landscape, a strong and vibrant economy, rich culture, technological expertise and innovation, outstanding research

46、 and education, and Australias commitment to sustainable development.Pavilion HighlightsHighlight 1: A Fun JourneyAustralia Pavilion takes visitors on a journey of almost every aspect of Australian life. The first part called Journey allows visitors to leave behind the bustle of the Expo site as the

47、y are drawn into a story depicting Australias history with interactive and sophisticated exhibits and pictures. The second part features a 1,000-seat theatre, while with the theme of Enjoy, the final section in the pavilion will provide visitors with a taste of some of Australias landscape from red

48、deserts to the lush rainforests of the tropical north.Highlight 2: Mini-documentaries SistersSisters, a series of strong, emotive and personal mini- documentaries, is the heart of Australias display. It reveals the success stories of 21 inspirational women from Australia and China. It has been designed to display the achievements of individual women, and bring to life the connections, similarities and shared stories between the two countries. These strong, emotive and personal stories demonstrate the ways Australian and Chinese women try to make the world a be


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