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1、Photo Imaging Council of AustraliaResearch-Strategy-Action,Tuesday 25th June 2002,Key challenges,To maintain and build strong and enduring growth within the industry.To use future brand and retail communications to drive this growth.To incorporate key research learnings into these communications.,Si

2、tuation analysis,advertising,Your brief to us,Ultimate communications objective,2-pronged.,future-proof fortunes of entire industrywholesale,retail equipment&processing,Key issues from research,Lack of motivationmanifesting itself as never remember camera,no time,inconvenientmotivate peopleLack of e

3、xpertisebad photos,unused camera featuresbuild expertiseLack of occasionless accepted/traditional opportunitiescreate opportunities,Broad issues your research highlights,Industry Catch 22Safeguard tradition:filmChampion innovation:digitalCultural antipathyphotography is not a national past-time,2 ov

4、er-arching tasks for communication,A caveat,What follows are recommendations solely based on your consumer research insights it revealed&thoughts it spawnedBut truly great advertising is not lead by consumers,A caveat,Great advertising ideas&campaigns are built around brand truths interpreted&commun

5、icated to connect with&motivate consumersUnderstand consumers,but stay true to yourself,13 recommendations for industry communications,Born of insights at a number of levels,photography:the process&the product,Diverse applications,1.exploit the photography life-cycle,CHILDplayshots of everything,YOU

6、THsocial lubricantschools/parties,YOUNG ADULTdocumentation/explorationevents&travel,FAMILYduty/capturefirsts&hols,EMPTY NESTERmemories/connection family&hols,process to product evolution,child:playempower youngsters,encourage parents to see role:an educational toy youth:social lubricantalongside boo

7、ze,dance,mobile phones,video gamesyoung adult:documentation&explorationan ever-growing lifestage,defined by me-keep the full story,not just the edited versionfamily:duty&capturereinstate&redefine role of the family album empty nester:memories&connectionlifes too short:live&share every moment tap int

8、o the needs&opportunities of each segment,2.retrieve the human dimension,“digital is focused on technology not output”Cameras(still&video)all tending towards technology,design&fashion as raison dtreOpportunity to go back to basicsThe fundamental human&social value of photographyThe power&magic of th

9、e photo,show the true value of taking a photo&looking at a photo,The human dimension,3.recruit a new generation,Relative size of the younger cohort may be shrinking,but their absolute numbers are swellingA new generation of consumers Not growing up in a camera orientated culturea down-to-earth,unpre

10、tentious,outdoors culturebut a hi-tech eraChallenge is to engage them on their termsGive photography a role in their worlddemonstrate digital photography as social technology,4.just add water,Digital may be where the news is,but 56%of cameras owned are point&shootMost peoples ideal camera is conveni

11、ent&easy to useespecially true for women&youthsuggesting a type of photo they want to take:an unplanned,spontaneous oneThis is the essence of many of the greatest photos“just add the moment”celebrate simplicity,5.demystify digital,Computers&digital are inextricably entwinedTelecomms convergence will

12、 further blur boundaries&see other brands encroaching on your turfFine for the techno-savvy young&gadget guysScary for othersdo I need a computer?,I can barely find the scroll barCurrent digital camera ownership only at 4%Drive take-up of digital&processing of digital imagesisolate digital from comp

13、uters,take computers out of the equation,Focus on benefits of taking digital photosimmediate viewingempowerment via selection/deletionensure high qualitylarge memoryFocus on benefits of commercial processingoptimisation:creative editingquality:highest grade papervalue:we print the ones you want-no w

14、aste,focus on digital delivering the basics,Ease of use21%of people want automatic features&easy to use camerasQuality of performance34%prioritise great photosDigital becomes a better camera not a form of telecommunication,6.use technological seduction,Men more likely than women to have SLRMen are m

15、ore likely to nominate performance,automatic functions,other features&ability to be creative as important Fuel replacement of back of drawer cameraa trade-up strategya multi-camera household strategy(help consumers segment their own usage occasions),high-end targeting,For SLR:celebrate the art of ph

16、otography-thus recruit&further inspire functional creativesFor digital:celebrate its flexibility-its application for work&play,the prolific end-points of one photoshowcase technical features&performance of SLR&digital cameras,7.some moments should be forever,What would you grab in a fire?your photos

17、What are you most upset about when you lose your wallet?your photosIt is these photos-the ones you cant stand the thought of losing that you should printpaper-timeless technology,8.anticipation or instant gratification?,Anticipation of getting the photos back is hugely enjoyable“are they going to be

18、 good?Thats part of the game”As is seeing a Polaroid appear Digital is immediate But commercial processing can add another elementdial up the pleasure of anticipating&getting photos,9.draw upon the power of touch,The end-game may be for a card,album,pin-board,fridge,wallet,frames or wall Increase pe

19、rceived specialness of prints via tactilityimagine a world where you can look,but not touch,10.liberate creativity via digital,Potential to turn cautious photographers snap happyvia no waste,high volume aspect of digitalBy freeing people from a commitment each time they press the button we have pote

20、ntial to excite them about broader opportunitiesVia commercial processing,offer creative clinics&creative services-build discernmentgive people creative licence,thus inspire creative trade-up,I can be really creative with it:55%Probably does a lot more than I know:53%and desire to learn more.,11.nor

21、malise photography,“traditional”photo opportunities:firsts,weddings,parties,overseas holidays,births diminishing due to sociocultural forcesErode specialness&drive/provide an alibi for everyday photo-worthy momentsChallenge a perceived“appropriateness of occasion”&de-stigmatise being seen with camer

22、asee opportunity where others dont,12.promote boy scout photography,Widen photo occasions amongst younger target(18-24 year olds)tapping into the“I wish Id brought my camera”&“you had to be there”scenario Their best days&nights are often unplannedTake photos now youll thank yourself for it later(tru

23、e value of photos only emerges much later,in hindsight)dont miss out&dont regret anything,13.the dichotomy of digital,Digital is schizophrenicA latter-day Polaroid(instantaneous,part of the moment,a social lubricant)playful,naughty,funState-of-the art technology(considered,controlled,high quality)gr

24、own up,sensible,discerningshowcase this flexibility&duality,13 strategic recommendations,1.exploit the photography life-cycle:role of process&product2.retrieve the human dimension:the emotional value of photos3.recruit a new generation via digital(b4 telecomms/audio brands do)4.keep it simple:just a

25、dd water=just add the moment5.demystify digital:isolate cameras from computers6.use technology(SLR&digital)to seduce7.timeless moments,timeless technology=paper8.anticipation v.instant gratification=which do you want?9.draw upon the tactility of photos:the power of touch10.liberate creativity via di

26、gital11.normalise photography-take quintessential Aussie life&add a camera12.promote be prepared photography13.celebrate the dichotomy of digital:some photos for now&for you,some forever&for everyone!,Idea-stretch:some quick examples,Recruit a new generation via play,Tapping into role of photography

27、 of consumer sub-segment Kids photo competition-based on more lateral,but everyday,challengese.g.pics of something funny,something in the sky,something sad,something new,Everyday photos,Broaden photo occasions send us pic of you in new Just Jeans outfit-voucher for next purchase,Be prepared,Get carr

28、ying a camera to be second nature.Have special photo bunny(bloke in suit!)released in various towns across AustraliaYou have to spot him&send in photograph to win$,Anticipation,Drive processing via the in-store experience Currently this is largely a non issue for consumers as it doesnt have a role i

29、n the overall photographic experience YET looking at photos immediately,in-store is commonOpportunity to make in-store an issue,give it a significant&social role e.g.coffee shop as part of the store,Starbucks voucher tie-in,In summary,A critical time for your industryGlobally:technology fragmenting&

30、yet converging at an accelerating ratetraditional camera brands under threat from telecomms,computer&digital brandsAustralia:a market&a culture where photography has never been entrenched as a noted national past-timetraditional occasions decreasing,In summary,Clear need to safe-guard your turf&caus

31、e a renaissance in Australian photographyTo inspire&educate people as the why&how of taking photos&printing themPerhaps to focus the entire industry around one aim:re-energise photography via the creative potential of digitalOr for each brand to look to itself:to its core competency&consider how best to interpret&communicate their essence in todays marketplace,Photo Imaging Council of AustraliaResearch-Strategy-Action,


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