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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上新视野大学英语读写教程第四册教案B4U3Unit 3Being Entrepreneur*Teaching Objectives: Students will learn to use English to1. To talk about the entrepreneurial spirit 2. To understand the text fully3. To apply the phrases and patterns4. To master the essay writing skill*Time Allotment: each unit 8 classes1

2、st-2nd classes: Part I Warming up1. Lead-in : Guessing activity and short answer questions2. Pre-reading activities: compound dictation3. Cultural background: Proper names3rd-4th classes: Part II Text Study4. Reading in Depth: Structure Analysis, Summary, Difficult sentences analysis5. Language Focu

3、s: More practice in Language Points (language points explanation, Sentence Patterns, Useful Expressions)5th6th classes: Part III Reflection6. Critical thinking: More speaking practice in discussion related to being entrepreneur. 7. Writing Practice: Essay writing Write a narrative with biographical

4、information.7th8th classes: Part IV Assignment7. Post-reading activities: summary of useful expressions, watching and discussing, speaking task, etc.8. Section B: Focus on fast reading and practice in reading skillUNIT 3Section A Fred Smith and FedEx:The vision that changed the worldPart I Warming u

5、p 1. Lead-in:1) Guess: Who is he/she? a. He was an American businessman, marketer and inventor. He revolutionized six industries: personal computers, animated movies, music, phones, tablet computing(平板电脑应用), and digital publishing. He died of cancer at the age of 56 in 2011. b. He is an American bus

6、iness magnate(巨头), philanthropist(慈善家), investor, computer programmer, and inventor. He has been top of the Forbes American rich list for consecutive(连续的) 20 years. He was chairman of Microsoft company. c. He is an American programmer. He is best known as one of five co-founders of the worlds larges

7、t social networking website. He is the chairman and chief executive of Facebook, Inc. d. He is a Chinese business magnate(大亨). He is the founder and Executive Chairman of a family of highly successful Internet-based businesses. His product is popular all around China. Tips: Steve Jobs; Bill Gates; M

8、ark Zuckerberg; Jack Ma 2) Discussion question 1: Do you often use their products? Do their products make your life more convenient? Tips: Yes, I use their products quite often. I use various Apple electronics to work, play and socialize. I dont have to go to the library to search for information or

9、 gether materials 3) Discussion question 2: What is an entrepreneur? Tips: Anentrepreneuris a person who makes money by starting or running businesses, especially when this involves taking financial risks. 4) Discussion question 3: What personal traits do successful entrepreneurs have in common? Tip

10、s: leadership, high motivation, great determination, willingness to fail, competitive spirit, budget-mindedness2. Pre-reading activities: 1) Compound dictation Listen to a short passage concerning entrepreneur and fill in the missing information. The _ definition of an entrepreneur is a person who o

11、rganizes and accepts the risks of a new business. Entrepreneurs may have a new product or service to _. Or they may have ideas for new ways to do business. But an entrepreneurial spirit does not have to _ the business world. Lately we hear more and more about social entrepreneurs. What they do is _;

12、 they might even act like business entrepreneurs. They might _ money in projects or get others to support them. But social entrepreneurs say they are not _ by a desire for profits. Their most important goal, they say, is to create social value. They organize and support programs that _ improve condi

13、tions in communities. Social entrepreneurs say they look for solutions to needs without leaving them to government or industry to solve. And they say they try to _ the solution. In other words, to change the system, they try to get whole societies to change. There are many historical examples of peo

14、ple who might be called social entrepreneurs. Susan B. Anthony, for example, _ womens rights in the United States. Vinoba Bhave created the Land Gift Movement to help Indias poor and _. Keys: traditional, offer, be limited to, similar, invest, guided, aim to, spread, fought for, landless3. Cultural

15、Background: 1) the Millionaires UnitIt is the nickname for the First Yale Unit, a naval air reserve unit considered to be the first in the United States. It was started by F. Trubee Davison, a Yale sophomore at the time, in 1915. The unit had 29 members who were all wealthy and fascinated by flying.

16、 Their intention was to learn to fly airplanes so as to develop Americas military aviation. 2) the Marines(海军陆战队)Formerly called the United States Marine Corps, it is a branch of the United States Armed Forces responsible for providing power projection from the sea. 3) the “hub and spoke” system(轴辐式

17、空中交通系统) It is a system which makes transportation much more efficient by routing all of the traffic through one or a few central hubs. The FedEx company took advantage of this idea in the 1970s, revolutionizing the way airlines were run. 4) Xerox and Google Xerox: an American multinational document

18、management corporation that produces and sells printers, photo copiers, etc. Google: an American corporation which provides internet-related products and services. Part II Text Study1. Main idea & structure:Tips for Reading: A Good Reader should 1) Try to become an active reader.2) Learn to ask more

19、 questions. ( what, why, how)3) Do the efficient reading. (key points, topic sentence, key words, locating words, necessary and sufficient )4) Develop a habit of marking during reading.Answer Questions1) What type of business does FedEx mainly do? Tips: overnight delivery service; door-to-door packa

20、ge delivery (Para. 1)2) In what way did Smiths Childhood experiences contribute to his business later in life? Tips: suffering from a disease; picked on by bullies; learned to defend himself (Para. 3) 3) How did Smith put his passion in flying into real practice before he started his business?Tips:

21、operated a crop-duster at 15; helped revive the Yale flying club as a student; ran a small charter operation in New Haven; served in the Marines during the Vietnam War and flew more the 200 missions (Para. 4-7)4) What did Smith do in his term paper for his ecomonics class? How was the paper evaluate

22、d by his professor?Tips: drafted a prototype for a transportation company; wasnt impressed (Para. 5)5) What idea did Smith learn from his military experience? How did he relate the idea to his business later? Tips: leadership; Good leadership has very measurable effects on a companys bottom line. (P

23、ara. 7)6) Why does the author mention the words Xerox and Google in the text?Tips: To show that FedEx is so successful that the name itself defines and represents express delivery. (Para. 10)7) What does Smith consider as the key elements for a successful business?Tips: appealing product or service

24、and a compelling strategy; efficient management system; good leadership (Para. 11)8) What does Smiths great concern for his employees illustrate?Tips: his P-S-P philosophy (Para. 12) Structure Analysis:Introduction: Basic introduction to Smith and his FedEx company. (Para. 1) Smith is “recognized as

25、 an outstanding entrepreneur with an agreeable and winning personality”. (Para. 2)Body: Section One: Smiths early life experiences. (Para. 3-7) Section Two: Smiths business experience. (Para. 8-11)Conclusion:Further description of Smiths friendly and agreeable personality and the significance of his

26、 P-S-P philosophy. (Para. 12)2. Language Focus:Useful expressions: 1) touch down (飞机等)降落,着落尽管天气恶劣,直升机飞行员还是设法安全地着陆在航空母舰的甲板上。 Despite the terrible weather, the pilot of the helicopter managed to touch down safely on the deck of the aircraft carrier.2)be onto sth. 发现新事物;制造出有趣的事物 (Para.6)考古学家在发掘之初就知道他们将

27、有重大发现。 Archaeologists knew they were onto something big when they started digging.3) take/have/make a stab at (doing) sth. 试图(做)某事;尝试(做)某事 (Para.8)警察局公布了案情的新细节,再次试图找到这个神秘的抢劫犯。 The police released new details in the case, in an effort to make a new stab at finding the mysterious robber.Functional pat

28、terns4) Recognized as an outstanding entrepreneur with an agreeable and winning personality, Smith is held in high regard by his competitors as well as his employees and stockholders.史密斯被公认为是一位和蔼可亲、性格迷人的杰出企业家。无论是他的竞争者、员工,还是他公司股票的持有人,都对他十分敬重。Recognized/Acknowledged as , Sb. is held in high regard by用

29、于说明“某人受尊重的程度”。比尔盖茨被公认为是世界上最伟大的慈善家之一,社会各个阶层的人都对他十分敬重。 Widely recognized as one of the greatest philanthropists in the world, Bill Gates is held in high regard by people from all walks of life.More useful expressions for students to check and learn after class:Language appreciation:1) Conceived when h

30、e was in college and now in the 28th year of operation, Smiths exquisite brainchild has become the standard for door-to-door package delivery. (Para. 1, L10) 如今,史密斯这一源于大学时代的妙想已在现实中经营到了第28 个年头,并已成为包裹快递入户行业的标杆。 2) Recognized as an outstanding entrepreneur with an agreeable and winning personality, Smi

31、th is held in high regard by his competitors as well as his employees and stock holders. (Para. 2, L1) 史密斯被公认为是一位和蔼可亲、性格迷人的杰出企业家。无论是他的竞争者、员工,还是他公司股票的持有人,都对他十分敬重。 3) In the military, leadership means getting a group of people to subordinate their individual desires and ambitions for the achievement o

32、f organizational goals. (Para. 7, L1) 在军队中,领导力意味着能使团队中所有成员将个人的期望与抱负置于从属地位,而以实现集体目标为重。 4) In articulating this philosophy and in personally involving himself in its implementation, Frederick Smith is the forerunner of the new sphere of leadership that success in the future will demand. (Para. 12, L8)

33、 通过明确表达并亲身践行这一理念,弗雷德里克史密斯已成为未来成功所必需的新领导领域的开拓者。Essay writing: Write a narrative with biographical informationIntroduction: Who is he? What is he famous for? Why is he special to you?Body: What are the important dates in the persons life? What personality traits drive him to success or make him specia

34、l? Are there any critical turning points in his life? What are the persons major achievements? What is the persons impact on history or society?ConclusionSample essay:Mark Elliot Zuckerberg is an American computer programmer and Internet entrepreneur. Born on May 14, 1984 in New York, he is best kno

35、wn as one of the co-founders of the social networking site Facebook. His wide range of interests and great enthusiasm, as well as his achievements, make him one of the most remarkable young men of our time. (Introduction) Zuckerbergs interests cover a variety of areas. During his high school years,

36、he showed great interest in the classics. In Phillips Exeter Academy, he won prizes in science (math, astronomy and physics) and classical studies. Then in college, he was well known for his ability to recite ancient poems such as The Iliad. But dont take him as a bookworm. He was also a fencing (击剑

37、运动) star and captain of the fencing team. When an interest develops into a career, enthusiasm plays a more important role. In 2004 when he was still a student at Harvard, Zuckerbergs expertise in computer science led his way into the creation and construction of the public community platform, Facebo

38、ok. He and his teammates devoted a lot of energy and time into the project and overcame many unexpected difficulties. It is the enthusiasm of creation that really drove him and his mates. As Zuckerberg explained in an interview in 2007: “For me and my colleagues, the most important thing is that we

39、create an open information flow for people.” Right now, you may be enjoying the great convenience of communicating with your friends and other people around the world on Facebook. Much of the convenience comes from Zuckerbergs wide range of interests and his great enthusiasm toward work. Though very

40、 young, Zuckerberg has established himself as one of the most successful entrepreneurs of our time.Task: essay writing:Directions: Write a biographical narrative essay of no less than 200 words on one of the following topics. One topic has an outline you can follow.Topic: A successful personIntroduc

41、tion: Basic introduction of the person Main message of your essayBody: Early life experiences (Family, education, etc.) Start of his career of great project Difficulties encountered along the way Personal traits related to his successConclusion: Restatement of the most impressive traits of the perso

42、n3 SummaryFred Smith and FedEx: The vision that changed the world Frederick W. Smith is the founder of the FedEx Corp., the largest and most successful _. He is recognized as an outstanding entrepreneur who is _ by both his competitors and employees. As a juvenile, he suffered from a disease and was

43、 often _ by bullies. But his passion for flying increased as he grew up. At Yale University, he helped to _ the Yale flying club. In a term paper for an economics class, he _ for a transportation company that ensure overnight delivery of small and _ goods, but the professor said it wasnt _. After gr

44、aduation, he _and went to Vietnam. During his military days, he learned that good Leadership _a company. Home from Vietnam, he decided to _ starting his own business but the early days _ extreme frugality and financial losses. In spite of difficulties, he still _ to ensure good medical plan. He said

45、 success in business _ three elements: appealing product or service, _, and good leadership. Keys: overnight delivery service, held in high regard, picked on, revive, drafted a prototype, time-sensitive, feasible, joined the Marines, had measureable effects on, take a stab at, were underscored by, s

46、et the precedent, boiled down to, efficient management systemPart III ReflectionCritical Thinking:1. What challenges do you think the express delivery services in China are presently faced with? highly effective transportation system not yet established; relatively expensive transportation fees; com

47、pensation system for loss or damage of packages not yet completed.2. What elements do you consider as most important for business success? Leadership ability Strategic plans An efficient production and management system Well-motivated employees High-quality products Great marketing and customer services Innovative spirit3. Would you consider starting your own business instead of looking for a job when you graduate? Why or why


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