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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上英语影视课程教学大纲课程编码:30614002 学分: 2 总学时:36说 明【课程性质】 本课程是高等教育英语专业本科高年级阶段的一门专业限定选修课程。【教学目的】本课程旨在提高学生对语言真实度较高的各类视听材料的理解能力和口头表达能力。通过“视”、“听”、“说”、“写”的结合,以直观画面和情节内容为基础开展有针对性的口语训练,运用复述、总结、对话、口头概述等活动形式,提高学生的听力理解和口头表达能力,同时通过论文写作的形式,加深他们对英语国家的政治、经济、社会、文化等方面的认识和了解,从文化层面上更好的把握英语这门语言艺术。【教学任务】此课程教学旨在使英语专业的学


3、导学生学习中西文化的差异,处理好欣赏和批判的关系以及如何正确接受西方文化的方法。教学方法:课堂教学采取学生为主体、教师为主导的教学模式。在教学中,利用音像环境所提供生动的英语语境训练听力和口语,分析英语经典影片,长、短片结合。多开展以任务为中心的、形式多样的教学活动,通过“视”、“听”、“说”的综合训练,提高学生的英语语言运用能力。【先修课程要求】是以语音、语法、词汇、听力、口语、英美概况等课程为基础的综合能力培养课程。【学时分配】序号教学内容学时安排小计理论课时试验课时习题课时上机课时1Brief Introduction to the Appreciation of English Fil

4、ms (1)22Brief Introduction to the Appreciation of English Films (2)222Musicals (音乐片)Understanding of the Movie The Sound of Music0.51.52Understanding of the Movie The Sound of Music0.51.52Close Study, Reflection and Supplementary of the Movie The Sound of Music223Ethical Films (伦理片)Understanding of

5、the Movie Forrest Gump0.51.52Understanding of the Movie Forrest Gump0.51.52Close Study, Reflection and Supplementary of the Movie Forrest Gump224Animated Cartoon (动画片)Understanding of the Movie The Lion King0.51.52Understanding of the Movie The Lion King0.51.52Close Study, Reflection and Supplementa

6、ry of the Movie The Lion King225Love Films (Romance) (爱情片)Understanding of the Movie Sleepless in Seattle0.51.52Understanding of the Movie Sleepless in Seattle0.51.52Close Study, Reflection and Supplementary of the Movie Sleepless in Seattle226Comedy Films & Family Films(喜剧片和家庭片) Understanding of th

7、e Movie Princess Diaries0.51.52Understanding of the Movie Princess Diaries0.51.52Close Study, Reflection and Supplementary of the Movie Princess Diaries 227Review22总 计211536【教材与主要参考书】教 材:韩晓玲 张弘 电影欣赏与英语学习 青岛海洋大学出版社,2002年。参考书:朱维芳 英语电影教程 外语教学与研究出版社,2005 年。 吴 青 英语视听说教程 外语教学与研究出版社,2001年。大纲内容 第一部分An Intro

8、duction to English Films【教学目的和要求】教学目的:This section attempts to:1. Introduce the commonsense of films, the history of films.2. Introduce the Cinematic words and Phrases, the Films Prizes, Ratings System, and the Genre of English Films.3. Get to know some well-known American and British Actors, Actres

9、ses and Directors. 教学要求:After learning this section, the students should have some basic knowledge of films, the history of films, features of films, some famous Film Prizes,some famous Actors, Actresses and Directors. 【内容提要】第一节Understanding Film第二节Cinematic words and Phrases第三节Film Prizes and Genre

10、 of Films 第四节Biographies of some well-known American and British Actors, Actresses and Directors【教学重点与难点问题】教学重点:Film History Film Prizes Genre of Films教学难点:Film techniques Ratings System Genre of English Films.【复习思考题】1. Introducing some major Movie Awards in detail.2. Explaining the four categories

11、of the Ratings System.3. Naming the main genres of English Films with examples. 第二部分 Musical and Dance Films【教学目的和要求】教学目的:This section attempts to:1. Give a brief introduction of Musical and Dance Films.2. Exemplify music and dance by the film The Sound of Music (1965) as a genre.教学要求:After learning

12、 this section, your task is to have a basic understanding of Musicals and Dance Films, the definition of Musicals, the theme of music and dance, and the main ideas and relations among the characters of the film.【内容提要】第一节Introduction of Musical and Dance Films第二节Understanding of the film The Sound of

13、 Music第三节Close Study of the film The Sound of Music第四节Reflection of the film The Sound of Music【教学重点与难点问题】教学重点:an introduction of Musical and Dance Films cultural Background of the Filmappreciation of The Sound of Music (1965)教学难点:the theme of music and dance【复习思考题】1. Give the working definition of

14、Musical Films. 2. Watch the musical film The Sound of Music and answer the detailed questions.3. Compose the plot summary of The Sound of Music. 第三部分 Comedy Films【教学目的和要求】教学目的:This section attempts to:1. Give us a brief introduction of Comedy Films.2. Exemplify comedy by the film Forrest Gump (1994)

15、 as a genre, and in particular to consider what it is to give rise to humor.教学要求:After learning this section, your task is to have a basic understanding of Comedy Films, be able to consider how the concepts of episodic structure, story/plot, and dramatic irony can contribute to our understanding of

16、narrative.【内容提要】第一节Introduction of the film Forrest Gump第二节Understanding of the film Forrest Gump第三节Close Study of the film Forrest Gump第四节Reflection of the film Forrest Gump【教学重点与难点问题】教学重点:Comedy Films and Synopsis Gumpism as a Philosophy教学难点:Gumpism as a Philosophy Gump and America【复习思考题】1. Whats

17、your general impression upon the film? What does the film mean to you?2. Forrest is an ordinary person, but does something extraordinary, which serves as a typical example of the realization of American dream. 3. Forrest Gump is regarded as a contemporary American cultural classic. Through three tur

18、bulent decades of his life, what major political and cultural event in contemporary American history has Forrest experienced?第四部分 Animated Films (Cartoons)【教学目的和要求】 教学目的:This section attempts to:1. Give us a brief introduction of Animated Films.2. Exemplify Cartoons by the film The Lion King (1994)

19、as a genre.教学要求:After learning this section, your task is to have a basic understanding of Animated Films.【内容提要】第一节Introduction of Animated Films第二节Understanding of the film The Lion King第三节Close Study of the film The Lion King第四节Reflection of the film The Lion King【教学重点与难点问题】教学重点:Animated Films and

20、 Synopsis Cartoon Films and Children教学难点:Cartoon Films and Children【复习思考题】1. List the reasons why The Lion King is so popular in the United States.2. Whats the African concept about ones ancestors? What do the American think of it?3. What is the central theme of the movie? What can children learn fr

21、om this movie? 第五部分 Love Films (Romance)【教学目的和要求】教学目的:This section attempts to:1. Give us a brief introduction of Romance Films.2. Exemplify romance by the film Sleepless in Seattle (1993) as a genre.教学要求:After learning this section, your task is to have a basic understanding of Romance Films.【内容提要】

22、第一节Introduction of Romance Films第二节Understanding of the film Sleepless in Seattle第三节Close Study of the film Sleepless in Seattle第四节Reflection of the film Sleepless in Seattle【教学重点与难点问题】教学重点:Love Films (Romance Films) cultural background of the film Sleepless in Seattle synopsis of the film Sleepless

23、 in Seattle 教学难点:the events, and mishaps, and misunderstandings that eventually bring them together【复习思考题】1. Give the working definition of Romance Films.2. How does Annie start her letter to Sam?3. Annies suggestion that they meet at the top of the Empire State Building on St. Valentines Day remind

24、s Gregs wife of a movie. What is the title of the movie?第六部分 Family Films 【教学目的和要求】教学目的:This section attempts to:1. Give us a brief introduction of Family Films.2. Exemplify family by the film Princess Diaries (2001) as a genre.教学要求:After learning this section, your task is to have a basic understan

25、ding of Family Films.【内容提要】第一节Introduction of Family Films第二节Understanding of the film Princess Diaries第三节Close Study of the film Princess Diaries第四节Reflection of the film Princess Diaries【教学重点与难点问题】教学重点:Family Films Cultural Background of the film Princess Diaries教学难点:the performance of supporting

26、actress【复习思考题】1. What kind of life does Mia long for?2. When Mia knows she is the princess of Genovia, whats her reaction?3. How does grandma change the Mia from a common student into a princess?执笔人:谢小童 戚辉 审核人:王琦英语影视课程考核大纲【考核目的】通过测试与评估,可以了解学生经过36学时的学习是否达到对已学过基本知识的掌握和相关电影赏析能力的要求。【课程学习的基础】是以语音、语法、词汇、听

27、力、口语、英美概况等课程为基础的综合能力培养课程。【考核的内容范围】电影历史、电影技巧、电影种类等电影基本知识以及对与课程相关英语电影的赏析能力。【考核方法】期末闭卷考试,占60%。平时考核(出勤、作业、课堂表现)占40%。【对试题的要求】 题型比例:客观性试题占70%,包括选择题、判断题、填空题、概念题等;主观性试题占30%,包括简答题、简述题等。难度等级:分为较易、中等、较难三个等级,大概比例是20:60:20。【考核的具体内容】第一部分 An Introduction to English Films知识点:1. Film History 2. What is film? 3. Movi

28、e Awards4. Hollywood 5. Ratings System 6. Genre of Films考核目标:1.识记:(1)Hollywood(2)Movie Awards(3)Ratings System(4)Genre of Films2.理解:(1)Film History(2)Ratings System(3)Genre of Films3.运用:(1)Ratings System(2)Genre of Films第二部分 Musical and Dance Films知识点:1. Musical and Dance Films 2.an introduction to

29、Julia Andrews (1935- ) 3. cultural background of the Film the Sound of Music 4. a list of Renowned Musicals5. the theme of music 考核目标:1.识记:(1)definition of Musical Films. (2)a list of Renowned Musicals2.理解:Musical and Dance Films 3.运用:the theme of music 第三部分 Comedy Films知识点:1. Comedy Films 2. cultur

30、al background of the film Forrest Gump (1994) 3. an introduction to Tom Hanks (1956- ) 4.a list of Renowned Comedy Films5. Gumpism as a Philosophy 6.Gump and America考核目标:1.识记:(1)the definition of Comedy Films (2)a list of Renowned Comedy Films (3) an introduction to Tom Hanks (1956- ) 2.理解:Comedy Fi

31、lms3.运用:(1)Gumpism as a Philosophy (2) Gump and America. 第四部分 Animated Films (Cartoons)知识点:1. Animated Films 2. cultural background of the film The Lion King 3. The Elton John Lyrics 4.Disney Studios5.a list of Renowned Animated Films考核目标:1.识记:(1)cultural background of the film The Lion King (2)Anim

32、ated Films(3)a list of Renowned Animated Cartoons2.理解:Disney Studios 3.运用:The Elton John Lyrics 第五部分 Love Films (Romance)知识点:1.Love Films 2.an introduction to Meg Ryan (1961- ) 3.a list of Renowned Love Films (Romance)考核目标:1.识记:(1)Love Films (Romance) (2)an introduction to Meg Ryan (1961- ) (3)a lis

33、t of Renowned Love Films (Romance) 2.理解:Love Films (Romance) 3.运用:Love Films (Romance) 第六部分 Family Films知识点:1. Family Films2. cultural Background of the Film 3. an introduction to Anne Hathaway (1982- ) 考核目标:1.识记:(1)definition of Family Films 2.理解:an introduction to Anne Hathaway3.运用:Family Films【样题

34、】I. Match the films and their themes.(每小题1分,共10分)Theme Film1. Ethical films A. Philadelphia2. War-theme films B. Schindlers List3. The science films C. Bridges of Madison County4. Horror films D. Saving Private Ryan5. Disaster films E. AlienF. Silence of the LambsG. VolcanoH. TwisterI. Scream The Om

35、enJ. Star WarsII. Fill in the blanks.(每空2分,共20分)1.Film merges all the other forms of art: literature, _, sculpture, music, _, drama, and adopts the technical achievements in natural science and applied science like _, optics,electronics,mechanics, and _, etc.2_ was the first country to turn film int

36、o a popular form of entertainment and an important industry.3. The decade _ was called the “gold period of silent films”.4. Oscar is a name of the annual awards, in the form of small statuettes, that have been given by the American Academy Of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences since _ for more than _

37、categories involving every stage of film making during the year. 5._ is the most attractive and prestigious award of The Cannes International Film _.III. Translation.(每小题1分,共20分)1.超级明星 11.third lead2.反面角色 12.stand-in3.临时演员 13.screendom4.领座员 14.talent scout5.化妆设计 15.producer6.美国艺术与科学研究院 16.Best Achie

38、vement in Sound7.最佳原著剧本 17. Golden Horse Prize8.二十世纪福克斯影片公司 18.foreign version9.科幻片 19.suspense10.纪录片 20.blue filmIV. Explain the following terms.(每小题5分,共10分)1.Oscar Prize2.filmV. Write out the plot summary of the film The Sound of Music within80100 words.(共10分)VI. Analyze the famous lines in the fi

39、lm in about 200 words, and you are required to write the name of the film first.(共10分)Mama always said life was like a box a chocolates, you never know what youre gonna get.VII. Comment on one of the following films youve appreciated this term within 250300 words.(共20分)1.The Lion King2.Sleepless in Seattle3.Princess Diaries 执笔人:谢小童 审核人:王琦专心-专注-专业


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