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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上高考能力测试构词法Word Formation 一合成 Compounding 两个或更多的词合成一个词。方式:1. 直接写在一起。 2. 用连字符(-)连接。 3. 由两个分开的词构成。(1) 合成adj 方式例词1 adjadjred-hot2 adjnfirst-class, full-time, part-time3 adj现在分词good-looking, free-thinking, 4 adj过去分词ready-made5 adjn-edgood-tempered, middle-aged, cold-blooded6 nn-ediron-willed7

2、 nadjworld-famous, day-long 8 n现在分词beauty-loving, freedom-loving, job-hunting, 9 n过去分词man-made, water-covered, 10advadjever-green11adv现在分词hard-working, far-seeing12adv过去分词well-prepared, quickly-cured, well-known13 num nfive-year14 numn+adjfive-year-old15num过去分词four-legged, six-storied (2)合成动词构成方式例词1

3、 nvday-dream2 advvovercome, upturn翻起3 adjvwhite-wash(3)合成n构成方式例词1 nnhorseback , bank-note, newspaper, cellphone, 2 adjnback-yard, forehead, 3动名词nhiding place, reading-room4 vadvget-off, break in, 5 advvoutput, overflow(4)合成 adv however, maybe, wherever, whenever, forever (5)合成代词 whoever, whatever, e

4、veryone, nobody, myself, something, anything, (6)合 成 介 词 inside在里后 缀例 词形容词-alcentral, industrial, national, natural-anEuropean, American, Australian-erneastern, northern, southern-ablereasonable, horrible, terrible, believable, comfortable, forgettable, sensible-fulcareful, cheerful, grateful, faith

5、ful, -ishchildish, Swedish, selfish-ivedestructive, collective, active, creative, effective-ythirsty, dirty, windy, sunny, cloudy, healthy, funny-lesscareless, hopeless, helpless, homeless, sleepless, fearless, limitless-engolden, wooden, woolen-ouscourageous, famous, continuous, serious, various-ar

6、yimaginary, revolutionary, secondary-icrealistic, historic, poetic-sometroublesome, burdensome, lonesome, handsome-likechildlike, womanlike, manlike-antignorant, significant, observant, important-entdiligent, silent, excellent, frequent -lylively, friendly, lovely, weekly, brotherly, motherly-ishchi

7、ldish, foolish二、派生 Derivation前缀含义例词a-处在arise, aside, aloneen-使可能enrich, enable, enslavedis-不,否定dissatisfy, dishonest, disappear, disorder, disagreeun-不,做相反动作unable, unknown, uncommon, uncomfortable, unfair, unclose, undress, uncover, untiein-im-ir-il-不,非inactive, incapable, inpatient, incorrect impo

8、ssible, impersonal, impolite, immature, impracticalirregular, irresponsibleillogical, non-不,非non-existent,non-interference, non-conductor, non-stopde-向相反方向发展decentralize(分散), defrost(解冻)anti-反(对)anti-freeze, anti-fascistmis-错误的,坏的misdoings, misunderstand, misfortunere重复,再rewrite, remarry, reunite, r

9、ecycle, co-共同co-exist, co-operate, co-educationex以前的ex-husband, ex-presidenttele远程telephone, telegraph, telescopesuper-在上面,超级supermarket, superpower, under-在之下underline, underestimate, underground, inter-相互,之间international, interact, inter-changesub-下,次subtitle, submarine, subconscious, subcontinent

10、, trans-过,穿过,变transformation(变形), translatevice-副vice-premier, vice-presidentsemi-半semifinal, semicircle, semi-automaticbi两个bicycle, biennial两年一次的tri三个triangle三角形, tricycle三轮脚踏车, triplets三胞胎mul-多,多种multiply, multi-national, multi-colouredkilo-千kilometre, kilogram 后 缀例 词动词-izerealize, modernize, mech

11、anize, criticize, -enwiden, strengthen, lengthen, sharpen, widen, shorten, quicken, deepen-fySimplify, beautify, terrify, 后 缀例 词副词-ward(s)forward, northward, backward, downward-lyslowly, quickly, carefully, loudly, happily, friendly三、转化 Conversion: 指一个词不变化词形,而由一种此类转化为另一种词类或几种词类。1. 名词和动词之间的转化telephon

12、e电话打电话, mirror镜子像镜子一样反映, drink喝饮料, record录音记录, name, date, hand, study, 2. 形容词转化为动词 perfect完美的使完善 3.名词转化为形容词(副词) front前面前面的4.形容词转化为名词 chief 主要的首领训练要旨:构词法是英语学习的一个重点,也是近年来常考的项目。特别是在词语辨析的综合运用中,对词汇掌握的要求越来越高。检测构词法,在阅读理解中,已不把这种词汇看作生词,而是把这类词的理解看作学生通过对构词法知识的学习,应该具备的一种能力。如有的生词,只要其词根是学生们该掌握的或熟悉的,只是加上了前缀或后缀,再者

13、或是合成词等,命题人就认为不必再注出汉语注释。1.That man was_enough not to tell the manager that he would not do the job.A.care B. careful C. careless Dcarelessness2.The soldier died for saving the child,so his_ is heavier than Mount Tai. A. die B. dead C. died D. death3.The child looked_ at his brother who was badly woun

14、ded. A. sadly B. sadness C. sadly D. sad4.He is an expert at chemistry. We all call him a _. A. chemistry B. chemical C. chemis D. physician5.The three- _chair isnt suitable for a young child. He may fall off. A. legging B .legged C. legs D.leged6.Stephenson became the_railway engineer in the world.

15、 A. lead B. leader C. leading D. leadership7.When the teacher praised him for working out the maths problem,Jack looked_about at his classmates.A.proud B.proudly C.pride D. pridely8.To everyones _, the girl finished the job quite well. A.satisfied B.satisfactory C.satisfying D.satisfaction9.What are

16、 you doing here? Oh,my teacher asked me to write a passage about _in English.You can write_ _passage in English? A.600 words;a 600-words B.600-word;a 600-wordsC.600 words;a 600-word D.600 words;a 600-words10.No one should enter the spot without the_of the police. A.permit B.permission C.permitting D

17、.permittence11You must come with us to the police _.Our head is waiting for you.A.headquarters B.headline C.headmaster D.headache12.Letting that animal escape was no accident;you did it _.A.intend B.intention C.intentionally D.intentional13.The shop owner welcomed all the guests with a_smile. A.prac

18、tice B.practise C.practical D.practiced14.The_ordered him to pay a $100 fine. A.judger B.judgment C.judge D.judgement15.My TV is out of order.Can you tell me what is the_news about Iraq War? A.lately B.latest C.later D.latter16.The Great Wall is more than 6000 li in _. A.longer B.length C.long D.lon

19、ging17.To my _,I passed the exam easily. A.joy B.joyful C.joyless D.joyness18.Canada is mainly an_country. A.English-speaking B.speak-English C.spoken-English D.English-spoken19.How_ he is! He is always acting_.He is really a _.A.foolish;foolishly;fool B.fool;foolish;fool C.foolish;fool;fool D.fooli

20、shly;foolish;fool20.The necklace that she lost is very expensive.Its of great _. A.valuable B.value C.valueless D.unvaluable21.There were_fish in the river in South America. A.in danger B.danger C.dangerous D.dangerless22.The letter “b” in the word “doubt” is_. A.sound B.silent C.silence D.sounded23

21、.The child looked at me_. A.stranger B.strangely C.strange D.strangeless24.The black people were against slavery and fought for their_bravely. A.free B.freely C.freedom D.frees25.What you said sounded_ but in fact it was untrue. A.reasonable B.reasonful C.reasonless D.unreason26.We have to learn_tec

22、hnology from other countries. A.advance B.advancing C.advantage D.advanced27.The children live in a village _.They come here almost every day. A.nearby B.near C.nearly D.near by28.Mr Black is an _in the army,not an_in the government.You can not easily find him in his_.A .official;officer;office B.of

23、ficer;office;official C.official;official;official D.officer;official;office29.Youd better give up smoking if you want to keep _.A.health B.healthy C.healthily D.healthier30._ speaking,I didnt do it on purpose. A.Honestly B.Honest C.Honesty D.Dishonest31.It sounds like a good plan,but there are some

24、_difficulties in carrying it out.A.practiced B.practical C.practice D.practicing32.His father possesses a_factory,which does most of the pollution to this river.A.paper-make B.paper-making C.papers-made D.paper-made33.Marx left his homeland for some_reasons. A.politicallyB.politics C.political D.pol

25、itician34.Its_to persuade him to give up smoking.Hes very stubborn.A.possible B.possibly C.impossible D.impossibility35.Dan caught two_birds in the wood last week and they are still_in the cage.A.alive;live B.live;live C.live;alive D.alive;alive36.The doctor said that the old mans condition was_and

26、that they had tried their best. A.hope B.hoped C.hopeful D.hopeless37.Ann felt so_that she could hardly open her eyes. A.sleepy B.asleep C.sleep D.sleeping38.We stood there_at the_sight.A.frightened;frightful B.frightening frightful C.fright;frightening D.frightful;fright39.The doctors advice_him fr

27、om drinking and smoking. A.encouraged B.couraged C.encouragement D.discouraged40Id like to buy a house,modern,comfortable and above all in a quiet_.A.neighbour B.neighbourhood C.neighbours Dneighbours.改错练习(每小题有一个构词法错误,请找出并更正)1.The Milu deer are living in the wild in a natural park. 2.This blouse is

28、fit for him at all.Its too long and the color has run.3.The possibly that the majority of the labor force will work at home is often discussed.4.We must strength government of the people,by the people and for the people.5.The sperm whale can dive to a deep of more than 1000 meters in the sea.6.He is

29、 a very famous actress.He has played many important parts in different films.7.Personal,Id rather stay at home watching TV. 8.Because of her ill,she cant go out for the sight-seeing.9.Thank you for your describe of the conditions here. 10.Its really dust in this room.Its a long time since someone la

30、st lived in it.11.We all dont know how dark happens. 12.He opened the envelope,folded the letter and began to read it.13.She offered us lots of value information,which played an important part in catching the thief.14.We wish you a pleasure journey back home.15.The captain made an apologize to the p

31、assengers for the delay caused by bad weather.16.I wish that you could interview these journals who come. 17.Coral is not a plant but a various of animal life.18.In my opinion,Harry is the most suitful person for the job. 19.The food was good but the serve was poor.20.This meeting is of great import

32、ant to all of us. 21.There comes a large collection of soldiers in the distant.22.When he got to the destination,he was quite out of breathe. 23.Traditionally speaking,Russia is a Europe country.24.“Actual”means“in fact”,and we can also use“as a matter of fact”.25.It is possible to persuade Adam to

33、give up that decide.26.The doctor said that the patience was comfortable after the operation. 27.Some people say that this new discover might change the whole society completely.28.The Chinese government treasure the friendly between the people of two countries and we are waiting for a peaceful sett

34、lement of this matter. 29.She was afraid of high and dared not jump out of the plane.30.Her mother died of hungry after the flood. 31.I bet you are mistake this time.32.The man said that he was merely a pass-by and that he didnt watch the accident. 33.Do you follow me? Yes,perfect.34.Personal posses

35、s of guns causes lots of troubles in the USA. 35.The greatest wealthy is being content with a little.36.I believe our dream that humans will travel to and from the moon will come truth one day.37.Fail is the mother of success. 38.Every year millions of visiters come to visit the dams.39.The Chinese

36、people are building socialist and have achieved great progress.40.People all went up to offer their congratulate on their winning the key match. 前后缀“冰山一角”练习一形容词后缀1-ous结尾advantage_ ambition_ anxiety_ continue_ courage_ danger_ disaster_ fame_ glory_ humor_ mountain_ mystery_ nerve_ number_ poison_ pr

37、osper_ religion_ suspicion_ vary_ vigor_ 2. 以-al 结尾Chemistry_ class_ economy_ editor_ education_ exception_ finance_ function_ logic_ memory_ nation_ origin_ parent_ person_ physics_ politics_ region_ substance_ technique_ technology_ 3. 以-able 结尾ability_ accept_ access_ adapt_ avail_ avoid_ capabil

38、ity_ change_ comfort_ compare_convert_desire_ duration_ favor_ flexibility_ honor_ move_ notice_ permit_ reason_ sense_ vision_4. 以-ful结尾beauty_ care_ cheer_ doubt_ faith_ fruit_ glass_ hand_ harm_ help_ mouth_ peace_ power_ skill_ spoon_ success_ thought_ wonder_ 二名词后缀1. 以-ment结尾achieve_ advance_ a

39、dvertise_ agree_ disagree_ argue_ assign_ attach_ appoint_ develop_ embarrass_ encourage_ engage_ enjoy_ equip_ establish_ govern_ install_ manage_ move_ pave_ pay_ punish_ ship_ state_2. 以-al结尾approve_ disapprove_ arrive_ propose_ refuse_ remove_ survive_ try_ withdraw_3. 以-ance/-ence/-ency/cy结尾abu

40、ndant_ accurate_ agent_ allow_ apply_ attend_ bankrupt_ competent_ compliant_ confident_ consist_ convenient_ inconvenient_ correspondent_ current_ dependent_ independent_ innocent_diplomat_ distant_ efficient_ elegant_ evident_ exist_ fluent_ frequent_ infer_ infant_ influential_ intelligent_ inter

41、fere_ offend_ patient_ perform_ prefer_ refer_ resident_ significant_ silent_ tend_ urgent_ vacant_ violent_ 4. 以-ion结尾act_ add_ admit_ attract_ associate_ collect_ combine_ complete_ commit_ communicate_ compose_ conclude_ consider_ consume_ create_ decide_ declare_ define_ describe_ destroy_ determine_ devote_ direct_ distinct_ discuss_ domin


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