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1、举例说明how often 的用法在周末玩滑板高中去看电影(go)购物每一天一礼拜一次一个月两次一天三次,on weekendsgo skateboarding/skateboardhigh schoolgo to the moviesshop/go shoppingevery dayonce a weektwice a monththree times a day,上网一位采访者try的四种形式照顾照看(两种)“在.冲浪”的四种形式看英语书籍watch四种形式exercise的三种中文意思及词性做早操做眼操用实例说明time的两个意思及可数性,surf the Internet an int

2、erviewer try-tries-tried-trying look after/take care of surf-surfs-surfed-surfingread English books watch-watches-watched-watching cn.练习题 un.锻炼 v做锻炼do morning exercises do eye exercisessome time 一些时间(时间un)some times 几次(次数cn),做些锻炼做一些练习题“阅读”的四种形式你最喜欢的节目吃更少的肉保持健康必须做sth.的结果至于sth至于做sth.没有/所有的/大多数的学生,do/t

3、ake some exercise do some exercises read-reads-read-readingyour favorite programeat less meat keep/stay healthy must do sth.the result(s)ofas for sthas for doing sth no/all/most students,一礼拜五到六次非常活跃至于.的结果提高你的英语要我喝牛奶想要sb.做某事它有利于我的健康是健康的多少个小时一个小时半个小时吃蔬菜和水果虽然我有一个健康的习惯,但或许我是算不上健康的。,five or six times a w

4、eekbe very active the result(s)for.improve your English want me to drink milk want sb.to do sth.Its good for my health.be healthy how many hours an hour half an hour eat vegetables and fruit Maybe Im not very healthy,although I have one healthy habit.,喝咖啡吃垃圾食品相当地健康每天锻炼从学校回到家饮食习惯睡眠习惯尝试做某事我的健康生活方式得高分学

5、得更好良好的食物和锻炼帮助我学得更好。,drink coffee eat junk food pretty healthy exercise every day come home from school eating habits sleeping habits try to do sth.my healthy lifestyle get good grades study betterGood food and exercise help me to study better.,每晚睡九个小时very often的含义有一个健康的生活方式与.一样与.不同一些不同之处有点不健康love的两种

6、用法你做什么运动?几乎不,sleep for nine hours every night常常 have a healthy lifestylethe same as.be different from.some differenceskind of unhealthylove doing sth.love to do sth.What sports do you play?hardly ever,某人怎么了?(四种表达)喉咙痛胃痛牙痛发热头痛得了重感冒应该做sth躺下休息喝蜂蜜热茶感到口渴的,1.Whats the matter with sb.?Whats the trouble/prob

7、lem with sb.?Whats wrong with sb.?have a sore throathave a stomachachehave a toothachehave a feverhave a headachehave/catch a bad coldshould do sth.lie down and rest(v.)=lie down and have a rest(n)drink hot tea with honey feel thirsty,看牙医我感到不舒服。我觉得是。得到一些休息感觉好一点早点睡觉听音乐参加派对传统中医们.的平衡 有些,少许+cns,see a de

8、ntistIm not feeling well.I think so.get/take some rest feel bettergo to bed early listen to music go to the partytraditional Chinese doctors a balance of.a few+cns,例如太多(+un)中药在许多西方国家做sth.是容易的。做sth.是重要的。吃营养均衡的饮食受sb.的欢迎变得劳累的晚上外出有压力的;紧张的,for example too much+un Chinese medicinein many western countries

9、Its easy to do sth.Its important to do sth.eat/have a balanced diet be popular with sb.get tired go out at nightbe stressed out,吃其他健康的食物背痛锻炼以保持健康study的四种形式需要做sth.stay的四种形式服药给sb一些药给sb提建议此刻需要对话练习,eat/have other healthy food(s)have a sore back exercise to stay healthy study-studies-studied-studyingneed

10、 to do sth.stay-stays-stayed-staying have/take some medicine give sb.some medicine give sb.some advice at the momentneed conversation practice,have a lot of headaches 的意思没有在提高学习得晚sometimes study until 2 am 的意思寄宿家庭听到那个我感到很抱歉方式,手段不应该做sth相信;认为一种疾病 太多疾病,经常头痛 isnt improving study late 有时学习到凌晨两点 host fami

11、ly Im sorry to hear that.way shouldnt do sth.believe an illness too many illnesses,be doing sth.的两种含义What are you doing for vacation?的意思在家放松照顾我的妹妹看望你的外祖母和朋友们一起度过时光再一些单词参加运动夏令营在这个周末on the 12th 的意思你将和谁一起去?,1.a)正在做sth b)将要去做sth 假期你将要去做什么?relax at homebabysit my sistervisit your grandmotherspend time wi

12、th friends a few more wordsgo to sports camp this weekend 在12日 Who are you going with?,和sb一块去在香港假期计划去西藏在sth花费.在做sth.花费.去徒步旅行在山里面你将在那里待多久?寄给我一张明信片“寄,发送”的四种形式,go with sb.in Hong Kong vacation plan(s)go to Tibetspend.on sth.spend.doing sth.go hiking in the mountainsHow long are you staying there?send m

13、e a postcard send-sends-sent-sending,Friday-Tuesday如何表达去他表弟家将待那里待一个礼拜去夏威夷度假在12月份spend的四种形式骑自行车兜风去观光散步钓鱼 租碟片,from Friday to Tuesday go to his cousins house be staying there for a weekgo to Hawaii for vacation in December spend-spends-spent-spendinggo bike riding go sightseeing take a walk/take walks

14、go fishing/fish rent videos,“租”的四种形式在意大利的南部一位有名的法国歌手度过一个悠长的假期考虑做sth选定sth选定加拿大在欧洲度假想要做一些不一样的事说法语的人,rent-rents-rented-rentingin the south of Italy a famous French singer take a long vacationthink about doing sth.decide on sth.decide on Canada in Europe take vacations/take a vacation want to do somethi

15、ng differentpeople who speak French,计划做sthbabysit的四种形式在美丽的乡村plan的四种形式有一个放松的假期忘记所有的烦恼完成做sthforget的四种形式make my last movie询问sb关于sth 想要一个激动人心的假期 给sb.寄某物,plan to do sth.babysit-babysits-babysat-babysitting in the beautiful countryside plan-plans-planned-planning have a relaxing vacation forget all the pr

16、oblems finish doing sth forget-forgets-forgot-forgetting 制作我的最新的一部电影 ask sb.about sth.want an exciting vacation send sb.sth./send sth.to sb.,离开sp离开A地去B地从sp离开sb随身带着sth游客们应该随身带着什么?去长城玩乐的一个好地方leave的四种形式hear的四种形式希望做sth 可以参观的地方,leave sp.leave A for B leave from sp.take sth.with sb.What should tourists ta

17、ke with them?go to the Great Wall a good place to have fun leave-leaves-left-leaving hear-hears-heard-hearing hope to do sth.places to visit,你是如何到学校的?乘坐地铁(v-ph)乘坐火车(v-ph)乘坐公共汽车(prep-ph)骑自行车How long does it take?的意思做sth.花费sb.多长时间It takes about 25 minutes to walk and 10 minutes by bus.意思从他家到学校有多远?大概10

18、公里。快速吃早餐,1.How do you get to school?take the subwaytake the train by busride a bike/bikes/ride ones bike 它要花费多长时间?It takes sb.some time to do sth.走路需25分钟,乘坐公交车需15分钟 How far is it from his home to school?Its 10 kilometers.have a quick breakfast,离开去学校骑他的自行车到公交车站早班车将他带到学校。The bus ride usually takes abo

19、ut 25 minutes.意思从家到达学校它花费你多长时间?在汽车站(两种)在地铁站世界各地的学生(两种)在北美洲在世界的其他地区,leave for schoolride his bike to the bus station The early bus takes him to school.乘坐公交车通常花费大约25分钟。How long does it take you to get from home to school?at the bus stop/station at the subway station students around the world/students

20、all over the world9.in North America10.in other parts of the world,取决于.,依赖于.坐船肯定要比坐公交车来得有趣得多。并不是所有的学生三种最受欢迎的到达学校的方式不同的交通方式depend的四种形式ride的四种形式想要知道她住哪想要知道她觉得这种交通方式怎么样 take the school bus to school 的同义词组,depend on.Taking a boat must be a lot more fun than taking a bus.not all studentsthe three most po

21、pular ways of getting to school different means of transportation depend-depends-depended-dependingride-rides-rode-riding want to know where she lives want to know what she thinks of the transportation go to school on the school bus,首先,其次,然后,最后不要担心463372991055861 84 30分钟的走路路程 一小时的乘车/开车车程洗澡(三种)成百上千的,

22、first,next,then,finally Dont worry.forty-sixthirty-three seventy-two ninety-nineone hundred and five fifty-eight sixty-one eighty-four thirty minutes walk one hours ride/drive take a shower/take showers/shower hundreds of,拒绝一次邀请study的四种形式为一次测试而学习去看医生上钢琴课帮助sb.做sth.帮助我的父母做晚餐“访问,参观”的四种形式不得不做sth.太多的作业,s

23、ay no to an invitationstudy-studies-studied-studyingstudy for a testgo to the doctorhave a piano lessonhelp sb.do sthhelp my parents make/cook dinnervisit-visits-visited-visitinghave to do sth.have too much homework,adv.或许,可能Maybe he visits his anut.Maybe another time.Thanks for doing sth.go to sp.g

24、o to the concertcome to my birthdaygo to the mallon Tuesday afternoonhave soccer practice/training,maybe的词性及中文他可能去看他阿姨了。或许下次吧。因做sth而感谢。去sp去演唱会来我的生日派对去商场在星期二下午有足球训练(两种),在工作日前天,昨天,今天,明天,后天Its Monday the 4th.的问句踢足球和我一起打网球在星期三晚上谢谢你的邀请。谢谢你邀请我。不能拜访你去我表弟的生日聚会,on weekdaysthe day before yesteday,yesterday,to

25、day,tomorrow,the day after tomorrowWhats today?play soccer/footballplay tennis with meon Wednesday night/eveningThanks for your invitation.Thanks for inviting me.cant visit yougo to my cousins birthday party,Write back soon.in the school teamchemistry and physicsPlease call me after the vacation.nex

26、t vacationfinish the geography projectthe football match on TVfrom.to.join the culture cluball day/the whole day,尽快回信。在校队化学和物理假期后请给我打电话。下个假期完成这个地理项目(课程)电视上的足球比赛从.到.加入文化俱乐部一整天(两种),顺便到我家讨论这科学报告“讨论”的四种形式和sb讨论sth我有空。练习做sth他可以去棒球赛吗?不,他不可以。(举例说理由)翻译“你可不可以来我的派对?”并分别作出接受和拒绝的回答,come over to my housediscuss t

27、he science reportdiscuss-discusses-discussed-discussingdiscuss sth.with sb.Im free.practice doing sth.Can he go to the baseball game?No,he cant.He.Can you come to my party?,sentences to give adviceWhat/How about doing sth.?Why not do sth.?Why dont you do sth.?Would you like to do sth.?Could you plea

28、se do sth.?Lets do sth.Youd better(not)do sth.Would/Do you mind doing sth.?whom 谁Kays calendar,提建议的句式:做th.怎么样?为什么不去做sth?你为什么不去做sth.?你要不要去做sth?可不可以请你去做sth?让我们一起去做sth 你最好(不)去做sth你介不介意做sth?who的宾格及含义Kay 的日程表,更外向的,更严格严肃,更强健的更沉着,更鲁莽,更矮,更聪明更搞笑的,更重的比他更安静的写下一些重要的笔记如你所见在一些方面看起来像看起来不一样我们都喜欢运动。,more outgoing,mo

29、re serious,more athleticcalmer,wilder,shorter,smarterfunnier,heavierquieter than himwrite down some important notesas you can seein some wayslook the samelook differentWe both like sports.,a lot,even,a little,far,muchMy hair is longer than hers.have some things in commontalk moreIts necessary to do

30、sth.more than onenot as good at sports as her sisterBoth girls enjoy telling jokes.,可以修饰形容词比较级的词(五个)我的头发比她的长有些共同之处说得更多做sth.是有必要的多于一个不比她的姐姐擅长于体育两个女孩子都享受讲笑话(的乐趣),擅长学校功课和我做一样的事促使某人做某事像我一样的朋友我认为差别在一段友情中 并不重要相反的观点和兴趣一位小学生得到更多的信息擅长运动使我发笑,be good at schoolwork do the same things as me make sb.do sth.friend

31、s who are like me I dont think differences are important in a friendship.opposite views and interests a primary school student get more information be good at sports make me laugh,make-makes-made-makinglaugh-laughs-laughed-laughing for me/as for me Whats your opinion?like the same things beat me in

32、tennis beat-beats-beat-beating beat sb.in sth.I dont really care.does;Holly最好的朋友喜欢和她做一样的事,make的四种形式发笑的四种形式至于我你的观点是什么?喜欢同样的事在网球方面打败我beat的四种形式在sth打败sb我并不真得在意。Hollys best friend likes to do the same things as she _.填空及翻译整句话。,Who do you think should get the job?中 do you think 叫什么?翻译整个句子 你认为谁昨天赢得了这场比赛?得到

33、这份工作get的两种意思 get的四种形式形式不能停止说话越来越高越来越受欢迎 越多越好“the+比较级,the+比较级”的含义,插入语;你觉得谁能得到这份工作?Who do you think won the game yesterday?get the job得到(get the book);变得(get tired)get-gets-got-getting cant stop talking taller and taller more and more popular the more,the better 越.,越.,the thinner of the twinsenjoy doi

34、ng sth.enjoy-enjoys-enjoyed-enjoyingbe better at sth.be better at doing sth,双胞胎中较瘦的这一个enjoy的用法enjoy的四种形式更擅长于sth更擅长于做sth,打开这搅拌器turn on 和open区别切碎cut them up 还是cut up them给香蕉去皮将sth灌入sth将sth放到sth里面cut的四种形式制作一份香蕉奶昔一杯酸奶我们需要多少酸奶?,turn on the blender cut upcut them uppeel the bananaspour sth.into sth.put st

35、h.into sth.cut-cuts-cut-cuttingmake a banana milk shakea cup of yogurt How much yogurt do we need?,一个西瓜制作水果沙拉.的数量两茶匙的.将水果放入一个碗中你是如何制做火鸡三明治?peel的四种形式将sth加入到sth给面里加点盐将sth按顺序放好煮面,a watermelonmake fruit saladthe amount of.two teaspoons of.put the fruit in a bowlHow do you make a turkey sandwich?peel-pee

36、ls-peeled-peelingadd sth to sthadd some salt to the noodles put sth.in orderboil the noodles,煮沸,烹煮的四种形式 三明治里的生菜一片.在这片面包上放些佐料需要另外一片面包一些鸡肉片一个洋葱在顶部.的食谱 所有烹调用的材料葱和酱油,boil-boils-boiled-boiled lettuce in sandwiches a slice of.put some relish on the slice of bread need another slice of bread some chicken s

37、licesan onion on the top a recipe for.all the ingredientsgreen oinoin and sauce,add-adds-added-addingmix sth up mix them all up how much honey another favorite food pour-pours-poured-pouring write instructions an instruction 检查,核对 check-checks-checked-checking10.roll-rolls-rolled-rolling 11.eat Beij

38、ing Duck12.a teaspoon of butter,add的四种形式将sth混合将他们所有都混合多少蜂蜜另一种最喜爱的食物pour的四种形式写用法说明一条指示check的意思及四种形式卷,裹的四种形式 吃北京烤鸭一茶匙黄油,“Drink the milk shake”意思 1)句式是什么?2)该句式的基本结构是什么?3)一般含有什么样的语气?4)其省略的主语是什么?5)举个例子来说明你已搞懂。,“喝这个奶昔.”1)祈使句 2)Do sth.去做sth Dont do sth.不要去做sth3)命令,要求,请求,建议4)”you“5),2.Drinking the milk shak

39、e is very popular now in our class.1)句式是什么?2)drinking the milk shake 作用3)举个例子来说明你已搞懂。,2.喝奶昔这事现在在我们班非常流行。1)陈述句2)动名词做主语3),在你的上一次学校旅行时There be 的含义;用在何种语境里?去水族馆拍照(两种)和朋友们一起出去玩看海豹和鲨鱼买纪念品吃个汉堡吃些冰激凌去动物园 给sb/sth.拍照,on your last school trip“有”;“某地有某物”go to the aquariumtake a photo/take photoshang out with fri

40、endssee seals and sharksbuy a souvenireat a hamburgerhave some ice creamgo to the zoo take photos of sb./sth.,你还做了其他什么?得到他的签名赢得一个奖次赢得第一名见到一名著名的演员在水族馆这里曾有些章鱼吗?不,没有。做某事玩得开心观看一场海豚秀看见一只章鱼在这天快结束的时候,What else did you do?get his autographwin a prizewin the first prizemeet a famous actorat/in the aquariumWe

41、re there any octopuses here?No,there werent.have a great time doing sth./have fun doing sth.watch a dolphin show see an octopus at the end of the day,班长 在这次旅行以后有一次糟糕的旅行访问芝加哥居住在加利福尼亚在我的下个休息日起得晚have a class 的同义词组 开车兜风 那听起来真是个放松的休息日。你相信吗?,class monitor after the trip have a terrible tripvisit Chicago l

42、ive in California on my next day offsleep late take a class go for a drive That sounds like a relaxing day off.Can you believe it?,go camping in the rain have fun camping How was your day off?rain all day stay in the house watch DVDs play computer gamesput some things out have a yard sale10.in the y

43、ard 11.some of.12.some of his old things13.in my opinion,14.in the future,雨中野营野营很开心你的休息日怎么样?雨下一整天呆在屋子里看影碟玩电脑游戏把一些东西放出去在院子里 有个庭院销售会.当中的一些他旧东西中的一些 在我看来,在未来,get wet 没人来销售会。adv;luckily visit sb./sp.拜访sb./参观sp.碰见;遇见;见到 a bowl of noodles buy sb.sth./buy sth.for sb.给sb.买sth 1.bought 2.met3.won 4.hadtook 6.

44、hung7.ate 8.saw 9.was 10.were,淋湿No one come to the sale.的含义“幸运地”词性;英文visit的用法meet的含义一碗面 buy的用法 写出下列几个过去式 buy 2.meet3.win 4.have take 6.hang7.eat 8.see9.is/am 10.are,buy some gifts for my parents visitor/tourist visitoran outdoor sport have two days offtake an umbrella with sb.a raincoatin yesterdays

45、 singing competiton stay with sb./be with sb.10.Was the food good?11.Did you buy anything?12.want to go again,为我爸妈买些礼物游客(两个)访问者,参观者一项户外运动有两天的休息时间随身带把雨伞一件雨衣在昨天的唱歌比赛 中和sb.呆在一起(两种)食物味道好吗?你有买东西吗?想要再去一次,他什么时候出生?她出生于1996年2月3日。我出生于1997年9月22日。你何时出生?出生国际体育明星们一名中国伟大的乒乓球运动员开始打嗝停止打喷嚏她何时成为一名电影明星?在她三岁时。比如,When wa

46、s he born?She was born on February 3rd,1996.I was born on September 22nd,1997.When were you born?be borninternational sports starsa great Chinese ping-pong playerstart hiccuppingstop sneezingWhen did she become a movie star?When she was three years old.for example,keep the world recordbreak the worl

47、d recordtoo.to.write musicplay for his national teamthe great Brazilian soccer playerlearn to do sthfirst went to a moviestart learning Englishmake an achievement It is a funny comedy called Mr.Bean.,维持世界记录打破世界记录太.而不能.作曲为他的国家队效力这个伟大的巴西足球队员learn的用法第一次去看电影开始学英语取得成就它是一部叫做Mr.Bean 的搞笑喜剧。,和他的外孙一起度过他所有的空闲时

48、间 一位慈爱的奶奶成为一名溜冰冠军一位著名的小提琴家see sb.do sth的两种含义著名的(两种)在亚洲旅行could的两种用法 他们出生在宁波。“在.旅行”的四种形式“哼唱”的四种形式,spend all his free time with his grandsona loving grandmotherbecome a skating championa famous violinist 看见sb经常做sth/看见sb做过sthfamous/well-known tour Asia can 的过去式;委婉语气They were born in Ningbo.tour-tours-to

49、ured-touring hum-hums-hummed-humming,like to hum English songs many pieces of musicbegin to do sth./begin doing sth.开始做sth。begin with.以.开始 at the age of.learn the accordionin October 2000take part in/join in+活动 join+组织团体in his group be the first to do sth.in the seventy-year history He is alive.,喜欢哼

50、唱英文歌多首乐曲begin的用法(三种)在.岁学习手风琴在2000年十月参加+活动(两种)加入+组织团体在他的组别成为第一个做sth的人 在这七十年的历史中他活着。,athlete和player的区别 他曾是名运动员吗?停止做sth停下来,去做sthbecome的用法become的四种形式because的用法because of 的用法成为第一成为一名.的成员从.学习.,athlete专指体育运动员;player意思多,指玩.的人:棋手,钢琴手,玩家等 Was he an athlete?stop doing sth.stop to do sth.+adj:become rich;+n bec


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