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3、合理、层次分明、计算无误。2设计图纸两张:要求布置合理、图面整洁、按绘图规定制图。二、设计说明书一设计资料及参数某钢厂经过平面布置及管网平差计算得到如下资料:1正常供水工况时所需流量为Q1 9000 m/d ,泵站外管道水头损失h1_14.6m_,服务水头为H1= 28m ;2向高位水池转输供水工况时,所需流量为Q2 4900m/d ,这时泵站外管道水头损失为h2_3.5m_,自由水头为H2= 15m ;3正常工作时间为16小时,转输工作时间为8小时;4泵站所在地海拔标高为1034m,清水池最低水面标高为1030.6m,最高水面标高为1033.6m,供水点地面标高为1046.7m,高位水池最高

4、水面标高为H3= 1071.4 ;5.距泵站最近的下水井比泵站外地平面低4.2m,相距10m;6该地为级非自重性湿陷性黄土,地下水位低于地面标高10m,场内已有两路满足要求的两路独立电源路通向泵站,冰冻深度为地表下0.5m;7该厂要求不间断供水;三、设计计算一、设计流量和设计扬程的计算1.设计流量的计算, 取自用水系数=1.05正常供水工况时,所需最大时流量为Q=90001.0516=590.625m/h=164.0625向高位水池转输供水工况时,所需最大时流量为Q=49001.058=643.125m/h=178.646L/s二者取最大值即Q=643.125m/h2.设计扬程的计算由设计指导

5、书中设计扬程的计算公式,得:H=1071.41030.6153.521.05=64.365m二、初选泵和电机1.选泵的主要依据:流量、扬程以及其变化规律 大小兼顾,调配灵活 型号整齐,互为备用 合理地用尽各水泵的高效段要近远期相结合。“小泵大基础 ”大中型泵站需作选泵方案比较。根据设计流量和设计扬程,从给排水设计手册第11册常用设备第二版中查表,选泵:方案一:选择四台IS125-100-250型泵,三台工作一台备用,满足最大用水工况的要求。方案二:选择五台IS125-100-315B型泵,四台工作一台备用,满足最大用水工况的要求。方案比较:方案一:IS125-100-250型泵性能如下:流量2

6、40m/h,扬程72m,转速2900r/min,轴功率62.8kw,折损率取0.9。得最大供水流量Q=24030.9=648m/h,扬程为72方案二:IS125-100-315B型泵性能如下:流量181.6m/h, 扬程103m,转速2900r/min,轴功率69.8kw,折损率取0.9。得最大供水流量Q=181.640.9=653.76m/h,扬程为103方案二较方案一,流量和扬程都较大,方案一的流量和扬程均已满足管路要求,采用方案二会对能源造成浪费,且方案一备用一台相同功率和型号的水泵,考虑到了远期的发展,故采用方案一。2.电机的选择电动机型号经查表选定280S-2型。电动机主要性能参数如

7、下:额定工作电压380v,功率75w,气蚀余量4.5m,重量165kg。三、泵机组的基础和水泵间布置1.泵机组的基础查表得,底座长L1=1.83m,底座螺孔间距b=0.73m,底座地脚螺钉的直径d=0.028m,底座地脚螺钉的长度l=20d=0.56m。得基础长度L= L1+0.18=2m 基础宽度B=0.73+0.17=0.9m 基础高度H=0.56+0.14=0.7m 基础深度的校核 H=3W/LB H:基础的深度 W:机组的总重量,W=180+165=345Kg L:基础的长度 B:基础的宽度 :基础所用材料的容重,对于混凝土基础,=1855Kg/ m3 经计算可知H=456mm。所以基

8、础的深度满足。2.水泵间布置 根据设计指导书,要求机组的布置在水泵台数不多时(不超过6台),最好采用单行排列。机组布置应满足下列要求:(市外给水设计规范GB50013-2006) 卧式水泵和小叶轮立式水泵机组的布置应遵守下列规定: A单排布置时,相邻两个机组及机组与墙壁间净距 电机容量55千瓦时, 1.0米; 电机容量55千瓦时, 1.2米。B还应保证泵轴和电机转子在检修时能拆卸。 C泵房主要通道不小于l .2米。 D当考虑就地检修时,至少在每个机组一侧设置大于水泵机组宽度0.5米的通道。二级泵站一般为地面或半地下式,平面形状一般采用矩形。房屋面积大小可根据机组及管道布置所必须的间距确定,但考


10、该泵在单独工作或并联中可能出现的最大出水量,设计流速根据室外给水设计规范GB50013-2006可按下述数据决定: d250mm v采用1.01.2m/s; d=2501000mm v采用1.21.6m/s; d1000mm v采用1.52.0m/s。Q=d/4V,在本设计中,Q=240m/h=0.0667m/s,依据室外给水设计规范GB50013-2006:当v取1.01.2m/s时,d的范围是265291。不符合要求。当v取1.21.6m/s时,d的范围是230265。符合要求。当v取1.52.0m/s时,d的范围是206237。不符合要求。所以,取水管DN取300mm。钢管由于该泵站系自

11、灌式泵站,故吸水管路需设闸阀。2、压水管管径的计算当水泵为自灌式时,设计流速可增至1.62.0m/s。压水管管径按通过的最大流量及设计流速决定,设计流速可按下述数据决定: dQ 所以选前者另外,一般吸水管从专设的吸水池或直接从清水池吸水(必须注意应该从能分成完全隔开的两个独立的吸水池或清水池中吸水),每台泵有一条独立的吸水管,为避免水头损失,吸水管从泵房直接伸入吸水井,考虑吸水管边缘距吸水井边缘的距离,则设吸水井长度为13m,尺寸如泵站平面草图,宽度和高度不变。将吸水井从中间分成二格,用虹吸管连通,以便分隔清洗使用六、水泵房安装高度为了便于施工,将泵房机器间底板的标高和吸水间的底板的标高相同,

12、因此泵为自灌式工作,所以泵的安装高度小于其允许吸上真空高度,无须计算。泵站所在地海拔标高为1034m,清水池最低水面标高为1030.6m,最高水面标高为1033.6m。故该泵站为半地下式泵站,泵站地面标高为1032 m。根据设计指导书,泵站高度应满足设备起吊要求,在无起重设备时,泵房高度应不小于3米。由于本泵站不设起重设备,考虑到通风及采光的要求,所以泵房高度取6m。七、辅助设备设计 1)起重设备 由于本泵站不设起重设备,该部分无需考虑 2)引水设备 泵系自灌式工作,无须引水设备。3)排水设备 由于泵房较深,所以采取电动泵排水。沿泵房内壁设的排水沟至集水坑内,然后又泵抽回到吸水间去。 取水泵房

13、的排水量按2040m3/d计算,排水泵的静扬程为11.5m计算,水头损失按3m计,故总扬程H=11.5+3=14.5m,可选用IS65-50-160型离心泵。数量为两台,一台使用,另一台备用。配套电机为Y100L-2。4)通风设备 由于与泵配套的电机为水冷式,无需专门的通风设备进行冷却,但由于泵房筒体较深,仍选用风机进行通风换气。选用一台型号为T35-11型轴流风机即可。5)计量设备 在两根主压水管上各设一个水表。6)压水管路配件设置在水管路上的常开阀门,采用 PQ371H-40型蝶阀,其规格为:250S39: DN300,L=325,W=100kg , =0.15 蝶阀 采用Dx7K41X-

14、10型液控缓闭蝶阀,其规格为: 250S39: DN250,L=165,W=516 kg , =0.15 同心渐扩管 压水管路上的渐扩管规格如下:250S39:DN250 300, L=250, =0.05斜三通管DN300,L=700, =0.5直三通管DN300,L=620, =1.590弯头250S39: DN250, =0.8 四、设计小结通过这次水泵及水泵站的课程设计,从查阅资料到请教老师,我从中学到了很多,也发现了自己的不足之处:由于没有充分准备资料,设计中的一些数据(如管道的摩阻系数、弯管的局部水头损失系数等)没有正确按照规范设计查找,而是通过已知的数据,根据内差法求出的,可能存


16、业出版社,2004,45.中国市政工程西北设计研究院主编.给水排水设计手册(M)(第二版第11册).北京:中国建筑工业出版社,2002,66.中国市政工程华北设计研究院主编.给水排水设计手册(M)(第二版第12册).北京:中国建筑工业出版社,2001,67.上海市建设和交通委员会主编.室外给水设计规范(GB50013-2006).北京:中国计划出版社,2006,48.中华人民共和国水利部主编.泵站设计规范(GB/T 50265-97).北京:中国计划出版社,2006,3DirectoryFirst, the design objectives and requirements . 2Secon

17、d, the design specification . 3 the design data and parameters . 3Third, the design calculation . 4, the calculation of the design flow and design head . 4, the primary pump and motor . 4, the pump unit and pump arrangement . 5, the suction pipe and pressure pipe diameter calculation . 7, absorbent

18、wells calculation . 9, pump house installation height . 11, the design of auxiliary equipment . 11Design Summary . 13Reference . 14, Pumping stations, flat sketches . 15Design objectives and requirements(A) is designed to(1) professional theoretical knowledge gained by the students to be systematic,

19、 holistic, in order to consolidate and expand the professional knowledge;(2) students independent analysis, the ability to solve practical problems;(3) improve the design and calculation skills and the preparation of instructions and graphics capabilities;(4) for adaptation need to play to the found

20、ation. The pumping station design students with curriculum design, to enable students to further learn the basic theory, basic skills to use and design practice, familiar with design methods and procedures.(B) The design requirements1, to understand and master the methods and steps of the pump stati

21、on design, the ability to independently pump station design.2, familiar with the basic principles of pump selection, to master the drawing method of characteristic curves of pumps in parallel, learn through the program compared to determine the best combination of pump.3, Society of pump station des

22、ign process, design drawings of the expression, to grasp the key issues.4, to improve the students apply the theoretical knowledge to analyze issues, and the ability to solve practical problems through access to information.Results: 1. Design a manual (including computing), requiring written tidy, A

23、rts and fluent, rational argument, structured, the calculation is correct.Two. Design drawings of two: the reasonable layout, drawing clean, by drawing provisions mapping.Second, the design specificationA design data and parametersIn a steel pipe network adjustment after the layout calculated by the

24、 following information:A. Normal water supply conditions required flow for Q1 = 9000 m / d, pumping stations outside the pipeline head loss h1 = _14.6m_, head of services for H1 = 28m;Two. Transfer of the water supply to the high pool conditions, the required flow for Q2 = 4900m / d, when the pumpin

25、g station outside the pipe head loss h2 = _3.5m_ free head H2 = 15m;3. The normal working hours to 16 hours, and the transshipment time is 8 hours;4. Pumping station location of elevation elevation of 1034m, the minimum clear pool water surface elevation of 1030.6m, the maximum water surface elevati

26、on of 1033.6m, water points, ground elevation 1046.7m, the maximum water surface elevation of the high pool H3, = 1071.4;(5) from the pumping station wells than pumping stations in the field of flat low 4.2m distance of 10m;6. The collapsible loess ground level II non-weight wet, the water table bel

27、ow the ground elevation of 10m, the venue has a two-way meet the requirements of the two independent power road that leads to the pumping station, the freezing depth of the surface 0.5m;7. The plant requires continuous water supply;Third, the design calculations, the calculation of the design flow a

28、nd design headA design flow calculations, taken from the water coefficient alpha = 1.05Normal supply conditions, the required maximum flow rate of Q = 9000 1.05 16 = 590.625m / h = 164.0625Transfer of the water supply to the high pool conditions, the required maximum flow rate of Q = 4900 1.05 8 = 6

29、43.125m / h = 178.646L / sWhichever is the maximum Q = 643.125m / hCalculation of the design headGuidance by the design formula of the book Design head, too:H = (1071.4-1030.6 +15 +3.5 +2) 1.05 = 64.365m, primary pump and motor(1) the main basis for selecting a pump: flow, head, and its variation si

30、ze into account, and flexible deployment Model neat, mutual backupAnd reasonably efficient segment of the exhaustion of all pumps To short and long term the combination. Small pump base and medium-sized pumping stations required for pump selection program comparison.According to the design flow and

31、design head, look-up table from the second edition of the Water Supply and Drainage Design Manual 11 commonly used equipment, selecting a pump:Option One:Four IS125-100-250 pump, a spare of the three work to meet the requirements of the maximum water conditions.Option Two:Five IS125-100-315B pump, a

32、 spare four working to meet the requirements of the maximum water conditions.Program: Option One: IS125-100-250 pump performance are as follows: flow rate 240m / h, head 72m, speed 2900r/min, shaft power 62.8kw, the breakage rate of 0.9. The largest water flow of Q = 240 3 0.9 = 648m / h, and the he

33、ad 72Option II: IS125-100-315B pump performance are as follows: the flow of 181.6m / h, lift 103m, speed 2900r/min, shaft power 69.8kw, the breakage rate of 0.9. The largest water flow of Q = 181.6 4 0.9 = 653.76m / h, the head of 103Option II are larger than the program flow and head, flow and head

34、 of the program have been met piping Option two would be energy wastage and program a spare one the same power and pump models, taking into account the development of long-term, so the use of the program.(2) the choice of motorMotor model selected by table look-up the 280S Fingerless-2. Motor perfor

35、mance parameters are as follows: the rated working voltage of 380v power 75w, cavitation margin 4.5m, weight 165kg., the basis of the pump units and pump arrangementA pump unit basisLook-up table, the base length L1 = 1.83m, the base screw spacing b = 0.73m, the base ground screw diameter d = 0.028m

36、, the base ground screw length l = 20d = 0.56m.Have the basis of length L = L1 +0.18 = 2mFoundation width B = 0.73 +0.17 = 0.9mThe basis of height of H = 0.56 +0.14 = 0.7mCheck foundation depthH = 3W / L x B of H: the depth of the basisW: total weight of the unit, W = 180 +165 = 345KgL: the basis of

37、 the length of theB: based on the width: basic bulk density of the materials used for the concrete foundation, = 1855Kg / m3Calculation shows that H = 456mm. Based on the depth to meet.2 pumps furnished The arrangement according to the design guide book, asked the crew in the limited number of pump

38、units (not more than 6), preferably in a single row. The unit should be arranged to meet the following requirements: (outside the city water supply design specification GB50013-2006)Horizontal vertical pumps and small impeller pump unit should be arranged to comply with the following provisions: A.

39、Single row layout, the spacing between two adjacent units and units with wall Motor capacity 55 kWh, and 1.0 m; Motor capacity of 55 kwh, and 1.2 m.B. Should also ensure that the pump shaft and motor rotor can be removed in maintenance. C. Pumping Station, the main channel of not less than 1 .2 m. D. When considering the in situ repair, or at least set in each unit side of the channel of 0.5 m greater than the width of the pump unit.Two pumping stations are generally ground or semi-underground, th


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