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1、A Few Good MenScreenplay by Aaron SorkinProduced by David Brown Rob Reiner Andrew ScheinmannDirected by Rob ReinerCast List:Tom Cruise Lieutenant J.G. Daniel KaffeeJack Nicholson Colonel Nathan R. JessepDemi Moore Lieutenant Commander Joanne GallowayKevin Bacon Captain Jack RossKiefer Sutherland Lie

2、utenant Jonathan KendrickKevin Pollak Lieutenant Sam WeinbergJames Marshall Private First Class Louden DowneyJ.T. Walsh Lieutenant Colonel Mathew MarkinsonChristopher Guest Dr. StoneFADE IN:EXT. A SENTRY TOWERIn the middle of the night, in the middle of nowhere.Small beams of light coming from lamps

3、 attached to the tower cut through the ground mist. We HEAR all the unidentifiable sounds of night in the woods. We also HEAR, very, very faintly, a slow, deliberate drum cadence. And as this starts, we begin to MOVE SLOWLY UP THE TOWER, more becomes visible now: . the sandbags on the ground piled t

4、en-high. the steel, fire escape-type stairway wrapping around the structure and leading to the lookout post, and finally. THE LOOKOUT POST, maybe forty feet off the ground.Standing the post is the silhouette of a MARINE. Hes holding a rifle and staring straight out.The drum cadence has been building

5、 slightly.CUT TO:A WIDER SHOT OF THE FENCELINEAnd we see by the moonlight that the tall wire-mesh fence winds its way far, far into the distance.SUBITLE: united states naval bas guantanamo bay cubaThe drum cadence continues, and weCUT TO:INT. A MARINE BARRACKSWe HEAR two pairs of footsteps and thenC

6、UT TO:THE BARRACKS CORRIDORWhere we see that the footsteps belong to DAWSON and DOWNEY, two young marines who well get to know later. They stop when they get to a certain door. The drum cadence is still growing. Dawson puts his hand on the doorknob and turns it slowly. He opens the door and they wal

7、k intoINT. SANTIAGOS ROOM NIGHTWILLY SANTIAGO, a young, very slight marine, lies asleep in his bunk.Dawson kneels down by the bed, puts his hand on Santiagos shoulder and shakes him gently. Santiago opens his yes, looks at Dawson, and for a moment theres nothing wrong and then Santiagos eyes fill wi

8、th terror. He lunges out of the bed but forget about it. In one flash Dawson andDowney grab him out of bed, and before the scream can come out, Downeys shoved a piece of cloth into Santiagos mouth.Everything that happens next occurs with speed, precision and professionalism. A strip of duct tape is

9、pulled, ripped, and slapped onto his mouth and eyes A length of rope is wrapped around his hands and feet.DOWNEY(quietly)Youre lucky its us, Willy.An arm grabs him tightly around the neck, not choking him, just holding his head still The drum cadence has built to a crescendo. We HEAR four sharp blas

10、ts from a whistle and weSMASH CUT TO:EXT. THE WASHINGTON NAVY YARD DAYAnd the drum cadence weve been hearing has turned into Semper Fidelis and its coming fromTHE U.S. MARINE CORPS BAND, a sight to behold in their red and gold uniforms and polished silver and brass.The Band is performing on the huge

11、 and lush parade grounds before a crowd made up mostly of TOURISTS and DAY-CAMPERS.As the TITLES ROLL, we watch the Band do their thing from various angles. Incredible precision is the name of the game. Each polished black shoe hitting the ground as if they were all attached by a rod. Each drumstick

12、 raised to tho same fraction of a centimeter before striking. A RIFLE DRILL TEAM that cant possibly be human. Flags, banners, the works.SUBTITLE: THE WASHINGTON NAVY YARD, WASHINGTON, D.C.CUT TO:HIGH ANGLEOf the entire band an we end credits.CUT TO:EXT. A RED BRICK BUILDING DAYIts an important build

13、ing, a main building. A few SAILERS enter and exit andCUT TO:A WOMANAs she walks across the courtyard toward the brick building. The WOMAN is JOANNE GALLOWAY, a navy lawyer in her early 30s. Shes bright, attractive, impulsive, and has a tendency to speak quickly. If she had any friends, theyd call h

14、er Jo. As she walks, she mutters to herself .JOIm requesting. Im. Captain, Id like to request that I be the attorney assigned to rep Id like to request that it be myself who is assigned to represent (she stops)That it be myself who is assigned to represent?. Good, Jo, thats confidence inspiring.We f

15、ollow Jo, still muttering, as she walks into the brick building which bears the seal of the UNITED STATES NAVY JUDGE ADVOCATE GENERALS CORPSCUT TO:INT. WESTS OFFICE DAYAs Jo enters. CAPTAIN WEST and two other officers, GIBBS and LAWRENCE, sit around a conference table.GIBBSJo, come on in.JOThank you

16、, sir.GIBBSCaptain West, this is Lt. Commander Galloway. Jo, you know Mike Lawrence.JOYes sir.(to West)Captain, I appreciate your seeing me on such short notice.WESTI understand there was some trouble over the weekend down in Cuba.JOYes sir. This past Friday evening. Two marines, Corporal Harold Daw

17、son and Private Louden Downey, entered the barracks room of a PFC William Santiago and assaulted him. Santiago died at the base hospital approximately an hour later. The NIS agent who took their statements maintains they were trying to prevent Santiago from naming them in a fenceline shooting incide

18、nt. Theyre scheduled to have a hearing down in Cuba at 4:00 this afternoon.LAWRENCEWhats the problem?JODawson and Downey are both recruiting poster marines and Santiago was known to be a screw-up. I was thinking that it sounded an awful lot like a code red.Jo lets this sink in a moment.WEST(under hi

19、s breath)Christ.JOId like them moved up to Washington and assigned counsel. Someone who can really look into this. Someone who possesses not only the legal skill, but a familiarity with the inner workings of the military. In short, Captain, Id like to suggest that. I be the one who, that it be me wh

20、o is assigned to represent them.(beat)Myself.Jo looks around the room for a response.WESTJoanne, why dont you get yourself a cup of coffee.JOThank you, sir, Im fine.WESTJoanne, Id like you to leave the room so we can talk about you behind your back.JOCertainly, sir.Jo gets up and walks out.WESTI tho

21、ught this Code Red shit wasnt going on anymore.LAWRENCEWith the marines at GITMO? Who the hell knows what goes on down there.WESTWell lets find out before the rest of the world does, this thing could get messy. What about this woman?LAWRENCEJos been working a desk at internal affairs for what, almos

22、t a year now.WESTAnd before that?GIBBSShe disposed of three cases in two years.WESTThree cases in two years? Who was she handling, the Rosenbergs?GIBBSShes not cut out for litigation.LAWRENCEShes a hall of an investigator, Jerry GIBBSIn internal affairs, sure. She can crawl up a lawyers ass with the

23、 best of em, but when it comes to trial work WESTI know. All passion, no street smarts. Bring her back in.Lawrence goes to the door and motions for Jo to come back in.WEST(continuing)Commander, were gonna move the defendants up here in the morning.JOThank you, sir.WESTAnd Ill have Division assign th

24、em counsel.JO(beat)But. not me.WESTFrom what I understand from your colleagues, youre much too valuable in your present assignment to be wasted on what Im sure will boil down to a five minute plea bargain and a weeks worth of paper work.JOSir WESTDont worry about it. I promise you, divisionll assign

25、 the right man for the job.CUT TO:EXT. SOFTBALL FIELD DAYTHE RIGHT MAN FOR THE JOBHis name is LIEUTENANT JUNIOR GRADE DANIEL ALLISTAIR KAFFEE, and its almost impossible not to like him. At the moment hes hitting fungoes to about a dozen LAWYERS who are spread out on the softball field on a corner of

26、 the bass. The 27 Yankees theyre not, but they could probably hold their own against a group of, say, Airforce dentists.Kaffees in his late 20s, 15 months out of Harvard Law School, and a brilliant legal mind waiting for a courageous spirit to drive it. He is, at this point in his life, passionate a

27、bout nothing . except maybe softball.KAFFEE(calling out to the team)Alright, lets get two!He smacks one to the SECOND BASE. The ball bounces right between his legs.SECOND BASESorry!KAFFEENothing to be sorry about, Sherby. Just look the ball into your glove.He smacks one out to the same place. It bou

28、nces off the heel of SHERBYs glove and into center field.SECOND BASE (SHERBY)Sorry!KAFFEEYou gotta trust me, Sherby. You keep your eyes open, your chances of catching the ball increase by a factor of ten.SPRADLING, a young naval officer, sweaty and out of breath, walks up behind the backstop.SPRADLI

29、NGKaffee!KAFFEELets try it again.SPRADLINGKaffee!KAFFEE(turning)Dave. You seem upset and distraught.SPRADLINGWe were supposed to meet in your office 15 minutes ago to talk about the McDermott case. Youre stalling on this thing. Now we got this done and I mean now, or no kidding, Kaffee, Ill hang you

30、r boy from a fuckin yardarm.KAFFEEA yardarm?(calling out)Sherby, does the Navy still hang people from yardarms?SHERBY(calling back)I dont think so, Danny.KAFFEE(back to Spradling)Dave, Sherby doesnt think the Navy hangs people from yardarms anymore.(back to the field)Lets go, lets get two!He goes ba

31、ck to hitting fungoes.SPRADLINGIm gonna charge him with possession and being under the influence while on duty. Plead guilty and Ill recommend 30 daysin the brig with loss of rank and pay.KAFFEEIt was oregano, Dave, it was ten dollars worth of oregano.SPRADLINGYeah, well your client thought it was m

32、arijuana.KAFFEEMy clients a moron, thats not against the law.Swapp! The THIRD BASEMAN takes one in the face.KAFFEE(continuing)Ow. That had to hurt.(calling out)Way to keep your head in the play, Lester. Walk it off!SPRADLINGIve got people to answer to just like you, Im gonna charge him.KAFFEEWith wh

33、at, possession of a condiment?SPRADLINGKaffee KAFFEEDave, Ive tried to help you out of this, but if you ask for tall time, Im gonna file a motion to dismiss.SPRADLINGYou wont got it.KAFFEEI will get it.KAFFEE(continuing)And if the MTD is denied, Ill file a motion in liminee seeking to obtain evident

34、iary ruling in advance, and after that Im gonna file against pre-trial confinement, and youre gonna spend an entire summer going blind on paperwork because a Signalman Second Class bought and smoked a dime bag of oregano.SPRADLINGB Misdemeanor, 20 days in the brig.KAFFEEC Misdemeanor, 15 days restri

35、cted duty.SPRADLINGI dont know why Im agreeing to this.KAFFEECause you have wisdom beyond your years. Dave, can you play third base?INT. CONFERENCE ROOM DAYAbout 16 NAVY AND MARINE LAWYERS (several of whom are women) are taking their seats around a large conference table.A PARALEGAL is handing out f

36、olders and some photocopied papers to the LAWYERS.We might notice that one of the lawyers is Lieutenant Junior Grade SAM WEINBERG. Sams serious and studious looking. If he werent in uniform, you wouldnt guess that he was a naval officer.CAPTAIN WHITAKER walks in.WHITAKERMorning.LAWYERS(school class)

37、Morning Captain Whitaker.WHITAKERSam, hows the baby?SAMI think shes ready to say her first word any day now.WHITAKERHow can you tell?SAMShe just looks like she has something to say.Kaffee walks in.KAFFEEExcuse me, sorry Im late.WHITAKERIm sure you dont have a good excuse, so I wont force you to come

38、 up with a bad one.KAFFEEThank you, Isaac, thats nice of you.WHITAKERSit-down, this first ones for you.He hands Kaffee some files.WHITAKER(continuing)Youre moving up in the world, Danny, youve been requested by Division.Ooohs and AhhhS from the other Lawyers. (Subtle Note: Kaffee doesnt want to move

39、 up in the world.)KAFFEERequested to do what?Whitaker hands him a file.WHITAKERGuantanamo Bay, Cuba. A marine corporal named Dawson illegally fires a round from his weapon over the fenceline and into Cuban territory.KAFFEEWhats a fenceline?WHITAKERSam?SAMA big wall separating the good guys from the

40、bad guys.KAFFEETeachers pet.WHITAKERPFC William Santiago threatens to rat on Dawson to the Naval investigative Service. Dawson and another member of his squad, PFC Louden Downey, they go into Santiagos room, tie him up, and stuff a rag down his throat. An hour later, Santiagos dead. Attending physic

41、ian says the rag was treated with some kind of toxin.KAFFEEThey poisoned the rag?WHITAKERNot according to them.KAFFEEWhat do they say?WHITAKERNot much. Theyre being flown up here tomorrow and on Thursday at 0600 youll catch a transport down to Cuba for the day to find out what you can. Meantime, go

42、across the yard and see Lt. Commander Joanne Galloway. Shes the one who had em brought up here. Shell fill you in on whatever she has. Any questions?KAFFEEThe flight to Cuba, was that 0600 in the morning, sir?WHITAKERIt seems important to Division that this one be handled by the book, so Im assignin

43、g co-counsel. Any volunteers?SAMNo.WHITAKERSam.SAMI have a stack of paper on my desk WHITAKERWork with Kaffee on this.SAMDoing what? Kaffeell finish this up in four days.WHITAKERDo various. administrative. you know. things. Back-up. Whatever.SAMIn other words I have no responsibilities whatsoever.WH

44、ITAKERRight.SAMMy kinda case.CUT TO:INT. JOS OFFICE DAYJo sits behind her desk. Kaffee and Sam stand in the doorway. Kaffee knocks politely.Jo looks up.KAFFEEHi.(beat)Im Daniel Kaffee. I was told to meet with (checks notes) Commander Galloway.Jo is staring at him. Kaffee doesnt know why.KAFFEE(conti

45、nuing)About a briefing.Jo is finding this hard to believe.JOYoure the attorney that Division assigned?KAFFEEIm lead counsel. This is Sam Weinberg.SAMI have no responsibilities here whatsoever.Jos deeply puzzled.JO(beat)Come in, please, have a seat.Kaffee and Sam come into the office and sit.JO(continuing)Lieutenant, how long have you been in the Navy?KAFFEEGoing on nine months now.JOAnd how long have you been out of law school?KAFFEEA little over a year.JO(beat)I see.KAFFEEHave I done som


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