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3、en fingerpaints;we are hardwired to communicate visually.,1,&,1,83%,of RetentionOccurs Visually,Non-VisualVisual“Presenting Effective Presentations with Visual Aids,”U.S.Department of Labor,OSHA Office of Training and Education,May 1996.,Information is Power,But it is only as useful asit is understa

4、ndable,In this age of overstimulation and short attention spans,the simplest way to makeit understandable is to make it visual.,Speaking visually makes our information easy for our audience to understand,and is critical to communicating quickly and effectively.,Shouldnt all information worthsharing

5、be worth designing?,Jonathan Harris,Presentations are always high-stakes,and the clients deserve the,absolute best.It is not only about helping our audience to see what we are saying,but using strong visual grammar that engages all their senses to convince them to adopt ourpoint of view,and help the

6、m become as excited as we are.People dont,just digest information thrown at them.Designing a presentation is about helping them digest the information by creating,a desire for our clients to want more of what we are offering them.It is only as goodas they are designed.It is easy to tell when an,agen

7、cy has design as a systemic value system.From advertising to presentation slides,you can tell which companies,cherish design and value their brand.But more importantly,presentations are often the very lastimpression a client has of us before making a decision.,If a business is a decision factory,the

8、n the presentations,that inform those decisions determine their quality.,Marty Neumeier,Table of Contents,Standard Templates,Design,ClipartBulletsCompeting BackgroundsAnimation EffectsSlideumentPlan AnalogFind the Central PointUnderstand your AudienceCraft a Story,6 Common Deadly Sins6 Principles of

9、 PresentationPlanningDesignAppendix,StorySymphonyEmpathyPlayMeaningThoughtful Line-settingClutter ContrastImages Stats&GraphsWhite SpaceRule Thirds1 Message aSlide“Z”Rule,Credits,3-SecondRuleQuotesBackgroundType Size,RepetitionGridsHandoutsFinal Thought,6 Deadly Sins,6 Deadly Sins,Standard Templates

10、Clipart,Bullets&Sub-bullets,Competing BackgroundsAnimation EffectsSlideument,Deadly Sin 1,Standard Templates,Its a trap,Chances are the standard template will not suit your unique situation,and,even ifthey did,they probably have already been seen more than a thousand times by ourclients.It encourage

11、s two-line titles and sub-sub-sub-sub-points and most importantly,does not let the design help tell our story.,Deadly Sin 2,Clipart,Stock Image&Wordart,Just hurts,If the thought of using cheesy generic stock images,clipart,wordart or 3D chartsand objects crosses your mind,you need a vacation.,Deadly

12、 Sin 3,Bullet Points,A lazy mans tool,The“traditional way”of doing presentations with slides full of bullet lists have beengoing on for so long it has become a part of corporate culture.It simply is“the waythings are done.”Bullet points are a listing tool,not a storytelling tool.Despite thefact that

13、 it is not effective,bullets are still the prevailing structure of most slides.,Deadly Sin 3,Bullet Points,A lazy mans tool,No one can do a good presentation with slide after slide of bullet points.It createsobstacles between our audiences and us,making our presentations formal and stiff.,Deadly Sin

14、 4,Competing Background,Makes it messy,Backgrounds are intended as a surface on which to place elements.They are notin themselves a work of art.Do we want our clients to see the background?Or ourmessage?,Deadly Sin 5,Animation Effects,Its a distraction,Nobody wants to see how a chart is built or swi

15、rls of flying alphabets.Having thenewest effects in Power Point does not mean we have to use them.Does it add to ourstory?If not,leave it out.,Deadly Sin 6,Slideument,Its not a document,Our biggest mistake is using every inch of space on a page and filling it up with text,boxes,clipart,charts,footer

16、s and the company logo.It becomes a slideument,not aslide.,The slideument is not effective,is not efficient,and it is definitely not pretty.,Presentation Principles,6 Presentation Principles,DesignStory,SymphonyEmpathyPlay,Meaning,Presentation Principle 1,Design,Not only function,Design starts at th

17、e beginning,not at the end;it isnot an afterthought.It is not only about decorationand ornamentation,it is about organizing,information in a way that evokes emotion and makesit clearer to understand.,Presentation Principle 1,Design,Not only function,It is not only about the form,or the function.It i

18、s abouthow form interacts with function.It is just like a bentobox;it not only holds the right amount of food,itplaces it in a way that attracts you.,Presentation Principle 2,Story,Not only argument,Stories have always been how humans have communicated,but somewherealong the way,storytelling has bee

19、n marginalized as childs play.It is how weimbue narratives and stories into our arguments to make our pitch both rationaland emotional.,Presentation Principle 3,Symphony,Not only focus,In an age where information is ever-increasing,being an expert ina single subject matter is inadequate.The differen

20、ce is the abilityto utilize the whole mind-logic,analysis,synthesis,and intuition tofind the“relationships between relationships.”,Presentation Principle 4,Empathy,Not only logic,It allows us to see and feel from our audiences perspective.It makes sure how andwhat we say is perceived the way it was

21、intended to be.It involves not just standingin their shoes,but also the way we build our presentations.,A winning pitch does not only make a rational argument or an emotional sale,itdoes both.,Presentation Principle 5,Play,Not only seriousness,Play allows you to start with a childs mind,where there

22、are vast possibilities ratherthan vast limitations.Each presentation is different,and should be approached froma different angle.But in many,playfulness and humor,from creation to execution,goa long way in not only keeping out clients entertained,but interested in our ideas.,Presentation Principle 6

23、,Meaning,Not only accumulation,Our clients did not come to our presentation to see us,they came to find out what wecan do for them.It is not about the solutions we could provide,but the right solutionswe should offer.,AN,TLOANPLTO FAIL.,G,ISISPPLANNIN T,I INA TO PI O FN,Planning,Planning,Plan Analog

24、,Find your Conclusion,Understand the AudienceCraft a Story,FAALILNGNGNG AIL.,Planning Plan Analog,Plan Analog,Presentation software was never intended to be a brainstorming ordrawing tool.By using pen and paper,you are freed from the limitsof the software.,Sticky Note ArchitectureUsing sticky notes

25、to plan out the structure of yourslides may be old-school,but it allows you to seethe big picture as you build your slides digitally.,It allows ideas to be captured,sorted,and,rearranged as needed.,Planning Find Your Conclusion,Find Your Conclusion,To communicate our information effectively,we must

26、first articulate theconclusions we want our audiences to adopt.It is about knowing ourstory so well that,if we have 30 seconds to“sell”our message to theCEO in an elevator,we could.,Planning Understand the Audience,Understand the Audience,This is similar to the target market.Knowing the demographics

27、&psychographics of who our intended audiences are plays a part in thestorytelling planning as well as the visuals we would choose.,Audience Needs Map,What are they like?Why are they here?,What keeps them up at night?Can you solve the problem?,What do you want them to do?How might they resist?,How ca

28、n you best reach them?,Planning Craft a Story,Craft a Story,Good stories have interesting,clear beginnings;provocative,engaging content anda clear conclusion.,We have to craft a story-which is the most effective,memorable,and appropriatefor our particular audience.Make them aware that they have a ga

29、p in theirknowledge and then fill that gap with the answers to the puzzle.Take them on a journey.,DesignDesign,ThoughtfulClutterImagesWhite Space1 Message a Slide3-Second RuleQuotesBackgroundType Size,Line-settingContrastStats&GraphsRule of Thirds“Z”RuleRepetitionGridsHandoutsFinal Thought,Design Th

30、oughtful Design,Thoughtful Design,Design is thoughtful,and at its core,is about solving,problems,whatever the problem is,from squeezing oranges tocommunicating effectively.Designers strive to solve the problemsand communicate it in the most effective and efficient way.Every decision is intentional w

31、hile reason and logic underpin theplacement of every element on the slide.,Design Clutter,Clutter is the Failure of Design,The more we add,the more diluted and less effective the design of our slides are.How much does it cost to add a slide?$0.00.If you have a lot of content,break itdown into differ

32、ent slides.,Design Visuals,Images,Images tell a thousand words,but are those thousand wordsthe ones we want to share?They can also serve as both thebackground and foreground,making the overall visual moredynamic and unified with a clearer and more dramatic look.,think“subtract,”not“add.”,Design Whit

33、e Space,WHITE SPACE,is the purpose of,EMPTY SPACE,it lets your content,BREATHE,Design 1 Message a Slide,1 Message a Slide,Our audiences will read the first 1-2 points but by the time we areon our third point,they would have zoned out.If all our points areimportant,should they not warrant their own s

34、lide?,Design 3-second Rule,3-second Rule,Slides are a“glance media,”more closely relatedto billboards than other media.,Design Quote Pages,Quote Pages,Audiences like to get beyond the spoken word and see a simple reminderof what we are saying.They add credibility to our story and are usefulspringboa

35、rds to the next topic.,Remember to keep it short,they do not want to read an entire paragraphfrom a screen.,Design BackgroundBackgroundDark Vs.Light,does not influence ambientlightingfewer opportunities for shadowsobjects can glowgood for large venuesbad for handouts,brightens up the ambientillumina

36、tes the roomno opportunity fordramatic lightinggood for smaller venuesworks well for handouts,regularly dilutes the impact.,Design Type SizeType SizeSize 30 is a rule of thumb,but always stand in the back of your venue and clickthrough all the slides so you know what people in the back row will see.

37、,There is a minimum size limit,but no maximum limit.Do not be afraid to use thepower of big fonts.They have a big impact,but use them with restraint.Using themDONTBE A,Design Line-settingLine-settingIt is the details that separate bad design from good design.Related items shouldbe grouped together s

38、o that audiences will not need to“work”to figure out whichcaption goes with which visual.Line-setting the text aids the audiences in figuring outwhere their eyes should go next.,T,Design Contrast,Contrast,By contrasting an object against the others,you automatically createattention and bring the aud

39、iences eyes to that object.Contrast can becreated by a change in color,size and even object.,Design Statistics&Graphs,Statistics&Graphics,Data slides are not really about the data,they are about themeaning of the data.It is better to use just parts of the data thattruthfully and accurately support y

40、our point.It is just laziness on thepresenters part to put everything on one slide.,Design Rule of Thirds,Rule of Thirds,The rule of thirds is a simplified version of the golden mean thatphotographers use to frame their shots.Divide the slide into thirdsvertically and horizontally.The 4 points(calle

41、d“power points”)wherethere lines intersect are the points where your focus is drawn.,Design Layout,“Z”Rule,Since young,we have been taught to read from top left to bottomright.Consequently we have trained our eyes to“naturally”look inthis way.,Design Repetition,Repetition,Repetition simply means usi

42、ng similar elements throughout thedesign of your presentation.It gives a sense of unity,consistencyand cohesiveness.,Design Grids,Grids,Create a simple grid where you can adapt all your designs.This way,youcan align elements throughout your presentation giving it a clear designbalance,flow,focus,nat

43、ural cohesiveness and aesthetic quality that is notaccidental but purposefully designed.,Design Handouts,Handouts,Many presenters design their slides so that they can simply use their presentationas a handout.Slides are speaker-support material and are thus completelyincapable of standing by themsel

44、ves.Handouts on the other hand have to workby themselves.They are two very different mediums.,By creating a proper handout,you will not feel compelled to include everything inyour slides.It should be distributed after your talk,you do not want the audienceto be reading the material instead of listen

45、ing to you.,Design Final Thought,Final Thought,For those who have Keynote,we should use the Keynote remoteapp as it demonstrates our tech-savvyness.,http:/,APPENDIX,Time Estimate for Developing a PresentationEven if it is not specific to your industry,take note of the total hoursneeded to do a gener

46、ic presentation.,Research&CollectInput,AudienceNeedsMap,GenerateIdeas viaSticky notes,OrganizeIdeas,Get Sketch outColleague Structure orCritiques Storyboard,Rehearse,Rehearse,Rehearse,36-90hrs,6-20hrs,1hr,2hrs,1hr,1hr,2hrs,20-60hrs,Books to Read,Written by Nancy Duarte,CEO of Duarte Design,this book

47、 is full of practicalapproaches to visual storydevelopment that can beapplied by anyone.The bookcombines conceptual thinkingand inspirational design,withinsightful case studies fromthe worlds leading brands.,Internationally acclaimedpresentation designer,Garr Reynolds,shares hisexperience in a provo

48、cativemix of illumination,inspiration,education,andguidance that will change theway you think about makingpresentations.,Videos to Watch,Guy Kawasaki illustrates amini-set of rules to conquertypical Power Point low-legibility,visual boredomand inability to augment thepresentation being delivered.,Na

49、ncy Duarte,the founderof the leading presentationdesign firm,illustrates howto go from producing drabpowerpoints to dazzlingpresentations.,Garr Reynolds,presentationdesign expert,shares hisexperience in a mix ofinspiration,education,andguidance that will change theway you think about makingpresentat

50、ions.,Presentations to Check out,Tips and tricks on how tocreate better stories for yournext presentation.,How do I start when creatinga presentation?What arethe things to focus on?How should I approach thedesign?This presentation triesto answer these questions.,Fighting death by PowerPoint.How to n


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