高中英语《Unit 2 Heroes》Section Ⅱ 课时跟踪检测课下作业 北师大版必修1.doc

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1、高一英语课下作业北师大版必修1Unit 2 HeroesSection 课时跟踪检测.单词拼写1As an (运动员), you should want to get the best result.答案: athlete2His grammar is (糟糕的), especially when he writes articles.答案: awful3She has got (辉煌的) achievements in the field of biology.答案: brilliant4I received a most (不寻常的) present from my aunt.答案: un

2、usual5Honeybees communicate in an (令人惊异的) way.答案: amazing6The decisions we take now may influence the course of the (大事) in the future.答案: events7Soon they became very (熟练的) at answering such questions.答案: skilful8The films full of (暴力) are bad for children and young people.答案: violence.单项填空1Dina, _

3、 for months to find a job as a waitress, finally took a position at a local advertising agency.AstrugglingBstruggledChaving struggled Dto struggle解析:此处用分词短语作时间状语,Dina与struggle为主谓关系;且由finally可知分词动作发生在谓语动作之前,故用现在分词的完成式。答案:C2In the _ of most people, the US is very strong and rich. But in fact there are

4、 many poor people living a hard life there.Athought BopinionCidea Dthinking解析:句意:在很多人看来,美国很强大、很富有。但事实上那儿有许多穷人过着艰苦的生活。in the opinion of . “在看来”。答案:B3The companys employment policy makes it clear that men and women have _ opportunities.Asame BsimilarCequal Dbalanced解析:句意:公司的雇佣政策清楚地表明男女享有平等的机会。equal“相等

5、的,平等的”,符合题意。same“同样的”;similar“类似的”;balanced“平衡的”。答案:C4We dont need to do extra work this evening. The work was almost _ now.Aat the end Bat an endCin the end Dby the end解析:句意:今天晚上我们不需要加班了,现在工作几乎接近尾声。at an end意思是“结束,终结”;at the end of“在结束时;在尽头”;by the end of“到末”,一般指时间;in the end“最后;终于”。答案:B5Alice _ in

6、 a book that the city she lives in was _ one hundred years ago.Afound; found Bfounded; foundedCfounded; found Dfound; founded解析:句意:艾丽斯在一本书中发现她所生活的城市创建于一百年前。第一空应为find“发现”的过去式;第二空应为found“创建”的过去式。答案:D6He made _ that the headteacher praised him.Aso great progress Bsuch a great progressCso great a progre

7、ss Dsuch great progress解析:句意:他取得了如此大的进步以至于他的班主任表扬了他。progress为不可数名词,其前不可加a/an。such修饰的中心词为名词,而so修饰的中心词为形容词或副词。答案:D7How long did it _ to control the floods in Anhui?Aspend BtakeCpay Dcost解析:考查固定句型。It takes some time to do sth.“花时间做某事”,主语(人)spend some time (in) doing sth.;主语(sb.) pay (some money) for st

8、h.“花钱买某物”;cost的主语为物,构成“sth.cost sb.some money” 结构。答案:B8 Will you go to Jims wedding? Of course. I will if _.Ainviting BinvitedCwas invited DI will be invited解析:考查if引导的条件状语从句的省略。当主从句主语一致,且从句中的谓语动词含有be时,从句的主语和be动词可以省略。答案:B .完形填空In a Chinese modern dance competition on TV one very unique couple won one

9、 of the top prizes. The lady, in her 30s, was a dancer who had _1_ since she was a little girl. Later in life, she lost her entire left arm in a(n) _2_ and fell into a state of sadness for a few years.Someone then asked her to teach a childrens dancing group. From then on, she _3_ that she could not

10、 forget dancing. So, she _4_ to dance again, but, having lost her arm, she had also lost her _5_. It took a while before she could even make simple turns and spins _6_ falling. Then she heard of a man in his 20s _7_ had lost a leg in an accident. He had also fallen into the usual sadness and anger.

11、_8_, she was determined to find him and _9_ him to dance with her .He had never danced, and to dance with one leg .Are you _10_ with me? “No way!”But, she didnt give up, and he unwillingly _11_ , thinking, “I have nothing else to do anyway.” She started to teach him dancing. The two _12_ a few times

12、 because he didnt know how to control his body, and knew _13_ of the basic things about dancing. When she lost patience with him, he would walk out. _14_ they came back together and started training _15_.They hired a trainer to _16_ performance for them. She would fly high with both arms flying in t

13、he air. He could bend horizontally (水平) _17_ by one leg with her leaning on him, etc.In the competition, as you will see, they dance _18_ and they certainly won the competition. When I watched this I didnt even realize that she was _19_ an arm because I was focusing on the man with only one leg. Rea

14、lly quite _20_ !语篇解读:这是一段不可能完成的舞蹈,她只有一只胳膊,他只有一条腿,但是他们克服了常人难以想象的困难,用生命舞动了奇迹,诠释了生命的意义。1A.started BplannedCtrained Ddirected解析:她是小女孩的时候就接受过舞蹈训练,所以这里选择C项。答案:C2A.accident BcompetitionCargument Doperation解析:由本句的lost her entire left arm推测她遭遇了一场意外事故,失去了一只胳膊。答案:A3A.recognized BreviewedCreturned Drealized解析:别

15、人的提醒使她意识到了自己对舞蹈的热爱,realize意为“意识到”。recognize意为“认出”,不合文意。答案:D4A.refused BdecidedCforgot Dwaited解析:因为could not forget dancing,所以她做出这个决定。decide to do sth.意为“决定做某事”。答案:B5A.performance BcourageCheart Dbalance解析:结合生活常识,失去一只胳膊后跳舞时难以掌握平衡,所以选择balance。答案:D6A.with BwithoutCexcept Dbesides解析:在失去平衡的情况下,她在make sim

16、ple turns and spins的时候肯定会不断地摔跤。在不摔跤的情况下完成这些动作花费了一段时间。答案:B7A.where BwhenCwhich Dwho解析:这是一个定语从句,先行词是a man,who在定语从句里作主语。答案:D8A.However BThereforeCSo DSeldom解析:however表示转折关系。答案:A9A.allowed BadvisedCpersuade Dtold解析:下文两人跳舞说明她决定说服这位男士和她一起跳舞,而且她确实做到了。答案:C10A.killing BjokingCworking Dmaking解析:联系当时这位男士的处境和他的

17、答复可以判断,他认为她在拿自己开玩笑,这里的joke是动词。答案:B11A.refused BansweredCoffered Dagreed解析:在女士的坚持下他不情愿地同意了,因为他想反正自己也没事可做。答案:D12A.broke out Bbroke upCpicked up Dpicked out解析:两人排练中经常闹分裂,这里的break up指“关系破裂”。答案:B13A.none BnothingCneither Dnobody解析:对舞蹈的基础动作一无所知,none of表示全部否定。nothing不能和of搭配。答案:A14A.Certainly BGenerallyCHar

18、dly DFinally解析:虽然经历了很多次反复,但最终两人还是和好了,继续练习。答案:D15A.happily BseriouslyCquickly Dimmediately解析:这里的seriously意为“认真地”。分分合合后,两人开始认真地排练。答案:B16A.prepare BdiscoverCdesign Ddefend解析:他们邀请教练的目的就是为他们设计舞蹈演出。答案:C17A.stood BsatChelped Dsupported解析:在一条腿的支撑下他可以弯腰90。答案:D18A.beautifully BslowlyCcarefully Dgreatly解析:they

19、 certainly won the competition说明他们的舞蹈非常优美。答案:A19A.finding BrepairingCmissing Dturning解析:这里的miss an arm和lost her entire left arm吻合。答案:C20A.surprising BamazingCexciting Dinteresting解析:这里的amazing是作者对这两个人的舞蹈的评价。答案:B.阅读理解The 16yearold girl Jessica Watson is said to be the youngest person to sail nonstop

20、alone around the world. But her record has been questioned because someone thought that she has not sailed far enough. She will also not be recognized by the World Speed Sailing Record Council, as it was too dangerous for someone under 18 years old.Ms Watson sailed into Sydney port on Saturday, seve

21、n months after leaving on a hard voyage. Family, friends and Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd have gathered to greet her. Thousands of wellwishers waited at the port and watched from boats as Ms Watson sailed her pink, 10meter long boat over the finishing line. Many more Australians watched the

22、event broadcast live on television. Watson said she was just an “ordinary girl who believed in her dream”Ms Watson left Sydney on 18 October, despite that some people disagreed to her plan. Watson traveled northeast through the South Pacific and across the equator (赤道), south to Cape Horn at the tip

23、 of South America, across the Atlantic Ocean to South Africa, through the Indian Ocean and around southern Australia. The route took her through some of the worlds most changeful waters, and she battled through huge storms and suffered seven accidents of her boat.People around the world have followe

24、d Ms Watsons adventures on her blog, which she has daily updated (更新). On her blog, she wrote down beautiful sunrise over seas, the excitement of meeting a blue whale and the bright, terrible sight of a shooting star flying across the night sky above her boat. Ms Watson has reportedly sold her story

25、 to a news company for $700,000. She is planning to write a book on her experience.语篇解读:16岁少女杰西卡沃森驾驶着粉红游艇从悉尼出发,北上向东横渡太平洋,穿越赤道,南下绕过南美洲的合恩角,接着越过大西洋,绕过非洲的好望角,经过印度洋,回到起点悉尼,成为最年轻的环球独航者。1Which of the following oceans DIDNT Ms Watson cross through in her voyage?AThe Pacific Ocean. BThe Atlantic Ocean.CThe

26、Indian Ocean. DThe Arctic Ocean.解析:细节理解题。根据第三段第二句可知,没有经过北冰洋。答案:D2Ms Watsons voyage will NOT be considered an official world record mainly because _.Ano one can prove that her route was dangerous enoughBshe hasnt applied for the recordCgirls are not allowed to take part in the dangerous sportsDteenag

27、ers are not encouraged to take such a dangerous adventure解析:细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句可判断,人们不鼓励青少年进行这类冒险活动。答案:D3We can make a conclusion from this passage that Watson_.Awould make another voyage for money Bmade the world round voyage for moneyChad no way to communicate with others during the voyageDwas so conf

28、ident and brave that she could overcome troubles on her own解析:推理判断题。根据第二段最后一句和第三段最后一句可以推断,杰西卡沃森非常自信和勇敢,能独自克服航海过程中遇到的种种困难。答案:D4All the following can be inferred from this passage EXCEPT that _.AJessicas book about her voyage is a bestseller Bpeople in Australia had much interest in her voyageCJessica spent more than 200 days alone at seaDpeople have different attitudes towards Jessicas voyage解析:推理判断题。根据最后一段最后一句可以推断,她现在还没有开始写这本书,更谈不上畅销。答案:A


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