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1、健康游戏忠告,魔兽世界World of Warcraft,魔兽世界基本介绍,魔兽世界(World of Warcraft)是由著名游戏公司暴雪娱乐所制作的第一款网络游戏,属于大型多人在线角色扮演游戏。游戏以该公司出品的即时战略游戏魔兽争霸的剧情为历史背景,依托魔兽争霸的历史事件和英雄人物,魔兽世界有着完整的历史背景时间线。玩家在魔兽世界中冒险、完成任务、新的历险、探索未知的世界、征服怪物等。World of Warcraft,World of Warcraft)is made by the famous game company blizzard entertainments first ne

2、twork game,massively multiplayer online role-playing game.Game with the company product real-time strategy game world of warcraft plot for the historical background,relying on warcraft historical events and heroes,world of warcraft has a complete history background time line.Players in the world of

3、warcraft adventure,to complete the task,a new adventure,explore the unknown world,conquer monster,etc,历史版本Version history,经典旧世(60年代)经历了黑石之祸,安其拉入侵,纳克萨玛斯之影等重大副本更新。,Classic old world(60)The blackstone,Ann its invasion,naxx copy of shadow and other major updates.,燃烧的远征末日领主卡扎克重新打开了通往外域的黑暗之门,潮水般的燃烧军团恶魔将艾泽

4、拉斯吞没。部落和联盟的远征军,随着全新种族血精灵和德莱尼的加盟变得更为强大,他们穿越传送门从源头阻击燃烧军团的入侵。在外域干燥的地狱火半岛,联盟找到了多年前就已通过传送门驻扎此地的诸多英雄,与此同时,部落也与玛格汉接触,一群不曾参加他们族人最初入侵艾泽拉斯的“未腐化”兽人部族。外域的远征军为争执军队的指挥权,以及谁将出任对抗已将破碎疆土据为己有的伊利丹怒风副官而引发进一步冲突。Doom Lord kazzak to opens the dark portal to outland,the flood of the burning legion devils will engulf azerot

5、h.Horde and alliance expeditionary force,as the new race the blood elves and draenei to become more powerful,their source through the portal from the invasion of the burning legion.Dry hellfire peninsula in outland,the league has found many years ago has been through a portal where many heroes,at th

6、e same time,tribal also contact with margarita han,a group of ethnic didnt attend their first invasion of azeroth corrupt the orc tribes.The expeditionary force of outland to dispute the command of the army,and who will be against has broken territory according to the existent illidan,nu wind adjuta

7、nt and cause further conflict.,巫妖王之怒世界只得到了短暂的安宁后,亡灵天灾对艾泽拉斯的城镇发动了大规模攻击。战火殃及到了东部王国。面临对抗一整支大军的巨大压力,大酋长萨尔任命加尔鲁什地狱咆哮率领远征军征讨诺森德。与此同时,失踪的人类国王瓦里安乌瑞恩最终重返暴风城重掌大权。他任命伯瓦尔弗塔根统帅同样精锐的联盟部队,前往铲除巫妖王以及任何胆敢阻挡他们道路的部落势力。After the peace of the world got a brief,the scourge of azeroth towns launched a large-scale attack.Fi

8、re damage to the eastern kingdoms.Face huge pressure,against a whole army of great chief thrall appointed in Galveston rushton,hellscream led the expedition conquests northrend.At the same time,the missing human king varian,wu Ryan eventually return to return to power of stormwind.He appointed Mr An

9、war,commander of the same elite coalition forces tower root,to root out the lich king and any tribes who dared to block their way.,大地的裂变凯旋的诺森德远征军返回家乡之际,却发现艾泽拉斯所有的元素生物开始动荡不安。这场动乱昭示着疯狂的守护巨龙毁灭者死亡之翼的归来,他从位于元素位面深处的巢穴中破土而出,将艾泽拉斯撕成碎片。随着元素领域现在向世界打开,混乱的元素生物以及他们的残暴领主相继出现,帮助毁灭者和恐怖的暮光之锤信徒引导暮光审判:艾泽拉斯所有生物的末日。Triu

10、mph of northrend expedition returned home,only to find that all of the elements of azeroth creature began to unrest.The unrest presages a crazy destroyer guardian dragon deathwings return,he from nest is located in the depths of the elements of plane speared out,will be torn to shreds of azeroth.As

11、elemental areas now open to the world,the elementals of chaos and their brutal lords appeared,help the destroyer and the horror of the twilight hammer of believers to guide the twilight trial:the end of all living creatures of azeroth.,熊猫人之谜,死亡之翼的威胁消停后,酋长加尔鲁什地狱咆哮就伺机攻打联盟并扩张部落在卡利姆多的领地。人类城市塞拉摩被彻底摧毁,联盟与

12、部落间的新仇旧恨再一次爆发,战火殃及世界各地。在一场小规模海上冲突之后,联盟与部落的残部被海水冲上了潘达利亚的岸边,一座暮然出现于大海之中,地图上也未曾描绘,被迷雾笼罩的神秘岛屿。交火双方很快在这座蕴藏丰富资源的大陆上建立据点,他们与岛上众多族群之中,拥有高尚情操的熊猫人相结识。这支古老的种族和联盟与部落的勇士并肩作战,一心希望铲除煞魔:一种在潘达利亚血腥冲突下迅速滋生壮大的黑暗生物 Deathwing die,the threat of the emirates in Galveston rushton,hellscream to attack coalition and expansion

13、 of the tribes in the lands of kalimdor.Human city of moab has been destroyed,new and old hatred between the alliance and horde once again broke out,the war affected all over the world.After a small sea conflict,the alliance and horde areas was washed up on the pan Dali the sea shore,a may appear in

14、 the sea,never painted on the map,the fog shrouded the mysterious island.Fighting on both sides soon get established on the rich resources of the continent,with many ethnic groups on the island,they have the panda noble people.This ancient race and the alliance and horde warriors fought,wholehearted

15、ly hope to root out evil spirit magic:a pan Dali rapidly under the bloody conflict in which dark creatures,部落 联盟 VS,部落,魔兽世界里的部落(The Horde),是由奥格瑞玛的兽人、雷霆崖的牛头人、暗矛岛的巨魔、幽暗城的被遗忘者、银月城的血精灵(第一部资料片燃烧的远征中加入)、锈水港的地精(第三部资料片大地的裂变加入)及火金派熊猫人(第四部资料片熊猫人之谜)组成的势力集团,与联盟是敌对阵营。The tribes in The world of warcraft(Horde),is

16、 by The case rema orc,tauren of thunder bluff,dark trolls spear island,undercity forsaken,The blood elves in silvermoon city(The first join The expansion in The burning expeditionary),rust water port of goblins(The third expansion The fission of The earth to join)and fire gold panda people(The fourt

17、h expansion The riddle of The panda)of power group,and The alliance is The enemy camp.,联盟,魔兽世界里的联盟(Alliance),是由暴风城的人类、铁炉堡的矮人、诺莫瑞根的侏儒、达纳苏斯的暗夜精灵、埃索达的德莱尼(第一部资料片燃烧的远征加入),吉尔尼斯的狼人(第三部资料片大地的裂变加入)及土水派熊猫人(第四部资料片熊猫人之谜)组成的势力集团,与部落是敌对阵营。The league in the world of warcraft(Alliance),is made up of stormwind human

18、s,dwarves of ironforge,NuoMoRuiGen gnome,night elf darnassus,Delaney esso da(first join the expansion to the burning crusade),gilneas werewolf(the third expansion the fission of the earth to join)and soil water send pandas person(the fourth expansion the riddle of the panda)of power group,and tribe

19、are the enemy camp.,魔兽世界的各个职业,战士(soldier)猎人(hunter)萨满(shaman)骑士(knight)牧师(priest)术士(warlock)盗贼(lurker)法师(mage)德鲁伊(druids)死亡骑士(death knight)武僧(monk),战士(soldier),战士为战斗细致地装备好自己,迎面冲向仇敌,攻击划过他们沉重的铠甲。他们以各式战斗策略和多种武器保护他们易受伤的盟友。战士必须小心地控制他们的怒气,是用来施放技能的能量,这样才能充分发挥战斗力。Warrior equipped for battle and in detail of

20、 yourself,head on into the enemy,attack across their heavy armor.They fought with all kinds of strategies and a variety of weapons to protect their vulnerable ally.Soldiers must be careful to control their anger and the energy is used for casting,so as to give full play to the battle effectiveness.,

21、猎人(hunter),猎人在远距离与敌人作战,当他们使用弓箭或枪攻击敌人时,还会指挥宠物进行作战。虽然他们的远程武器极为强大,但当敌人企图包围时,猎人们还是会处于劣势。这时,他们会尝试逃脱或控制敌人,使自己能保持在安全距离进行战斗。The hunter in the battle with the enemy at a distance,when they use bows or gun attack the enemy,also will command pet for combat.Although their ranged weapon is very powerful,but when

22、 surrounded by the enemy attempted to hunters will at a disadvantage.At this time,they try to escape or control of the enemy,make oneself can keep at a safe distance.,萨满(shaman),在战斗中,萨满祭司将减益类图腾或者操纵类图腾置于地面,牵制敌人的同时最大化增益图腾效果。萨满祭司是多面手,既能近距离也能远距离攻击,但明智的萨满祭司是根据敌人的优势和弱势选择攻击位置。In a fight,shaman will debuffs

23、 class or manipulate class totem on the ground,to contain the enemy at the same time maximize gain totem effect.Shaman is versatile and can close can be ranged attack,but the wise shaman is choose to attack position according to the enemys strengths and weaknesses.,潜行者(lurker),潜行者经常从暗处以偷袭方式发起攻击,率先进行

24、狠毒的近身格斗。在持久战中,他们会利用一套经过精心挑选的连续组合攻击削弱敌人的实力以便施行致命的一击。潜行者在选择目标的时候必须特别谨慎,使他们的组合攻击不至于浪费。如果战斗对他们不利,则必须清楚何时该隐匿或逃逸。Stalkers attack from the shadows to sneak attack way,often to the vicious melee combat.In the long-run,they will use a set of carefully chosen continuous combination attacks weaken the strength

25、 of the enemy to a fatal blow.Stalkers in choosing a target must be especially careful,make their portfolio attacks not waste.If you fight against them,you must know when to hide or escape.,法师(mage),法师们用神秘的咒语摧毁他们的敌人。虽然他们使用强大的攻击性法术,但法师其实护甲单薄防御低,使得他们特别容易受到近距离攻击。精明的法师会精心使用法术将他们的敌人限制在一定距离或者控制在适当的位置。Mage

26、s with mysterious charm to destroy their enemies.Although they use a powerful offensive spells,but the mage armor thin low defense,makes them particularly vulnerable to attack from close range.Smart wizard will carefully use spell limit their enemies from a distance or control in the proper position

27、.,德鲁伊(druids),德鲁伊是多才多艺的战士,因为他们几乎能满足每一个角色的治疗、肉盾和伤害输出。德鲁伊必须根据情况来决定他们选择什么形态,因为每一种形态都有着特殊的用途。Druids are versatile fighter,because they almost can meet every role,meat shield and damage output.Druids must according to the situation to determine what they choose to form,because each form has a special pur

28、pose.,骑士(knight),圣骑士径直站在他们的敌人前方,依靠重甲和治愈术可以所向披靡并毫发无损。不论是使用巨大的盾牌还是挥舞着毁灭性的双手武器,圣骑士总能够保护同伴免受敌人伤害,他们也可使用治疗术使他们立于不败之地。The paladin standing in the front of their enemy,relying on heavy armor and healing can be invincible and unscathed.Whether use huge shield or waving a devastating two-handed weapons,the p

29、aladin can always protect the company from the enemy harm,they also can use treatments to make them in an impregnable position.,牧师(priest),牧师们使用着强大的治疗魔法来保护他们自己和同伴。他们也能在远处施放强大的攻击性法术,但因为其体能上的弱势与单薄的装备,会有被击倒的可能。经验丰富的牧师在负责保护同盟生命的时候会小心地使用他们的攻击性法术。Pastors use powerful healing spells to protect themselves a

30、nd companion.They can also cast a strong offensive spells in the distance,but because of its weak physical and thin kit,may have been felled.Experienced the minister in charge of the protection of the alliance the life will be careful to use their offensive spells.,术士(warlock),术士用削弱性疾病和黑暗魔法的组合去烧毁和消灭

31、那些变弱的敌人。虽然恶魔宠物保护和加强了他们,但术士依然从远处攻击他们的敌人。因为身体太过虚弱而无法穿戴重甲,精明的术士让他们仆从首当其冲地接受敌人的攻击,以便保证自己的安全。Warlock with debilitating diseases and dark magic combination of weaker to burn and destroy the enemy.Though the demon pet to protect and enforce them,but the warlock still attack their enemies from a distance.Be

32、cause the body is too weak to wear heavy armor,shrewd warlock let them bear the brunt of the servants to accept the enemys attack,so as to ensure their own safety.,死亡骑士(death knight),死亡骑士与敌人近距离交战,用黑暗魔法增强武器,以邪恶力量来伤害敌人或使之脆弱。他们把敌人拉入一对一的战斗之中,强迫他们转移对较弱同伴的攻击。为避免敌人从他们的控制中逃脱,死亡骑士必须小心使用他们召唤符文的力量,并适当的进行攻击。The

33、 death knight to war with the enemy at close range,reinforced with dark magic weapons,to damage the enemy or making them vulnerable to the forces of evil.They pull the enemy into a one-on-one combat,forcing them to transfer the attack on the weaker partner.In order to avoid the enemy get out of thei

34、r control,the death knight must be careful to use they summon the rune of power,and appropriate.,武僧(monk),不论他们在战斗中扮演何种角色,武僧用自己的拳脚展现自己的实力,用流淌在自身体内的真气来强化自己的能力。武僧有些技能能够在治愈盟友的同时对敌人造成伤害。例如移花接木和真气波。Regardless of their role in the battle,the monk with his fist to show their own strength,with a flowing in the bodys qi to strengthen their ability.Monk some skills to deal damage to enemy at the same time in the heal Allies.Such as substitute stealthily and the true qi wave.,谢谢观赏再见,


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