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1、德国的乡村印象景观中的农村作者:马提亚斯【关键词】乡村竞赛、景观、农村、生物多样性、土地使用、绿篱、整体规划【摘 要】 农村具有多功能,置身于自然水景或绿化的景观中,均较置身于缺乏自然景观的都市环境,有更多正面的心里效益,及恢复健康的影响,而我们身居其中,但是却不经意的忽略了它的重要性与宝贵价值。德国的乡村是常被人提及的,它的景观的美丽是有目共睹的,景观中的乡村是德国农村竞赛的一个项目,值得介绍给国人知悉,它可以认为是空间设计的概念,强调自然景观与应维护人文景观的多样性与融合性,以塑造与维护多样化性的农村地景,包括农村土地利用方式的首先秩序性,农村与外部环境、周遭景观之间的联系性与协调性,以增















16、景观元素的维护。一方面以营造具地方自然特色与多样性风貌的农村意向;另一方面,则能确实保障动植物的生活空间。五 结语德国农村发展的轨迹,无论在社区硬件或软件的发展上,均保留着长期来接受农业结构刻画的脉络,故操作的尺度上,皆有别于都市型社区的建设与营造方式。换言之,尽管农村的建设需求殷切,但仍应尽量避免泛都市化意象的强植。其中,如何形塑出农村特色的关键点,就在于农村社区能否顾及聚落、空间与农业三者之间的互动环境,共同营造出有传统、有历史感的农业风貌。农村竞赛所要呈现的农村,不只是一个人口聚落而已,更重要的是农村同时也是形成生命共同体的重要场所。农村竞赛作为一项国家政策的机制,对于启动德国农村的发展


18、我们到农村去休闲、旅游、体验农村生活之中,对美景观最深刻的感受之一,如花束的稻田景观,油菜花田景观、大麻里或六十石山的金针花海,苗栗的向日葵田,都让人印象深刻。农村的建设可视为大地的化妆师,如何彩妆得更美丽,是我们需要用心思量,慎密规划的;如何与环境共存,与自然和谐共处,更是需要智慧。希望本文可以对于在农村进行各项建设的专家们有所启发,提供另一个面向的思考,期许未来的农村景观可以更美,对环境更友善。参考文献【1】【水土保持局(2007)德国农村竞赛制度规划与发展评析计划成果报告书】翻译团队:MFA环艺专业杨虎(组长)、王恩俊、刘姣、罗一凡(高师在职)王明Countryside Image in

19、 German- The Rural Village inlaid with LandsapeMatthiasKeywords The Contest of Rural. Villages. Landscape. Rural village. Bio-diversity. Green Barrier.Land use Abstract Contrasted with the Urban Area, rural village is better for human beings The rural villages are surrounded by green and blue matrix

20、 The rural environment is good to our health. Its peace and harmony will also affect our mental positively ,The Rural Village inlaid with landscape is a concept of Space Dsign and planning ,Nature and A RTIFICIAL A Scenery are involve in this concept Its a fuusion for to create and maiitainthe varie

21、ty Rural Landscape ,Further more it also enhanced the possibility of Rural Villages muliti-poles development The specific measures are as follow 1 Environment-Frirendlu Land-user to preserve thenaturalecology byfarming management,2 planning andtreatment of the border which incline with green barrier

22、, Bush ,pond and wetlands of rural village ,tokeep local provinciality。1. PrefaceGermanys competition program in rural areas since 1961 offering full 46 years so far, not only has a long history and rich implementation of the outcomes, and through the competition mechanism in rural areas can not onl

23、y stimulate the development potential of rural autonomy; also obtain the successful experience of the countryside, then a demonstration seminars for mutual learning, more importantly, the contest has become a mechanism for promoting rural Germany, the executive branch plans to open integration platf

24、orm, such as rural communities, landscape maintenance, conservation, and even regional economic activities, both with grade competition mechanism in rural areas, are closely related. Thus, the German plan of rural competition, can be regarded as residents of rural communities start yearned sense of

25、honor and power, to create a rustic style, and the importance of promoting rural diversification model. The selection criteria of the federal and rural competition, divided into development plans and economic innovation, social and cultural life, built form and development, the green form and develo

26、pment of the rural landscape, such as five, of which the rural landscape project is more did not know, but the overall environment is indeed the most important part, so this opportunity by the German competition system in rural areas and the village of Au gold medal experience in rural areas, prompt

27、ing everyone in rural areas from another point of view, but also look forward to the designer can promote a broader scale to look at our rural areas, and be kind to our rural environment.2 .Introduction to the German competition system in rural areasRecalling the development of the German system, th

28、e process of competition in rural areas, mainly from their homes after the Second World War remediation desire, it is self initiated by the rural community residents to beautify the living environment activities as a moving target the first competition in rural areas. Germany, however, the theme of

29、competition in rural areas, from 1961 Our countryside should be more U.S., to 2001 new future of our rural areas in the subtitle as the competition axis. Germany for three years, a federal rural competition, run so far has been nearly half a century, in particular, the development of rural communiti

30、es in Germany, home improvement landscaping from the post-war demand, has turned to practical environmental protection, ecological conservation and development path eternal generations .Germany, the main objective of rural development policies, including strengthening the functions of food productio

31、n base, protect environment and ecology, development of rural services and goods, unique to the region to address the economic and social problems in rural areas, increase the attractiveness of the countryside. Therefore, spatial planning in rural areas of Germany positioning, designed to both life

32、into a rural empowerment, employment, balance of rest and ecological function of space, we will be more beautiful countryside - the future of our rural areas rural community contest plan spontaneously initiated by community residents to live in quality improvement movement in rural communities throu

33、gh both its own resources, separately from the economic, social and cultural life, village architecture, green and environmental protection, as well as shaping the landscape of the whole community other side to consider. Self-concept and implementation of community development plans, vision of the f

34、uture development of practice.3The rural landscape conceptThe federal level rural competition evaluation projects mainly divided into development idea and economic, social and cultural life of innovation, building constitute and development, green conceived and development of rural five items, the l

35、andscape. This review briefly specific content as follows: 1, development idea and economic innovation: rural community residents and township government should jointly develop rural future proposition and planning, and in the light of the local industry potential and the developing direction, propo

36、ses advantageous planning proposal. In addition, in the relevant rural activity, should be discussion of agricultural development and relevant economic problems, and rural life quality improvement plan. 2, social, and cultural life: rural community related community composition, efforts should be ma

37、de to integration of different age of social group together promote social and cultural activity, and the common way of life. 3, build constitute and development: rural community lives and quality, should be through with local characteristics of buildings and maintenance, should be preserved for a s

38、ustainable development and sexual life space and communities. In addition, the countryside should notice to save resources, with operating efficiency, goodwill, environment of land, material and technology ways of using. 4, greening constitute and development: rural community greening and gardening

39、activity, to the harmonious countryside constitute, rural living intent with the quality of life, has substantial influence effect, so the rural residents should retain, development or tending local animal and plant ecology. 5, landscape of rural landscape of rural: the design of space, should maint

40、ain humanities landscape diversity, set the priority ZhiXuXing methods of land use, and should also pay attention to the rural and external environment, the surrounding landscape between the relation, to increase the possibility of the development of rural diversity. German rural competition selecti

41、on content, is established by the federal government regulation as a benchmark, and competition tongue competition practices, appraise content and standard, criterion with federal formulated as framework, but the tongue can according to the actual condition and needs, elastic adjustment. North Rhine

42、 bond rural competition of selection content, still follow the federal competition, except for selection of the basic regulation of small correction federal competition evaluation project, but also mutatis mutandis federal competition system, separately designed to gentiles review check point, and g

43、ives some specific feasible measures to guide bond in rural community development idea and planning of reference. In the rural landscape project of goal setting for: to rural communities around for coordinated rural combining integral style, can execute measures maintenance and development has both

44、the dry land and wetland habitats, such as ponds, streams and its surrounding environment, and the other in plant choice, should first use local aboriginal. And providing maintenance entertainment resources.4. Gold in rural areas - the village of Lei Ling Hausen rural developmentLei Ling Hausen of G

45、ermany the gold medal in 2007, the village rural village location Lei Ling Stockhausen. Located in the west German state of North Rhine, Op City, the hills, for a person with 397, about one hundred families in small rural areas, and to forest management based. The jury headed by a summary of the vie

46、ws of the village Lei Ling Stockhausen Evaluation in the federal level the scores obtained, far better than the other race in the states rural areas, and its key to success, it lies in the village made a strong force of social and social cohesion into words, Lei Ling Howson village is not only exter

47、nal beauty, inherent in the outcome of community development, and also has a strong cohesive force of the villagers who actively participate in rural development things. Willing to fight the common development of the rural future. This review comments can be assessed from the village in the simulati

48、on process, the statistical mobilized nearly a third of the villagers, about 120 grand rehearsal, we can see the general. Basically, the mobilization of the village energy, reflects a long history of the German countryside with the basic demands of competition, which is then self-help people help to

49、p-down manner to promote rural development, although the village is Ray Ling Howson The small village, but also in the federal contest with gold, and its impressive achievements, are means from the inside out, top-down operation and implementation, the Government has the opportunity to clearly hear the voice of the villagers, more lets meet local demand for local construction, the rural voluntary and sustainable development model for ru


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