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1、 南 京 理 工 大 学毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译学院(系): 机械工程学院 专 业: 机械工程及自动化 姓 名: 张林威 学 号: 1001500452 外文出处: Science Direct 19 January 2006 附 件: 1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文。 指导教师评语: 签名: 年 月 日附件1:外文资料翻译译文圆锥破碎机磨损模型的发展 M. Lindqvist , C.M. Evertsson摘要 圆锥破碎机应用于骨料和采矿业来粉碎岩石材料。之前开发了一种预测圆锥破碎机的磨损几何形状的模型。这个模型中在预测和几何测量之间有一些分歧,他们提出了一些可行的建议来解释这个差




5、磨损预测方面无重大作用。其他解释中认为压力和磨损,石料和腔体之间的剪切应力,粒径和磨损率之间无线性关系。 Chenje和Radziszewski在一个滑动磨损研究实验中研究表明,外应力和磨损率之间也无线性关系。如果Chenje的结果也适用对于非滑动磨损的圆锥破碎机的情况下,他们将在至少部分地解释这种差异。这里使用的测量腔体尺寸的技术方法与Rosario所用的相似。 在这几种关于模型差异的解释中,剪切力对于石料和腔体之间的关系是本文所要解决的一个问题。2 方法2.1 磨损模型在由Archard所研制的磨损模型中提出磨损与滑动距离和外应力之间是有比例关系的。在作者先前的研究中发现即使在石料和衬板之

6、间不存在宏观的滑动运动也会发生磨损。这就是一个石料和衬板无宏观的相对滑动的圆锥破碎机的实例。腔体是用来让石料在其内部自由旋转的。在腔体内至少有一个点,使石料和腔体之间是纯滚动。在其他点的相对滑动运动是非常小,只有在腔体是一个理想的锥体其母线和主轴的交点的情况下才是。在由Archard研制的磨损模型研究表明,磨损率与滑动速度成正比的。如果磨损破碎机内发现一个磨损破坏的衬板,那么就全部不能正常工作。此磨损机制是挤压磨损,与岩石颗粒和钢表面无宏观相对运动。从小的方面来说当然有一些相对运动. 因为它们被粉碎,颗粒被重新安排,但运动方向是随机的。一个就像Archard所研制的磨损模型认为滑动速度才会使圆

7、锥破碎机产生磨损。因此,Lindqvist和Evertsson将磨损模型用于圆锥破碎机。在该磨损预测模型中,Lindqvist和Evertsson认为磨损在一个单一破碎模型中,磨损数量与最大平均压力P是成正比的在磨损发生期间(见方程(1)。在本方程中W是耐磨系数,石料与钢铁的每个组合都有一个唯一的参数。磨损量w单位是毫米,压力单位是N/mm2,磨损阻力的单位 N/mm3. 此方程表示“平均压力”,在钢铁表面有许多不同大小的接触载荷。磨损是与钢铁的机械性能、接触载荷的大小和数量、石料的形状和机械性能有关的一个作用。耐磨性系数W由钢和岩石的力学性能决定的,并且是在实验或满量程的测量中被验证过.在先

8、前的一次研究中得到耐磨性参数W是94 kN/mm3。该材料是奥氏体锰钢与石英岩磨料高度组合的钢。它在该研究结果表明,在组合的磨损模型与破碎机的模型产生了一个欠预测穿在破碎室的上部。我们在这里提出一个模型,来解决这种差异。如果一个颗粒在倾斜面之间被挤压,如图6所示.剪切力会随着倾斜角的增大而增大。在几个所提及和部分研究的原因中,我们假设剪切力会改变应力状态并增大的磨损率。如之前所说,在一个磨损的衬板表面不能正常工作的。这表示如果石料微粒和钢铁表面不发生宏观滑动,摩擦力也不能完全发生。如果一个颗粒在倾斜表面之间受到挤压,剪切中的接触力可以被计算出来。考虑颗粒受到两个倾斜面之间的挤压。由于微粒没有发

9、生滑动,摩擦力也就没有完全产生.切向摩擦力f可以分解由于它是摩擦系数f乘以法向力N。由于摩擦运动没有发生,f,其中为动摩擦系数。根据图7,可得平衡条件为如果所计算的因数f超过摩擦系数,粒子将滑动。在破碎机模型中,压力计算是根据由Evertsson和Lindqvist所研制的压力响应模型。压力响应模型涉及压缩比(即压缩工程颗粒的应变床:变形/原始厚度),以及变系数的粒度分布,以破碎压力。对多项式的两个变量(压缩和变粒度分布的系数)进行拟合,与测试的结果相符。总压力Pptot的计算使用压力响应模型。 因此,表面的切向压力pshear和压力pnormal根据方程从而计算出来。 其中ptot 是由压力

10、响应模型计算所得的总压力。因此所得磨损模型看起来如下:这里K是一个在没有滑动的情况下衡量剪切力影响的新参数,研究表明,在相同的破碎负荷下,带有滑动磨损的颚式破碎机比只有挤压磨损的快三至六倍。2.2 磨损的测量先前开发的一种用于测量圆锥破碎机的几何磨损的测量装置被广泛使用。该方法类似于Rosario所使用过的一种方法( 2004年)。破碎机停止,一个探测器检测腔体和衬板的方位。该装置被制成一个框架,连接到所述破碎机的主轴(见图9)。步进电动机带动螺纹杆转动。小步进电机发出的探针。被传送到步进电机的一个脉冲数对应于测量框架的一定的位置。当一个探头接触到衬板,控制器停止电机,脉冲数被登记。脉冲数之后

11、被转换成几何坐标。测量地在NCC的采石场, 距离G oteborg ,瑞典大约70公里。该破碎机是第二代SANDVIK H6800破碎机,具有大破碎腔。送入破碎机的材料是之前在一个颚式破碎机被压碎过的32 - 250mm的花岗岩。3 结果3.1 测量测量所得的坐标是被转换过的,并且用测得的几何数据建立了一个CAD图。3.2 模拟磨损测量磨损的衬板轮廓应用破碎机模型计算。图11表示出在不同时间腔体的轮廓磨损。左边的图显示了先前使用的磨损模型,该模型得到的磨损几何独立的剪切力。右图显示了新的磨损剪切力条件下的磨损模型。两种模型之间的明显的差异是对于腔室上部的磨损预测。无滑动的剪切力影响被缩放,因此

12、适合模拟测量数据。在方程中,磨损模型参数K 已经选择,因此两点的磨损可以准确预测:最大磨损发生处,腔体底部附近,并在衬板的顶部,三分之一的腔室的高度从顶部。 K = 50是公认的。剪切磨损系数50看起来很高,但在方程中,剪切力因素f小,因为两个衬板之间的角度是很小的。图 12显示了在H6800的腔体的测量和模拟磨损。由于坐标与形状之间的差异,在表面测量的磨损数据被计算过。从图可以看出,新的磨损模型老款相比,显著改善了对于破碎腔上部的磨损预测。这里所用的流动模型,是由Lindqvist提出的。图13给出了对于一个磨损的SANDVIK H3000 MF13破碎机的衬板的模拟和测量磨损量。此图由Li

13、ndqvist和Evertsson制成。高度磨料石英岩被粉碎。模拟量由Evertsson所提出的流动模型制成。那模型与这里使用的略有不同。图 12所示 是SANDVIK H6800破碎机腔体的磨损。图 13 显示了在SANDVIK H3000 MF凹的磨损。腔体和衬板有不同的局部坐标系中的模拟器,因此在Y坐标有偏差。 3.3模拟运行参数的测量 每天从破碎机的控制面板读取一次功率消耗以及设定压力的数据。当破碎机的入口箱完全充满岩石材料,就称作破碎机呛馈,这是操作一个园锥破碎机的首选方式。在破碎机正常操作期间要读取数据,比如说呛馈状态。原料是来自之前破碎机破碎的介于32和250毫米之间的材料。 磨


15、润滑。根据机器制造商所说,这种破碎机通常有一个空载消耗30 - 35千瓦。主轴的质量相对应0.28MPa的液压压力。为了弥补损失,可以简单的将外加负载和自身负载加到标称数据中以使其与测量数据更好的相符合。35千瓦的恒定自身负载损耗被加到功率消耗中,而外加负载损耗被计算到额定功耗的总效率中。这里所使用的效率为59。如果损失被细分到电动机、皮带传动,传动轴、锥齿轮和偏心套,这些送电元件的平均效率将约90。经Lindqvist计算所得这两个模型参数的H3000MC 腔体,分别为K1=0.312和 K2=1.01。对于破碎机,它更大一些,K1 =0.3590和K2=1.2387。 功耗和水电压力的读数


17、预测的过大。在一些轮班中,该厂规定在二级破碎机中粉碎0-90mm材料,并且在这期间不进行功率消耗和设定压力的测量。这对破碎机的实际工作没有代表性,因此规定粉碎0-90mm材料的时间要少于总时间的10%。 4。讨论本研究的目的是通过增加一个在破碎机内部计算所得的剪切力来改善破碎机模型。如之前所提到的,在先前的研究中,模拟和实际测量中在破碎机啊腔体的上部有一些差异。在Lindqvist的研究中,改进过的流动模型,对功耗、容量和水电压力的预测有了相当大的改善。而对磨损的预测无很大突破。当流体模型在一个破损的腔室内运行时,对腔体上部的预测就更差了。当腔体是粗糙破损时,模型和测量之间的差异更明显了,由于


19、不能通过磨损来解释;考虑到例如读数是在八月份的时候功耗和水力设定压力较高,超过其余时期。在容量上不会看到明显改变。可能的原因是岩石在这段时间特性已经改变。岩石从不同的坑里被开采出来并运至破碎厂,岩石特质随位置的不同通常有所不同。破碎机并不是总运行在呛馈状态。这就解释了为什么预测过小。在少于破碎机工作时间的10的时间内 ,它被设置为粉碎0 - 90mm材质,这意味着容量,功耗和水电设定压力均增大。在这些状况下功率消耗以及设定压力均不读数。在这段时间几何磨损会以不同的方式改变。在这小于总工作时间10时的不同工况期间,在模拟中被忽略。5 结论和未来的工作通过在圆锥破碎机磨损模型增加一个剪切力相关因子

20、,的协模拟和测量的一致性得到显著改善。运行参数、水力设定压力和动力消耗的预测是令人满意,但测得的功率消耗和水电设定压力 忽高忽低。正如在之前提到的,有其他几种可能解释模型的差异方法,例如,粒度分布或磨损率和压力之间的非线性关系。这里所用破碎机模型在这项研究中可谓是一个“灰箱”模型。介绍更多的模型参数来描述更多的现象可能使最终找到最优模型参数不佳。尽管该模型在这里成功地解决了提出的问题,但进一步工作来充分了解变量也是十分重要的。 致谢 测量均在瑞典的 NCC Ramnasl att进行,对托马斯古斯塔夫森以及其他工作人员表示诚挚的谢意。感谢SANDVIK Rock Processing提供资金,

21、信息以及支持。参考文献 M.林奎斯特,C.M. Evertsson磨损261(2006)435-4421 C.M. Evertsson,圆锥破碎机的性能,机械和车辆设计技术系博士论文,瑞典查尔姆斯理工大学,2000。 2 K. Gauldie,旋回破碎机的输出,(1953)1953,485-486。 3 M.林奎斯特,C.M. Evertsson,锥形破碎机磨损几何预测,英国矿业出版社。 16(12)(2003)1355年至1361年。 4 C.M. Evertsson,M.林奎斯特,圆锥破碎机的功耗,在:简报矿业工程会议,2002年9月25-27日,澳大利亚珀斯,2002。 5 M.林奎斯特

22、,体育Sotkovski,圆锥破碎机衬板加工硬化,矿产行业,9月8-10日,2003年,卡尔加里,加拿大阿尔塔。 6 M.林奎斯特,C.M. Evertsson,圆锥破碎机流量和压力改进模型,英国矿业出版社。 17(11月-12月(11-12)(2004)1217年至1225年。 7 T. Chenje,体育Radziszewski,确定钢研磨介质磨损的作用力和摩擦的功能,英国矿业出版社。 17 (11月-12月(11-12)(2004)1255年至1258年于:对计算机应用第四次国际会议8 P.P.罗萨里奥,R.A.霍尔,D.M. Maijer,主要破碎机衬板磨损和性能调查旋回,矿工。英。

23、17 (11月-12月(11-12)(2004)1241年至1254年。 9 JL Archard,平面和摩擦的联系,学者Appl。报。 24(8)(1953)981-988。 10 M.林奎斯特,C.M. Evertsson,颚式破碎机的衬板磨损,英国矿业出版社。 附件2:外文原文Development of wear model for cone crushers M. Lindqvist , C.M. EvertssonAbstract Cone crushers are used in the aggregates and mining industries to crush rock

24、 material. A model to predict the worn geometry of cone crushers was previously developed. In that model there was some disagreements between predicted and measured geometry and several effects were suggested to explain the discrepancy in the model. In this study the effect of shear forces along the

25、 crushing surfaces was implemented in the model. Simulations were compared to measurements on two different crushing chambers. The results show a significant improvement with respect to the discrepancy between measured and simulated geometry. Measurements were made on a coarse crushing chamber where

26、 the operating parameters hydroset pressure, power draw and capacity were tracked during the lifetime of the set of liners. The simulated operating parameters show some agreement with measured data, but the crusher was not run under ideal conditions at all times. Keywords: Comminution; Crushing; Mod

27、elling; Abrasive wear; Cone crusher1. Introduction Cone crushers are widely used in the mining and aggregates industry to crush blasted rock material. The two main crushing parts are the mantle and the concave. The main shaft of the mantle is suspended on a spherical radial bearing at the top and in

28、 an eccentric at the bottom. A hydraulic cylinder supports the thrust bearing that carries the thrust force of the main shaft. The hydraulic system can raise the main shaft in order to compensate for the wear of the mantle and concave. The hydraulic pressurein the cylinder that supports the thrust f

29、orce from the main shaft is called the hydroset pressure. As the eccentric is turned the rock material will be squeezed and crushed between the liners (see Figs. 14). Along its path through the crushing chamber, a rock particle will be subjected to several crushing events. The shortest distance acro

30、ss the crushing chamber is called the closed side setting, CSS, and is an important variable for the performance of the crusher. The control system is calibrated regularly to maintain a constant CSS. Previous research 1,2 has made it possible to model the behaviour of a given cone crusher. Evertsson

31、 1 developed a flow model, a size reduction model and a pressure response model The geometry of the crushing chamber is crucial for the performance. Due to wear the geometry of the liners will change, and hence the crusher performance will also change and sometimes suffer. Therefore it is desirable

32、to simulate the change of geometry and performance as the liners wear. A model for this purpose was previously developed 3,4. That model was based on the results of Evertsson 1. In the model for wear prediction there was some discrepancy between the simulated geometry and measured geometry in the up

33、per part of the crushing chamber 3. Several explanations of this discrepancy were suggested. It was first assumed that the work hardening behaviour of theliner material might depend on the applied pressure. In a study by the author 5 it was concluded that it was not a variation in work hardening in

34、the chamber that caused the discrepancy in the wear model. Among the other explanations for the discrepancy, that were proposed by Lindqvist and Evertsson 3, the prediction of pressure on the liners was assumed to be an important factor. To address this, an improved flow- and pressure model was pres

35、ented by Lindqvist and Evertsson 6. That model showed a significant improvement in prediction of the operating parameters CSS, power draw and capacity, but only a slight improvement of wear prediction for a fine crushing chamber. Other suggested explanations are non-linear dependency between pressur

36、e and wear, shear stress at the interface between rock and liner, dependency between particle size and wear rate. Chenje and Radziszewski 7 showed that there was a non-linear relationship between applied force and wear rate in a sliding wear experiment. If Chenjes 7 results were also applicable for

37、the case of non-sliding wear in cone crushers, they would, at least in part, explain the discrepancy. The technique used in the present study, to measure the geometry of the liners, is similar to the technique used by Rosario 8. He has made measurements of liner wear on gyratory crushers. Among the

38、possible explanations of the disagreement in the model, shear forces in the contact between rock and liner is the one that is addressed in this paper.2. Method2.1. Wear model The wear model presented by Archard 9 suggests that wear is proportional to sliding distance and applied pressure. In the pre

39、vious work carried out by the author 10 it was found that wear occurs even if there is no macroscopic sliding motion between rock material and liner. This is the case in a cone crusher where there is no macroscopic sliding motion between liner and rock. The mantle is free to roll against the bed of

40、rock material. On at least one point, the point of moment equilibrium for the mantle, there is pure rolling between the mantle and bed of material. At other points the relative sliding motion is very small, since the concave is designed nearly as an ideal cone with the generatrix of the mantle inter

41、secting the pivot point of the main shaft (see Fig. 5). The wear model presented by Archard 9 suggests that the wear rate is proportional to sliding velocity. If a worn crusher liner is inspected, no ploughing grooves can be observed. The wear mechanism is squeezing wear without macroscopic relative

42、 motion between the bed of rock particles and the steel surface. On a small scale there is of course some relative motion since particles are rearranged as they are crushed, but the direction of this motion is random. A wear model like Archards 9 that is dependent of sliding velocity would in the ca

43、se of cone crushers, yield no wear. Therefore, Lindqvist and Evertsson 3 adapted the wear model used for cone crushers. In the model for wear prediction, described by Lindqvist and Evertsson 3 it is proposed that the amount of wear in a single crushing action is proportional to the maximum average p

44、ressure p that occurs during the crushing event (see Eq. (1). In this constitutive equation W is the wear resistance coefficient, a material parameter unique for each combination of rock material and steel. Wear w is here expressed in mm, pressure in N/mm2, and hence the unit for the wear resistance

45、 will have the unit N/mm3. The “average pressure” expressed in Eq. (1), consists of a large number of contact loads of different magnitude acting on the steel surface. The wear that occurs is a function of the mechanical properties of the steel, the number and magnitude of the contact loads, and the

46、 shape and mechanical properties of the rock particles. The wear resistance coefficient W is determined by the mechanical properties of the steel and rock, and is verified in experiments or in full-scale measurements. The wear resistance parameter W in Eq. (1) was found to be 94 kN/mm3 in a previous

47、 study 3. The material was highly abrasive quartzite in combination with austenitic manganese steel. It was shown in that study that the wear model in combination with the crusher model yielded an under-prediction of wear in the upper part of the crushing chamber. The objective here is to present a model that will address this discrepancy. If a particle squeezed between oblique surfaces, as in Fig. 6, the shear force increases as the nip angle increases. Among several mentioned and partly investigated reaso


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