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1、EUROPEAN COMMISSION,EUROPE 2020,A European strategy for smart,sustainable and inclusive growth,Preface,2010 must mark a new beginning.I want Europe to emerge strongerfrom the economic and financial crisis.,Economic realities are moving faster than political realities,as we haveseen with the global i

2、mpact of the financial crisis.We need to accept thatthe increased economic interdependence demands also a moredetermined and coherent response at the political level.,The last two years have left millions unemployed.It has brought aburden of debt that will last for many years.It has brought new pres

3、sureson our social cohesion.It has also exposed some fundamental truthsabout the challenges that the European economy faces.And in themeantime,the global economy is moving forward.How Europe respondswill determine our future.,The crisis is a wake-up call,the moment where we recognise thatbusiness as

4、 usual would consign us to a gradual decline,to the secondrank of the new global order.This is Europes moment of truth.It is thetime to be bold and ambitious.,Our short-term priority is a successful exit from the crisis.It will be toughfor some time yet but we will get there.Significant progress has

5、 beenmade on dealing with bad banks,correcting the financial markets andrecognising the need for strong policy coordination in the eurozone.,To achieve a sustainable future,we must already look beyond the shortterm.Europe needs to get back on track.Then it must stay on track.Thatis the purpose of Eu

6、rope 2020.Its about more jobs and better lives.Itshows how Europe has the capability to deliver smart,sustainable andinclusive growth,to find the path to create new jobs and to offer a senseof direction to our societies.,European leaders have a common analysis on the lessons to be drawnfrom the cris

7、is.We also share a common sense of urgency on thechallenges ahead.Now we jointly need to make it happen.Europe hasmany strengths.We have a talented workforce,we have a powerfultechnological and industrial base.We have an internal market and asingle currency that have successfully helped us resist th

8、e worst.Wehave a tried and tested social market economy.We must haveconfidence in our ability to set an ambitious agenda for ourselves andthen gear our efforts to delivering it.,The Commission is proposing five measurable EU targets for 2020 thatwill steer the process and be translated into national

9、 targets:foremployment;for research and innovation;for climate change andenergy;for education;and for combating poverty.They represent thedirection we should take and will mean we can measure our success.,They are ambitious,but attainable.They are backed up by concreteproposals to make sure they are

10、 delivered.The flagship initiatives set outin this paper show how the EU can make a decisive contribution.Wehave powerful tools to hand in the shape of new economic governance,supported by the internal market,our budget,our trade and externaleconomic policy and the disciplines and support of economi

11、c andmonetary union.,The condition for success is a real ownership by European leaders andinstitutions.Our new agenda requires a coordinated European response,including with social partners and civil society.If we act together,then wecan fight back and come out of the crisis stronger.We have the new

12、tools and the new ambition.Now we need to make it happen.,Jos Manuel BARROSO,EUROPEAN COMMISSIONBrussels,3.3.2010COM(2010)2020COMMUNICATION FROM THE COMMISSIONEUROPE 2020A strategy for smart,sustainable and inclusive growth,EN,EN,1.,2.,3.,4.,5.,6.,2,TABLE OF CONTENTSExecutive summary.3A moment of tr

13、ansformation.5Smart,sustainable and inclusive growth.8Missing links and bottlenecks.18Exit from the crisis:first steps towards 2020.22Delivering results:stronger governance.25Decisions for the European Council.28Annexes.30,EN,EN,3,EUROPE 2020 STRATEGYEXECUTIVE SUMMARYEurope faces a moment of transfo

14、rmation.The crisis has wiped out years of economic andsocial progress and exposed structural weaknesses in Europes economy.In the meantime,theworld is moving fast and long-term challenges globalisation,pressure on resources,ageing intensify.The EU must now take charge of its future.Europe can succee

15、d if it acts collectively,as a Union.We need a strategy to help us come outstronger from the crisis and turn the EU into a smart,sustainable and inclusive economydelivering high levels of employment,productivity and social cohesion.Europe 2020 sets outa vision of Europes social market economy for th

16、e 21st century.Europe 2020 puts forward three mutually reinforcing priorities:Smart growth:developing an economy based on knowledge and innovation.Sustainable growth:promoting a more resource efficient,greener and more competitiveeconomy.Inclusive growth:fostering a high-employment economy deliverin

17、g social and territorialcohesion.The EU needs to define where it wants to be by 2020.To this end,the Commission proposesthe following EU headline targets:75%of the population aged 20-64 should be employed.3%of the EUs GDP should be invested in R&D.The 20/20/20 climate/energy targets should be met(in

18、cluding an increase to 30%ofemissions reduction if the conditions are right).The share of early school leavers should be under 10%and at least 40%of the youngergeneration should have a tertiary degree.20 million less people should be at risk of poverty.These targets are interrelated and critical to

19、our overall success.To ensure that each MemberState tailors the Europe 2020 strategy to its particular situation,the Commission proposes thatEU goals are translated into national targets and trajectories.The targets are representative of the three priorities of smart,sustainable and inclusive growth

20、but they are not exhaustive:a wide range of actions at national,EU and international levelswill be necessary to underpin them.The Commission is putting forward seven flagshipinitiatives to catalyse progress under each priority theme:Innovation Union to improve framework conditions and access to fina

21、nce for researchand innovation so as to ensure that innovative ideas can be turned into products andservices that create growth and jobs.Youth on the move to enhance the performance of education systems and to facilitate theentry of young people to the labour market.,EN,EN,4,A digital agenda for Eur

22、ope to speed up the roll-out of high-speed internet and reap thebenefits of a digital single market for households and firms.Resource efficient Europe to help decouple economic growth from the use of resources,support the shift towards a low carbon economy,increase the use of renewable energysources

23、,modernise our transport sector and promote energy efficiency.An industrial policy for the globalisation era to improve the business environment,notably for SMEs,and to support the development of a strong and sustainable industrialbase able to compete globally.An agenda for new skills and jobs to mo

24、dernise labour markets and empower people bydeveloping their of skills throughout the lifecycle with a view to increase labourparticipation and better match labour supply and demand,including through labourmobility.European platform against poverty to ensure social and territorial cohesion such that

25、 thebenefits of growth and jobs are widely shared and people experiencing poverty and socialexclusion are enabled to live in dignity and take an active part in society.These seven flagship initiatives will commit both the EU and the Member States.EU-levelinstruments,notably the single market,financi

26、al levers and external policy tools,will be fullymobilised to tackle bottlenecks and deliver the Europe 2020 goals.As an immediate priority,the Commission charts what needs to be done to define a credible exit strategy,to pursue thereform of the financial system,to ensure budgetary consolidation for

27、 long-term growth,and tostrengthen coordination within the Economic and Monetary Union.Stronger economic governance will be required to deliver results.Europe 2020 will rely ontwo pillars:the thematic approach outlined above,combining priorities and headline targets;and country reporting,helping Mem

28、ber States to develop their strategies to return tosustainable growth and public finances.Integrated guidelines will be adopted at EU level tocover the scope of EU priorities and targets.Country-specific recommendations will beaddressed to Member States.Policy warnings could be issued in case of ina

29、dequate response.The reporting of Europe 2020 and the Stability and Growth Pact evaluation will be donesimultaneously,while keeping the instruments separate and maintaining the integrity of thePact.The European Council will have full ownership and be the focal point of the new strategy.The Commissio

30、n will monitor progress towards the targets,facilitate policy exchange andmake the necessary proposals to steer action and advance the EU flagship initiatives.TheEuropean Parliament will be a driving force to mobilise citizens and act as co-legislator onkey initiatives.This partnership approach shou

31、ld extend to EU committees,to nationalparliaments and national,local and regional authorities,to social partners and to stakeholdersand civil society so that everyone is involved in delivering on the vision.The Commission proposes that the European Council endorses-in March-the overallapproach of th

32、e strategy and the EU headline targets,and approves-in June-the detailedparameters of the strategy,including the integrated guidelines and national targets.TheCommission also looks forward to the views and support of the European Parliament formaking Europe 2020 a success.,EN,EN,1.,5,A MOMENT OF TRA

33、NSFORMATIONThe crisis has wiped out recent progressThe recent economic crisis has no precedent in our generation.The steady gains in economicgrowth and job creation witnessed over the last decade have been wiped out our GDP fell by4%in 2009,our industrial production dropped back to the levels of the

34、 1990s and 23 millionpeople-or 10%of our active population-are now unemployed.The crisis has been a hugeshock for millions of citizens and it has exposed some fundamental weaknesses of oureconomy.The crisis has also made the task of securing future economic growth much more difficult.The still fragi

35、le situation of our financial system is holding back recovery as firms andhouseholds have difficulties to borrow,spend and invest.Our public finances have beenseverely affected,with deficits at 7%of GDP on average and debt levels at over 80%of GDP two years of crisis erasing twenty years of fiscal c

36、onsolidation.Our growth potential hasbeen halved during the crisis.Many investment plans,talents and ideas risk going to wastebecause of uncertainties,sluggish demand and lack of funding.Europes structural weaknesses have been exposedMoving out of the crisis is the immediate challenge,but the bigges

37、t challenge is to escape thereflex to try to return to the pre-crisis situation.Even before the crisis,there were many areaswhere Europe was not progressing fast enough relative to the rest of the world:Europes average growth rate has been structurally lower than that of our maineconomic partners,la

38、rgely due to a productivity gap that has widened over the lastdecade.Much of this is due to differences in business structures combined withlower levels of investment in R&D and innovation,insufficient use of informationand communications technologies,reluctance in some parts of our societies toembr

39、ace innovation,barriers to market access and a less dynamic businessenvironment.In spite of progress,Europes employment rates at 69%on average for those aged20-64 are still significantly lower than in other parts of the world.Only 63%ofwomen are in work compared to 76%of men.Only 46%of older workers

40、(55-64)are employed compared to over 62%in the US and Japan.Moreover,on averageEuropeans work 10%fewer hours than their US or Japanese counterparts.Demographic ageing is accelerating.As the baby-boom generation retires,the EUsactive population will start to shrink as from 2013/2014.The number of peo

41、ple agedover 60 is now increasing twice as fast as it did before 2007 by about two millionevery year compared to one million previously.The combination of a smallerworking population and a higher share of retired people will place additional strainson our welfare systems.Global challenges intensifyW

42、hile Europe needs to address its own structural weaknesses,the world is moving fast andwill be very different by the end of the coming decade:Our economies are increasingly interlinked.Europe will continue to benefit frombeing one of the most open economies in the world but competition from develope

43、dand emerging economies is intensifying.Countries such as China or India are,EN,EN,6,investing heavily in research and technology in order to move their industries up thevalue chain and leapfrog into the global economy.This puts pressure on somesectors of our economy to remain competitive,but every

44、threat is also anopportunity.As these countries develop,new markets will open up for manyEuropean companies.Global finance still needs fixing.The availability of easy credit,short-termism andexcessive risk-taking in financial markets around the world fuelled speculativebehaviour,giving rise to bubbl

45、e-driven growth and important imbalances.Europe isengaged in finding global solutions to bring about an efficient and sustainablefinancial system.Climate and resource challenges require drastic action.Strong dependence on fossilfuels such as oil and inefficient use of raw materials expose our consum

46、ers andbusinesses to harmful and costly price shocks,threatening our economic security andcontributing to climate change.The expansion of the world population from 6 to 9billion will intensify global competition for natural resources,and put pressure on theenvironment.The EU must continue its outrea

47、ch to other parts of the world in pursuitof a worldwide solution to the problems of climate change at the same time as weimplement our agreed climate and energy strategy across the territory of the Union.Europe must act to avoid declineThere are several lessons we can learn from this crisis:The 27 E

48、U economies are highly interdependent:the crisis underscored the closelinks and spill-overs between our national economies,particularly in the euro area.Reforms,or the lack of them,in one country affect the performance of all others,asrecent events have shown;moreover,the crisis and severe constrain

49、ts in publicspending have made it more difficult for some Member States to provide sufficientfunding for the basic infrastructure they need in areas such as transport and energynot only to develop their own economies but also to help them participate fully in theinternal market.Coordination within t

50、he EU works:the response to the crisis showed that if we acttogether,we are significantly more effective.We proved this by taking commonaction to stabilise the banking system and through the adoption of a EuropeanEconomic Recovery Plan.In a global world,no single country can effectivelyaddress the c


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