As His Name Is, So Is He!.ppt

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《As His Name Is, So Is He!.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《As His Name Is, So Is He!.ppt(73页珍藏版)》请在三一办公上搜索。

1、Unit 6,As His Name Is,So Is He!,A and B are students who study in different classes.They are talking about the ratio of male and female students in their classes.,A is an English teacher while B is the department leader.They are talking about the result of an important exam,the average score,the num

2、ber of A students and so on.,A and B are engineers working on a building project.They are discussing the progress of the project,the budget and the employment of workers.Be sure to use words and expressions related to“approximation”,A is a passenger who has just lost his/her suitcase.B is a clerk in

3、 the lost-property claim office.Ask question and give answer concerning the size,contents and shape of the suitcase.,A and B are members of the same family.A wants to buy a washing machine small enough to put in the bathroom and B prefers one big enough for the laundry of the whole family.,A is a cu

4、stomer and B is a shop assistant.A comes to the shop to buy a suit of clothes for a friend and asks B for advice with regard to other customers in the shop,What can we do if our parents have given us a name that does not promise a bright future?,Work in pairs,and make up a long conversation about na

5、mes and effects.,Words and Phrases,被称为填写中名用A 替换 B认真地对待,be known asfill outmiddle namesubstitute A for Btake sth/sb seriously,不管是好是歹曾一度即使如此促进结交新友,for better or worsefor a timeeven soencourage new acquaintances,最新调查表明拒绝(未曾见过面的男女的)初次会见迫切要求互送秋波,a recent survey shows thatturn down blind datepress forexch

6、ange glances,不自在偏见看法没有的给打分坚持做(某事),ill at easeprejudiced notion(be)free fromgive grades onstick with sth,Sentences,当然,作为初学者,我还不是一个好驾驶员。Naturally,as a beginner Im not a very good driver yet.这种诚实是他的典型作风。Such honesty is characteristic of him.,木已成舟,好也罢,坏也罢,我们现在已无法改变了。Its been done,and for better or worse

7、,we cant change it now.几杯酒下肚他就打开了话匣子。A few drinks broke through his reserve.,他略懂一些日语。He has some little acquaintance with the Japanese language.你的儿子令所有的老师感到头痛。Your son is the despair of all his teachers.,请向你母亲转达我的良好祝愿。Please convey my good wishes to your mother.你认为他说的话重要吗?Do you attach any importanc

8、e to what he said?主席一再要求改善工作条件。The chairman is pressing for improved working conditions.,英美人常见姓名含义,Alan Charles David Edward John,英俊的人普通一员 被爱的人 财富的守卫者 上帝的礼物,Michael Richard Robert Stephen William Victor,上帝的使者 勇敢的人 名声赫赫的人 王冠 强大的捍卫者 胜利者,Alice AngelaAnna Catherine Diana Elizabeth,真理 天使优雅、仁慈 纯洁、真诚 月亮女神

9、献身上帝的人,Helen Lily Mary Ruth Sarah Susanna,光芒 百合花 海上明星 美丽 公主 纯白、可爱,title,His nature or manner are similar to what he is called,his nameAsso有其师,必有其徒。As is the teacher,so is the pupil.随着时间的推移,他们的希望变得越来越小了。As time went on,so their hope began to decrease.,沙漠似海,骆驼似舟。As the desert is like a sea,so is the _

10、 like a ship.camel,How can you divide the whole passage and the main idea of each part?,substitute(L5),n.+for a person or thing acting or used in place of another 代理人;代用品;代替物There is no substitute for our parents.A substitute taught us at school today.没有什么能够代替锻炼和食物。There is no substitute for good fo

11、od and exercise.,substitute,v.1)+A for B/+B by A/+B with A(A为替代物,B为被替代物)to put(something or someone)in place of another 代替We substituted red balls for blue,to see if the baby would notice.我们不能以水代油。We can not substitute oil by/with water.,2)I(+for)to act as a substitute;be used instead 替代;取代He substi

12、tuted for the worker who was ill.Honey can substitute for sugar in this recipe.,associate etc.(L9),associate n a person connected with another, work;partner 同事;伙伴Hes not a friend;hes a business associate.,companion esp.lit a person who goes somewhere with or spends time with another,either bec

13、ause of friendship or by chance 伴侣;同伴a close companion a travelling companion My fellow prisoners made/were good companions,partner n either of two people sharing an activity,such as dancing together or playing together against two others in certain games 伙伴;合作者dancing/business/card partner,acquaint

14、ance n C a person whom one knows,esp.through work or business,but who is not a close friend 相识的人,熟人a speaking/nodding acquaintance,characteristic(L16),adj+of typical;representing a persons or things usual character表示特性的;典型的;特有的With characteristic generosity,he offered to buy tickets for all of

15、e characteristic taste of Italian wine,Its characteristic of her that she never complained.n+of a special and easily recognized quality of someone or something 特色;特性Good planning is one of the characteristics of a successful business.,For better or worse(L20),you are not sure what the consequences w

16、ill be,but they will have to be accepted because the action has been taken在婚礼上,他们俩表示要苦乐与共,永矢无渝。At their wedding,they promised to live together for better or worse.Then for better or worse they fall in love.他们相爱了,全然不顾今后会如何。,reserved(L21),adj.1)(typical of people)who do not like to talk about themselv

17、es or to show their feelings;shy 矜持的;话不多的Bob is very reserved-you never know what hes thinking.2)kept for the future or special use 预定的;预约的reserved seats/tables,in reserve 储存,留以备用Our country has kept a lot of grain in reserve.我们国家粮食储存充裕。without reserve 无保留地,百分之百地我毫无保留地将一切都告诉了她。I told her all about i

18、t without reserve.,(L21)qualities such as friendliness or reserve,plainness or charm,阴晴黑白你我迟早三三两两,rain or shineblack and whiteyou and Isooner or latertwos and threes,夫妻心灵国内外前后,husband and wifeheart and soulhome and abroad back and forth,陆海南北进出远近母子,land and seanorth and southin and outfar and nearmot

19、her and child,真假钢铁新旧开关皮包骨,true or falseiron and steelold and newoff and onskin and bone,(L26)more qualified to be a baseball player than,say,an art critic,say:(AmE)when you give sth as an exampleIs it possible to book the ferry,say,on Saturday and get there on Sunday?when you give an approximate amo

20、unt or timeCome for dinner at,say,eight oclock.,prominent(L29),adj.1)sticking or stretching out beyond a surface 突起的;突出的She has prominent teeth.a prominent nose2)noticeable;easily seen 显著的Our house is in a prominent position.,3)of great importance,fame,etc.杰出的;重要的;著名的a prominent musician/citizen/cri

21、tic of the government,(L31)Of course,names with a positive sense can work for you,Of course,names that suggest good qualities to people can help you to your advantage in some way.Work in your favor(ant.)(help you in some way)Work against you(it causes problems for you in some way),The restraining in

22、fluence seemed to be working on both sides.,L32 acquaintance,make sb.s acquaintance/make the acquaintance of sb.结识某人,与某人相见我是在一个聚会上认识他地。I made his acquaintance/made acquaintance of him at a party.,have a nodding acquaintance with sb./sth.与某人有点头之交,对某事略知一二我对他写地小说不甚了解。I only have a nodding acquaintance

23、with his novels.,on(further)acquaintance 认识了(较长)一段时间他地举止起初让人很不愉快,但是经过进一步接触他改了许多。His manner seemed _ at first,but he improved on further acquaintance.unpleasant,acquaint sb./oneself with sth.使某人熟悉那位律师了解了委托人生意上地详情。The lawyer acquainted himself with the details of his _s business affairs.client,(L34)a

24、blind date,The arrangement to meet made between a woman and man that have never met before.(男好女之间的)初次见面,press(sb)for sth(L35), demand urgently(from)迫切要求I dont know whether to accept this new job,and the firm is pressing(me)for a decision.,(L36)ill at ease,ill:adv.not easily;poorly,wrongly,or no

25、t well enough We could ill afford to lose that.(经不起)As partners,they are ill matched.(不相配),Dont speak ill of the dead,Mary.(说坏话)对某人有恶意,(L36)ill at ease,Patrick fell ill at ease with his family,wondering whether or not to announce his news.(忐忑不安)ill-advised/informed/mannered/tempered/equipped/treated

26、,at ease:,feeling relaxed Nurses should do all they can to make their patients feel at ease.Diana is completely at ease with young children.I wandered around rather ill at ease among people I didnt know.,(L39)stereotype,usu.derog(someone or something that represents)a fixed set of ideas about what a

27、 particular type of person or thing is like,which is(wrongly)believed to be true in all cases:She believes that she is not a good mother because she does not fit the stereotype of a woman who spends all her time with her children.,(L39)stereotype,The characters in the film are just stereotypes,with

28、no individuality.She gave the usual stereotyped answers to the questions of the newspaper reporters.,L46 conduct,用英语授课主持会议举止得体为人明智,Conduct a class in EnglishConduct a meetingConduct oneself wellConduct oneself wisely,award(L48),v T(+to/+obj(i)+obj(d)to give, the result of an official decision(

29、尤指经正式决定)授予,给予,裁决The school awarded Merry a prize(for her good work).The referee awarded a free kick.,Shes been awarded a scholarship to study at Oxford.The judges awarded the prize to her.,award,n.C 1)something awarded 奖,奖金 His horse won the highest award.他的马赢得最高奖。,2)sth.given as the result of such

30、a decision(esp.a prize in a competition)判决,裁定,裁定额This is an award of$1,000,000 to those hurt in the explosion.这是一笔裁定给在爆炸中受伤人员的一百万美圆赔偿费。,reward,vt.+with/for to make a gift to(someone who has done something good,helpful,etc.)报偿,酬劳,奖励Winners will be rewarded with a trip to England.优胜者将获得去英国旅游的奖赏.He wil

31、l sooner or later be rewarded for his wicked conduct.他的恶行迟早会受到报应。,L53 peer,(formal)a persons equal in rank,class,merit,status or age 同等(地位,年龄等)的人 He is more advanced than the rest of his peer group.The child was disliked by his peers.,peer,He has been heavily influenced by peer pressure.不容易找到与他匹敌的人。

32、It will not be easy to find his peers.他们在同辈中是出类拔萃的受过大学教育的知识分子。They are university-educated intellectuals high in their peer group.,suit/match/fit(L57),fit be the right size or shape(for)适合,(使)合身The lid fits badly.This jacket fits like a glove.(=very well and closely)This dress doesnt fit me.Wil

33、l your key fit the lock?Your theory fits all the facts.,be fit for:be right and suitable for a particular purpose,person,or situation 合适的,恰当的I dont think shes really fit for the job.a meal fit for a king(=a very good meal),suit:to satisfy or please,be acceptable or convenient for;to match or look go

34、od on(someone)满足,取悦;适合Will it suit you if I come around at three?The arrangements suit them both That colour doesnt suit her.,match:v.I(+up);T to be like or suitable for use with(another or each other), colour or pattern 相配,相称The curtains dont match the paint.The curtains and the paint dont qu

35、ite match.a matching skirt and sweater,Exercise,1.If I were you,I would go and buy a nice shirt to _ this expensive coat.2.The dress _ you very well.It looks as if it were specially made for you.3.Do you think this color _ me?4.Whoever _ the position will be employed at once.5.I dont think this style _ you.Why not change for a more popular one?,match,fits,suits,is fit for,suits,IQ,IQ 90-100IQ 100-110IQ 120IQ 130IQ 140IQ 150IQ 160IQ 170 plus,Below average Average Aabove average Very smart Super smart Genius Genius plus Super genius,


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