1、论物权法定原则 论物权法定原则 【中文摘要】 物权法定原则自罗马法以来就被大陆法系国家沿用至今,被认为是大陆法系国家物权法上最重要的原则之一。但是物权法定原则有着其固有的局限性,因而对该原则的质疑一直伴随着它的发展,尤其进入20世纪以后,物权法定原则更成为物权法众多原则中受批判最多的原则之一。物权法定原则一度被认为陷入了困境。因此打破物权法定原则的僵化性,对其进行缓和,应对日新月异的经济发展需要成为一种理论上的时尚。本文结合我国物权法的实际情况对物权法定原则的内容进行了界定,对其产生的历史成因进行了分析,认为物权法定原则是随着物权、债权二元财产体系的形成而最终确立,物权与债权的二分法是物权法定
3、论基础,第三章为物权法定原则之利弊权衡及评析,第四章为物权法定原则之缓和,第五章为对我国物权法物权法定原则的评析及思考。 【英文摘要】 The doctrine of legal property is also called the principle of real laws. Since the Roman law was applied,it has been applied by the mainland law system and never been changed.And it is thought to be one of the most important princi
4、ples in the national law of property of the mainland law system.But the doctrine of legal property has its intrinsic limitation,so the doubt towards it has long been accompanied with its development. Especially since the entry of the twentieth century,it has been one of the principles that are criti
5、cized most in the law of property.The doctrine of legal property is thought to have got into puzzle dom.Breaking its ossification,easing it and establishing the open real property system seem to be a fashion theatrically.Combined with the practicality of our countrys real law,this thesis defines the
6、 context of the doctrine of legal property,analyzes its history and believes that the doctrine of legal property comes to establishment with the formation of the dual property system of the right of property and the creditors rights.The dual definition of the right of property and the creditors righ
7、t is the theatrical base of the doctrine of legal property.The doctrine of legal property is not universal phenomena of the mainland law system,but only typical phenomena in the civil law compilation of pandekten,and it only exists in the law of property of German countries of traditional civil law.
8、The fourth part of this paper talks about the necessity of the easing of the doctrine,introduces the universal methods of solving the shortcomings towards the doctrine in different countries,analyze the concerned theories of the easing of the doctrine,and raise the concrete ways of the easing.The fi
9、nal of this paper brings out the simple analyzation towards the doctrine of our nations and raises a few thoughts that could be met with the doctrine afterwards. The whole passage is consisted of five chapters.For the first chapter, it tells the context of the doctrine;For the second chapter,it is a
10、bout the origin of the doctrine and its theoretical base;for the third chapter,it is the analyzation of the balance of the advantages and disadvantages of the doctrine;for the fourth chapter,it is the easing of the doctrine.For the fifth chapter,it is the analyzation and the thought of the doctrine
11、of ours. 【中文关键词】 民法; 物权法; 物权法定原则 【英文关键词】 the civil law; the legislation of law of property; the doctrine of legal property 【论文目录】摘要 4-5 Abstract 5-6 前言 9-10 第一章 物权法定原则的含义 10-16 一、物权法定原则的定义 10 二、物权法定原则的内容 10-13 (一) 关于物权法定原则内容的不同观点 10-11 (二) 对物权法定原则内容相关观点的分析 11-13 三、我国物权法对物权法定原则内容的表述 13-14 (一) 种类法定 13
12、 (二) 物权权利内容法定 13-14 四、违反物权法定原则的法律后果 14-16 第二章 物权法定原则的源起和理论基础 16-22 一、物权制度的确立 16-17 二、物权法定原则在大陆法系国家(地区)的主要立法例 17-19 (一) 法国 17-18 (二) 德国 18-19 (三) 日本以及大陆法系其他国家和地区 19 三、物权法定原则的理论基础 19-20 四、潘德克吞体系对物权、债权二元体系的影响 20-22 第三章 物权法定原则之利弊权衡及评析 22-31 一、物权法定原则的合理性 22-26 (一) 物权法定原则是整理旧物权,适应社会发展的需要 22-24 (二) 物权法定原则是
13、物权绝对性、支配性属性的必然要求 24 (三) 物权法定原则有利于物权公示、降低交易成本,确保交易安全 24-25 (四) 物权法定原则是维系一国经济制度的当然选择 25-26 二、物权法定原则的局限性分析 26-28 (一) 物权法定原则的僵化性越来越明显 26-27 (二) 物权法定原则与民法基本原则-意思自治原则相冲突 27-28 三、对物权法定原则存废的评析 28-31 (一) 关于封闭僵化性问题 28-29 (二) 关于与意思自治相冲突问题 29-31 第四章 物权法定原则之缓和 31-40 一、物权法定原则缓和的必要性 31-32 二、物权法定原则缓和的相关理论及其评析 32-35
14、 (一) 物权法定原则缓和之诸学说 32-33 (二) 对众学说的评析 33-34 (三) 国外立法例克服物权法定原则弊端的方法 34-35 三、物权法定原则缓和的途径物权法定中”法”的界定 35-40 (一) 物权法定中的”法”应作扩张解释,包括行政法规 36-37 (二) 司法解释应当具有一定的创设物权的功能 37-39 (三) 最高人民法院判例可以创设物权 39 (四) 习惯应具有承认物权的效力 39-40 第五章 对我国物权法物权法定原则的评析及思考 40-46 一、评析 40-45 (一) 创新 40-42 (二) 不足 42-44 (三) 习惯缓和物权法定原则在我国物权法中的体现 44-45 二、对我国物权法物权法定原则的几点思考 45-46 结语 46-47 参考文献 47-48