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1、Module 4,2020秋外研版四年级英语上册优质课件,Unit1 Unit2,Unit1,目 录,使用说明:点击对应课时,就会跳转到相应章节内容,方便使用。,Unit 2,Module 4Unit 1 Do you want some rice?,外研版英语四年级上册,第一课时,第二课时,第一课时,Lets sing together.,Do you like tomatoes?What do you like?,Talk about food.,I want noodles.I want rice.I also want juice with ice.,Lets chant.,Do yo

2、u want some noodles?Do you want some rice?Do you want some juice?Do you want some juice with ice?,Listen and chant.,Noodles and rice are very,very nice.Juice with ice is also very nice.,Noodles and rice are very,very nice.Juice with ice is also very nice.,Here is a food stall.There is some rice and

3、noodles.We can call them Chinese fast food.,Listen,point and find“Do you want?”,Do you want some rice?No,thank you.Do you want some noodles?Yes,please.,热情好客的小主人六人一组,轮流扮演小主人招待客人,用“Do you want some?”来询问客人是否想要某种食物或饮料,其他成员用“Yes,please./No,thank you.”回答。,Look at the man,what is he doing?He is making nood

4、les.,make noodles,He is making two kinds of noodles.What are they?Noodles with tomato and egg.Noodles with meat and potato.What do you want?,-What do you want?-I want/,1.What does the food stall sell?Chinese fast food.2.What is the man doing?Hes making noodles.3.What does Amy want?Noodles with tomat

5、o and egg.,Look,Amy.Chinese fast food!,Do you want some rice?,No,thank you.,Look at that man.What is he doing?,Hes making noodles.,Do you want some noodles?,Yes,please.,Here are noodles with tomato and egg,and noodles with potato and meat.What do you want?,Noodles with tomato and egg,please.,Mm,its

6、nice!,Daming:Amy:Daming:Amy:Daming:Amy:,Look,Amy.Chinese fast food!Do you want some rice?No,thank you.Look at that man.What is he doing?Hes making noodles.Do you want some noodles?Yes,please.Here are noodles with tomato and egg,and noodles with potato and meat.What do you want?Noodles with tomato an

7、d egg,please.Mm,its nice!,四到六人为一组,创设用餐情境,创编对话。要用到的句型:-Do you want some?-Yes,please./No,thank you.-What is he doing?-Hes-What do you want?-I want,一、选一选。,A.ice B.juice C.tomato D.egg E.potato,1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._,C,A,B,D,E,Try to do.,二、单项选择。,()2.Do you want some tomatoes?-_ A.Yes,I want.B.Yes,please.()

8、3.Juice _ ice is very nice.A.at B.in C.with,B,()1._ you want some apples?-No,thank you.A.Do B.Are C.Is,A,C,1.词汇:with,also,juice,ice,fast food,want,make,noodles,potato,tomato,egg,some.2.句型:-Do you want some?-Yes,please./No,thank you.-What do you want?-I want,Sum up.,1.背过本课所学单词。2.听、跟读活动二,并与同伴模仿表演。3.结合

9、本课学习内容创编一个新的chant。,Homework,第二课时,Listen and chant.,Noodles and rice are very,very nice.Juice with ice is also very nice.,分组表演chant,选出表现最优组。,Noodles and rice are very,very nice.Juice with ice is also very nice.,-What do you want?-I want/,-Do you want some?-No,thank you./Yes,please.,Who are they?They

10、are Bird and Panda.What does the panda want?Lets listen.,Listen and say.,What does the panda want?Some noodles.,Do you want some noodles?,Yes,please.,Do you want some milk?,No,thank you.,Do you want some noodles?,Yes,please.,Practise.,我为野餐出份力 六人一组,每组制作或画出本组的野餐食物,之后在小组内根据野餐食物互相询问:Do you want some?/Wh

11、at do you want?并做好记录。,森林大派对 森林小动物要开派对了,为了开派对他们需要许多美食。请同学们分别扮演厨师和森林里的小动物。厨师制作食物的同时用句子Do you want some?/What do you want?询问小动物想要什么食物。,知识之窗,一、情景交际。,()1.你问别人“你想喝些果汁吗?”,应该说:A.Do you want some juice?B.Do you like some juice?()2.你说“这是土豆肉面”,应该说:A.Here are noodles with meat and potato.B.Here are noodles with

12、 tomato and egg.()3.别人问你是否吃什么,你想说“不了,谢谢。”应该说:A,Yes,please.B.No.thank you.,A,A,B,Try to do.,二、连词成句。,potatoes,do,want,you,some(?)_2.want,you,what,do(?)_3.want,noodles,egg,with,tomato,do,and,you(?)_,Do you want some potatoes?,What do you want?,Do you want noodles with tomato and egg?,句型:-Do you want so

13、me?-Yes,please./No,thank you.,Sum up.,1.背过本模块的单词与短语。2.与同伴一起,画一些食物图片,运用本课核心句型,开展对话。,Homework,Module 4Unit 2 How much is it?,外研版英语四年级上册,第一课时,第二课时,第一课时,Watch and sing with it.,由老师或学生对一组学生发号施令:Start counting fromto听到口令后按要求报数。,报数游戏,I want to buy some flowers to decorate our classroom.,We should pay for t

14、hem.We should know how much it is.,10¥,9¥,10¥,9¥,What do you want to buy?,-How much is it?-Its yuan.,Listen,point and say.,_yuan.,Oh,no!The _ is ten yuan.,The flower?Ten yuan?,_is it?,How much,Ten,flower,How much is it?,Ten yuan.,Oh,no!The flower is ten yuan.,The flower?Ten yuan?,how much还可对不可数名词的量进

15、行提问,意为“多少”。,Who are they?Amy,Daming and Damings mother.What is Damings mother doing?She is making dumplings.What do they want to buy?Lets listen.,Listen and say.,What do they want to buy?Some eggs.How much is it?Lets listen.,How much is the egg?Six yuan for ten.,What are you doing,Mum?,Im making dum

16、plings.,Of course.,Can we help you?,Can you go to buy some eggs?,Can I help you?,We want some eggs.How much is it?,Six yuan for ten.,Ten,please.,Here you are.,Thank you.,Bye-bye.,Daming:Mum:Daming:Mum:Daming&Amy:Saleswoman:Daming:Saleswoman:Daming&Amy:Saleswoman:Daming:Daming&Amy:,What are you doing

17、,Mum?Im making dumplings.Can we help you?Can you go to buy some eggs?Of course.Can I help you?We want some eggs.How much is it?Six yuan for ten.Ten,please.Here you are.Thank you.Bye-bye.,我是最棒售货员 四人一组,小组成员画出自己最喜欢的食物或饮料,并标上价格。然后依次扮演售货员,在小组内出售自己的物品,卖出物品最多的获胜。,我是最棒售货员e.g:A:Can I help you?B:We want some

18、eggs.How much is it?A:Five yuan for ten.B:Ten,please.A:Here you are.B:Thank you.,购买鞋、裤子等物时,如何询价呢?,-How much are they/the pants/the shoes?-Theyre yuan.,一、选一选。,()1._ is it?-Six yuan.A.How many B.How much C.How,B,()2.What is she doing?-Shes _ dumplings.A.making B.make C.makes()3.-_-I want some oranges.

19、A.Can you help me?B.Can I help you?C.How much is it?,A,B,Try to do.,二、给下列句子选择合适的答语。,()1.What are you doing?()2.How much is the egg?()3.Do you want some bread?()4.How much milk do you want?()5.What is she making?,B,A,D,C,A.No,thank you.B.I am cooking some soup.C.Six for ten.D.A bottle.E.Shes making c

20、akes.,E,1.词汇:flower,dumplings,help,buy.2.询问价格的句型:-How much is it?-Ten yuan.征询别人意见的句型:-Can you go to buy some eggs?-Of course.服务员询问顾客想买什么的句型:-Can I help you?-I want,Sum up.,1.背过本课所学单词及句型。2.听、跟读活动二,并与同伴模仿表演。3.与同伴运用本课新学句型创编对话,并表演出来。,Homework,第二课时,Listen and chant.,10¥,12¥,3¥,8¥,价格高低,S1:-How much?S2:-It

21、s yuan.老师以high或low两个词作为提示,直到两位学生猜对为止。,Do you want some rice?,Yes,please.,Its one yuan.,How much is it?,Point and say.,Today,I want to make a cake for you.,Do you like it?,Listen and say.Then chant.,The grandpa also wants to make a cake for you as fast as he can.,Make a cake,make a cake,put it in the

22、 pan.Make a cake,make me a cake,as fast as you can.,Its five yuan.,How much is it?,Its seven yuan.,No.,Yes!,Guess and say.,I like this monkey.How much is it?,Can I help you?,I want it,please.,Seven yuan.,Here you are.,Thank you.,Do and say.,物物交换,分别将六种物品分发给六个学生,这六种物品有的价格相等,要求学生使用句型-How much?-Its找到和自己

23、物品价格相等的东西并进行交换。,珍惜学习机会,珍惜每一件物品,将用不着的物品捐给有需要的人!,一、看图,仿照例句写句子。,-How much is the flower?-Its ten yuan.,10¥,8¥,_,12¥,_,-How much is the juice?-Its eight yuan.,-How much is the cake?-Its twelve yuan.,Try to do.,二、连词成句。,rice,the,how,is,much(?)_2.I,can,you,help(?)_3.for,six yuan,two(.)_,How much is the ric

24、e?,Can I help you?,Six yuan for two.,三、根据汉语意思完成句子。,1.有什么需要帮忙的吗?Can I _ you?2.你能去买一些西红柿吗 Can you go to _?3.我正在包饺子。Im _.4.它多少钱?_ is it?5.我们想要一些牛奶。We want _.,help,buy some tomatoes,making dumplings,How much,some milk,词汇:cake,pan,asas句型:-How much is it?-Its-Do you want some?-Yes,please.Can I help you?-Here you are?-Thank you.,Sum up.,1.将今天所学歌曲唱给自己的家人听。2.仿照Do and say,和同学用其它物品做游戏。,Homework,


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