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1、论清教对18世纪美国宪法基本原则的影响 论清教对18世纪美国宪法基本原则的影响 Influences of Puritanism on the Principles of American Constitution in the 18th Century 【摘要】 18世纪的美国宪法是世界宪法史上一部里程碑式的文献,其内容等相关规定虽然存在一定的缺陷,但是它所确立的代议民主原则、权力分立与制衡原则和有限政府原则,成为了世界各国在立宪活动中所普遍遵循的宪法原则,对世界各国的宪政之路产生了深远的影响。美国宪法中三大原则的确立,是一系列历史因素共同作用的结果。其中,清教的影响是不容忽视的。清教是欧洲



4、府原则的影响。【Abstract】 The American Constitution in the 18th century is a landmark in the history of world constitution. Though there are some defects in it, the principle of representative democracy, the principle of separation and restriction of power and the principle of limited government established

5、 by it are universally followed by other countries in the process of establishing the constitution. These principles have exerted great influence on the constitutionalism of various countries.The establishment of the three principles of the American Constitution resulted from a series of historical

6、factors, among which the influence of Puritanism cannot be ignored. Puritanism was a newly emerging sect in Britain during the period of European religious reform. It claimed to eliminate the residue of Catholicism in Anglicanism. However, it failed and the Puritans were persecuted by the English Go

7、vernment. In order to escape from the persecution and to fulfill their religious ideal, some Puritans emigrated from Britain to North America and prepared to build their own“eternal country”. During the process of building their“eternal country”, the Puritans, based on the their own religious theory

8、 and practice, assimilated advanced thoughts from Europe, cooperated with men of insight in North America, participated in the War of American Independence and finally helped achieve the independence of America. Puritanism has contributed to the founding of America greatly and its thoughts and the P

9、uritanspractice have exerted great influence on the American Constitution.This thesis begins from the three principles of the American Constitution, based on the materials gathered by the author, reveals the relationship between the theory and practice of Puritanism and the American Constitution, an

10、d shows how Puritanism has influenced the American Constitution. This thesis firstly illuminates the most basic principle in American Constitution-the principle of representative democracy. It continues to introduce the inner democracy of Puritanism and its democratic practice in North America and t

11、o discuss the influence of Puritanism on this principle. Then, this thesis analyzes the inner mechanism of Puritanism, the autonomous practice and unification practice of Puritanism as well as the famous puritan Madisons thoughts and practice, and points out how the Puritans has contributed to the e

12、stablishment of the principle of separation and restriction of power. In the end, the author introduces the factors of latitudinarianism and the freedom of religion and judicial practice in Puritanism. This thesis proves the influence of Puritanism on the principle of limited government through anal

13、yzing the relationship between them. 【关键词】 清教; 美国宪法; 代议民主原则; 权力分立与制衡原则; 有限政府原则 论清教对18世纪美国宪法基本原则的影响摘要 4-5 Abstract 5-6 引言 9-11 第1章 清教对美国宪法的代议民主原则的影响 11-17 1.1 美国宪法的代议民主原则 11-13 1.1.1 代议民主原则的理论介绍 11-12 1.1.2 代议民主原则的理论渊源 12-13 1.2 清教的内部民主 13-14 1.3 清教在北美殖民地的民主实践 14-17 1.3.1 五月花号公约:确立少数服从多数原则 14-15 1.3.

14、2 代议民主制度的逐步形成 15-17 第2章 清教对美国宪法的权力分立与制衡原则的影响 17-30 2.1 美国宪法的权力分立与制衡原则 17-19 2.1.1 权力分立与制衡原则的理论介绍 17 2.1.2 权力分立与制衡原则的理论渊源 17-19 2.2 清教的内部机制 19-20 2.3 清教在北美殖民地的自治实践 20-22 2.4 清教的三权分立实践 22-23 2.5 清教统一北美殖民地的尝试 23-27 2.5.1 新英格兰联盟 23-24 2.5.2 奥尔巴尼会议 24-25 2.5.3 邦联国会 25-27 2.6 詹姆斯麦迪逊突出的个人作用 27-30 2.6.1 詹姆斯

15、麦迪逊的权力分立与制衡思想 27-28 2.6.2 詹姆斯?麦迪逊对权力分立与制衡原则的影响 28-30 第3章 清教对美国宪法的有限政府原则的影响 30-39 3.1 美国宪法的有限政府原则 30-31 3.1.1 有限政府原则的理论介绍 30-31 3.1.2 有限政府原则的理论渊源 31 3.2 清教教义对有限政府原则的影响 31-34 3.3 清教在北美殖民地实现宗教信仰自由的实践 34-36 3.3.1 罗德岛的宗教信仰自由传统 34 3.3.2 马萨诸塞的“两个王国”理论 34-35 3.3.3 神圣实验 35-36 3.4 清教对法治的实践 36-39 结语 39-40 参考文献 40-42 致谢 42-43 在学期间发表的学术论文 43


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