五级下册Unit3 My school calendar第四课时导学案.doc

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1、Unit 3My school calendar(第四课时)教学内容: BLets talkFinish the sentencesP27教师寄语: Time and tide wait for no man.(岁月不待人)学习目标1.能用理解Lets talk 的大意,能用正确的语音语调朗读对话。2.能在语境中运用When is the trip thisyear?-Its in October.3.理解书上重点句子,如: Well go to the Great Wall.教学重难点:句型:When is .?的掌握及回答。教学过程:一、明确目标,独立自学 1) Review the wo

2、rds : July, August December. 2) T: When is summer vacation? /mothers day . S s: Its in. Go over the sentences.二、合作探究,快乐研学1)T : Do you like Autumn? S s: Yes, I do . T; Why ? S s: Because its .2) listen to tape about Lets talk.(初步感知对话内容)T: When is the trip this year?S:Its in October.(学生可看到书自己寻找答案)3).l

3、earn about the “Lets talk” . And read after the tape/teacher.4) Finish the sentences What will you do for your mum on Mothers Day? Ill _ will _三、释疑解难,互动点拨1)Role play: 两人小组对话,轮 流模 仿Chen Jie 和Oliver 的对话。2)听录音,模仿对话的语音语调。四、巩固练习,展示精彩w W w .x K b 1.c o M1、给下列句子选择正确的翻译。1) When is the party? A.今年的(秋)游在什么时候?

4、2) Its in April. B.在10月。 我们将要去长城。3)When is the trip this year? C.聚会什么时候举行?4) Its in October . Well go to the Great Wall. D.在4月2、情景交际( )1) 你将制作一张卡片,你可以说:A. Ill cook for my mother. B. Ill make a card.( ) 2) 你想说你喜欢12月,你可以说:A. I like winter. B. I like December.( ) 3) 你想回答在5月,你可以说:A. Its at May. B. Its i

5、n May.( ) 4)如果你想问别人教师节在哪天,你可以说;A. When is teachers Day? B. When is Teachers Day?3、听音给下面句子排序新 课 标 第 一 网A. I think we will be very happy.B. Well eat a birthday cake at the party.C. The party will star at 5 p.m.D. The birthday party is on April 21st.E. Then Ill singa song_ _ _ _ _.4、选择正确的答句,并将序号写在括号里。X

6、 K b 1.Com( ) 1.When is your birthday A: Its Monday.( ) 2 Does she have a computer? B :My birthday is October 10th( ) 3. Whats the date C: its June 6th( ) 4. What day is it today D: Yes , she is ( ) 5. Is her birthday in July? E: No, she doesnt 五、感悟生活,提升自我1. 和同桌一起背诵 Lets talk的对话板书设计: Unit3My school calendar P27 We usually have a school trip in autumn. 新| 课 | 标|第 |一 | 网 A: When is the trip this year? B: Its in October Well go to the Great Wall. Ill cook for my mother.教学反思:新课标第一网系列资料


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