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1、新视野第一册Unit3 A Good Heart to Lean On 黄河科技学院外语学院教案 Unit 3 A Good Heart to Lean On I Lead-in 1. How many kinds of love should we keep in mind? Love between family members: Maternal love / Paternal love / Childrens love for their parents Romantic love Love between friends 1 黄河科技学院外语学院教案 Care for people

2、around Love for the nature 2 黄河科技学院外语学院教案 Love for animals 2. Background Information Manhattan is a suburb of New York. Brooklyn is a suburb of New York. Ebbets Field was the stadium built by and named after Charlie Ebbets, the owner of the Brooklyn Dodgers baseball team. Dodgers: the name of a base

3、ball team; the team originally played in Brooklyn, but now plays in Los Angeles, California. 3 黄河科技学院外语学院教案 The text tells a mans memory of his father. Now find the topic of each part and answer the questions with the help of the key words given. II Text Study Questions for discussion: Directions: W

4、ork in groups to discuss the following questions. 1). What do you think makes a good heart? I think there are many things to make a good heart. They are: kindness to others,endurance, hard-work, never hurting others, being satisfied with life, patience,etc 2). What did you learn from this article ab

5、out the relationship between the father and the son? The father knew his disability stood in the way between him and his son. Thats why he said to his son: You set the pace. Ill adjust to you. The son was young,so he was ashamed of his father because other people stared at them.But deep in their hea

6、rts they loved each other. The father was proud of his son,and the son learned a lot from his father. 3). How and why does the sons attitude change? The son realized that it was his father who taught him many things such as how to have a good heart. He knew that having a good heart was more importan

7、t than having a good appearance.Especially after his father died, he felt it more intensely that it was his father who guided him in his life. 4). If you were the son, how would you feel towards the father? If I were the son, I wouldnt be embarrassed to be seen with him by others. I would be proud o

8、f my father no matter how he looked because it was he who gave me life and brought me up. His disability was not his own choice. He was disabled,which was hard enough for him. How could the others look down upon him, let alone his son.(let alone更不用说eg: The baby cant walk, let alone run. He cant spea

9、k his own native language well,let alone French.) 4 黄河科技学院外语学院教案 Find the topic Paras. 12 I was embarrassed to be seen with my father Paras. 34 How my father went to work. Paras. 57 What my father looked for was a good heart, not pity. Paras. 811 My father participated in many things in some way. Pa

10、ras.1213 I miss my father very much Paras. 12 1. How did the writer feel to be seen with his father when he was young? Why? embarrassed, crippled, unwanted attention 2. What did the father always say when he started out with his son? set the pace, adjust to Paras. 34 1. Why can going to work be a ma

11、tter of pride? subway, nasty, sick, others could not 2. How did the father go to work when the weather was very bad? wagon, cling, tunnel basement Paras. 57 1. Why do I now feel amazed at what my father did? amazed, courage, subject to, shame, stress 2. What is a proper standard to judge people? Wha

12、t do you think is a good heart? a good heart Paras. 89 A general point: My father tried to participate in many activities in some way. Example 1 keep the team going as a manager Example 2 go to dances and parties Para. 11 A general point I now know he participated in some things through me, his only

13、 son. Examples: played ball/ joined the Navy/visited his office Paras. 1213 Why does the writer often think of his father, now that his father has been gone 5 黄河科技学院外语学院教案 for many years? sorry, unworthy, regretted trifles, fortune, a good heart III Structure Analysis A. The Way to Develop This Pass

14、age: Narration + Comments How does a crippled father help his son keep balance through his deep care for others? The writer narrates this story with comments. Paragraphs 14 5 6 7 811 1213 Ways of Development Narration Comments Narration Comments Narration Comments Typical Expressions for Narrating W

15、hen I/he/sth. I/he would At such times On one occasion The next day Work in pairs. Find as many such expressions as you can in the text. B. The Way to Develop Paragraphs General Point + Examples The story includes some paragraphs in which the writer starts with a general point and then presents a nu

16、mber of examples to support his point. Look at one of the paragraphs. Paragraph 11 = General Point + Example 1/Example 2/Example 3 6 黄河科技学院外语学院教案 IV Focus Study 1. to help me keep my balance 帮助我保持了平衡 (subtitle) e.g His speech struck a perfect balance between humor and seriousness. 他的演说把幽默性和严肃性的方寸掌握得

17、恰到好处 2. If he ever noticed or was bothered, he never let on. (para,1) ever 从来, 曾经, 究竟 a.用于否定句、疑问句和条件从句:从来 Nothing ever makes him angry. b.用于表示比较的从句:曾经 It is raining harder than ever. c.用于特殊疑问句:究竟,到底,用任何方式Who ever can it be? 3. set the pace 定好步速(para,2) e.g. If we let the fastest runner set the pace,

18、 the others will fall behind. 如果让跑得最快的人领跑,其他的人都会跟不上的。 4. to go to work sick 带病上班 (para,3) e.g 1) I stared at the blackboard, dumb, expectant. 我呆呆地凝视着黑板心中充满了期望。 2)He went to bed hungry last night. 他昨夜饿着肚子就睡觉了。 5. Once there, he would cling to the handrail until he reached the lower steps that the war

19、mer tunnel air kept free of ice. (para,4) The long sentence can be divided into: he would cling to the handrail until he reached the lower steps that the warmer tunnel air kept free of ice 他就紧抓着地铁通道口的扶手/一直往下走/因为地铁空气暖和,下面几级台阶没有冰雪。 Tips for translating long sentences: 长句: 修饰语多; 并列成分多; 语言结构层次多 1. 找出全句的

20、主、谓、宾语,从整体上把握句子的结构。 2. 找出句中所有的非谓语动词、介词短语和从句的引导词。 3. 分析从句和短语的功能。例如,是否为主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句等。 4. 分析词、短语和从句之间的相互关系。例如,定语从句所修饰的先行词是哪一个。 5. 注意插入语等其他成分。 6. 注意分析句子中是否有固定词组或固定搭配。 to cling to the hand-rail 紧紧握着扶手 (para,4) e.g Theres no point in arguing with him, for he is a man who clings to the old ideas. 同他争论没有意

21、义,他是个墨守成规的人。 to keep (the lower steps) free of ice使(下面几级台阶)没有冰雪(para,4) 6. (When I think of it now,) I am amazed (at how much courage it must have taken for my father to experience such shame and stress.) (para,5) Normally, when you clip the modifiers (修饰语), you will see the key idea. A modifier can

22、 be a clause, prepositional phrase, adverbial phrase, indefinite phrase, etc. The key idea: I am amazed. am amazed at sth. 对某事感到惊奇 (para,5) e.g I was amazed at (by) her rapid progress in English. 她的英语进步迅速,令大为惊讶。 to subject himself to such shame and stress遭受如此的屈辱和压力 (para,5) e.g This type of product

23、must be subjected to a number of severe tests before coming into the market. 这种产品投放市场前必须进行数次严格的测试。 7 黄河科技学院外语学院教案 7. nor to show envy of the more fortunate or able (para,6) 不嫉妒那些比自己幸运和能干的人 e.g He finds it difficult to hide envy of his brothers success. 他很难掩饰对自己兄弟成功的妒嫉。 8. to look for a “good heart”

24、in others 寻找别人身上的“善心” (para,6) e.g Nowadays, it is hard to find the spirit of hard work and plain living in some people. 现如今在一些人身上很难觅到艰苦朴素的精神。 9. Now that I am older, I believe that is a proper standard by which to judge people. (para,7) which to judge: 疑问词 + 不定式 我真不知道该说什么。I really dont know what to

25、 say. 你已经决定国庆节去哪儿了吗? Have you decided where to go for the National Day? a proper standard by which to judge people (para,7)一个恰如其分的判断人的标准 e.g In a society short of honesty, it is hard to find a person with whom to share your heartfelt remarks. 在一个缺乏诚信的社会里很难找到一个可以倾诉衷肠的人。 10. to have a good time just s

26、itting and watching 仅坐在那儿饱饱眼福,却能享受一段快乐时光 (para,8) e.g I had a difficult time persuading him to accept the job. 我好不容易才劝说他接受了那份工作。 11. (not ) to be content to sit and watch.(不)满足于坐在那儿观望(para,9) e.g. Nowadays, the college students are no longer content to sit and listen passively in English class. They

27、 want the kind of class they can participate in. 如今的大学生不再满足于英语课堂的听讲,他们需要能够参与的英语课。 12. to be urged to take a dive 要求假装被打倒(para,10) e.g. Although repeatedly urged to go home, my pet dog insisted on going together with me. 尽管一再催促它回去,我的爱犬执意要与我同行。 13. to see to it that I visited his office执意要我参观他的办公室 (pa

28、ra,11) e.g. See to it that you wash your hands for 30 seconds under the spout to get rid of SARS virus. 请务必做到在流水下洗手三十秒以除去非典病毒。 14. to complain about trifles (para,12) 为鸡毛蒜皮的事牢骚满腹 e.g. Our next door neighbor said hed complain to the police about us if we made any more noise. 我们的邻居说,如果我们再那么吵的话,他就要向警察投

29、诉。 V Word Using 8 黄河科技学院外语学院教案 1. lean on : to depend on for support and encouragement a good heart to lean on (Title) 善心可依 e.g 我们有困难时总寻求父母的支持。We always lean on our parents when we are in trouble. 他们相互依靠,相互支持。 They lean on each other for support. 2. be embarrassed to: to feel uncomfortable to e.g 要在

30、公共场合说话,我总觉得不自在。I am embarrassed to speak in the public. 每每让我在众人面前演讲时,我总觉得很困窘。 I always feel embarrassed to be made to give lectures in public. 3. adjust to : to change so that it fits or works better e.g 我很快就适应了没有父母 的大学生活。I quickly adjusted to college life without parental protection. 我们应当量入为出。We sh

31、ould adjust expenses to income. 新生应该尽快适应入学生活。Freshmen should learn to adjust themselves to the college life as soon as possible. 4. free of : enjoying person rights or liberty 别打搅他,他已不停地写了一上午了。他喜欢有段较长的时间不受其它事情的干扰。 Dont interrupt him; hes been writing away all morning and likes to have a long period

32、free of other considerations. 他希望过一种完全没有烦恼的生活。He wished to live a life entirely free of trouble. 5. make it: to arrive somewhere in time for sth. 离火车开车还有些时间,我想如果我们尽快就能赶上。 Theres some time before the train leaves. I think we shall make it if we hurry. 想在演艺圈出人头地,并非易事。Its hard to make it to the top in

33、show business. 6. subject to: open to; to cause to experience or suffer 科学家对这种产品进行了数次严格的测试。 The scientists subjected the product to a number of severe tests. 7. in some way : in a certain manner in some way = in a way; in no way 决不能 _, he is right in saying so. 在某种程度上,他这样说是对的。 You can _ allow this s

34、ituation to continue. 你决不能允许这种情况再继续下去。 8. see to it that: to take care, to make sure See to it that everyone gets a copy. 你能确保今天发出这封信吗?此信周四前必须到达总部。 Will you see to it that this letter gets posted today? It has to reach the head office before Thursday. 9. be envious of: feeling envy at be jealous of

35、He was envious of the local boys who could see her everyday. VI Further Application of Patterns 1. When sb. thinks of sth./sb. else now (someday in the future), he/ she (will) feels amazed at表述“某人回想起某事时的一种感慨” 现在当我回想起那次经历时,我仍为父亲面对死亡时的镇静感到惊叹。 9 黄河科技学院外语学院教案 When I think of that experience now, I still

36、 feel amazed at my fathers calmness in the face of death. 2. If sb. sensed/noticed, I am sorry I never told him/her how, how, how 表述“某人对曾经的过错的内疚心理” 如果她当时觉察到我对她的痛苦麻木不仁,我真惭愧一直没对她说我多么缺乏同情心,我是多么不懂事,我有多么懊悔。 If she sensed my indifference toward her pain, I am sorry I never told her how I lacked sympathy,

37、how insensible I was, how I regretted it. 3. Sb. thinks of/remembers/calls to mind sth./sb. when (从句) when (从句), and when (从句) 强调“某人某事对当事人的影响力” 每当我们随地吐痰,每当我们品尝野味,每当我们破坏自然界时,我们就应想到非典。 We should think of SARS when we spit anywhere, when we enjoy the deliciousness of wild game, when we do damage to the nature. VII Assignment Write a personal note to your father on the card for Fathers Day. 10


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