2791.B 大邑洋行人力资源管理跨文化冲突研究翻译文献1.doc

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1、本科毕业论文外文参考翻译文及原文 学 院 经济管理学院 专 业 工商管理 年级班别 学 号 学生姓名 指导教师 2007年6月如何建设高效跨文化团队经济全球化带给管理的影响力,使人们越来越认识到了团队的重要性。跨国贸易、跨文化管理、跨部门沟通在所有这些名词的背后,我们可以发现人是最重要的因素。如何搭建最有效能的团队架构?如何创建最适合发展的团队文化?如何在团队中保持无障碍的沟通?如何在团队中发挥领导力和执行力?我们该看重什么样的问题? 一、培育团队凝聚力。首先应在企业内部建立和宣传相互协作的企业文化,保持企业纵向、横向交流渠道的畅通,以使信息和知识在企业内部广泛交流和传播。其次,企业领导应重视



4、和平等地与团队成员进行交谈和工作,激发员工的积极性和创造性。同时,领导者需要不断学习以提高自身的素质和能力,为团队的发展指明正确的方向。 而在现实生活中,我们的企业在团队建设中,特别是跨文化团队建设时正在面临着什么问题呢?我们采访了卡内基训练上海公司的梁志成先生。财智:在卡内基培训过的企业中,我们看到有很多跨国企业。在这些跨国企业中,他们的团队很有可能是由不同国家、不同地域的人员来组成的。那么,在他们的团队建设中,您看到了哪些机遇和挑战?梁:我个人主要的发现是文化的差异。在发展的过程中,虽然大家都有着要把事情做好的目标,但有时候大家努力的方向不一样,结果在一个团队中,你往东跑我往西跑,把力量都

5、消散掉了。在跨文化团队的建设中,往往会遇到一个问题,就是大家应该怎样往一个方向走,如何往顾客满意的方向走。以前顾客满意往往强调的是技术或者是品质度方面,现在很强调的是服务这个方面,这样的话,团队内畅通的沟通就显得很重要。所以,在团队的建设中的一个挑战就是如何使得沟通的管道很畅通。 财智:那您在这方面有没有一些好的建议?梁:这里面涉及到两块:一是技术、二是人员。我们主要是要在人员上下功夫。例如我们服务了11年的TonyWear集团,他们在东南亚都有广泛的分支机构。像他们这种企业,实际上他们需要的是如何让来自不同地方的人在公司的文化架构上去发挥自己的潜力。如果他们员工的潜力发挥得好的话,他们企业前

6、进的速度就会加快,所以我们给这家企业制定的训练计划是从怎样培养员工的沟通能力入手。像强生集团的董事长也曾经提过,每个公司都要有自己的文化,文化首先是来自于公司内的每一个员工都有共通的语言;而信任是来自共通语言的强化而产生信任。 财智:从您培训过的企业中,您在他们的团队中发现了什么?梁:我举个上海通用的例子。从2001年开始到现在,他们公司本部的高阶主管和超过一半的经销商参加过我们的课程,另外他们的售后服务和销售部门也参加了我们的课程。我们帮他们提升的部分首先是态度,让他们用一种热忱和积极的态度去参与团队的建设,并且肯定他们的努力;然后我们帮他们强化与人的互动能力,这种互动不光指在工作上和客户的


8、,还有一个很深的感受就是他们很重视对员工的培训。一个企业如果没有对员工提供适当的培训,一年可能不会有什么影响,但过上两、三年,问题就会随之出现,到时候再想办法补救就来不及了。 财智:在国外的一些跨国公司中,他们为了解决公司中跨文化和多文化的问题,往往会从公司的不同部门中挑选管理人员来成立一个“跨文化委员会”,那您觉得这种方法用在中国的跨国公司和国内的一些企业中合不合适?梁:这个很难说合不合适,但是这是个可以尝试的方法。企业在处理跨文化问题时,都应该从“国际观、本土化”出发。每个企业都有自己的文化观和背景,每一种方法都没有绝对的好和坏。结语:成功的团队目标明确,经常和高层经理保持良好的沟通,并接


10、雁群中自动有两只大雁留下来守护照看受伤或生病的大雁,直至它恢复或死亡,然后它们再加入到新的队伍,继续南飞直至目的地,这就是我们所说的真正团队精神。你的团对是这样的“雁行团队”吗?当今世界经济一体化进程不断加快,跨国公司的出现等新形式的出现严重冲击了现有文化经营的理论范畴,在这种情况下,跨文化经营理念便产生了,为了方便朋友们学习风整理了相关资料形成了跨文化经营原理. 1、跨文化原理是近年来随着改革开放的不断深入,世界经济一体化进程加快,跨国公司在世界各地实施跨国经营,各种外资、外企不断涌入后出现的一种新的管理问题,这是管理学的新情况、新课题。 2、在研究跨文化管理之前,首先要理解文化的含义。应该

11、说到目前对文化还没有统一而确切的定义,但一般都被泛指为受到物质和环境条件影响的人们的共同价值观念和行为准则体系,是由特定的群体成员共同形成的某种社会生活方式的基础。因此,不同的群体间就会存在文化的差异,而地理环境的差异是产生文化差异的重要因素,并且由于历史传统、教育方式、法律制度以及宗教等等文化要素的循环积聚,也就形成了以地域划分的不同文化形态。 3、跨文化管理又称交叉文化管理,就是在跨国经营中,对不同种族、不同文化类型、不同文化发展阶段的子公司所在国的文化采取包容的管理方法,其研究的是在跨文化条件下如何克服异质文化的冲突,并据此创造出公司的独特文化,从而形成卓越有效的管理过程。其目的在于如何

12、在不同形态的文化氛围中,设计出切实可行的组织结构和管理机制,在管理过程中寻找超越文化冲突的公司目标,以维系不同文化背景的员工共同的行为准则,从而最大限度地控制和利用企业的潜力与价值。 4、中国曾是一个严重闭关锁国的国家,把一切外来文化贬称为“夷蛮文化”,在帝国主义以大炮轰开国门后却受到外来势力在包括政治、军事、经济和文化等多方面的压迫。旧中国的工业十分落后,在为数不多的企业中,外国企业占有统治地位,民族工业企业不能形成强势,生存和发展的空间受到严重局限,企业管理难以体现出民族特色。新中国建立后,工业有了突飞猛进的发展,尽管年代一些企业曾有过短暂的中苏跨文化交汇,但总体上仍只存在于很小的局部范围

13、内。在主客观因素影响下,我们在坚持“独立自主,自力更生”时,却忽视和失去了吸收他人经验精华,促进文化交流,提高企业管理水平的机会。特别是长期实行计划的产品经济,工矿企业名为企业,实际是大一统的生产单位之一而已,企业间不存在竞争,相互的联系亦多由行政方面来代替,仍然处于单一文化形态下从事生产和管理工作。党的十一届三中全会以后,打开了国内和国外两个市场。十四大后,更明确要建立和实行社会主义市场经济体制,加快改革开放的步伐,这为中国企业的对内对外竞争和全方位发展打开了崭新的局面,由此,跨文化管理的问题在中国企业管理中才日渐突出起来。 5、改革开放是中国企业跨文化产生和发展的直接动因和前提条件,跨文化


15、括产品和设备进出口、人才流动、资金流动和技术交流,也包括管理经验的相互学习和借鉴,与国外企业及其它机构领域在不同文化层面和不同程度的沟通时,产生了跨文化的相互渗透和融汇。此外,中国是幅原辽阔的多民族国家,不同地区和不同民族也存在各自独特的文化习惯,所以,即使是完全内向的企业,随着市场竞争的剧烈化,生产经营也在向跨地区、跨行业的横向联合发展,内联企业亦存在广义的跨文化管理问题。 6、应采取跨文化管理中的积极策略,包括本土化策略、文化相容策略、文化创新策略、文化规避策略、文化渗透策略、借助第三方文化策略、占领式策略等。总之,全球营销企业在进行跨文化管理时,应在充分了解本企业文化和国外文化的基础上,

16、选择自己的跨文化管理模式,从而使不同的文化达到最佳的结合,形成自己的核心竞争力。企业文化是什么?这个问题可以说是仁者见仁,智者见智,众说纷纭。目前来讲企业文化究竟如何定位和理解,这就应该根据企业实际情况,打造企业文化的平台,让企业文化尽快落地,而不是把企业文化悬在半空。 作为企业文化工作者就必须深刻地理解企业文化,企业文化究竟是什么,到底是一种什么形态,企业文化到底需要做什么工作,企业文化应该怎样理解执行,企业文化会给企业带来什么。带着以上诸多问题,结合目前实际情况,在这里我想与大家讨论交流一下,可能有的看法过于偏激,但是我衷心地希望,能够共同提高我们对企业文化的认识,以便于今后企业文化工作的

17、开展。 一、企业文化不是扯老虎皮、树幌子,绝对不可以挂羊头买狗肉。而是应该扎扎实实的发掘企业文化,提炼企业文化。 当前,我们企业文化工作正在受到一股不良风气的影响,一些人根本就没有从企业文化的实际出发,努力摸索出一条适合企业自身发展的道路。而是急功近利,千方百计、挖空心思去抄捷径。于是乎,就把企业文化来了个包装炒作,扯上了老虎皮,树起幌子,专门挑一些非常响亮、时髦、心潮的口号,也不联系企业实际情况,一味地生吞活剥,不加消化,并堂而皇之的把这些口号形式主义当作大帽子,强制性扣在每一个人头上。可悲的是连他们自己也没有理解企业文化到底是什么?所以说当你挂着“企业文化”的羊头去买“口号文化”的狗肉时候

18、,又怎么让人接受你这是在真真正正搞企业文化呢! 企业文化是企业多少年发展过程中积累企业精神财富,就其本质来说,是人文化。研究企业的文化,应该以“企业人”为出发点,以企业为落脚点。说得通俗一点,企业文化的中心目的是为了搞好企业。从一定意义来说,是企业家的文化,是企业经营者的文化,是企业领导人的文化。企业要塑造文化环境,去提高员工文化,才能营造共同的价值观。How constructs the highly effective Trans-Culture teamThe economical globalization takes to the management the influence,

19、made the people more and more to realize teams importance.Transnational trade, Trans-Culture management, trans-departmental communication .In all these noun behind, we may discover the human is the most important factor.How builds the most available energy the team construction? How founds most suit

20、s the development the team culture? How maintains the non-barrier in the team the communication? How displays the leadership strength in the team and carries out the strength? What type do we this regard as important the question? One. Cultivation team cohesive force.First should the enterprise cult

21、ure which cooperates mutually in the enterprise interior establishment and the propaganda, the maintenance enterprise longitudinal, crosswise exchange the channel unimpededness, causes the information and the knowledge at the enterprise interior wide-ranging exchange and the dissemination.Next, the

22、head of undertaking should take the team the construction, the guidance teams healthy development, forms one the environment and the atmosphere which favors the team to develop.Once more, through holds the member conference, conferences and so on project progress appraisal meeting causes everybody t

23、o meet frequently the exchange.When the team members feel the collective the existence, the cohesive force also naturally raises.Two. Has the control authorization.The team the reason that can operate effectively, gives credit to a great extent in the team interior member enjoys in the full independ

24、ent decision-making power, including can draw up the production goal, hire the staff, the appraisal achievements independently and so on.But the full authorization was not equal to does not need to lead and to manage, therefore is authorized should divide the stage to have the plan to have the contr

25、ol to carry on, avoids chaotic.The head of undertaking should release authority gradually by the nimble way, and unceasingly carries on the appraisal to teams achievements.Three. Effective drive.Generally speaking, was driving effectiveness far strong in negative drive, thus the enterprise should fo

26、rmulate a perfect reward system for teams smooth movement.At the same time, the relative achievements appraisal system also is one kind of effective drive measure.It can control to a certain extent and reflect members corresponding endeavor is horizontal.Besides between the team members carries on t

27、he relative achievements appraisal, between the team also may carry on the achievements appraisal.Four. Suitable utilization collective decision-making. Suitable utilization collective decision-making.The functional departments, the specialty and the skill are mutually the supplements, a duty comple

28、tion so disperses in the distributed situation in the knowledge and the information, the collective decision-making becomes more important, “but but should pay attention to the collective decision-making to discuss not definitely” the fatal disease.Five. Leadership function.First, and the leader sho

29、uld valuable the values which may accept transmit gives the team, the diplomatic group team members accepts internal standard and the rule, and raises the team cohesive force under the values guidance.Next, kisses with equally and the team members carries on the conversation and the work, stimulates

30、 staffs enthusiasm and the creativity.At the same time, the leader needs to study unceasingly improves own quality and ability, for teams development indication correct direction. But in the real life, our enterprise constructs in the team, when specially Trans-Culture team construction what questio

31、n is facing? We interviewed Mr. Liang will Cheng who Carnegie trains Shanghai Corporation.Wealth Wisdom: Has trained in Carnegie in the enterprise, we saw has very the multispan country enterprise.In these transnational enterprises, their team very has the possibility is by different national, the d

32、ifferent region personnel is composed.That, constructs in theirs team, which opportunities did you see and the challenge? Liang: My main discovery is the cultural differenceIn development process, although everybody has must the goal which completes the matter, but everybody diligently direction is

33、sometimes dissimilar, the result in a team, you runs I toward the east to run toward the west, all dissipated the strength falls.In the Trans-Culture teams construction, often can meet a question, how is everybody should walk toward a direction, how the direction which satisfies toward the customer

34、walks. Beforehand customer satisfies often emphasizes is the technology or is the quality aspect, now very emphasizes is serves this aspect, such speech, in the team the unimpeded communication appears very importantly.Therefore, how is causes the communication in a teams construction challenge the

35、pipeline to be very unimpeded.Wealth Wisdom: Then you do have some good suggestions in this aspect? Liang: Inside this involves to two: One is the technology, two is the personnel.We mainly are must work hard on the personnel.For example we have served 11 year Tony the Wear group, they all have the

36、widespread branch office in Southeast Asia.Looks like their this kind of enterprise, how in fact do they need are let come from the different place person to display own in companys cultural construction potential. If their staffs potential displays good, their enterprise advance speed can speed up,

37、 therefore how we do give the training plan which this family enterprise formulates are from raise staffs communication ability obtaining.Lives the group likely chairman has also raised, each company all must have own culture, the culture first was comes from in companys each staffs all has the comm

38、on language; But trusts is comes from the common language strengthening to have the trust.Wealth Wisdom: Has trained in the enterprise from you, what have you discovered in theirs team? Liang: I cite the Shanghai general example.Starts from 2001 to the present, their company this higher order manage

39、r and surpassed a half dealer to participate in our curriculum, moreover their post-sale service and the sale branch also participated in our curriculum.We help the part which they promote first are the manner, lets them use one kind zealous and the positive manner participates in the team the const

40、ruction, and affirms their endeavor; Then we help them to strengthen with humans interaction ability, not only this kind of interaction refers in the work and the customer interaction, but also includes with the colleague, with family members interaction, like this can strengthen their communication

41、 efficiency; When finally we must train are they facing the pressure and melancholy, how makes effective processing, specially somewhat makes the post-sale service, how can we specially teach them to process the customer the complaint and so on. Is general in Shanghai, I saw their team cooperation s

42、pirit, this includes when they meet the external change, promotes the self-process unceasingly.Likely federation express, their itself emphasizes PSP very much, is: Human (People), serves (Service) and profit (Profit).How but does Wal-Mart emphasize is can bring more help to the customer.From these

43、two world famous transnational enterprise, we may see they always place the human first.But they refer not only to customers service is to the enterprise exterior customers, but also has to own colleague and the upper and lower layer.I in contact these transnational enterprises in the team, but also

44、 some very deep feeling is they takes very much staffs training.If an enterprise has not provided suitable training to the staff, a year possibly cannot have any influence, but on two, three years, the question has been able along with it appearance, when the time comes again thought the means recov

45、ery without enough time. Wealth Wisdom: In overseas some multinational corporations, they in order to solve in the company the Trans-Culture and the multi-cultural question, often can choose the administrative personnel from companys different department to establish one “the Trans-Culture committee

46、”, then you thought this method uses in Chinas multinational corporation and the domestic some enterprises is appropriate? Liang: This is very difficult to say appropriate, but this is a method which may attempt. Enterprise when processing Trans-Culture question, all should from “the international v

47、iew, the localization” embark.Each enterprise all has own cultural perspective and the background, each method does not have absolute good and the badness. Conclusion:The success team goal is clear about, frequently and high-level manager maintains the good communication, and the close high-level ma

48、nagers target, its achievement goal takes root in enterprises strategy and the prospect.The team needs to understand the enterprise prospect and with own team goal relations, also needs to drive with urges on.If does not have these measures to take the power, the team organizes only to be able to become a mere formality, the achievement mediocre team existence is meaningless. Therefore may say, teams leaders will play the very important role.The economical globalization takes to the management the influence, made the people more and


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