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1、A Cup of TeaLetters written from 1962 to 1971Miscellaneous350 LettersYear published: 1983350 Letters written to disciples.Also called Flowers of Love.Letters #151 to 350 are published in other books:The Silent Music30Turning In 30What is meditation?45The Gateless Gate30The Dimensionless Dimension35T

2、he Eternal Message301.I received your letter.How lovingly you insist on my writing something,and here am I, drowned in a deep silence!I speak, I work,but I am steeped in emptiness within.There, there is no movement.Thus I seem to be living two lives at one time.What a drama!But perhaps all of life i

3、s a dramaand becoming aware of this opens the doorto a unique freedom.That which isinaction in actionstillness in motioneternity in change- that is truthand that is existence.Real life lies in this eternity -everything else is just the stream of dreams.In truth the world is just a dreamand the quest

4、ion is not whether to leave thesedreams or not,one just has to be aware of them.With this awareness, everything changes.The centre moves.A shift takes place from body to soul.And what is THERE?It cannot be told.It has never been toldand it never will be!There is no other way but to know it for onese

5、lf.Death is known only through dyingand truth is known only through diving deep withinoneself.May God drown you in this truth!2Love.I am in bliss.I have been meaning to write for a long timebut many engagements prevented me.My blessings, however, I send every day.Life is a sadhana;the more you invol

6、ve yourself in itthe more divine it becomes.The light is hidden in the darkness,truth is hidden,and from THIS comes the joy of searching.I remember the words of a rishi:TRUTH IS HIDDEN UNDER A GOLDEN LID.The golden lid that hides truth is nothing but ourmind.The mind has smothered us;we are in it,we

7、 identify with it,therefore the suffering comes,the bondage and the chain of rebirths.Rise above it,become aware that you are distinct from it -that alone brings bliss,that alone is freedomand the end of birth and death.We have to be what we truly are:this is the only sadhana.It is the frustration o

8、f living through desiresthat brings this sadhana.Become alert about desireand non-attachment begins to appear.This is not to be made to happen,it follows naturally from awareness of attachment.Each one of us has to become aware of his attachments,and keep being so!Nothing should be done unconsciousl

9、y.If this is rememberedone day a totally new kind of revolution takes placein our consciousness.God is leading you towards this revolution -this I know.3My respects to you.I was extremely pleased to get your letter.So far I have not written anythingbut a meditation centre has started herewhere some

10、friends are experimenting.When I have some definite resultsthere is every possibility of my writing something.About my experiments on myself, I am sure and certain,but I want to test their usefulness to others.I do not want to write anything in the manner of philosophy,my outlook is scientific.I wan

11、t to say something about yogabased on certain psychologicaland para-psychological experiments.There are many illusory notions held about itand these have to be refuted.Therefore I am experimenting here also.It is clear to methat this work is not for promoting any group or cause.If you ever come here

12、 we can talk more about all this.4My respects to you.I am grateful for your affectionate letter.You are meditating - that is a matter for joy.Drop all ideas of achieving in meditation,just do it naturally;what happens, happens on its own.One day, effortlessly, everything starts happeningby itself.Ef

13、fort does not lead to meditation,in fact it is a hindrance.In effort, practice, study,there is tension.Any expectation,even the expectation of peace,brings restlessness.The tension has to go.As soon as this happensa divine peace sets in.Stop feeling: I AM DOING IT;realize instead: I LEAVE MYSELF IN

14、THE HANDS OF THAT-WHICH-IS.Surrender,surrender yourself completely;as soon as you do this, emptiness comes.Breathing and the body are becoming relaxed, yousay.This will happen with the mind too.When the mind goeswhat takes place is indescribable.I know that this is going to happen to you both.Just g

15、o on naturally and without purpose.Soon I shall be there,until then, go on quietly with what I have told youto do.My respects to all.Write whenever you feel like it.I am in complete bliss.5Love.It is through Gods gracethat you are working towards the discovery of theinner light.That light is definit

16、ely thereand once it is met all darkness in life disappears.Each step taken withinpeels away the darkness layer by layerunfolding a world of light in which everything isnew.This experience cuts away all bondage -and then comes the realization that it was neverthere!Liberation happens to that which i

17、s eternally free!I am pleased with your progress.Your letter was received long backbut as I was busy there was delay in replying,but my memory of you is always there,along with all those eager for the light.My good wishes flow for ever towards them.We have to keep going.Many times one becomes dishea

18、rtened on the pathbut ultimately the thirsty pilgrim reaches thespring.In fact the water is there before the thirst.My kind regards to all.6My respects to you.I was away, but your letter followed me here.I am pleased to have it.I see life as full of bliss.Ordinarily, we do not have the eyes to see t

19、hisand so are deprived of it,but this seeing can be created.Perhaps it is not correct to say it can be created;it is already there,it is only a matter of opening the eyes,and then - everything changes.Meditation achieves this.Meditation means: peace; emptiness.This emptiness is there but is conceale

20、d by theflow of thoughts.As thoughts cease it comes into view.It seems difficult to become free of thoughtsbut it is very simple.The mind seems very restlessbut it can easily settle.The key to this transcendence is witnessing.One has to be a witness,an observer of the mind.One has to watch it,just w

21、atch it.The moment the witness state dawns,that very moment one becomes free of thoughts.This in turn opens the door to blissand then this very world changes into a new worldaltogether.Keep meditating.Results will come slowly.You are not to worry about that,their coming is certain.My kind regards to

22、 all.7Love.It is a long time since I received your letter.I am happy that you long for peace -but drop this idea that you are way behind.Nobody is lagging behind.It is just a matter of turning in -and the drop becomes the ocean.Actually the drop IS the oceanbut it does not know it -that is the only

23、separation.In the emptiness of meditation even this separationgoes.Meditation is the centre of lifes sadhana.The thought process will slow downand in its place will come peace and emptiness.When thoughts vanishthe seer, the witness, becomes visibleand the complex of the unconscious disappears.This c

24、omplex is the cause of bondage.In the beginning it appears as hard as stonebut the seeker who practises patientlyfinds one day that it was just a dream,a puff of air.May the seed of your meditationblossom into the flower of SAMADHI!My kind regards to all.The rest when we meet.8My respects to you.Mov

25、ing around for the whole of May affected myhealth so all programmes for June: Bombay, Calcutta,Jaipur, were cancelled.I am glad to hear you are experimenting withSAMADHI YOGA.Dont worry about results, just be with theexperimenting.The return is bound to come one day - notgradually but all of a sudde

26、n, effortlessly, withoutones knowing, it happens. Within a moment life becomeswonderfully different!I am not writing anything on Bhagwan Mahavir at themoment. There is no urge whatsoever in me to write. Butif you persuade me it is a different thing! Everythingelse is fine.9LoveI read your letter on

27、the way here.It has touched my heart.If your desire to know lifes truth becomes strongthen what is longing todaybecomes one day the attainment.Burning desire is all that is neededand nothing else.As rivers seek out the oceanso man if he wants to can find the truth.No peak, no mountain can stop him,i

28、n fact their challenge awakens his sense ofadventure.Truth is within everyone.Rivers have to find the oceanbut our ocean is inside us -it is a wonder that so many remain thirsty yetwithout it.Actually they cannot really want it.There is a saying of Christs: Ask and ye shall begiven.But if you dont a

29、sk, whose fault is it?There is no better bargain than the attainment ofGod.We have only to ask, nothing more.As the asking grows stronger and strongerso he who asks starts vanishing.A limit is reached,a point of evaporation is reached,where the seeker utterly disappearsand only the asking remains.Th

30、is is the very moment of attainment.Truth is where the I is not -this experience alone is the divine experience.Absence of ego is presence of God.My regards to all there.10My respects to you.I was waiting for your letter when it came.I really want your life to be filled with light,for you to surrend

31、er yourself to God.God and light are always close by.it is only a matter of opening ones eyesand then what is ours becomes ours.The distance is just that between the eyelash andthe eye -and perhaps not even that much;the eyes are always open only we dont know it.There is an old story:A fish had long

32、 heard stories about the ocean.She began to fret about itso one day she asked the Queen of Fishes:What is this ocean and where is it?The Queen was surprised. She said:The ocean? Why, you are in the very ocean itself!Your very existence, your very life, is in theocean.It is within youThe ocean is you

33、r everything,but for the ocean, you are nothing.For this very reasonthe fish couldnt see the ocean!And for this very reasonwe are unable to find God.But He can be found -by being empty.In the state of emptiness we meet Himfor God is emptiness.I am in bliss,or shall I say -Bliss alone is and I am not

34、!11My respects to you.I received your letter, I was waiting for it.The trip to Rajnagar was blissful.Religion robbed of the spirit of yoga has become amatter of morality only, thereby losing its soul.Morality is negative.Life cannot be based on negation, negation cannotnourish life.The emphasis has

35、to be on attainment not onrenunciation.It is not a question of renouncing ignorancebut of attaining understanding,it is this that has to be central.Practise has to be positiveand this sadhana can happen through yoga.In my talks with Acharya Tulsi, Muni ShriNathamaljee and othersI have stressed this

36、point.Many letters have come from Rajnagar and Rajasthanin this connection; as you have saidit seems some fruitful work has been accomplishedby going there.One thing is very clear:people are eager for a spiritual life and currentforms of religion do not satisfy them.If however the right religion is

37、given to themit can revolutionize human consciousness.I think of you.May God grant you peace.My love and regards to all.12My respects to you.All your letters arrived in good timebut as I have been busy I could not reply sooner.I have been out most of the timeand I have just returned after speaking i

38、n Jaipur,Burhanpur, Hoshangabad, Chandaand other places.How thirsty people are for spiritual life!Seeing thisI am surprised that some people say man has lostall interest in religion.This can never be.No interest in religion means no interest in life,bliss, the ultimate.Consciousness is by nature God

39、-orientedand it can only be satisfied by attaining Godthe state of satchitananda, thetruth-awareness-bliss state of being.Hidden within one in the form of a seed is the verysource of religious birth, therefore whilst religionsmay come ant go religion can never die.I am glad to know that you feel pat

40、ient about yourprogress towards the light.Patience is the most important thing of all inspiritual life.How long one must wait after sowing the seed!At first all the effort seems wasted, nothing seemsto happen, and then one day the waiting ends and thereis actuality - the seed breaks, pushes through

41、theearth - into a plant!But remember that even when nothing seemed to behappening the seed was working away under the soil.It is the same with the seeker for truth - whennothing appears to be happening much is happening.The fact is that all growth of life-energy isunseen and unknown.Only the results

42、 can be observed not the progress.I am in bliss.I want you to come closer to God.Forget about results, just keep going on your path;let the fruits come by themselves.One day one wonders: What has happened!What was I!What have I become!Compared to the results all the effort seemsnegligible.My love to

43、 all.13My respects to you.I have just returned from Rajnagar in Rajasthan.I was invited to a religious function thereorganized by Acharya Shree Tulsi.I put four hundred monks and nunsthrough an experiment in meditation.The results were extraordinary.In my viewmeditation is the essence of all religio

44、uspractice.All the rest -such as non-violence, renunciation of wealth,celibacy etc. - are just its consequences.With the attainment of samadhi,the culmination of meditation,all these things come by themselves,they just happen naturally.Since we forgot this central sadhanaall our efforts have been ex

45、ternal and superficial.True sadhana IS not just ethical,it is basically yoga practice.Ethics ALONE are negativeand nothing enduring can be constructed onnegation.Yoga is positive and can therefore form a base.I want to convey this positive basis to all.14Love.I have received your very affectionate l

46、etter.You write that my words ring in your ears;what I want is for their echo to carry youinto that space where everything is silent, empty.This is the way from words to emptiness.There one meets oneself.I am in bliss.Take my loveI have nothing else to offer, it is my only wealth.The marvel of it is that the more of it you give themore it becomes.Real wealth is like that -it grows as you give it away; and if


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