Quality control of construction enterprises.doc

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1、Quality control of construction enterprises The construction quality is the life of the building works, the social focus of attention. The project in the construction process in order to ensure the quality of the project, strict quality management, which will play an important role in co-ordinating

2、the construction process, to promote enterprise technological progress and optimization of building construction management. The construction quality of the product is related to the interests of the masses and public safety. Therefore, construction companies must be responsible to the state and the

3、 people, the future generations. Spirit, earnestly enhance the quality of sense of responsibility, from all aspects of the construction process, all aspects of the implementation of the responsibility for quality to ensure the quality of the construction project.first ,A quality management 1.A quali

4、ty management system is not perfect. The current construction project quality management system is gradually reforming the old system based on perfect, with the imprint of the era of planned economic system marked more or less, there is still a witch hunt, political status of the doors . The resulti

5、ng partial closure of the management and internal supervision system, it is difficult to implement a strict and impartial quality supervision, is not conducive to the establishment of an effective constraint mechanism. Some government departments, law enforcement ineffective, resulting in industry,

6、local protectionism, departmental protectionism can not be effectively curb, which often results in the protection of a backward, so that the quality of the project to be greatly affected. 2. The construction enterprise awareness of the law is weak. Construction Law of the Peoples Republic of China

7、and its relevant laws and regulations and technical standards promulgated and implemented, not only clear the responsibilities and obligations of the construction enterprises, but also a clear operating procedures and specifications of construction enterprises in the engineering, quality management.

8、 Some construction companies due to weak legal consciousness, the legal concept of weakening in the construction activities, violation of rules, not according to the drawings, do not follow the order of construction, improper technical measures, and even cut corners, and the resulting poor quality,

9、and quality accidents have occurred. 3.The market access control is lax. Market access system is not only conducive to the orderly management of the construction market, but also to participate in the construction of the parties to be controlled from the overall quality is to ensure that an importan

10、t part of the quality of the project can not be ignored. Some localities and departments, the market access system for management oversight false qualification of ability or low ability of highly qualified irregularities in the construction enterprise, or the existence of undocumented construction,

11、by the permit to sell photos, ultra provisions of the contract, or engage in private transactions to evade market management, etc., will inevitably pose a serious threat to the quality of construction projects, thus affecting the effectiveness of the quality supervision and management of constructio

12、n projects. 4, The construction and management issues. Many engineering quality problems are often caused by the construction and management. For example: not familiar with the drawings, blind construction drawings without a hearing, and the hasty construction; not according to the drawings. Of the

13、hinged steel access Liangzuo Cheng simply supported continuous beam, etc., do not regulate the construction of the related construction and acceptance. Such as in-situ concrete structure according to the provisions of the location and method of any facilities to work sewing, etc.; construction in ac

14、cordance with the relevant operational procedures; lack of basic knowledge of the structure, construction and reckless. Such as prefabricated reinforced concrete beam upside down installation.Second, to improve the quality of the project to be strict six off 1, Strictly control market access. The go

15、vernment should better market access. To a rigorous examination of the construction enterprises have the necessary qualifications of registered capital, specialized technical personnel, technical equipment in line with national requirements. Must have the appropriate level of qualification and perfo

16、rmance with the construction requirements to have sufficient technical capacity and the level of equipment, and engaged in construction activities within the scope of license in the level of qualification and put an end to the illegal immigrant, leapfrog contract engineering. Strict engineering mate

17、rials procurement. Engineering materials of engineering construction material conditions and quality of the material is the basis of the quality of the project. Therefore, the quality of procurement and use of engineering materials must meet the standard requirements. Approach the material and equip

18、ment to rigorous testing. Engineering materials to enter the site. Must have product certification, quality assurance, and should meet the design requirements; need to retest testing of building materials must be qualified by the re-examination in order to use; project the use of imported materials

19、are required to meet appropriate quality standards and holds a commodity inspection issued by the commodity inspection authorities certificates. Should also pay attention to the design, construction process on the reasonable selection of materials, components and parts, semi-finished and can not mix

20、. 2. Engineering drawings off. The construction of a project is first of all construction drawings, design, design of a direct impact on the overall quality of the project. So be sure to selection and qualification of design units, but also to design funding. Under the conditions of market economy,

21、market competition, of course, can not be a little less design funding to hire individuals, or personal design in order to avoid quality problems in the design, but also pay attention to some design units in order to design fees overcharged intentionally increase the amount of material and improve p

22、roject cost, and good construction design drawings off to prevent causing the project not yet built, quality issues from the womb. 3, Project quality supervision and customs. Establish and improve project quality supervision and to inform the system to enhance the transparency of the supervision and

23、 law enforcement, project quality supervision and truly become the Sunshine supervision. The establishment of the predictability, service quality monitoring mode to achieve the organic combination of services and law enforcement. The establishment of the acts of supervision and physical supervision

24、of both the supervision and operation mechanism, and an extension of the quality acts to the parties to the project construction supervision to achieve from a single physical supervision. Change the mode of supervision, based on day-to-day supervision will be random checks as project quality supervi

25、sion and inspection of the main ways. In order to ensure the effectiveness and authority of government supervision, the supervisory authority should continue to improve the quality and level of supervision of the supervision team. 4.Engineering, quality control off. Schedule control, we must impleme

26、nt in order to ensure that the total duration of the target segment control, dynamic control. During project implementation should be based on the situation after the change, the premise does not affect the total schedule, on schedule in a timely manner to amend, adjust. Material supply and payment

27、of progress payments in a timely manner to ensure the quality of the project. 5. Quality control, strict material quality. Materials to meet national standards (including environmental standards) and design requirements, strict implementation of the materials and acceptance system. To ensure the qua

28、lity of the main structure. The quality of the main structure related to the overall project quality and safety, related to each of the lives and safety, therefore, must ensure that the quality of the main structure. Great importance decorative quality. Decorated stage in the construction, we must o

29、vercome quality defects, improve the detail treatment to be jumped in the decorative standards, must be innovative and features. Grasp the key parts of the construction. 6, Project completion and acceptance of customs. Completion and acceptance, is the last building on the basis of a program is the

30、final check of the engineering design, quality summary. When the acceptance, it is necessary to strictly enforce the country, issued by the army engineering acceptance criteria itemized acceptance assessment. Acceptance of quality concrete can be taken to see measured. View, focusing on the view on

31、the data and the original records are complete, whether or not to meet the acceptance criteria; mortar and stick concrete test block, component strength meets the design specifications; indoor and outdoor decoration is up to standard, whether the roof leaks, toilet, kitchen water seepage, the balcon

32、y down the pan of water, plumbing, sanitary facilities joints to take the water, the ground floor, roof cracking and other quality defects. Measured, field measurement, measured on the basis of engineering, the main project, structure, influential parts and special technical requirements.Third, the

33、increased management around the clock next to the supervisor for every site management requirements to achieve five ground: that is, the eye ground, often arrive at the scene of the construction, see more of the construction drawings, familiar with the design which are important parts; hand diligenc

34、e, and found that often a mind to deal with what issues should have a record; Tuiqin, often to the scene around; mouth ground for the construction team often prone to quality problems often reminded, the construction team should always Jiaodi; brain ground familiar with the drawings, use their brain

35、s to think of measures to ensure the quality of the project. Required to do the work, the depth strict, quasi, small and real. Next to the important parts of or have special requirements for the site during construction, the supervising engineer shall be 24 hours valet supervisor, identify problems

36、in time. The test block extraction, production to meet the requirements, or even personally sampling; workers operating standard measurement of supervision after the feeding stage material. Found that the quality problem, promptly notify the construction team rectification and eliminate hidden dange

37、rs quality. On-site management through on-site inspections, field measurements and data, to examine and judge the quality of the project, the measured data to evaluate the quality and grade. Advance written notice to the construction unit along with the measured data, the construction unit for the q

38、uality problems can not cover, can not be sloppy handling, to avoid future similar quality problems. In short, the construction industry is related to the national economy and pillar basic industries, played a role in promoting the development of the national economy. China is now in the rapid econo

39、mic development stage, the construction industry for its great impetus in the competition and the development of various industries has played an exemplary role. The construction quality issues related to peoples lives and property safety of the event, to improve the quality of the project from detail proceed, Jingzhongchangming,. Using new processes and technologies to enhance the sense of responsibility, elimination of quality defects, and are satisfied with the quality of building products to provide users with the aim to strengthen the quality management of construction enterprises.


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