Teaching OutofBody Travel and Lucid Dreaming.doc

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1、The School of Out-of-Body Travel andOOBE Research CenterPresent:TeachingOut-of-Body TravelAnd Lucid DreamingHow to Find and TrainStudents EffectivelyMichael RadugaFirst Edition (June 2012)Translated by Peter OrangeCover art: SEGAIntroduction4Ultra-Concentrated Version9Part 1. Training Session Format

2、s43Part 2. Enrolling Students and Promotion86Part 3. Classroom Instruction128Appendix330Full Table of Contents332This book is free online, so feel free to distribute it!Send it to all your friends!Post it on your websites and blogs!For proposals regarding the translation and publication of this and

3、other books by Michael Raduga, please write obe4uTeaching out-of-body travel and lucid dreaming means success, an easy and interesting way to make good money, and travel all around the world to lead seminars and network. This is the hottest and most promising field of personal development. Lets chan

4、ge the world together - join us! Perhaps its your destiny?After many years of experimental work on thousands of pupils, we are going public with our super-effective teaching methodologies. This altruistic deed was performed in order to create motivation for third parties to further develop the field

5、. Though teaching out-of-body travel used to be the purview of the elect few, now anybody can do it, and even do a good job at it without any particular experience!IntroductionWhat Am I Holding in My Hands?What you are reading is a constantly-updated guide to teaching out-of-body travel and lucid dr

6、eaming that has been honed through practical, experimental training involving thousands of people in several countries. These instructions are so finely-calibrated that results are guaranteed in no less than a quarter of attempts made by students or novices, even if the teacher himself has no experi

7、ence. The result is that at least 50% of your students will have an out-of-body experience or lucid dream by day two of the lessons. Is This for Me?This book is for everyone who wants to teach out-of-body travel and lucid dreaming to friends, family, or study groups.Its for those who simply want to

8、bring this idea to the masses and those who want to make some money doing so (and pretty good money at that).Its for leaders of groups studying other practices who want to bring their group-mates new attainments, as well as those who devote their labor to this phenomenon alone.Our aim is to make thi

9、s a routine, everyday phenomenon of modern civilization. The existence of a critical mass of people interested in spreading it could greatly facilitate our task. In addition, the free availability of these instructions will let people who tried to teach this phenomenon without having the requisite k

10、nowledge do something else besides discrediting it. There are no strings attached - though giving credit to and citing this source is appreciated. Simply help yourself and follow our instructions as closely as you can, and youll touch many lives by giving people what they have always dreamed of - th

11、e opportunity to live in two worlds.The PhenomenonAccording to modern science, out-of-body travel, lucid dreaming, and a whole slew of similar phenomena in which one is fully conscious but does not perceive the physical body are forms of one and the same dissociative phenomenon, which has been dubbe

12、d the phase or phase state in this book for the purposes of bringing all of its sub-phenomena together under a single umbrella term. Accordingly, its practitioners are referred to herein as phasers and to phase has been adopted as the verb form in English. To put it briefly, the physiology of the ph

13、enomenon is characterized by activation of the frontal areas of the brain during REM sleep. Meanwhile, people perceive what seems to be a separation from their physical body and input from their five senses that is substantially more vivid than that of everyday reality. They can walk, see, hear, tou

14、ch, and even eat, feel pain, pleasure, and much more.This phenomenon has hundreds of practical applications, including not only obtaining information, self-healing, artistic development, and traveling, but also meeting with the deceased, rehabilitation for the disabled, an alternative to computer ga

15、mes, fulfilling desires, and much, much more.According to some estimates, about 80% of the population has encountered this phenomenon in its full-fledged form at least once in their lives. Meanwhile, nearly everyone has experienced it in its shallower variations. Our knowledge of this unusual state

16、becomes more complete with each passing year, and allows any person to not only control the state, but also to enjoy it practically every day. In many mystical and religious movements, this practice is the highest stage of development and the end goal itself. For example, in many Eastern traditions

17、this practice allows one to achieve the end goal - stopping the cycle of reincarnation through controlled dying, which is possible only by mastering techniques for entering the phase state.Trust UsThis book reflects not only our experience teaching the out-of-body experience/lucid dreaming phenomeno

18、n to thousands of people, but also many years studying it. Every word and every statement in this book is the result of painstaking, real-life work, and not empty theories or musings. Thats why success at using our methodologies hinges on following these tried-and-true instructions to the letter. It

19、s the only way that guarantees results. If its written here that something needs to be done in one way or another, then it means that thats exactly what worked most of the time on thousands of people. If something is left out here or its written that its best not to do something, then that means tha

20、t it didnt work or worked poorly on thousands of people. If you already have this book in your hands, then you only need concentrate on following the instructions herein, and nothing else. This approach - and only this approach - guarantees results.Success RateUsing the classic three-day seminar for

21、mat, you can get at least 75% of the group to have the experience of leaving the body or becoming conscious while dreaming. On bad days this figure might drop to 35 or 40%, and on good days it might reach 90% or more, depending on the number of people in the group, the type of training system, and h

22、ow closely you follow the instructions. In actuality, you only need to make people perform proper attempts, and then every third, fourth, or fifth one will surely result in success. Either way, since this phenomenon is still considered by the masses to be either impossible, a fabrication, extremely

23、difficult to learn, or one requiring many years of training and preparation, even a success rate of 35% is going to be astounding (not to speak of higher ones). When using this book, it will sometimes happen that half of the students have an experience on day two, and this is despite all the biases

24、and incredulity of our society.DisclaimerThe author would like to remind readers that they follow the instructions in this book at their own risk and that they alone are fully responsibility for their actions. When followed correctly, these instructions for practicing out-of-body travel and lucid dr

25、eaming bring no harm to the body or mind. However, due to the impossibility of monitoring or checking how closely the instructions in this book are followed, all liability arising from the application of the methods and procedures given hereunder rests with the reader.Michael RadugaOOBE Research Cen

26、terJune 19th, 2012Ultra-Concentrated VersionRead in one sitting how to put together a group of people and successfully teach them out-of-body travel and lucid dreaming, and get the ball rolling today!Finding a VenueConsidering the time required to get together a group and the difficulties typically

27、encountered in finding a suitable conference room on short notice, you should start looking for a place 3 to 4 weeks before the start of your event and reserve it.For the simplest and most effective format - the three-day seminar on out-of-body travel - youll need to reserve a place for 7pm to 10pm

28、on Friday and 2pm to 6pm the following Saturday and Sunday. The room for the first seminar should seat from 15 to 20 people. Ideally, the place should come with a flip-chart or whiteboard and be quiet. The closer the venue is to the city center, the higher the seminar turnout will be and the easier

29、it will be for people to get there.When looking for such a place you should pay special attention to ads for conference rooms, training-session rooms, and auditoriums. Such offers are easy to find online and in the classified section of newspapers. Its worth paying attention to various personal deve

30、lopment centers (e.g. yoga, bioenergetics, motivational speaking, or self-actualization, etc.), which will have not only premises with the right atmosphere, but also the right kind of audience. Once you are in touch with the real-estate agent or landlord, youll want to find out the price of the venu

31、e, the dates it is available, how many people it will fit, and the exact location, as well as agree upon a time to see the place yourself. If youre satisfied that the place is suitable after having seen it, then youll need to reserve it by prepaying in part or in full, or making arrangements to pay

32、after the event is over.EnrollmentYou need to decide upon the event venue and admission price before you start enrolling students. The cost of attending a three-day seminar should average from 5 to 20% the median monthly income in the community. You need to calculate it so that you will still break

33、even if attendance is minimal (location rental + advertising). The admission price for a well-organized event can reach up to a third of the median monthly income and students can number up to several dozen, which means that you can buy a new car or live for a year off of the proceeds from a single

34、seminar. This should provide ample incentive to spread awareness of out-of-body experiences and lucid dreams.Meanwhile, youll need to create a website for the event or simply put up a page on free hosting servers or social networks. Youll definitely need to put up a description of the seminar on the

35、 Internet where people can learn more information or randomly stumble upon it.As soon as youve put up the website and determined the venue and admission price, you can go ahead with recruiting students using some of the simplest methods out there:- Tell all your friends about the seminar youre holdi

36、ng (free)- Put up ads on local websites and forums (free and paid)- Send out invites via social networks and e-mail (free)- Run contextual ads on the Internet (paid)- Put up ads at centers and stores that focus on related topics (paid)- Paste fliers on lampposts and designated outdoor places (free a

37、nd paid)- Take out paid ads in local media (paid)- Make a deal with people or organizations who have a database of customers from a suitable industry (free and paid)- Hand out fliers at events with a similar subject matter, like self-actualization seminars (free and paid)- Ads on local TV (paid)- Ta

38、lk to the editors of local newspapers and TV shows and offer them the chance to write or talk about the event and the phenomenon (free)- Send out press releases about the event to local media and news agencies (free and paid)The ads should contain the event venue, date, and time, as well as contact

39、information. Its also preferable to include the internet address (URL) of the website where people can find out more. In order to grab attention, a large part of the ad should feature easily recognizable concepts that are related to the topic in one way or another and will attract an audience to the

40、 seminar, e.g. OUT-OF-BODY TRAVEL, LUCID DREAMING, ASTRAL PROJECTION, etc. If space allows, you can briefly list the practical applications of the phenomenon: obtaining information, self-healing, meeting the deceased, travel, creative development, etc. However, the ads should not be too saturated wi

41、th information or contain lots of text.The InstructorThe organizer of the seminar can either teach it himself or hire an instructor. The seminar teacher should follow the instructions in this book to the letter so that the audience gets real results, and right after the first lesson at that. Its pre

42、ferable that the teacher has at least some personal experience so that he might better impart the seminar material. The more experience he has, the easier it will be for him to explain things and the lower the odds that he will say something incorrect.Day 1: Introduction and MotivationFriday, 6:40pm

43、 While people trickle in, the teacher can ask each attendee whether or not he has had any experiences, and if so, what kind.Friday, 7:10pm At the beginning, its necessary to get better acquainted with the attendees, briefly describe the seminar subject and format, and then get the audience pumped up

44、 to apply the techniques.Introduction Say a little something about yourself and your accomplishments, why you decided to be an instructor on the topic, and what role it has had in your life.Topic: The Phase State Phenomenon Start off with how the phenomenon is a normal occurrence. To illustrate this

45、, ask the audience to, Raise your hand if youve ever had an out-of-body experience. Also ask them to raise their hands if theyve experienced becoming conscious while dreaming. Then, do the same for sleep paralysis and false awakenings. A least a third of the attendees will raise their hands, which g

46、oes to prove how widespread these kinds of things are. After this survey, tell people that what youll be talking about is how to control the one and only phenomenon behind all those you just asked about, i.e. the phase or phase state (the instructor may choose his own terminology), which is an umbre

47、lla term for all phenomena in which people do not have sensory awareness of their physical bodies but meanwhile remain conscious. Meanwhile, the phantom sensations people experience can be even more vivid than those of the physical body: you can see, walk, touch things, and feel pain or any other se

48、nsation. Try to give an example from your own experiences or read aloud a passage from the chapter in the book The Phase containing practitioner accounts. Pick a passage that illustrates the intensity and unusualness of sensations in the phase state.Seminar Outcomes Explain that the aim of the semin

49、ar is for the majority of the group to become able to enter the phase state within two days, and for all participants to understand how to do so.Seminar Format Let the attendees know what youll be doing on each day. Day 1: The most-simple indirect method, which is employed upon awakening and allows one to obt


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