外研版初中英语Book 5 Module 8 Photos Unit2 Read on to find out who the winners are教案.doc

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《外研版初中英语Book 5 Module 8 Photos Unit2 Read on to find out who the winners are教案.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《外研版初中英语Book 5 Module 8 Photos Unit2 Read on to find out who the winners are教案.doc(5页珍藏版)》请在三一办公上搜索。

1、Book 5 Module 8 Photos 一、 教学内容:Unit2 Read on to find out who the winners are.(第一课时)二、 课型:Reading and writing三、 教学目标: 1、能够正确使用下列单词和词组:even though, size, beauty, category, movement, include, rich, congratulation, photographer, ceremony.2、能够读懂有关比赛的文章,提炼并利用比赛信息。3、能够用定语从句描写摄影作品。4、通过摄影作品了解不同国家的风景、自然和文化,培养

2、审美意识和对他人的欣赏态度。四、 教学重难点:1、能够读懂有关比赛的文章,利用阅读技巧完成相关任务。2、能够正确使用定语从句描写摄影作品等。五、 教学准备:课堂整体运用任务型教学模式以及阅读课“四个阶段”教学模式。本课指导学生通过阅读获取信息,培养学生阅读技能。在教学过程中,采用多媒体手段辅助教学,利用各种图片和习题任务贯穿整个教学过程。因此,本节课需准备:PPT课件、图片。六、 教学过程:教学步骤教师活动学生活动设计意图Step OneWarming-up (8)1.Lead inT: Do you like taking photos?S: Yes.T: I like it too. No

3、w lets enjoy some photos together.2See and sayShow some photos and teach the new words according the photos. Such as: size, beauty, movement, photographer, ceremony.Have the students find out what the category that the photo belongs to.Answer the teachers questions and learn some new words.用简单的闲聊方式直

4、接进入跟本单元有关的话题,既与生活息息相关又为下文做铺垫。通过图片学习新单词,既直观又形象记忆。Step TwoPre-reading(3)Look at the photos which won last years photo competition. What categories do you think the prizes were for?Answer the teachers questions通过对照片进行分类,为下文理解各类照片获得各类奖项做铺垫。Step ThreeWhile-reading (20)Step ThreeWhile-reading (20)1. Scann

5、ingAsk the students to scan the passage and choose the best answer.1. Whats this passage mainly about?A. About a band B. About a photoC. About results of photo competition D. About cities2. How many prizes are there?A. Two B. Three C. Four D. Five2. SkimmingAsk students to skim the passage and match

6、 the photographers with the photos.3.Careful reading.Ask the students to read Paragraph 1 and say T or F.All the photos are excellent, we can give prizes to everyone.( )Ask the students to read Paragraph 2 and choose the best answer._ took photos of the mountains in Xiangshan Park.A. A 12-year-old b

7、oy B. A 15-year-old girl C. A 15-year-old boy D. A 50-year-old manAsk the students to read Paragraph 3 and fill in the blanks. Tananmen Square is the 1._ public square in the world. Its 2._ metres longand 3._ metres wide.Ask the students to read Paragraph 4 and choose the best answer. One of the mem

8、bers of the band Crazy Feet is _.A.He Zhong B. Li wei C. Becky WangD. Zhao Min Ask the students to read Paragraph 5 and say T or F.There is only one photo which won the prize for the most Unusual category. ( ) Ask the students to read the whole passage and choose the best answer.Which of the followi

9、ng is true?A. Xiangshan Park is near Li Weis home.B. Tiananmen Square is 880 metres wide.C. Becky Wang lives in Shenzhen.D. John William has agreed to present his new book to the winners.1. ScanningThe students scan the passage and choose the best answer.1. Whats this passage mainly about?A. About a

10、 band B. About a photoC. About results of photo competition D. About cities2. How many prizes are there?A. Two B. Three C. Four D. Five2. SkimmingThe students skim the passage and match the photographers with the photos.3.Careful reading. The students read Paragraph 1 and say T or F.All the photos a

11、re excellent, we can give prizes to everyone.( )The students read Paragraph 2 and choose the best answer._ took photos of the mountains in Xiangshan Park.A. A 12-year-old boy B. A 15-year-old girl C. A 15-year-old boy D. A 50-year-old manThe students read Paragraph 3 and fill in the blanks. Tananmen

12、 Square is the 1._ public square in the world. Its 2._ metres longand 3._ metres wide.The students read Paragraph 4 and choose the best answer. One of the members of the band Crazy Feet is _.A.He Zhong B. Li wei C. Becky WangD. Zhao Min The students read Paragraph 5 and say T or F.There is only one

13、photo which won the prize for the most Unusual category. ( ) The students to read the whole passage and choose the best answer.Which of the following is true?A. Xiangshan Park is near Li Weis home.B. Tiananmen Square is 880 metres wide.C. Becky Wang lives in Shenzhen.D. John William has agreed to pr

14、esent his new book to the winners.要求学生快速阅读比赛结果,找出本文大概讲的是什么,并找出有多少组照片获奖。要求学生跳读找出各个摄影师的作品,这样就对整篇文章有一个总的了解。通过学生细致的朗读文段获取信息,培养学生阅读中对细节性问题处理的能力。通过判断正错题,培养学生的自主分析能力。Step FourPost-reading(11)1. Ask the students to listen to the tape and underline the difficult points that they dont understand.2. Retell.Let

15、 the students fillin the blanks to retell the passage.Call back the answers.1. Listen to the tape and underline the difficult points that they dont understand.2. Retell the passage.Fill in the blanks.There are four prizes in this years competition.Li Wei (1) _ took the photo in Xiangshan (2)_won the

16、 prize for the Most Beautiful Nature. The second photo(3) _ was taken by Zhao Ming was Tiananmen Square. It won the Historic China (4) _. And the square shows the (5)_ and (6) _ perfectly. The third photo is about Music Category. It is a(7)_ called Crazy Feet, playing at a (8)_ in Shenzhen. The last

17、 photo successfully shows the(9) _ culture which makes Beijing so famous. Congratulations to our winners. The famous photographer John William will (10)_ the prizes at the prize-giving ceremony.复述课文能使学生加深对课文内容的理解。Step FiveSummary(2)1.Get the students tosum up the language points.T: What have we lear

18、ned today?Ss:2.Let the students to choose the best team in this lesson.1.Sum up the language points.2.To choose the best groups.引导学生对这节课的总结,让学生做自由发言,培养学生自主学习,自主总结的良好学习习惯。Step SixHome-work(1)1. Copy the new words.2. Finish the exercises in Activities 3 and 7 .1. Copy the new words.2. Finish the exerc

19、ises in Activities 3 and 7 .课后作业有助于学生巩固已学的知识,补充其他方面的锻炼。七、 板书设计: Unit 2 Read on to find out who the winners are even though 小组评价 T1 T2 T3 Congratulations Module 8 Unit 2学案Task 1 Please scan the passage and choose the best answer.(请快速浏览课文选择最佳答案)1. Whats this passage mainly about?A. About a band B. Abo

20、ut a photoC. About results of photo competition D. About cities2. How many prizes are there?A. Two B. Three C. Four D. FiveTask 2 Please skim the passage and match the photographers with the photos.(请把摄影师和他的A. Zhao MinB. He ZhongC. Li WeiD. Three pupilsE. Different parts of BeijingF. The band Crazy

21、FeetG. Mountains in Xiangshan ParkH. Tiananmen Square作品搭配起来)Task 3 Read Paragraph 1 and say T or F.(请阅读第一段并判断正误)All the photos are excellent, we can give prizes to everyone.( )Task 4 Read Paragraph 2 and choose the best answer.(请阅读第二段并选择最佳选项) _ took photos of the mountains in Xiangshan Park. A. A12-

22、year-old boy B. A 15-year-old girl C. A 15-year-old boy D. A 50-year-old manTask 5 Read Paragraph 3 and fill in the blanks. (请阅读第三段并填写所缺的内容)Tananmen Square is the 1._ public square in the world. Its 2._ metres longand 3._ metres wide.Task 6 Read Paragraph 4 and choose the best answer. (请阅读第四段并选择最佳选项

23、)One of the members of the band Crazy Feet is _.A.He Zhong B. Li wei C. Becky Wang D. Zhao MinTask 6 Read Paragraph 5 and say T or F.(请阅读第五段并判断正误)There is only one photo which won the prize for the most Unusual category. ( )Task 7 Read the whole passage and choose the best answer.(阅读整篇并选文章并选择最佳选项)Wh

24、ich of the following is true?A. Xiangshan Park is near Li Weis home.B. Tiananmen Square is 880 metres wide.C. Becky Wang lives in Shenzhen.D. John William has agreed to present his new book to the winners.Task 8 RetellThere are four prizes in this years competition. Li Wei (1) _ took the photo in Xi

25、angshan (2)_won the prize for the Most Beautiful Nature. The second photo(3) _ was taken by Zhao Ming was Tiananmen Square. It won the Historic China (4) _. And the square shows the (5) _ and (6) _ perfectly. The third photo is about Music Category. It is a(7)_ called Crazy Feet, playing at a (8)_ in Shenzhen. The last photo successfully shows the(9) _ culture which makes Beijing so famous. Congratulations to our winners. The famous photographer John William will (10)_ the prizes at the prize-giving ceremony.


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