新人教版英语七年级下册《Unit 2 Section B 1a 1e》ppt课件.pptx

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1、Section B 1a-1e,Objectives,To learn to ask and answer When questions using adverbs of frequency.To learn to listen and write the time.,What time is it?,Eight oclock.,Eleven fifteen.,Three thirty.,Warming up,A quarter past eleven.,Half past three.,in the morningin the afternoonin the evening,Beijing,

2、Paris,New York,-When do you usually get up in the morning?,-I usually get up at half past six.,get up,half past six,half past three,do homework,-When do you usually do homework in the afternoon?,-I usually do homework at half past three.,a quarter past nine,go to bed,-When do you usually go to bed i

3、n the evening?,-I usually go to bed at a quarter past nine.,run,take a walk,have dinner,clean my room,Match the activities with the time of day.,3,4,1,2,1a,check your answers with your partner.,1b,When do students usually eat dinner?,They usually go to bed at a quarter to ten in the evening.,When do

4、 students usually go to bed?,They usually eat dinner at a quarter to seven in the evening.,When do students eat breakfast?,When do students do homework?,They usually do homework at a quarter past three in the afternoon.,They usually eat breakfast at half past six in the morning.,Listen and circle th

5、e activities you hear.,1.get up _ _ 2.run _ 3.eat breakfast _ 4.go to school _ 5.go home _,6.do my homework _7.clean my room _8.eat dinner _9.take a walk _10.go to bed _,1c,Listen again.Write the times next to the activities you circled in 1c.,1.get up 5:30 2.run _3.eat breakfast _4.go to school _5.

6、go home _,6.do my homework _7.clean my room _8.eat dinner _9.take a walk _10.go to bed _,6:00,7:00,7:45,4:15 pm,5:30 pm,7:15 pm,9:00 pm,1d,Ask and answer questions about Tom.,When does Tom usually get up?,He usually gets up at half past five.,1e,1.A:When does Tom _?B:He usually _ up at _.2.A:When do

7、es Amy _?B:She usually _ her room at _ eight in the _.,.看图补全对话。,get up,gets,half past six,clean her room,cleans,a quarter past,morning,Exercises,6:30am,8:15am,3.A:When does Jim _?B:He usually _ his _ at _ eight in the _.4.A:When does Erics mum _ _?B:She usually _ a walk at a _ in the _.,do his homew

8、ork,does,a quarter to,take a,takes,quarter to six,afternoon,evening,homework,walk,7:45pm,5:45pm,Her mother gets up _ five-thirty every morning.2.People usually eat breakfast _ the morning.3.They will go swimming _ four _ the afternoon.4.I play soccer _ Sunday afternoon.5.Her birthday party is _ Marc

9、h 8th.,at,in,at,in,on,on,.请用at,in 或 on 填空。,.根据中文提示完成句子。1.你通常什么时候洗澡?_ _ do you usually _ a shower?2.他通常什么时候去上学?_ _ he usually _ _ _?3.她每天下午5点回家。She _ _ _ 5:00 _ the afternoon.,What time,take,When does,go to school,goes home at,in,4.我父母通常早上8点钟去工作。My parents usually _ _ work _ 8 oclock _ the morning.5.

10、我的小黑狗每天晚上9点睡觉。My little black dog _ _ _ at nine every night.6.谢谢你的来信。Thanks _ _ letter.,go to,at,in,goes to bed,for your,7.我每天在7:15吃早餐。I eat breakfast at _ _ past seven.8.在大约8点钟我的小弟弟起床。At _ 8 _ my little brother _ up.9.下学后,我做作业。_ school,I _ _ _.10.在晚餐之前,我看电视。_ dinner,I _ TV.,a quarter,around,oclock,gets,After,do my homework,Before,watch,1.Listen to 1c and write down the phrases.2.Talk about your friends habits and write a story about your friend.,


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