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《what color is it 教案.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《what color is it 教案.docx(13页珍藏版)》请在三一办公上搜索。

1、what color is it 教案英语教案What colour is it 教学目标 通过本单元的学习,学生应会描述物品,主要通过对十种颜色的描绘来认识物品。通过人的穿着,学会描述人的特点。如:in the red coat。学会介词短语做后置定语修饰人或物。如:the one on the black bike, the one in a red coat, the man in the green car等。 词汇学习 掌握 red colour yellow blue white green brown orange light one which want 理解 purple g

2、rey sweater 交际用语学习 What colour is it? Its red / greenWhat colour are they / these / those? Theyre blue / red Whos that boy / man.? Which one / man? The man in / on / behind the The one in the red coat. Cant you see? Come here. Whats that over there? The one in / on whats / whatre It looks nice. 语法学习

3、 1对颜色提问及问答 2which 构成的特殊疑问句的用法。 3one和ones 做代词的用法。 4初步了解否定疑问句。 语音学习 u / u:/ / / h / h / r / r / y / j / w / w / 情感目标 通过本单元的学习,使学生感受到绚丽多彩的生活,从而更加热爱生活。 教学建议 教学内容分析 本单元的主要内容用颜色表达物品的特征。Lesson 49 第一部分设计了一个远距离观察物品的情景。这种设计比老师拿着一本书,一个铅笔盒,一支铅笔问学生What colour is it? 要真实,自然。第二部分让学生动手图一图颜色,可增加学生的兴趣,发挥他们的想象,又可通过彩图帮

4、助学生们练习口语,为提问颜色创设了合乎生活逻辑的语境。 Lesson 50 第一部分是以复数的形式对颜色提问。针对盒子里的物品提问。与Lesson 49 一样,是针对学生看不见或看不清的物品提问,这种提问的设计合情合理,避免了类似 Whats this? Its a pen.明知故问的问答。第二部分是两个女学生谈论一件毛衣来巩固以上所学的知识。通过女生A对女生B 毛衣的称赞,复习巩固了十种颜色的表达。 重点分析 1) 本单元最核心的教学目标是运用所学的有关颜色的英语单词来正确描述实际生活中的物品,从而牢固地掌握What colour is it / are they?以及答句Its/Theyr

5、e black/red/white. . . .。这些句型将有助于我们进行熟练地表达。 2) 本单元语法教学的主要任务是掌握所学过的特殊疑问句。 词汇分析 本单元出现的生词以颜色一类最为重要,除Colour这个词外,还介绍了十种颜色。各课涉及到的人及物品,绝大部分是已学过的单词(如car, boxes, bike, boy, man, coat, apple, bird, kite, flower, boat等)。利用已学过的单词再现的机会来巩固记忆,是本教材的一个特点,也是对教师的一项基本要求。 词汇教学建议 本单元主要学习颜色,共介绍了十种颜色,学生学过黑色和白色。在教表示颜色单词时,尽量

6、用直观的物品,如:彩色铅笔、彩色硬色板和彩色电光纸等。也可用彩色粉笔写对应的表示颜色的单词。采用投影覆盖、做成课件或用媒体资料也是很好的方法。尽量设计一个必须用颜色提问的语言环境。如:讲解这单元时已穿羽绒服,老师可让一个同学为另一个同学拿羽绒服,这同学必须问:What colour is the down jacket? 或 Which one is his? 答:Its blue. 或 The blue one. 教学环境设计 本单元的学习,应从始至终在一种鲜明的背景下进行,其目的就是营造一种的学习氛围,师生共同在10种颜色上做文章。 1使用微机自制色彩鲜明、形象生动图片,创造多种意境,省时

7、、省力且练习容量大。音、形、色共同激发学生产生联想,同时促进他们的领会与掌握。 2选取10种颜色的手工纸折叠或剪成动物或物品形象,在每一件物品上贴上各自颜色的英语名称,如:a red apple,an orange orange, a yellow car,a black cat 等等,这个作业要求学生积极完成,通过学生的参与加深对颜色的印象,也为口语训练提供参照物。 3学生从家里带来有颜色的实物或穿上自己喜欢的颜色的衣服。 4可以利用投影片进行换色、变色的办法激发学生谈论颜色的兴趣,同时又可以深化本单元的主题,如一片涂成黄色,另一片涂成红色。当屏幕上呈现黄色时老师明知故问: What col

8、our is it?学生答:Its yellow. 然后将黄色片上覆盖红色片再问:What colour is it? Its orange. 交际用语教学建议 教49、50两课时也可利用教室里的实物。如:讲50课时,可找一位穿彩色毛衣的同学到讲台前,并就这件毛衣编对话,如没有毛衣,也可用其它颜色相对较多的衣服编对话。 重难点教学 第一次出现介词短语做后置定语修饰人或物,是本单元的难点之一。the one on the black bike, the one in a red coat, the man in the green car等。要注意他们中间没有be动词。注意它与 The one

9、is on the black bike. The man is in the green car. 等句中介词短语做表语的区别。 用颜色提问时注意: 注意它们的语序与中文的不同。 软件的设计 power point 第49课 第一幅8种颜色集成一个长方型 教哪个单词点击哪个方块 方块下面旁测出现单词及音标 第二幅远处是山,由山坡缓慢滑下一辆辆涂有颜色的小汽车 第三幅颜色练习片 第四幅文字片 Lesson 49 教学设计方案 一、教学目标 学习颜色的用法,并用它们来描述物品。 二、教学用具 录音机 投影仪 图片等。 三、教学步骤 Step 1 Revision 用实物或图片复习单词。bird

10、flower car hill tree apple cat 等。 Step 2 Presentation 拿一些彩色的铅笔,对学生说,红黄蓝等颜色的总称英语中叫colour (color)。 用投影片照SB Part 1画三张无色的白描画,第一张望远镜中是一辆汽车。第二张望远镜中是一个风筝。第三张望远镜中是一只鸟。指着第一张画问学生:What can you see in the picture? 学生会回答:I can see hills, a car, some trees and two boys.再问:What colour is the car? No colour. 在用另一张投

11、影片把小汽车覆盖成红色。问学生:What colour is it?教 red。 并说:Its redIts a red car.注意学生容易说成:Its a red。要反复练习。并用红色的粉笔在黑板上写red。 在用一张投影片把小汽车覆盖成黑色,教black。用同样的方法把小鸟覆盖成黄色,教yellow。 再用同样的方法把风筝覆盖成蓝色,教 blue。 Step 3 listen Listen to the tape and repeat. Step 4 Drill 1)把第二部分的物品涂上颜色。教单词colour 作为动词。 2)可用以下问题对话。 What can you see in

12、the picture 1? I can see a kite. Do you colour the kite red? Yes, it is. 也可用下一组问题进行对话。 What is this in picture 2? Its a flower. What colour is it? Its yellow. 用chain drill 或pair work练习其它几幅画。 Step 5 practice Turn to Page iii. Look at Page iii. 也可用投影放大这张图,让学生看着图回答问题。 告诉学生气球这个单词:balloon 提问:Can you see

13、some balloons in the picture? Yes. How many? Ten. What colour are they? 也可指着一颗说:What colour is it? 让学生一一回答。然后再提问树、鸟、云彩等物品。 再看下图,先给这些孩子都起个名字。然后提问。如: Whos this boy? He is Jim. What colour is his T-shirt? Its green. 也可让学生猜谁是谁。如:He is a boy. He is in a blue coat. Who is he? Hes Step 6 consolidation Do W

14、b Homework Blackboard handwriting 用彩色粉笔写,如无法用彩色粉笔写,可用彩色纸放在所教表示颜色的单词旁边。 掌握 colour red yellow What colour is it? Blue Its . White its a . green brown orange 理解 grey purple colour vt. Lesson 50 教学设计方案 教学目标 学会复数物品的颜色描述。会描述一件衣服。 教学用具 同L49 教学步骤 Step 1 Review 上节课学过的十种颜色。可用上节课的课件。 Step 2 Presentation 用做好的课件

15、呈现Part 1 第一部分。教单词 sweater light 呈现下列词组 light red / blue / green / yellow. a light blue sweater light blue sweaters 借用媒体,老师重复课文。然后老师问,同学答。在通过pair work和group work将课文背熟。 用做好的课件呈现Part 1 第二部分。方法同上。 听录音并跟读。 Step 3 Drill 1练习句型 How many n+s are there? There are 让学生练习下一组对话 How many people are there in your f

16、amily? There are three How many students are there in our class? There are 45. How many girls are there in our class? There are 20. How many boys are there in our group? There are 5. 2讲解、练习 l look+adj You look very happy today. Your sweater looks very nice. She looks sad today. Why? You look very we

17、ll toady. 事先让一位女生穿一件彩条或颜色较多的毛衣。课上可让这位同学站到讲台上和老师示范对话。 one & ones 用来代替刚提到的同一种可数的东西: I havent a pen. Can you lend me one? The question was a difficult one. ones 是复数形式 There are one long writing-table and two small ones in the office. Have you any books on farming? I want to borrow ones. There +be (is,

18、are) 用来引起一个句子,表示“有”“存在”等: There are pens and pencils in my pencil-box. There are many books in my bag. There is a clock on the desk. There is a blackboard on the wall. like 作介词, like 像 I dont do it like this. Dont throw it like this. I want to speak English well like you. 3单词 want: I want a new book

19、. I want a cup of tea. Listen to the tape and repeat. 4初步了解否定意问句。 Cant you see it? Yes, I can. Cant you hear me? Yes, I can. Isnt it Monday? Yes, it is. 可译为难道表示提问人心中认为是肯定的。不要过分强调回答。 Step 4 practice 练习 P154 ex4 Step 5 consolidation 描述一下你同伴的衣服。 Homework Blackboard handwriting want light light red / gr

20、een sweater a light red sweater How many n+s are there? There are look+adj The sweater looks nice. one & ones Lesson 51教学设计方案 教学目标 学会which和one的用法、一个人的特征和准确位置。 教学用具 课件、录音机 教学步骤 Step 1 Review 用图片、实物或简笔画复习单词 car bike man woman coat behind under tree Step 2 Presentation 1讲解、练习 练习which which man / woman

21、/ book / pen 练习介词短语做定语 a man in the car, a man in the classroom, 练习one的用法: 代词,带前面提到过的东西,注意只表示一个。 the one(指人) in the car, the one(指物) in the pencil-box 请看下列例句: one (泛指)人,一个人 One should wash ones hair regularly. One has to do ones best. One cant work all the time, surely. Step 3 Drill 看媒体资料,学习part 1第一

22、幅图,然学生反复练习。 Step 4 Practice 听录音并跟读直至背熟。 Step 5 Consolidation Do WB 用同样的方法练习第二、三、四幅图。 Homework Blackboard handwriting Whos .? Which one? The.in the . Lesson 52 教学设计方案 教学目标 学会介绍自己和家人以及周围的环境。 复习语音 教学用具 课件、投影仪、录音机 教学步骤 step 1 Review Review colours and dialogues SB L. 49, 50,51. there+be 句型 Step 2 Presen

23、ttation Listen to the tape to read phonics. 老师用投影仪打出这九幅图,先不图颜色。让一学生用图1做示范 练习说物品和颜色。并涂上颜色。然后让其他学生练习剩下的几幅图。最后听录音并跟读。 Step 3 Drill Listen to the tape and repeat. After that, answer the questions. 根据这12个问题,又可组成一篇短文,可让学生练习说,并可加以想象。 参考范文 There are five people in Bills family. They are his grandmother, gra

24、ndfather, his father, mother, and he. Behind his house, there is a big garden. There are many red flowers in it, but there arent trees in it. In his bedroom there is a bed, a desk and two chairs. They are all brown. Its a nice room. He likes his room. Step 4 Practise 谈谈自己的家庭。向同学们和老师们介绍一下自己的家庭。可介绍一下几

25、个方面;家庭成员,工作,家有几间房,周围的环境等。可用画图的形式向大家介绍。 参考范文 My name is X X X. There are three people in my family. They are my father, my mother and I. We have a new flat with one living room and two bedrooms in a big new building. I have a small bedroom. I can do my homework in it. There is a bed, a writing-table,

26、 two chairs and bookshelf in my bedroom. They are all yellow. I like yellow. On my writing- table there is a computer, some flowers and some books. Its a very nice room. There is a garden before our building. There are many flowers, grass and trees in it. Behind the building there is a playground. A

27、fter school we often play basket and football on it. Step 5 Consolidation Listen to the tape and repeat. Do WB. Homework Blackboard handwriting Colour it red / green / yellow / black / blue / white / brown / grey / purple 探究活动 拼图游戏 可让学生用各种颜色的色板,做成中国地图和世界地图的拼图游戏。不同的省市、不同的国家用不同的颜色,然后进行拼图比赛。 这项活动即可帮助学生

28、学习有关颜色的单词,又可锻炼学生的动手能力。也可帮助他们熟悉中国地图和世界地图。 喜爱的颜色统计 统计一下你们班同学所喜爱的颜色,可做一个表格,看看有多少同学喜欢同一种颜色,他们在性格上有些什么共同点。 Names Favourite colour Character Total bubbling with Student A red enthusiasm 国际通用的颜色 讨论颜色还有那些是国际通用的。如:奥运会的五环旗,信箱的绿色,运动场上的黄牌警告,traffic lights, the Red Cross等。看哪个组列的多,老师可设一些奖励。 做个装潢设计师 1以小组为单位,可让学生画一

29、画自家的楼房和周围的环境。并给同学们讲解。或画一画自己的卧室,并配上文字,讲给同学们听。 2. 假如你班有一位同学家新买了一套楼房,他得到了一间卧室,大约十平米,请帮他设计一下他的卧室。画好草图,并加文字说明。 看看你们的校园,哪一部分设计的不合理,请提出你们的意见。画好草图。并加以说明。 3. 看看你们的校园,哪一部分设计的不合理,请提出你们的意见。画好草图。并加以说明。 4. 假如你家购置了一块地皮,请设计一栋别墅。包括:三层小楼、草坪、花园等。画出草图,并加文字说明。 猜一猜有关颜色的谜语 老师先将谜语写在一张纸上,发给各个小组,每个小组先将谜底写在一张小纸上,不要让别的组知道,老师说停

30、,每个组把谜底交上去,看哪个组最快。 1) I have something in my hand. Guess what it is. Its white. I write on the blackboard with it. 2) Guess whats in my hand. Its white and its square. You have it in your pencil-box. You use it to rub out pencil marks. Now, Im sure you know whats in my hand。 3) Now guess this one. W

31、hats in my bag? Its round and as big as a rubber ball. Its red outside. Its sweet and good to eat. 4) They are of many beautiful colours: red , yellow, pink, purple, blue, orange and white. Many of them are light-red, dark-purple, light-blue and so on. Some of them smell very sweet. You can see lots

32、 of them in spring and summer. When autumn comes, they become fewer and fewer. In winter you can hardly find them in the fields. Then they come back again with spring. What are they? 5) It is round and green outside and yellow or red inside. We have it in summer. It grows in the fields. It can grow

33、as big as a basketball, or even bigger. It is very sweet and very good to eat. I am sure you know it. And you like to eat it, dont you? Can you tell me now what it is? 6) What animal wears big black glasses on its face? 7) Im grey and brown. I live up in a tree. My ears are short. My tail is long and curls up over my back. I like nuts to cat. Who am I? Answers to riddles: 1.chalk 2.rubber 3.apple 4.flowers 5.watermelon 6.panda 7.squirrel


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