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1、七年级下册英语语法专练新目标七年级(下)同步训练与检测 Unit 8 Is there a post office near here? 词汇一学就会 根据句意和首字母完成单词 1. If you want to send a letter, you must go to the p_ o_. 2. There is a s_ near here, and we often go there to buy everything. 3. We often get money from the b_. 4. I am very h_. I would like something to eat.

2、5. The hospital is b_ our school and the bookshop. 6. Is there a garden in your n_? 点拨:1. 邮信要到“邮局”,这是生活常识。 2. “商店”是可以买东西的地方。以s开头的词,可以用shop或supermarket. 3. getfrom“从得到”,根据题意可知是从“银行”里取钱。 4. 饿了就想吃东西。 5 . betweenand“在之间” 6. In your neighborhood“在你家附近”。 答案:1. post office 2. shop/supermarket 3. bank 4. hu

3、ngry 5. between 6. neighborhood Wall Street is a busy _. A. airport B. street C. district D. video arcade 点拨:华尔街是一条繁华的街道。依题干语境提示。答案是B。 People wait for a train at a _. A. avenue B. police station C. station D. post office 点拨:人们通常在车站等火车。根据常识。答案是C。 You must be careful when you are walking _ the street.

4、 A. over B. across C. through D. at 点拨:over指在通过;through指在某一空间(纵向)穿过,across指穿过。答案是B。 John _ in London at six today. A. comes B. reaches C. arrives D. gets 点拨:通常arrive后面的介词in用于大城市,at用于小城镇、飞机场、车站。reach为及物动词,后面可直接跟宾语。get to有“到达”之意。答案是C。 用所给单词的反义词填空。 1. The supermarket is on the _ of the street. (right)

5、2. They are doing their homework in the _classroom. (noisy) 3. Next to the hotel is a _ house with an interesting garden. (big) 4. Go _ this street and you can find the shop. ( up) 5. My English book is very _. (old) 点拨:1. right为名词,意思为“右边”,其反义词为left。 2. noisy为形容词,意思为“喧闹的,嘈杂的”,其反义词为quiet。 3. big为形容词,

6、意思为“大的”,反义词为small。 4. up为副词,其反义词为down。 5. old为形容词,其反义词为new或young。根据句子的意思,应用new。 答案:1. left 2. quiet 3. small 4. down 5. new 词汇同步练习 班级_ 姓名_ . 单词拼写 1. The store is on Fifth A_. 2. -Is there a park in the n_? Yes. Its over there. 3. Take t_ to ask and answer questions. 4. Is the boy on your left or on

7、your r_? 5. The water in the river is very d_. We cant drink it. 6. Look at the new b_ over the river. A taxi is running fast on it. 7. There are many flowers in the g_. 8. He is sitting on a b_. . 选词填空。 1. road/ street/ way There are many shops in the _. I ask the old man the _ to the station. The

8、car is running along the _. 2. between/ among There is a river _ the two villages. The teacher is sitting _ the students. 3. say/ tell/ speak I can _ it in English. _ him to give me some chalk. Dont _ in class. 4. must/ have to -_ I finish the work now? - No, you neednt. You dont _ worry about his s

9、tudy. 5. across/over/through Its fun to walk _ the avenue of the park. Please be careful when you go _ the busy street. There is a new bridge _ the river. .用所给的形容词填空。 busy, small, big, interesting, clean, quite Our school is in a _1_ town. You cant find it on the map. In our school there is an _2_ g

10、arden. In the middle of the garden there is a _3_ apple tree. After class the _4_ students often have a rest under it. Near the garden there is a library. You can read the books in the reading room. But you must be _5_ in it and keep the room _6_. . 英汉互译 1. 在中心路 _ 2. 在图片里_ 3. 在邮局和图书馆之间_ 4. 向右转_ 5 不用

11、谢_ 6. 轮流 _ 7. in the neighborhood_ 8. on ones left_ 9. go straight _ 10. take a walk _ 11. a busy street _ 12. across from the library_ 句型在我心中 -Could you tell me how I can get to the office? -_. A. No, I couldnt tell you B. Im afraid I dont C. Sorry, you dont ask me D. Yes, of course 点拨:Could you?表示

12、问话的语气很委婉,回答时也要用客气,委婉的语气。A、B、C三项显得很生硬。答案为D。 -_? -Turn left and youll see it. A. Where can I go B. When can I get to the station C. Where is the shop D. Which bus can I take 点拨:答语是在为对方指路,因此可知对方是在“打听去的路”。答案为C。 -Excuse me, _? -Go straight and turn left. Its next to the library. A. how I can get to the s

13、hop B. could you tell me how can I get to the shop C. would you please show me the way to the shop D. do you know where is the shop 点拨:答语是在为对方指路,对方问路要用问句的语序,A项为陈述语序;B、D两项中的宾语从句要用陈述语序。答案为C。 _! I s there a bus-stop near here? A. Hello B. Sorry C. OK D. Excuse me 点拨:Hello! 常用来向别人打招呼;Sorry是表示“歉意”或“遗憾”的用

14、语;OK表示“同意”或“赞成”某意见或看法;Excuse me常用来表示因“打扰”别人而表示歉意。答案为D。 补全对话 A: _1_ me. Is there a hospital _2_ here? B: _3_, walk _4_ this street and _5_ right. Then go along Seven Street _6_ you see a bank. You can see the hospital across _7_ the bank. A: How can I _8_ to the hospital? B: You can _9_ a taxi. A: Th

15、ank you very much. B: Youre _10_. 点拨:本题是向别人问路的对话。第1空是打扰别人,应用Excuse;第2空,根据生活常识应是询问附近的医院,应填 near;第3空是对一般疑问句的肯定回答,用Yes;第47空是指路时常用的单词,“沿着街道走”应用介词along,“向右转”应用turn right,“直到才”用 until,“在对过”应用across from;第89空是固定词组,“到达”用 get to, “乘出租”是take a taxi;第10空是对别人道谢的回答,应用 Youre welcome。 答案:1. Excuse 2. near 3. Yes 4

16、. along 5. turn 6. until 7. from 8. get 9. take 10. welcome 组成句子。 1. hotel, neighborhood, the, a, in, there, is, ? _ 2.can, your, on, bench, enjoy, you, meal, in, a, the, park. _ 点拨:1. 定结构:in the neighborhood“在附近”;there is“有”; a hotel“一家宾馆”。定句型:由问号可知,这是一个疑问句。组装:Is there a hotel in the neighborhood?

17、2. 定结构:enjoy your meal“有一次美餐”;on a bench“在长凳上”;in the park“在公园里”。定句型:由句号可知,这是一个陈述句。组装:You can enjoy your meal on a bench in the park. 答案:1. Is there a hotel in the neighborhood? 2. You can enjoy your meal on a bench in the park. 句型同步练习 班级_ 姓名_ . 选择填空 ( )1. Excuse me. Could you _ the station? A. tell

18、 me the way to B. tell me how to get to C. show me the way to D. A, B and C ( )2. _. Wheres Lucy King? A. Sorry B. Thanks C. Excuse me D. Hello ( )3. -Are you free next Saturday? -_. A. Yes, I do B. Id love to C. OK D. Yes, I think so. ( )4. -Can you tell me the way to the hospital, please? -Sorry,

19、I dont know. -_. A. Thanks B. Thank you all the same C. Youre welcome D. Oh, Im sorry, too ( )5. _ a No. 8 bus _ the right and get off _ the fourth stop. A. Take; on; at B. Take; in; in C. Take; on; in D. Taking; on; at . 补全对话。 A: Excuse me, _1_ is the way to the Childrens Palace? B: _2_, I dont kno

20、w. Youd _3_ ask that policeman. A: Excuse me, _4_ can I get to the Childrens Palace? C: Oh, go along Huanghe Street, and _5_ the second turning on your left. Then _6_ No. 3 bus and _7_ _8_ at the third stop. Youll see a white building _9_ the post office and the police station. You cant _10_ it. A:

21、Thank you very much. C: You are welcome. . 组成句子。 1. is, library, to, the, the, pay, next, phone, _ 2. it, is, the, the, video, supermarket, between, arcade, and, _ 3. your, where, library, is, school, _ 4. tell, how, to, to, get, me, you, let, Hotel, Hemingway, _ 5. questions, answer, ask, and, take

22、, turns, to, _ . 句型转化 1. The supermarket is across from the bank. (对划线部分提问) _ _ the supermarket. 2. Is there a post office in the neighborhood? _, _ _ _. 3. Excuse me. Is there a hotel around here? (写出一个同义句) _ 能力提升 语法一点通 The students often _ their teachers _ help. A. asks; to B. ask; to C. ask; for

23、D. asks; for 点拨: askfor“向要”。主语为复数,谓语动词不能加s。答案为C。 There is a big table _ my left hand side. A. in B. on C. at D. for 点拨: 在左边、右边用介词on。答案为B。 Who is sitting _ you? A. next to B. next C. near to D. in the front of 点拨: next to“在附近”,“在隔壁”。答案为A。 There are many trees _ the river. A. on B. along C. in D. at t

24、he front of 点拨: 树是沿着河岸的,应用along。答案为B。 根据汉语完成英语句子。 1. Seventh Street is a good place _. (玩得高兴) 2. Let me _(帮助你) with your English. 3. Do you know the restaurant _Heping? 4. I dont tell him how _(到达) the hotel. 5. He _ a farmer _ help. (正在请求) 点拨:1.“玩得高兴”是动词词组,根据句意在此作定语修饰place,应用不定式。 2. let sb. do sth.

25、“让某人做某事”,let后面的不定式作宾补时,要省略to。 3. called/ named“被叫作的”, 作定语。 4. how to get to“怎样到达” 5. ask for“向请求”。通过句意可知句子要用现在进行时,其结构为be + 现在分词。 答案:1. to have fun 2. help you 3. called/named 4. to get to 5. is asking for 按要求改写句子。 1. Is there a video arcade? _ the video arcade? 2. The pay phone is across from the li

26、brary. _ the pay phone across from the library? _, _ _. 3. The post office is between a library and a school. _ _ the post office? 4. Close the door, please. _ close the door, please. 点拨 1. 问路的表达法有:Where is ? Which is the way to ? How can I get to ? Could you tell me how I can get to ? Could you tel

27、l me how to get to? 等。 2. 有系动词 be的句子在变为一般疑问句时要把be提到句首。 3. 对作表语的地点提问时用where。 4. 对祈使句的否定是在句首加dont。 答案:1. Wheres 2. Is; Yes, it is 3. Where is 4. Dont 语法专项练习 班级_ 姓名_ . 选择填空。 1. Is there a video arcade across _ the shop? A. at B. from C. to D. on 2. The bank is next _ the supermarket. A. at B. from C. t

28、o D. on 3. Do you often take _ walk with your parents after supper? A. the B. a C. / D. an 4. Can you see a pay phone _ the right of Seven Street? A. to B. on C. between D. near 5. We often have _ in the park. A. funs B. fun C. a fun D. the fun 6. - _ is the pay phone? - Its on Center Street. A. Whe

29、n B. How C. What D. Where 7. -Is there a pay phone in your neighborhood? -_. A. Yes, it is. B. Yes, there is. C. No, it isnt. D. No, there is. . 根据汉语完成英语 1. 一直往前走,直到第一个单行街。 _ _ until you get to the first _ street. 2. 他经常坐公共汽车去上学。 He often _ a bus to go to school. 3. 你居住的附近有超市吗? Is there a supermarke

30、t near _ _ _? 4. 他们拥有一座带花园的大房子。 They own a big house _ a garden. 5. 附近有学校吗? Is there a school _ _ _? 6. 祝你旅途愉快! I hope you _ _ _ _. 7. 这是此次旅行的开始。 _ is the _ of this trip. . 同义句转化 1. Excuse me! Where is the post office? Excuse me! Could you tell me _ _ get to the post office? 2. Is there a supermarke

31、t near here? Is there a supermarket _ here? Is there a supermarket _ _ _? 3. He often goes to school by taxi. He often _ _ _ to go to school. 4. You must pass three one- way streets. You _ _ pass three one- way streets. 5. You must arrive at the station at six oclock. You must _ _ the station at six

32、 oclock. 创新冲刺 单元目标检测题 . 根据句意和所给首字母完成单词。 1. Take a walk t_ the park on Center Avenue. Its very fun. 2. -Where is the library? -Go s_ until you see a market. Its across from the market. 3. At the b_ of the class, we often sing a song. 4. -Whats your e_ address? -Oh! Its shandong123 5. Its fun to make

33、a t_ of China by bike in the holiday. You can see many places of interest. . 根据单词的释意,找出单词。(10分) ( ) 1. bench A. a piece of land near a house, and there are many trees, flowers and vegetables in it. ( ) 2. supermarket B. a road over a river for people to cross. ( ) 3. bank C. a long seat. ( ) 4. gard

34、en D. a place for keeping money. ( ) 5. bridge E. a large shop where you can buy things. . 英汉互译。(10分) 1. 单向街道 _ 2. take a taxi _ 3. 在对面 _ 4. betweenand _ 5. 散步 _ 6. in the neighborhood _ 7. 电子游戏中心 _ 8. on Jims right _ 9. 向右转 _ 10. have fun _ . 单项选择。 ( ) 1. The green shirt _ the left looks very nice.

35、 A. to B. on C. in D. at ( ) 2. The school is _ the post office. A. with B. next C. next to D. next at ( ) 3. I want to live _ the neighborhood of Beijing. A. in B. of C. near D. on ( ) 4. -Do you like _? -Yes, very much. A. tomatos B. tomatoes C. banana D. bananas ( ) 5. Can you draw a map _ Michae

36、ls neighborhood in the box? A. from B. of C. at D. on ( ) 6. -What time do you arrive _ Shanghai? -At ten oclock. A. at B. in C. from D. to ( ) 7. -_ is the hotel? - Just go straight and turn right. A. How B. where C. Where D. What ( ) 8. - Is there a park around here? - _. A. Yes, it is. B. No, it

37、isnt C. Yes, theres. D. No, there isnt. ( ) 9. -Where is the supermarket? - _. A. Turn left and go along Center Street. B. Its on Center Street. C. Its between the video arcade and the library. D. A、B and C. ( ) 10. -Excuse me! Is there a pay phone near here? - Yes. Just across from the library. - T

38、hank you very much. - _. A. Youre welcome B. Not at all. C. Thats all right. D. A、B and C. . 按要求变换句型。 1. There is a pay phone near here. _ _ a pay phone near here? 2. The reading room is next to the library. _ _ the reading room. 3. The supermarket is on Fifth Avenue. The supermarket _ _ on Fifth Av

39、enue. 4. Do you like your work? Do you _ your work? 5. He wants to go to Beijing this week. (变为一般疑问句) _ he _ _ go to Beijing? . 下列各题均有一处错误,请指出并更正在题后的横线上。 ( ) 1. Where can I get to the hospital? _ A B C D ( ) 2. Our Chinese teacher is standing to my left. _ A B C D ( ) 3. Does Steve wants to go to th

40、e movies? _ A B C D ( ) 4. Nancy is writeing a letter at school. _ A B C D ( ) 5. Let me tell you how to get in Hemingway Hotel. _ A B C D . 用所给的单词组成句子。 1. e-mail, read, from, the, Mike, Please _ 2. until, wait for, have to, you, the, bus, five oclock _ 3. Seventh Street, busy, off, the, and, turn, enjoy, the, park, left _ 4. garden, interesting, an, bank, is,


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