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1、冀教七年级英语下册lesson1导学案冀教版七年级英语下册Unit1导学案 科目 English 课题 Lesson 1 A Trip to China 授课时间 第1周 课型 New lesson 主备人 学案编1 号 Words: trip _ silk_ news_ note_ chance_ road_ send_ lead_ Phrases :1.学习;了解 learn about. 2. 丝绸之路 the Silk Road 党学芳 审核人 3.去旅行go on a trip to=take a trip to 4.制定的计划 make a plan for 学 5.带/引某人去某

2、地leadto 6. 给某人留便条 leave sb. a note 习 7.有做的机会 have a chance to do sth. =have a chance of doing sth 目 8.一个好消息 a piece of good news; Sentence structures: 1. 猜猜看 Guess what; 标 2.My school is planning a trip around China with Li Mings school. 3.This is a good chance for you. 4.I will send Li Ming an e-ma

3、il and tell him the good news. 过程与方法: 自主学习、合作探究、讨论练习 重点:掌握并运用一般将来时。 难点:掌握并运用一般将来时 知识链接:了解丝绸之路。 学习流程 一自主预习: 轮阅读做题目。词汇学习 1. Here is a good _(机会) for you. 2. _(丝绸之路) has a long history. 3. Here is the _(短信) from school. 4. How much _(消息) did you get from him? 5. -Who_(带领) the trip? Mr. Martin will. 6.N

4、o news_(be) good news. 7.They invite me_(去旅行) Beijing. 8.Mother wants him_(了解)their country. 轮阅读找难点.学习建议 在文中勾画出重点单词,短语和句型。 二 我的疑惑 _ 三、 探究一 :1.语法讲解一般将来时 构成 will + do(动词原形) 常见的时间状语:tomorrow明天; next 下.-如:next week下周;next year备注 学习建议 迅速浏览对话,跳过生词,捕捉关键信息,把握对话大意完成相应题目 Teaching step. Step I Revision a.Greet

5、ing b .The last lesson. c.Check 明年; soon 尽快;tonight=this evening 今晚; someday 有朝一日; in the future 在未来 变一般疑问句,把will提前。回答时用Yes, sb. will. 或 No, sb. wont. Eg. The girl will watch TV. Will the girl watch TV? Yes, she will. No, she wont. 含有will的句子变否定句,在will 后加not,即will not = wont. Eg. The girl will play.

6、The girl wont play. 跟踪练习:My brother _(fly) to Beijing tomorrow. _the boy_(watch) the film tonight? They_(not play)basketball with us next week. Her father will help me.(变一般疑问句,作肯定和否定回答) _ Mom will buy some apples. (变否定句) 探究二: May I ask you a question? May I.? 表达有礼貌的请求。肯定回答:Yes, you may. 还可以用Sure, Ce

7、rtainly, Of course. 否定回答:No, you may not. 还可以用Sorry, you cant. Youd better not. 探究三:My school is planning a trip around China. 我们学校正计划周游中国的旅行。 “旅行”辨析:rip 侧重短途旅行;travel 泛指旅行的过程,尤其指出国等长途旅行。 around为“遍及,全”,相当于all over, 后加地点。 around the world =all over the world全世界 探究四: I will send Li Ming an e-mail. 我将给

8、李明发电子邮件。 把某物寄给某人: send sb. sth. = send sth. to sb. 注意:在上述结构中,当“直物”为代词it或them时,只能使用加介词to或for的结构。 把它给我:send it to me (V) send me it (X) 给我买它:buy it for me(V) buy me it (X) 四 课堂检测 I、选择 ( )1.Can you give_. A. me it B. it me C. the book me D. it to me ( )2.My friend Tom_a new bike next week. A. buy B. bu

9、ys C. will buy D. is buying ( )3.-May we_here? -Yes, you may. A. live in B. live C. to live D . to live in ( )4.We will _New York at 4:00 in the afternoon. A.arrive B.arrive in C.arrives to D.arrive to ( )5.The Birds Nest is very beautiful,we _it next year. A.will visit B.will sees C.visit D.to visi

10、t ( )6.Mr. Green is _her ID card,but she cant _it. A.looking for,find B.looking at,find C.seeing,looking for D.finding,look for 7.Kim is standing _Wang Mei and Tom.A.at B.during C.between D.in 8.-_I take photos in the hall? -Yes,you_-. Step II Presentation Step III 听录音,完成课本 P3 Lets Do It. Part 1. Step IV 读课文,完成课本 P3 Lets Do It. Part 2. Step V Discuss朗读课文,熟悉课文内容,并完成Part 3 Step VI 阅读。 Step VII Homework。 A.Must,mustnt B.May,may C.Can,cant D.Can,wont 9.-What are they doing over there?-They _weekend activities(活动). A.plan B.plans C.are planning D.are planning 五 .总结反刍 六、 1、完成活动手册。2、预习下节课内容.


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